MSNBC host mocks Romney's adopted black grandchild

In regards to who when, Mack? This talking head?

Why don't you ask her; she apologized for it all being across the line.

Ridiculing the inter-racial Romney family is about as basic bigotry as it gets.

I personally think racism is an -ism, a system of thought or principles that use racial identity as a key element, like the Nazis, the KKK, the segregationists or todays Identity politics ideologues.

I don't think she went that far, but was being a bigot in her pursuit of partisan ridicule.

And again she apologized for it.

Is that what you are asking about?

Yes Jim. Which quote by Harris-Perry did you find racist? As I said before, you can give me an approximation of the quote if you don't want to go find the exact wording.

When she joked about the kid marrying Kim Kardashian and Kanye West as if those two were the only kind of people that would be suitable, all about race, and all bigotry from a Identity Politics ideologue, dude.

So you found none of that racist then? Lol, yeah, its OK if a libtard does it, I guess.

Thank you for finally answering my question. No, I didn't really find that part racist. I took it as a joke about the differences in personality between Kanye West and Mitt Romney and how absurd that blended family might be more than as a racial joke. I think the joke would've worked just as well had Harris-Perry used Eminem as an example, but Nori is a much more in-the-moment reference (and Haley Mathers is a tad too old for Kieran, IMO). And truth be told, I think Kanye West is an egomaniacal prick and most of the Kardashians are horrifying fame-whores, so as far as I'm concerned it's no insult to the Romneys to say that they wouldn't get along with them as in-laws.
Yes Jim. Which quote by Harris-Perry did you find racist? As I said before, you can give me an approximation of the quote if you don't want to go find the exact wording.

When she joked about the kid marrying Kim Kardashian and Kanye West as if those two were the only kind of people that would be suitable, all about race, and all bigotry from a Identity Politics ideologue, dude.

So you found none of that racist then? Lol, yeah, its OK if a libtard does it, I guess.

Thank you for finally answering my question. No, I didn't really find that part racist. I took it as a joke about the differences in personality between Kanye West and Mitt Romney and how absurd that blended family might be more than as a racial joke. I think the joke would've worked just as well had Harris-Perry used Eminem as an example, but Nori is a much more in-the-moment reference (and Haley Mathers is a tad too old for Kieran, IMO). And truth be told, I think Kanye West is an egomaniacal prick and most of the Kardashians are horrifying fame-whores, so as far as I'm concerned it's no insult to the Romneys to say that they wouldn't get along with them as in-laws.

Wow, interesting rationalization, apparently MSNBC didn't agree with you, nor did she as she apologized for her poor taste.
Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

Pioneers and Cowboys

And let's not forget this little tidbit about Mormons...

They didn't allow blacks to be part of the priesthood (something all Mormon Males must do when they are young) until 1978.

By 1978, Strom Thurmond had blacks on his staff.

Not to mention, Mormon scripture considers dark skin a curse from God.

Now, to their credit, your average Mormon will wince when someone points these things out. They recently threw Brigham Young under the bus trying to blame him for a lot of this racism while giving Joseph Smith a Pass. But the Mormon Church has a horrible history on race.

But shit, the Mormon Church is one big honking lie, so it's hard to hold that against them.

I said Mormons fought against slavery, and you spout off that Washington DC decided that Utah would be a slave state to disprove me. Can you explain the connection, because I don't see it.

1) Utah was a SLAVE Territory under the laws of the settlers there, who were all Mormons. The territorial governor of Utah Territory was Brigham Young from 1851, until he was forced to step down in 1858 after the "Utah War" where he tried to establish his own country.

2) In short, the MOrmons never fought against Slavery,and like most religions of the time, thought that slavery was just dandy because it was in the bible.

3) If you take those meds the nice doctor gave you, you'd be able to see connections more easily....

I love it when people double down on stupid.

  1. The decision to make Utah a slave territory was made in 1850 as a compromise between the Northern States and the Southern States designed to avoid a civil war.
  2. You keep confusing Mormons and the official position of the Church of Latter Day Saints.
  3. Why should I look for the connections you keep seeing between oil and the KKK?
When she joked about the kid marrying Kim Kardashian and Kanye West as if those two were the only kind of people that would be suitable, all about race, and all bigotry from a Identity Politics ideologue, dude.

