MSNBC Calls New Lt Gov Of Virginia A White Supremacist....Even Though She Is Jamaican

And what you say in this post is 100% true. Stop playing games. The more you post the dumber you sound.
It’s not about true or not true it’s about having a focused conversation.

Take the battered wife. She was pulled off the street and courted by a rich man who gave her two beautiful children but verbally and physically abused her to the point where she almost died. He gets arrested and is now in jail.

she goes on Oprah to speak about the experience. AZOG, a regular audience member of the Oprah show, raises his hand and reminds this woman that she is better off today being rich and the mother of two kids than if she had never met this man so she should acknowledge that and not only speak about the negatives of the abusive relationship.

How am I doing?
So what?! What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger as my friend KC once said… that doesn’t mean she needs to sing the praises of slavery, and it doesn’t mean she can’t write a critical reflection of US history. You seem to want to avoid engaging the subject to keep making this point that blacks got it good here so they shouldnt complain. That’s a weak argument
I don't think it is a weak argument.

Plainly blacks DO have it much better here than in, say, Nigeria, which is perhaps the least awful of African "states," but it is a morass of organized kidnappings by the thousands, corruption, poverty, separatism in the South, jihadism in the North, essentially a failed state now, according to the WSJ.

The reason blacks have it better here is because of white rules, laws, police, the order we bring that make a civilized society possible for us, and at least a better one for them. Take zoning laws and housing codes: in Jamaica blacks live in cardboard shacks propped up against each other, dirt floors, no toilets. Same in most of Africa. We don't allow that kind of housing, so the slum landlords that rent to blacks have to do better than that; otherwise they wouldn't.

Whites prop blacks up to a higher standard of living than they could do on their own: and how do I know that? Because outside of white laws, they do much, much worse.
What if somebody made the case that the Holocaust bonded Jews even more so and gave them extra perseverance and opportunity, especially here in the USA to put them in the positions they are in today. So because if this you should always mention that they are better off today because of the Holocaust
Sounds like the now-common historical perspective that the Black Death was great for Europe because of all the changes it made in the feudal system, people being able to move around freely and property being distributed.

I always think, yehbut, it wasn't better for the ones who died.
I don't think it is a weak argument.

Plainly blacks DO have it much better here than in, say, Nigeria, which is perhaps the least awful of African "states," but it is a morass of organized kidnappings by the thousands, corruption, poverty, separatism in the South, jihadism in the North, essentially a failed state now, according to the WSJ.

The reason blacks have it better here is because of white rules, laws, police, the order we bring that make a civilized society possible for us, and at least a better one for them. Take zoning laws and housing codes: in Jamaica blacks live in cardboard shacks propped up against each other, dirt floors, no toilets. Same in most of Africa. We don't allow that kind of housing, so the slum landlords that rent to blacks have to do better than that; otherwise they wouldn't.

Whites prop blacks up to a higher standard of living than they could do on their own: and how do I know that? Because outside of white laws, they do much, much worse.
Wow, y’all are real pieces of work. Let me ask one question. Would Nigeria be the same as it is today if the slave trade wouldn’t have shipped and sold so many able bodied Africans out to be owned by rich white people? The fact you somehow want to hear black people be grateful for that is completely absurd
Sounds like the now-common historical perspective that the Black Death was great for Europe because of all the changes it made in the feudal system, people being able to move around freely and property being distributed.

I always think, yehbut, it wasn't better for the ones who died.
That’s great… remember that perspective as we discuss blacks and the 1619 project
Wow, y’all are real pieces of work. Let me ask one question. Would Nigeria be the same as it is today if the slave trade wouldn’t have shipped and sold so many able bodied Africans out to be owned by rich white people? The fact you somehow want to hear black people be grateful for that is completely absurd
Much worse even than it is!! At least they had a LITTLE civilizing from the British occupation. Didn't last, but something is better than nothing, maybe. Besides, you're on the wrong side of the continent. The slaves mostly were sold by tribes on the OTHER side. [Sigh]
Much worse even than it is!! At least they had a LITTLE civilizing from the British occupation. Didn't last, but something is better than nothing, maybe. Besides, you're on the wrong side of the continent. The slaves mostly were sold by tribes on the OTHER side. [Sigh]
Yup sure would have been great to fight against that instead of buying into it, right?
That’s great… remember that perspective as we discuss blacks and the 1619 project
You are just trying to wind me up ---- 1619! 1619!!

That is all silly, but certainly anyone would stop it if we had a time machine. Whatever it took. Blacks may have an IQ problem, but nothing is wrong with their reproductive abilities, and so they have taken over valuable land in the Caribbean and a lot of South America, and cause endless problems here. Mostly because we allow them to, but still. It's a great pity all that good real estate is gone from us, unusable. Anybody normal want to live in Haiti? Didn't think so.

