Mr. President, Marines Still Use Bayonets

According to the RW blogosphere, only the Marines are now issued bayonets. The entire military would have been issued them in 1916. It is logical that there are fewer bayonets now than in 1916.

Of course the entire military would have been issued bayonets. Why? Because during the year 1916, it was WW I and trench warfare.

Does the military (and being all inclusive, that includes Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines) have fewer bayonets today? If only the Marines are using them, again the answer is yes.

Since the US Army still uses the M9 bayonet, the answer is no.
The M9 Bayonet is officially known as a "multi-purpose knife." However, it is a bayonet that has been in use with the U.S. Army since 1984. Designed to fit on the end of the M16 series of rifles, the M9 Bayonet is a melee weapon used to stab enemy soldiers during close quarter combat. The M9 Bayonet can also be used with M4 series rifles and some shotguns.

In addition to its main function, the M9 Bayonet can also be used as a saw, utility knife and wire cutter. The knife has a seven inch blade and a sheath that also functions as the weapon’s wire cutter. More than 400,000 of the M9 Bayonets have been produced since it was first introduced.

Commercial Use

In addition to its role with the U.S. Army, versions of the M9 Bayonet have been sold commercially for civilian use – mainly to hunters. The M9 Bayonet features a blade that is 20 per cent thicker than on previous bayonets used by the U.S. Army. And although the bayonet is not as popular as in the past, the weapon is still used today by soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. The M9 Bayonet is popular with soldiers given the multiple roles it can perform.

The M9 Bayonet Gives U.S. Soldiers An Edge In Combat Fights

According to a poster further up the thread, they keep them on hand, but they don't issue them.

Me? I don't know.................I served 20 years in the Navy and never saw a bayonet.
His exact words?

Gee, look at that, I was right, he was trying to portray Romney as not understanding how the military works today. In the process he lied about the fact that sequestration was proposed by the White House, not Congress, he lied about the year Romney is using as a baseline, and he lied about the fact that the Navy specifically thinks it needs more ships than we have.

Want to try and tell me about Obama's exact words and how I am misrepresenting his intention again?

Please try to make your desperate attempts at obfuscation shorter, if you don't mind. If you're going to be stupid, the least you could do is be brief.

You claimed the president said we never use bayonets any more. He didn't. You lied. He didn't.

Now go back and answer my question.

No, I said he tried to paint Romney as out of touch with how the military works. In the process, he mentioned three things we thought we no longer use, battleships, horses, and bayonets. He was wrong about two of them.
No, he said there was less of them. Just like there is less ships.

If you want to be an idiot... Go right ahead. I'm not going to argue with you. But I consider you my good deed for the day. Thanks.
A 12 page frothfest debating a report on something the President never said. You rightyloons are hilarious.
Obama has never said never?

He didn't in this instance.

Are there more, the same or fewer horses and bayonets in use today than in 1916?

The radical right has a big problem in simple english understanding. When did knowing what equiptment Marines use was a requirement to presidency. Romney don't know what century we are living in. Have any one noticed how Ann leads Romney around? Demetia is a serious problem and people are making fun of Romney's forgetfulness.

I suggest that you know a lot about Dementia. The problem you have is you forgot how to spell it. LMFAO.
He didn't in this instance.

Are there more, the same or fewer horses and bayonets in use today than in 1916?

Hard to answer about the bayonets, I can't find any numbers. I do know the standard issue military knife is also the standard issue bayonet. Are there fewer of them than 1916? Personally, I doubt it, because the Army has more men than it did in 1916. Feel free to dig up the numbers to prove me wrong.

As for horses, I will give you that one. That still makes Obama wrong though.

According to the RW blogosphere, only the Marines are now issued bayonets. The entire military would have been issued them in 1916. It is logical that there are fewer bayonets now than in 1916.

The RW blogosphere said only Marines are issued bayonets? Do you have proof of that? Even if they did, why should I be bound by that? The M-9 is officially a multi use knife, is designed to be clipped to an M-16 for use as a bayonet, and is issued by the US Army.

The M9 Bayonet Gives U.S. Soldiers An Edge In Combat Fights
Ohhh OOOPSIE.. US Military SpecOps Led Afghanistan Invasion on Horses – Monument at WTC: Bayonets Still in Use: Biden Failed Status of Forces Agreement | Maggie's Notebook

In October 2011, a monument to Special Forces who led the Afghanistan invasion on horses was preparing for the final touches before finding it’s resting place across from the World Trade Center site. The Unit, known as the “Horse Soldiers” were awed by what they were doing on that day. ✔Obama isn’t known to spend much time at the 9/11/01 Memorial.

