
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015

Did Beyonce Clue Michelle Obama In On Her Super Bowl 50 Fashion?

Media reports, *"The show is being celebrated by Black Lives Matters and “pro-black power” voices, including Michelle Obama, who gave a pre-game interview telling Beyonce she had her full support and would even dress for the event."*

Dear Mrs. Michelle Obama, aka America's Premier Maternal & Parental Figure.

It appears we are Americans embracing much different values as well as a differing sense of respect and concern for our neighbors.

Mrs. Obama, Beyonce married an admitted Brooklyn, NY drug peddler who raps about gun violence he embraced to enforce and protect his 'people and community' harming Gangsta and drug peddling lifestyle. A lifestyle that emotionally and physically harmed or took the lives of Shawn Carter's peaceful African American neighbors.

As far as I know neither Shawn or Beyonce have ever denounced the Gangsta or Street Culture lifestyle primarily embraced by and perpetuated by emotionally abused and neglected children maturing into depressed, angry, frustrated, sometimes suicidal (NY Times May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers) teens and adults much like your husband's new friend, Childhood Trauma victim Kendrick Lamar.

In his 2015 Grammy award winning Rap Performance titled "I", Kendrick Lamar writes, "I've been dealing with depression ever since an adolescent."

In paragraph eight of a January 20, 2011 LAWeekly interview published online Kendrick, born in 1987, told the interviewer:

*"Lamar's parents moved from Chicago to Compton in 1984 with all of $500 in their pockets. "My mom's one of 13 [THIRTEEN] siblings, and they all got SIX kids, and till I was 13 everybody was in Compton," he says."*

*"I'm 6 years old, seein' my uncles playing with shotguns, sellin' dope in front of the apartment."*

*"My moms and pops never said nothing, 'cause they were young and living wild, too. I got about 15 stories like 'Average Joe.'"*

Mrs. Obama, Kendrick speaks about experiencing Childhood Trauma, witnessing MASS CHILD ABUSE & MALTREATMENT, violent felon family & community members who intentionally & recklessly ignored the well being of their children, depriving these kids from having a home environment where they feel safe, loved & cared for.

In school little Kendrick & his Elementary School classmates are being taught to be good citizens & to respect their neighbors.

While at home, under duress of being harmed if they open their lil mouths, families & communities are teaching their children anti-social 'people and community' harming values that often results with kids experiencing during a critical period of their childhood development a mentally debilitating condition known as Cognitive Dissonance.

Mrs. Obama, in this one paragraph, it seems evident to me Kendrick identified the source of his depression, the roots of poverty, the child abuse/maltreatment that prevented him, his brothers, sisters, cousins, neighborhood friends, elementary & JHS classmates from enjoying a safe, fairly happy childhood.

No small wonder why Kendrick raps & speaks about childhood & adult depression, as well as experiencing suicidal thoughts.

Kendrick Lamar Talks About ‘u,’ His Depression & Suicidal Thoughts (Pt. 2) | MTV Video News April 2015

Mrs. Obama, the anti-social "people & community" harming violent felon lifestyle SIX-YEAR-OLD Kendrick was forced to experience is no different from the lifestyle currently embraced & being promoted for personal profit and fame by Beyonce's husband.

Mrs. Obama, Beyonce and her husband offer American people and our foreign neighbors music performances demeaning and hating-on the MATERNAL HALF of our population, characterizing our moms, sisters, grandmas, daughters, aunts & nieces as less than human ^itches and ^hores unworthy of respect.

Mrs. Obama, with all due respect...how the heck do you reconcile promoting love & respect for a woman married to an emotionally damaged man who today continues promoting a anti-social lifestyle that for decades has caused so much emotional & physical pain (or worse) for our peaceful American neighbors of African descent?

Mrs. Obama, in her art performances Beyonce refers to females as ^itches and ^hores. Have you ever stopped to consider why for more than three decades a significant number of locally, nationally and internationally popular African American recording artists view women with contempt?

I am not referring to Beyonce because she's just jumping on the bandwagon.

I'm talking about recording artists like Kendrick, Tupac, Dwayne Lil Wayne Carter, Curtis 50 Cent Jackson, people like Freddie Gray or Michael Singleton, all depressed angry people full of resentment for being introduced to a childhood of pain & struggle by immature moms who WILLFULLY IGNORED their parental responsibility to their children as well as their moral obligation & duty to their neighbors and community to place the emotional well being of their children ABOVE ALL ELSE!!

Mrs. Obama, I am sad you & hubby admire Americans embracing and profiting from promoting anti-social lifestyles.

Apparently we embrace different values.


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