If blacks had stayed in Africa, they would have nothing to complain about and we could just fight happily with each other. They'd still be stretching their necks long and pulling their lips way out like Ubangis, but whatever. So colorful.
Thank you! Sounds like you’re seeing the light. Let me know if you need my assistance in the future. Well done!
What? It shows your post was idiotic. Slavery while evil has helped this generation of PoC. Holocaust was evil all the way. Zero positives.
It’s not about true or not true it’s about having a focused conversation.

Take the battered wife. She was pulled off the street and courted by a rich man who gave her two beautiful children but verbally and physically abused her to the point where she almost died. He gets arrested and is now in jail.

she goes on Oprah to speak about the experience. AZOG, a regular audience member of the Oprah show, raises his hand and reminds this woman that she is better off today being rich and the mother of two kids than if she had never met this man so she should acknowledge that and not only speak about the negatives of the abusive relationship.

How am I doing?
Wrong again, you idiot. The argument would be the great grandchildren of this woman are millionaires and the evil that the mother endured had benefited them. Are you ever not a complete idiot? How am I doing?
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Thank you! Sounds like you’re seeing the light. Let me know if you need my assistance in the future. Well done!
Moron. PoC were able to reproduce and have generations that benefit from their struggles. In the Holocaust the Jews were exterminated. You really don’t know history. Pretty sad.
You are just trying to wind me up ---- 1619! 1619!!

That is all silly, but certainly anyone would stop it if we had a time machine. Whatever it took. Blacks may have an IQ problem, but nothing is wrong with their reproductive abilities, and so they have taken over valuable land in the Caribbean and a lot of South America, and cause endless problems here. Mostly because we allow them to, but still. It's a great pity all that good real estate is gone from us, unusable. Anybody normal want to live in Haiti? Didn't think so.

If blacks had stayed in Africa, they would have nothing to complain about and we could just fight happily with each other. They'd still be stretching their necks long and pulling their lips way out like Ubangis, but whatever. So colorful.
Yeah 1619 that’s what we’ve been talking about, try and keep up. Have you read it?
Yeah 1619 that’s what we’ve been talking about, try and keep up. Have you read it?
Migod, of course not!! Why would anyone want to do that??

I have a lot to read. Communist garbledigook I don't have time for.
What? It shows your post was idiotic. Slavery while evil has helped this generation of PoC. Holocaust was evil all the way. Zero positives.
The stupidity of my post came from me using the same logic you’ve been using to make your arguments about blacks. I painted it in a way you could better relate with and you saw it as stupid. That’s how others see the point you’re trying to push.
Wrong again, you idiot. The argument would be the great grandchildren of this woman are millionaires and the evil that the mother endured had benefited them. Are you ever not a complete idiot? How am I doing?
Fine make that argument to the grandchildren as they taking about the horrible way their grandmother was treated. You will still sound just as dumb as the first example I made. Now go watch Oprah
Moron. PoC were able to reproduce and have generations that benefit from their struggles. In the Holocaust the Jews were exterminated. You really don’t know history. Pretty sad.
PoC. . . . . . . . I think I'm over that. It's colored people for me, or just blacks.

I was just reading that that PoC thing was supposed to me all non-whites: categorized together simply as being Other that white ------------- I never learned to think like that. White and, you know, everyone else in the world. That takes a Leftist, probably. I believe I'll stick to saying Chinese, and Indians (red or Asian), and so on.

But now, this article said that PoC just means blacks! Well, we already have a phrase for that, if you don't want to say blacks, and I assure you that colored people was once a very polite phrase.
Moron. PoC were able to reproduce and have generations that benefit from their struggles. In the Holocaust the Jews were exterminated. You really don’t know history. Pretty sad.
Jews were exterminated and blacks weren’t tortured and hung? Come on dude, you are struggling here I get it. But just admit your point is a bust. Both situations were horrible and wrong. We have every right to explore the negative effects of both without claiming blacks or Jews are better off. That’s just an idiotic notion
Migod, of course not!! Why would anyone want to do that??

I have a lot to read. Communist garbledigook I don't have time for.
If you haven’t read it then your opinion of it is worthless. You’re just ignorant and repeating talking points you get from others. Thanks for playing
The stupidity of my post came from me using the same logic you’ve been using to make your arguments about blacks. I painted it in a way you could better relate with and you saw it as stupid. That’s how others see the point you’re trying to push.
You disagree that PoC have benefitted? Wow

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