So now the ASSCLOWN doesn't even know we still use horses as well???????????????????????????

Bwhahahahaha I LOVE IT!

Oddly enough he said "fewer" horses as well.
Now, clearly English is a new language to you so I'll help you out.
'Fewer' means a lesser number.
However, and let me be very clear on this, it does not have the same definition as 'none'.

Good luck with your English Comprehension classes, I hope you pass.

I hope you pass basic math.
In Monday night's debate President Obama attempted to mock Mitt Romney's valid point about the shameful shrinkage of U.S. naval assets by saying "we also have fewer horses and bayonets" than we did in 1916. The horse point is a given, but bayonets -- particularly the M9 -- are still part of the inventory. And U.S. Army and Marine forces -- the primary bayonet users -- are much larger than they were in the old days. In June 1916 the U.S. had 108,399 active duty Soldiers and 10,601 Marines, or 119,000 total. The numbers in September 2011 were 565,463 Army and 201,157 Marines, or 766,620 total.

Granted the bayonet has lost the importance it had in military doctrine 100 years ago, but if we are simply fact-checking their number, I would guess a force seven times the size of the one in 1916 has more, not fewer, bayonets. Around 400,000 M9s have been procured since 1984. In 2011 the U.S. government posted a solicitation for 40,000 new M9 bayonets, which would have supplied 40% of the 1916 Army, or four for every Marine.
Read more: TRR: Obama Sticks it to Romney on Bayonets - Washington Times TRR: Obama Sticks it to Romney on Bayonets - Washington Times
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Bingo. I find it hard to believe that the US Army has more men than it did then, yet fewer bayonets. None of the troops I know would actually carry one if he could avoid it, but the Army will happily buy them.
Hard to answer about the bayonets, I can't find any numbers. I do know the standard issue military knife is also the standard issue bayonet. Are there fewer of them than 1916? Personally, I doubt it, because the Army has more men than it did in 1916. Feel free to dig up the numbers to prove me wrong.

As for horses, I will give you that one. That still makes Obama wrong though.

According to the RW blogosphere, only the Marines are now issued bayonets. The entire military would have been issued them in 1916. It is logical that there are fewer bayonets now than in 1916.

Of course the entire military would have been issued bayonets. Why? Because during the year 1916, it was WW I and trench warfare.

Does the military (and being all inclusive, that includes Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines) have fewer bayonets today? If only the Marines are using them, again the answer is yes.

What about the M-9?
Of course the entire military would have been issued bayonets. Why? Because during the year 1916, it was WW I and trench warfare.

Does the military (and being all inclusive, that includes Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines) have fewer bayonets today? If only the Marines are using them, again the answer is yes.

Since the US Army still uses the M9 bayonet, the answer is no.
The M9 Bayonet is officially known as a "multi-purpose knife." However, it is a bayonet that has been in use with the U.S. Army since 1984. Designed to fit on the end of the M16 series of rifles, the M9 Bayonet is a melee weapon used to stab enemy soldiers during close quarter combat. The M9 Bayonet can also be used with M4 series rifles and some shotguns.

In addition to its main function, the M9 Bayonet can also be used as a saw, utility knife and wire cutter. The knife has a seven inch blade and a sheath that also functions as the weapon’s wire cutter. More than 400,000 of the M9 Bayonets have been produced since it was first introduced.

Commercial Use

In addition to its role with the U.S. Army, versions of the M9 Bayonet have been sold commercially for civilian use – mainly to hunters. The M9 Bayonet features a blade that is 20 per cent thicker than on previous bayonets used by the U.S. Army. And although the bayonet is not as popular as in the past, the weapon is still used today by soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. The M9 Bayonet is popular with soldiers given the multiple roles it can perform.

The M9 Bayonet Gives U.S. Soldiers An Edge In Combat Fights

According to a poster further up the thread, they keep them on hand, but they don't issue them.

Me? I don't know.................I served 20 years in the Navy and never saw a bayonet.

