Mr. President, you sir, are a liar....and that is coming from me.

No Dem saying anything about "mushroom clouds" I see. Reagan helped his pal Saddam with chemical and biological weapons so OF COURSE...

I see you are now so desparte you are down to parsing the words used. Didja miss this quote?:

"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years ... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction." -- Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002
For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

Hear hear, but it won't matter to the Obama cult members...Obama is tearing this country and us apart and they cheer

You have one party that is 90% white and the other party that's a coalition. But it's Obama, the man the Republican leadership has sworn to "bring down" is the problem.

That's like saying:

Teabags + hot water + honey = cotton

In other words, coming up with a conclusion that is completely unrelated to all the facts.

^^^ Irony alert. Irony alert. Irony alert.
Arlington Cemetery:


Flander's Field:


Vice President Cheney was somewhat older when he said that. The WWI images are of American heros and a lot of older Americans remember the white crosses after visiting there to see Americans who died there. That's a strong image, and an item of national mourning for decades.

Arlington stones are white and erect, and an airplane flying overhead is somewhat far away.

I am giving Vice President Cheney a get-out-of-jail-free card for his mistake. If you want an apology, you'll have to write him along with a videotape of his error. If indeed he concurs with you, you will likely get that apology. He's a man, not a monster, madam.

He lied; not a big deal. He never saw the crosses from landing on the Helio pad for darn sure. He's had speechwriters since he's been 30 or 40 and they goofed on this one. He can have all of the "get out of jail free cards" he wants from me.
Speechwriters in Wyoming all worked for the Liberal Casper Star Tribune. As our state's Congressman at large, his reputation was his open door in Washington to all Wyoming voters. He served his fellow Wyomingites well in that capacity. He and Lynne were our fair-haired children back when, and we weren't surprised when he was asked to be a President's press secretary and kept moving up. His calling card was "service to country." It still is.

Yeah but he lied about seeing crosses at ANC from the Heilopad. Sorry.
He lied; not a big deal. He never saw the crosses from landing on the Helio pad for darn sure. He's had speechwriters since he's been 30 or 40 and they goofed on this one. He can have all of the "get out of jail free cards" he wants from me.
Speechwriters in Wyoming all worked for the Liberal Casper Star Tribune. As our state's Congressman at large, his reputation was his open door in Washington to all Wyoming voters. He served his fellow Wyomingites well in that capacity. He and Lynne were our fair-haired children back when, and we weren't surprised when he was asked to be a President's press secretary and kept moving up. His calling card was "service to country." It still is.

Yeah but he lied about seeing crosses at ANC from the Heilopad. Sorry.

So what? He is 4 years removed from office. This could well be a mistake in how he remembered that is all and it really doesn't make a sh.t bit of difference. Crosses or headstone no difference at all in what he was saying.

But Obama is making policy. Obama said what he said about the janitors and said it was real. Obama was working off of prepared statements. So either he knew he was lying or someone set him up to lie. Making a comparison to what Cheney said years ago is pathetic, it is so juvenile that it makes me think this is the Nickelodeon blog not one meant for adults.
The GOP refuses to name the budget cuts they want and refuses to walk away from protecting and defending the wealthy elites. Tax loopholes that benefit the wealthy elites are the GOP line in the sand

you should get your head out of your ass, sand whatever.

its Obama turn, this is a FACT, not OPINION, he got the tax revenue he wanted, he had to raise rates, he didn't want to close loopholes or cut deductions, remember? It was only 2 whole months ago......:rolleyes:

NOW he does? he is going back to the well again for more taxes, despite the FACT he got the tax revenue AND, HE owes us a budget and has since Feb 1.

where is it? Thats were he lays out his half of the bargain, he got revenue, now its cut time, lets see him step up to the plate.
The GOP refuses to name the budget cuts they want and refuses to walk away from protecting and defending the wealthy elites. Tax loopholes that benefit the wealthy elites are the GOP line in the sand

you should get your head out of your ass, sand whatever.

its Obama turn, this is a FACT, not OPINION, he got the tax revenue he wanted, he had to raise rates, he didn't want to close loopholes or cut deductions, remember? It was only 2 whole months ago......:rolleyes:

NOW he does? he is going back to the well again for more taxes, despite the FACT he got the tax revenue AND, HE owes us a budget and has since Feb 1.

where is it? Thats were he lays out his half of the bargain, he got revenue, now its cut time, lets see him step up to the plate.

Much better chance catching him stepping up to the first tee then home plate.

I am not sure what the liberal's defense really is. They accuse those critical of the Obama administration of doing it for no reason other then racism. Yet, look around what in the f... do they have to brag about? Bought gasoline lately? It would be different if the country wasn't in a tail spin but with what is going on to blame criticism on racism, that is just pure poppycock.
Reagan inherited a worse situation? Huh? Worst than two unpaid for wars and 10 trillion in debt and tens of thousands of young Americans maimed for life?

Please explain and post links: :popcorn:


I lived through the Carter years. The 18% interest I had to pay on my mortgage. The daily devaluation of my buying power, due to Carter induced inflation. The unemployment rate that matched the interest rates. The humiliation of the United States when the world watched Americans marched blind-folded by scum and held by the same for 444 days. The loss of American pride after the incompetent effort to rescue the hostages. The grudging thanks for saving six (seven??) hostages by Canadian Ambassador Ken Taylor. I stood in line for gasoline for prices twice of that before Carter was President.

Sure, there were no wars unpaid for and unfounded. But President Reagan inherited a slap on America's face by a punk in turban, which is far more expensive in international esteem than anything that President Bush left behind for President Obama.

I challenge everyone here to produce a document where President Reagan shed crocodile tears about what he inherited, like this half-breed punk has been doing for four years and still does when he is cornered by facts, like a rat that he is.

When it comes to impotence, the only difference between Carter and Obama is that Obama is (half) black and while criticizing Carter is becoming acceptable, criticizing Obama never will be anything but "RACISM".

You are such a racist fuck. Swine.

this coming from a guy who mentions race more than anyone on this board....
I guess Obama never replied to this letter????

Quite sure he never heard of it and if he did then i am sure the opinion of one of his subjects isn't of much interest to him.

Beside, as you well know, saying it is an open letter to Obama is a literary device nothing more. But keep asking. If you do maybe they will change the name of the board to Romper Room.
For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

Analysis | President Trump has made more than 2,000 false or misleading claims over 355 days
For anyone who sees my post - I do not normally go to name calling and/or extreme claims.
But after watching the press conference by the President today enough is enough.
He lies.
There I said it.
He is lying. There is no other argument. His continual method of avoiding blame by constantly putting ALL of the blame on the Republicans is beyond disingenuous, it is flat out lying to the American people.
There are two parties in Washington who are responsible for the sequester and two branches of government. Not half of one branch sir.
You chose to runaround and campaign instead of work with others. You chose to have a useless meeting on the last possible minute of the last day to actually work.
Then you have the nerve to place all of the blame on the opposing party.
This President is a prime example of what is wrong in Washington, and why nothing gets done.

Analysis | President Trump has made more than 2,000 false or misleading claims over 355 days

So that is what you want?
Sorry, for a moment there I thought you were above the fray. How foolish of me. It is rare, after all.

So let me make this easy...

ME: Democrats are bad
YOU: Republicans are worse...see? >>> LInk to something
ME: (Ignoring link and putting up my own link that equally has nothing to do with the topic) >>> Link to something. Read this!
YOU: Trump is an idiot
ME: Obama is an illegal alien

Skip ahead a few more exchanges till one of us gets bored.

Feel better?

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