MSNBC host mocks Romney's adopted black grandchild

It was inappropriate to use Romney's family photo as fodder for a comedy segment.

MHP has correctly apologized for crossing that line.

Be as big as she was.

Perhaps. But it is hypocritical when Right wingers are outraged at Romney's grandson being called gorgeous while saying "get over it" when Obama's daughters, Wife, mother and father, grandparents, aunts, uncles and brothers and sisters are constantly under attack from the most base comments from seemingly everyone on the right. That is a true double standard.

I'm sure you can link multiple posts of people saying nasty things about the girls.

I know I can link dozens, probably scores of nasty posts flinging every type of insult at Sarah Palin and her family.

Including her youngest child...

You guys are really good at saying nasty things about babies. Go figure.

Glenn Beck smears Obama's 11-year-old daughter

Kansas GOP House Speaker 'Prays' That Obama's 'Children Be Fatherless And His Wife A Widow'

Film claiming Obama's mother once posed for pornographic pictures sent to a million swing voters

And Perry had the NERVE to call Romney's grandson gorgeous. The bitch. Shame on her.
Jim you need to check the demographics in this country.

your fooling yourself
Sarah Palin: MSNBC ?despicable? - Lucy McCalmont -

Libtards are closet racists and always have been. Their posturing as antiracists since the end of WW2 has been purely for convenience sake as they needed the Civil Rights movement to break down the Christian establishment's control and replace it with a leftwing establishment supposedly based on freedom, but recent events are illustrating that illusion with the Phil Robertson, George Zimmerman and Paula Dean incidents.

As long as the libtars use their control of the federal government to buy off the leaders of the black community, one can expect black to continue to give the libtards 90+% of their vote.

But when the libtards think they no longer need them they will likely jettison the blacks over board like they have done to evangelical groups of both races.

There has never been a libtard worth trusting since the Jacobins set the mold back in the late 1700's and they started sending each other and their own supporters to the gallows. This is a pattern that the far left has repeated since, and genuine liberals of our day are fools to trust them.

Wow, now here is some serious crazy....

Lol, that's all you got; a lame ass attempt at a joke.

The Dems will turn on the black community as soon as they think it will cost them votes, and I don't think that is too far distant into the future, because the other minority groups tend to be very racist and to not like blacks, not at all.

Ever sit in a room with an Arab guy, or a Chinese immigrant or a Maylasian?

Lol, they hate blacks more than New York Yankee Italians.

Yeah, that's all that can be garnished from your nonsense. There really isn't much that can be said in response to psychotics.
Perry was that baby guys.

when she looked at the baby she saw herself.

YOU pretend she was insulting the child out of racism.

Its was more of a reflection of what her life was like

Yes, I saw it and most people did, and apparently SHE DID AS WELL.

I don't think it was her intent, but these Identity Politics ideologues cant help but to react to people by category and among those categories is race, and so they pursue a racialist view of the world by definition.

have you gotten a quote like I asked of you ?

did I miss where you showed a quote from a white con that blacks considered racist and you agreed?
Sarah Palin: MSNBC ?despicable? - Lucy McCalmont -

Libtards are closet racists and always have been. Their posturing as antiracists since the end of WW2 has been purely for convenience sake as they needed the Civil Rights movement to break down the Christian establishment's control and replace it with a leftwing establishment supposedly based on freedom, but recent events are illustrating that illusion with the Phil Robertson, George Zimmerman and Paula Dean incidents.

As long as the libtars use their control of the federal government to buy off the leaders of the black community, one can expect black to continue to give the libtards 90+% of their vote.

But when the libtards think they no longer need them they will likely jettison the blacks over board like they have done to evangelical groups of both races.

There has never been a libtard worth trusting since the Jacobins set the mold back in the late 1700's and they started sending each other and their own supporters to the gallows. This is a pattern that the far left has repeated since, and genuine liberals of our day are fools to trust them.

Wow, now here is some serious crazy....

Lol, that's all you got; a lame ass attempt at a joke.

The Dems will turn on the black community as soon as they think it will cost them votes, and I don't think that is too far distant into the future, because the other minority groups tend to be very racist and to not like blacks, not at all.

Ever sit in a room with an Arab guy, or a Chinese immigrant or a Maylasian?

Lol, they hate blacks more than New York Yankee Italians.

Wow, you managed to insult blacks, Arabs, Chinese, and Malaysians. Looks like you are on a roll.