I spent six years in the USAF and never saw a bayonet either. The quote President smartass used was there are "FEWER horses and bayonets." Horses, yes, bayonets, no. I also don't know if they issue bayonets to cooks and clerk typists, but I assure you that anyone in the Army in combat arms is issued a bayonet.
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Funny how when Bush said a ton of stupid things (see my sig) you guys wouldn't even acknowledge it. Yet he spoke to the common person right? But if Obama has a MINOR slip up you are all over it. It's so damn funny. I mean after Bush how can you even make fun of what any President says. He was the dumbest president ever. The dude spoke like a third grader.

Mr. President, Marines Still Use Bayonets - Marines - Fox Nation

How frightening that the CINC doesn't even know what kind of weapons his very troops use??! More proof this plastic President is TOTALLY CLUELESS![/QU
Of course the entire military would have been issued bayonets. Why? Because during the year 1916, it was WW I and trench warfare.

Does the military (and being all inclusive, that includes Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines) have fewer bayonets today? If only the Marines are using them, again the answer is yes.

Since the US Army still uses the M9 bayonet, the answer is no.
The M9 Bayonet is officially known as a "multi-purpose knife." However, it is a bayonet that has been in use with the U.S. Army since 1984. Designed to fit on the end of the M16 series of rifles, the M9 Bayonet is a melee weapon used to stab enemy soldiers during close quarter combat. The M9 Bayonet can also be used with M4 series rifles and some shotguns.

In addition to its main function, the M9 Bayonet can also be used as a saw, utility knife and wire cutter. The knife has a seven inch blade and a sheath that also functions as the weapon’s wire cutter. More than 400,000 of the M9 Bayonets have been produced since it was first introduced.

Commercial Use

In addition to its role with the U.S. Army, versions of the M9 Bayonet have been sold commercially for civilian use – mainly to hunters. The M9 Bayonet features a blade that is 20 per cent thicker than on previous bayonets used by the U.S. Army. And although the bayonet is not as popular as in the past, the weapon is still used today by soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. The M9 Bayonet is popular with soldiers given the multiple roles it can perform.
The M9 Bayonet Gives U.S. Soldiers An Edge In Combat Fights

According to a poster further up the thread, they keep them on hand, but they don't issue them.

Me? I don't know.................I served 20 years in the Navy and never saw a bayonet.

Since all the lefties are trying to nit pick me to death over Obama's exact words, and his claim is that we have fewer now than we did then, not that we no longer issue them, he was wrong.

By the way, did you ever look at the Marine detachment on a carrier, or watch an amphibious exercise, there are plenty of bayonets around then.
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Fucking Owned. This thread should be closed after this guy just owned the NY idiot

Please try to make your desperate attempts at obfuscation shorter, if you don't mind. If you're going to be stupid, the least you could do is be brief.

You claimed the president said we never use bayonets any more. He didn't. You lied. He didn't.

Now go back and answer my question.

No, I said he tried to paint Romney as out of touch with how the military works. In the process, he mentioned three things we thought we no longer use, battleships, horses, and bayonets. He was wrong about two of them.
No, he said there was less of them. Just like there is less ships.

If you want to be an idiot... Go right ahead. I'm not going to argue with you. But I consider you my good deed for the day. Thanks.
Please try to make your desperate attempts at obfuscation shorter, if you don't mind. If you're going to be stupid, the least you could do is be brief.

You claimed the president said we never use bayonets any more. He didn't. You lied. He didn't.

Now go back and answer my question.

No, I said he tried to paint Romney as out of touch with how the military works. In the process, he mentioned three things we thought we no longer use, battleships, horses, and bayonets. He was wrong about two of them.
No, he said there was less of them. Just like there is less ships.

If you want to be an idiot... Go right ahead. I'm not going to argue with you. But I consider you my good deed for the day. Thanks.

Funny how we have to take his words in context in an attempt to prove he didn't say you didn't build that, yet when I take his words in context to prove he meant something I am wrong.

By the way, he was wrong about how many bayonets we have anyway, which still makes him wrong.
Of course the entire military would have been issued bayonets. Why? Because during the year 1916, it was WW I and trench warfare.

Does the military (and being all inclusive, that includes Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines) have fewer bayonets today? If only the Marines are using them, again the answer is yes.

Since the US Army still uses the M9 bayonet, the answer is no.
The M9 Bayonet is officially known as a "multi-purpose knife." However, it is a bayonet that has been in use with the U.S. Army since 1984. Designed to fit on the end of the M16 series of rifles, the M9 Bayonet is a melee weapon used to stab enemy soldiers during close quarter combat. The M9 Bayonet can also be used with M4 series rifles and some shotguns.

