MSNBC destroys Ted Cruz over his hypocrisy: No vote on Sandy aid

Ted Cruz is a useless idiot and should be voted out as soon as possible. I know that when he comes up for his next vote I will vote for ANYONE but him.

And I'll happily cancel your vote.


Unless we're living in a communist dictatorship, not gonna happen.

Hey..wait a minute.........I thought you conservatives were all about freedom and democracy, what gives?

Oh.....wait.............forgot..........if anyone disagrees with you, they should lose their citizenship. How American of you.

More fucking intellectual dishonesty, you vote against, I vote for, we cancel each other out. Then it's up to the rest of the folks. Your ignorance is amazing.

LOL! Such a chickenshit guy. Cruz voted against Hurricane Sandy relief and now he's sucking up for funding for Harvey. Katy Tur dismembers him. Love it.

That's your version of an ass kicking? He was right. Most of the Sandy Hook relief wasn't for them. It was 80% bullshit attached to it because everyone wanting money for whatever project they wanted was attached to it. If it was just the Sandy Hook money it would have been voted in by all. Relief for Texas should be the same. No additional crap just the relief.

Oh my. Sandy Hook was a shooting. Sandy was a storm. Mike, get your hand away from that bottle, you have had enough, already. LOL
LOL! Such a chickenshit guy. Cruz voted against Hurricane Sandy relief and now he's sucking up for funding for Harvey. Katy Tur dismembers him. Love it.

Call me crazy but if true what Cruz said makes sense.

If you think anything Cruz says is true, then you are crazy.

I will give this to Cruz. He was American enough to come out and condemn the nazis in Charlottesville in no uncertain terms, in contrast to the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.
You know Old Rocks, it's really funny watching the conservatives conflate a whole bunch of news stories into one big scary one, trying to prove their point. Mike is a prime example in his confusion of Hurricane Sandy with the Sandy Hook shooting.
Since when does MSPCP have any legitimacy?


Prove that Ted Cruz did not say both of what MSNBC is not true.

IOW, stop being so partisan that you're willing to, yet again, make an ass of yourself.

To the OP, I saw this early today and yeah, Cruz looked like his feet got very hot but, as we've seen ^^^ RWNJs are willing to lie rather than admit the FACTS.
What really pisses me off, is that Texas, like Fla, Louisiana etc....crawls to tax payers every effin year for Fema help. You'd think by now, these people would realize......flooding is enviable....move damit to a dryer safer place!!

I'd be interested to see how you would deal with an 800 year flood. Pussies like you most likely wouldn't survive.

That was not his point, you stupid ass. His point was that the people from that region never hesitate to express their hatred of government, but never fail to come with hand out when the inevitable storm arrives. The least they could was to admit that they are dependent of the rest of the nation because of the frequency of disasters there.
Prove that Ted Cruz did not say both of what MSNBC is not true.

IOW, stop being so partisan that you're willing to, yet again, make an ass of yourself.

To the OP, I saw this early today and yeah, Cruz looked like his feet got very hot but, as we've seen ^^^ RWNJs are willing to lie rather than admit the FACTS.

Who gives a fuck but you leftist seditionists.

I agree that RWNJs don't care about the actual candidate and their plans to steal them blind. If there's an R behind their name, they vote for him. And then they blame Dems for trickle down crap.

BUT, Good for you for admitting it. That is, as they say, the first step to recovery.

Most on the right will vote for and support any Republican – no matter how wrong, no matter how reprehensible, such as the likes of Cruz.
Since when does MSPCP have any legitimacy?


Prove that Ted Cruz did not say both of what MSNBC is not true.

IOW, stop being so partisan that you're willing to, yet again, make an ass of yourself.

To the OP, I saw this early today and yeah, Cruz looked like his feet got very hot but, as we've seen ^^^ RWNJs are willing to lie rather than admit the FACTS.
What really pisses me off, is that Texas, like Fla, Louisiana etc....crawls to tax payers every effin year for Fema help. You'd think by now, these people would realize......flooding is enviable....move damit to a dryer safer place!!

I'd be interested to see how you would deal with an 800 year flood. Pussies like you most likely wouldn't survive.

That was not his point, you stupid ass. His point was that the people from that region never hesitate to express their hatred of government, but never fail to come with hand out when the inevitable storm arrives. The least they could was to admit that they are dependent of the rest of the nation because of the frequency of disasters there.

Tell ya what skippy, stop the feds from sucking the majority of the resources out of the States and we'll be happy to take care of our own. In fact volunteers here have effected more rescues than the government at this point and they are still at it right now. The feds are consuming more than a quarter of GDP and waste more money on bureaucrats than is believable. You fucking regressives force a system on us and then bitch when we have to utilize it. Feel free to fuck off and die.

Since when does MSPCP have any legitimacy?


Prove that Ted Cruz did not say both of what MSNBC is not true.

IOW, stop being so partisan that you're willing to, yet again, make an ass of yourself.

To the OP, I saw this early today and yeah, Cruz looked like his feet got very hot but, as we've seen ^^^ RWNJs are willing to lie rather than admit the FACTS.
What really pisses me off, is that Texas, like Fla, Louisiana etc....crawls to tax payers every effin year for Fema help. You'd think by now, these people would realize......flooding is enviable....move damit to a dryer safer place!!

I'd be interested to see how you would deal with an 800 year flood. Pussies like you most likely wouldn't survive.


He would.

I'm a volunteer fire fighter. We rescue sniveling pathetic sheep all the time.

Although sometimes I wonder why.

Since when does MSPCP have any legitimacy?

Here, since you should never listen to news sources.....

Did Cruz vote against relief of Sandy victims in NJ?............Yes or No?

Has Cruz asked for relief of Harvey victims in TX?.......Yes or No?

See, I'll take out my hypocrisy meter, and I'll await your response, Petey......LOL
He doesn't know what Cruz has or has not done, and you don't either in spite of YOU pretending to know something. You don't.
We know Cruz voted against aid for Sandy but is now asking for aid for Harvey.

If you're going to deny that fact, then you're a party-blind tool. Which you are. Every word you utter here proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt
LOL! Such a chickenshit guy. Cruz voted against Hurricane Sandy relief and now he's sucking up for funding for Harvey. Katy Tur dismembers him. Love it.

WTF? Even accepting Cruz's assertion that the "Sandy" bill had loads of "pork" in it. How does he stand there with a straight face and in effect say, "I supported relief for the victims of Sandy, who were clearly suffering, but I voted against it because I was okay with letting them continue to suffer because I didn't want to end their suffering and give some other folks something they wanted at the same time."

Let me tell you. If I ever see Cruz suffering along with a "cone topped" KKK member by his side. I'll just have to say, "Ted, sorry, but I can't help you without helping that guy too, and I don't want to help him, so you have to suffer. Sorry. I really wanted to help you, but nope. Not going to do it."

A question: Did some form of Sandy Relief eventually pass?

The real comparison can be made if the Texas Relief bill is also laden with pork, or is just a straight up relief bill.

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