Republicans are 90% white. They don't have to worry about insulting anyone. Because they insult everyone.
TDM, face it...nobody knows what the hell you're talking about. Just give up.
see none of you will give us any example of words that you found racist when they came out of a white face and the black community complained about the statement being racist.

why is it so hard for you to do?

think on that awhile

I just did.

Pardon me if I don't live on the internet.

what were the exact quotes you found racist and why

you mentions some names but never linked to a quote or why it was racist .
If you don't recognize what she said that was racist it can only be because you are a racist yourself.

lol, this is so funny.

Yup. It's always fun to turn the PC around on the PC Police, just for the hell of it.

Go all hyper-sensitive and silly and "offended" and such. Makes me giggle.


Yeah, she realizes that she went too far with that and got into racial stereotyping territory.

As to her apology, here I think she was sincere.

Maybe in the future she might cut some nonliberal some slack after she walked in them shoes herself.

She apologized because she suddenly remember what happened to Martin Bashir and Alec Baldwin. I read somewhere that Baldwin asked if he cried would he get his program back.
I think I posted that here...

Alec is a supreme asshole, but he is quite funny.
Jim, you can give me a rough quote if you don't want to find me the exact quote that you thought was racist. I'd just like to know which quote you are talking about.

In regards to who when, Mack? This talking head?

Why don't you ask her; she apologized for it all being across the line.

Ridiculing the inter-racial Romney family is about as basic bigotry as it gets.

I personally think racism is an -ism, a system of thought or principles that use racial identity as a key element, like the Nazis, the KKK, the segregationists or todays Identity politics ideologues.

I don't think she went that far, but was being a bigot in her pursuit of partisan ridicule.

And again she apologized for it.

Is that what you are asking about?

Yes Jim. Which quote by Harris-Perry did you find racist? As I said before, you can give me an approximation of the quote if you don't want to go find the exact wording.
Perry was raised by a white morman family after being adopted by them.

one of these things is not like the other was her own childhood.

How do mormans view black people?

The Romney family adopted a black child, how many people here can say the same thing about their family?

My brother is half native and adopted. Your point?
No one is calling Romney a racist, well at least most of them. And he also accepted her apology.

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My point was that TM is an idiot. If I have to spell that out you might be one too.
The Romney family adopted a black child, how many people here can say the same thing about their family?

My brother is half native and adopted. Your point?
No one is calling Romney a racist, well at least most of them. And he also accepted her apology.

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The point was TM asked how Mormons view black people in a thread about a black child adopted by the Romneys.

What was TM's point with that question? If her current point was similar to her previous points on the subject of blacks and Mormons then she was implying that Mormons don't like black people. And if that's the case then her choice of venue for such an implication was poorly chosen. Of course since she didn't make her point clear, I won't jump to any conclusions in spite of her long history on this subject.

Wow, someone can see the point without me spelling it out.

Tell me why only one person missed the point. [MENTION=11865]Luissa[/MENTION]
My brother is half native and adopted. Your point?
No one is calling Romney a racist, well at least most of them. And he also accepted her apology.

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The point was TM asked how Mormons view black people in a thread about a black child adopted by the Romneys.

What was TM's point with that question? If her current point was similar to her previous points on the subject of blacks and Mormons then she was implying that Mormons don't like black people. And if that's the case then her choice of venue for such an implication was poorly chosen. Of course since she didn't make her point clear, I won't jump to any conclusions in spite of her long history on this subject.

I missed all that.
But Mormons did not view blacks very well thirty years ago, that has obviously changed. I know a few African Americans who are Mormon, one who was adopted by a white Mormon or I should say LDS family.

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30 years ago Mormons publicly took on the leadership of their church over ordaining blacks into the priesthood while encouraging its members to work for civil rights for them, but feel free to live in a alternate reality where that didn't happen.

Funny how you can see that Islam sucks, but still believe that most Muslims are peaceful, but refuse to give members of other religions the benefit of the doubt.
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My brother is half native and adopted. Your point?
No one is calling Romney a racist, well at least most of them. And he also accepted her apology.

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The point was TM asked how Mormons view black people in a thread about a black child adopted by the Romneys.

What was TM's point with that question? If her current point was similar to her previous points on the subject of blacks and Mormons then she was implying that Mormons don't like black people. And if that's the case then her choice of venue for such an implication was poorly chosen. Of course since she didn't make her point clear, I won't jump to any conclusions in spite of her long history on this subject.