In addition to its main function, the M9 Bayonet can also be used as a saw, utility knife and wire cutter. The knife has a seven inch blade and a sheath that also functions as the weapon’s wire cutter. More than 400,000 of the M9 Bayonets have been produced since it was first introduced.

Commercial Use

In addition to its role with the U.S. Army, versions of the M9 Bayonet have been sold commercially for civilian use – mainly to hunters. The M9 Bayonet features a blade that is 20 per cent thicker than on previous bayonets used by the U.S. Army. And although the bayonet is not as popular as in the past, the weapon is still used today by soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. The M9 Bayonet is popular with soldiers given the multiple roles it can perform.

The M9 Bayonet Gives U.S. Soldiers An Edge In Combat Fights

According to a poster further up the thread, they keep them on hand, but they don't issue them.

Me? I don't know.................I served 20 years in the Navy and never saw a bayonet.

unless you are a seal.... the navy is not about hand to hand or ground combat is it. not saying that you would not need one on ship...but less likley to need them then ground men.
Since the US Army still uses the M9 bayonet, the answer is no.

The M9 Bayonet Gives U.S. Soldiers An Edge In Combat Fights

According to a poster further up the thread, they keep them on hand, but they don't issue them.

Me? I don't know.................I served 20 years in the Navy and never saw a bayonet.

I spent six years in the USAF and never saw a bayonet either. The quote President smartass used was there are "FEWER horses and bayonets." Horses, yes, bayonets, no. I also don't know if they issue bayonets to cooks and clerk typists, but I assure you that anyone in the Army in combat arms is issued a bayonet.

does... horsepower count?

Since the US Army still uses the M9 bayonet, the answer is no.
The M9 Bayonet Gives U.S. Soldiers An Edge In Combat Fights

According to a poster further up the thread, they keep them on hand, but they don't issue them.

Me? I don't know.................I served 20 years in the Navy and never saw a bayonet.

Since all the lefties are trying to nit pick me to death over Obama's exact words, and his claim is that we have fewer now than we did then, not that we no longer issue them, he was wrong.

No, your claim earlier in this thread was...
He was trying to paint Romney as old fashioned by saying he doesn't understand how the military works now by pointing out two things the military doesn't use any more. He failed. which you claimed something that didn't happen.
That's what this thread is about.

As you are the pedant-in-chief on this board you should not be complaining about others nit-picking, you should be celebrating it.
  • Thanks
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You know Obama won the debate when the right's big post - debate attack is to make up a story about what Obama said and then spend all day in hysterics over it.
According to a poster further up the thread, they keep them on hand, but they don't issue them.

Me? I don't know.................I served 20 years in the Navy and never saw a bayonet.

Since all the lefties are trying to nit pick me to death over Obama's exact words, and his claim is that we have fewer now than we did then, not that we no longer issue them, he was wrong.

No, your claim earlier in this thread was...
He was trying to paint Romney as old fashioned by saying he doesn't understand how the military works now by pointing out two things the military doesn't use any more. He failed. which you claimed something that didn't happen.
That's what this thread is about.

As you are the pedant-in-chief on this board you should not be complaining about others nit-picking, you should be celebrating it.

Yes, what part of he was trying to paint Romney as out of touch by pointing out things he (Obama) thought the military doesn't use anymore do you not understand?
You know Obama won the debate when the right's big post - debate attack is to make up a story about what Obama said and then spend all day in hysterics over it.

You know that Romney won the debate when there is not a single thread about how Romney lied.
Since all the lefties are trying to nit pick me to death over Obama's exact words, and his claim is that we have fewer now than we did then, not that we no longer issue them, he was wrong.

No, your claim earlier in this thread was...
He was trying to paint Romney as old fashioned by saying he doesn't understand how the military works now by pointing out two things the military doesn't use any more. He failed. which you claimed something that didn't happen.
That's what this thread is about.

As you are the pedant-in-chief on this board you should not be complaining about others nit-picking, you should be celebrating it.

Yes, what part of he was trying to paint Romney as out of touch by pointing out things he (Obama) thought the military doesn't use anymore do you not understand?

Which part of the word 'fewer' is so confusing to you?

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