I was calking on you to have some sympathy for a black person who was raised in a culture that has roots in racism.

If you wish to pretend that the morman church was not racist in its original state then you will lose the debate on facts very quickly.

They were blatently racist.

They have done some of the right things in leaving behind that racist past.

that is very good.

there is stull a history that this young women would have had to have known and thought about don't you think?

she is a human and a bright one at that.

why do you think its BAD to try and understand her?

She was wrong, otherwise she would not have apologized or her tear-filled apology was not sincere. One of the two.

They fought for their right to equal treatment under the law, they fought against slavery, and they had no problem sitting down to eat with them in public. Over all, they have a much better record, historically, than the Democratic Party that was on the other side on all of those issues. Why do you think the Democrats hate Mormons so emphatically?

Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

Pioneers and Cowboys

Slavery was legal in Utah as a result of the Compromise of 1850, which brought California into the Union as a free state while allowing Utah and New Mexico territories the option of deciding the issue by "popular sovereignty." Some Mormon pioneers from the South had brought African-American slaves with them when they migrated west. Some freed their slaves in Utah; others who went on to California had to emancipate them there.

The Mormon church had no official doctrine for or against slaveholding, and leaders were ambivalent. In 1836 Joseph Smith wrote that masters should treat slaves humanely and that slaves owed their owners obedience. During his presidential campaign in 1844, however, he came out for abolition. Brigham Young tacitly supported slaveholding, declaring that although Utah was not suited for slavery the practice was ordained by God. In 1851 Apostle Orson Hyde said the church would not interfere in relations between master and slave.

The Legislature formally sanctioned slaveholding in 1852 but cautioned against inhumane treatment and stipulated that slaves could be declared free if their masters abused them. Records document the sale of a number of slaves in Utah.

African Americans were not the only slaves bought and sold in the territory. The arrival of the pioneers in 1847 disrupted a thriving trade in Native American slaves. Utah-based Indians, particularly Chief Walkar's band of Utes, served as procurers and middlemen in a slave-trading network that extended from Santa Fe, New Mexico, to Los Angeles, California, and involved Spanish, Mexican, American, and Native American traders.
And let's not forget this little tidbit about Mormons...

They didn't allow blacks to be part of the priesthood (something all Mormon Males must do when they are young) until 1978.

By 1978, Strom Thurmond had blacks on his staff.

Not to mention, Mormon scripture considers dark skin a curse from God.

Now, to their credit, your average Mormon will wince when someone points these things out. They recently threw Brigham Young under the bus trying to blame him for a lot of this racism while giving Joseph Smith a Pass. But the Mormon Church has a horrible history on race.

But shit, the Mormon Church is one big honking lie, so it's hard to hold that against them.

I said Mormons fought against slavery, and you spout off that Washington DC decided that Utah would be a slave state to disprove me. Can you explain the connection, because I don't see it.

1) Utah was a SLAVE Territory under the laws of the settlers there, who were all Mormons. The territorial governor of Utah Territory was Brigham Young from 1851, until he was forced to step down in 1858 after the "Utah War" where he tried to establish his own country.

2) In short, the MOrmons never fought against Slavery,and like most religions of the time, thought that slavery was just dandy because it was in the bible.

3) If you take those meds the nice doctor gave you, you'd be able to see connections more easily....
Jim, you can give me a rough quote if you don't want to find me the exact quote that you thought was racist. I'd just like to know which quote you are talking about.

In regards to who when, Mack? This talking head?

Why don't you ask her; she apologized for it all being across the line.

Ridiculing the inter-racial Romney family is about as basic bigotry as it gets.

I personally think racism is an -ism, a system of thought or principles that use racial identity as a key element, like the Nazis, the KKK, the segregationists or todays Identity politics ideologues.

I don't think she went that far, but was being a bigot in her pursuit of partisan ridicule.

And again she apologized for it.

Is that what you are asking about?

Yes Jim. Which quote by Harris-Perry did you find racist? As I said before, you can give me an approximation of the quote if you don't want to go find the exact wording.

When she joked about the kid marrying Kim Kardashian and Kanye West as if those two were the only kind of people that would be suitable, all about race, and all bigotry from a Identity Politics ideologue, dude.

So you found none of that racist then? Lol, yeah, its OK if a libtard does it, I guess.

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