So you found none of that racist then? Lol, yeah, its OK if a libtard does it, I guess.

Thank you for finally answering my question. No, I didn't really find that part racist. I took it as a joke about the differences in personality between Kanye West and Mitt Romney and how absurd that blended family might be more than as a racial joke. I think the joke would've worked just as well had Harris-Perry used Eminem as an example, but Nori is a much more in-the-moment reference (and Haley Mathers is a tad too old for Kieran, IMO). And truth be told, I think Kanye West is an egomaniacal prick and most of the Kardashians are horrifying fame-whores, so as far as I'm concerned it's no insult to the Romneys to say that they wouldn't get along with them as in-laws.

Wow, interesting rationalization, apparently MSNBC didn't agree with you, nor did she as she apologized for her poor taste.

There were other comments made that were more in poor taste than that one, but by other guests on the show. I also have said elsewhere that I think that bringing Romney's family into it in general was a bad idea and that I think an apology was in order.
Yes Jim. Which quote by Harris-Perry did you find racist? As I said before, you can give me an approximation of the quote if you don't want to go find the exact wording.

When she joked about the kid marrying Kim Kardashian and Kanye West as if those two were the only kind of people that would be suitable, all about race, and all bigotry from a Identity Politics ideologue, dude.

So you found none of that racist then? Lol, yeah, its OK if a libtard does it, I guess.

Thank you for finally answering my question. No, I didn't really find that part racist. I took it as a joke about the differences in personality between Kanye West and Mitt Romney and how absurd that blended family might be more than as a racial joke.

And you just ignore the racial references? So I guess from your perspective Perry was just faking an apology for something she didn't do? You have a very cynical view of the lady.

I think the joke would've worked just as well had Harris-Perry used Eminem as an example, but Nori is a much more in-the-moment reference (and Haley Mathers is a tad too old for Kieran, IMO).

The Kanye-Kardashian inter-racial pairing is the point she was alluding to, and I don't see how Eminem fits in the same way. But who knows, maybe you are right and Perry is just a lying, tricky fraud.

And truth be told, I think Kanye West is an egomaniacal prick and most of the Kardashians are horrifying fame-whores, so as far as I'm concerned it's no insult to the Romneys to say that they wouldn't get along with them as in-laws.

Lol, well we agree on something, but I don't know these people personally, so shouldn't judge. But that motorcycle sex video was just too stupid for words and I never understood what Kardashian ever did to earn her fame.

Did she do a sex tape? lol
I said Mormons fought against slavery, and you spout off that Washington DC decided that Utah would be a slave state to disprove me. Can you explain the connection, because I don't see it.

1) Utah was a SLAVE Territory under the laws of the settlers there, who were all Mormons. The territorial governor of Utah Territory was Brigham Young from 1851, until he was forced to step down in 1858 after the "Utah War" where he tried to establish his own country.

2) In short, the MOrmons never fought against Slavery,and like most religions of the time, thought that slavery was just dandy because it was in the bible.

3) If you take those meds the nice doctor gave you, you'd be able to see connections more easily....

I love it when people double down on stupid.

  1. The decision to make Utah a slave territory was made in 1850 as a compromise between the Northern States and the Southern States designed to avoid a civil war.
  2. You keep confusing Mormons and the official position of the Church of Latter Day Saints.
  3. Why should I look for the connections you keep seeing between oil and the KKK?

JoeB really does hate Mormons. I think that theologically they are polytheists, given their view of the origen of God (born within the universe on some other planet way, way, way back when.

But Joe just hates them, especially for backing Romney.
1) Utah was a SLAVE Territory under the laws of the settlers there, who were all Mormons. The territorial governor of Utah Territory was Brigham Young from 1851, until he was forced to step down in 1858 after the "Utah War" where he tried to establish his own country.

2) In short, the MOrmons never fought against Slavery,and like most religions of the time, thought that slavery was just dandy because it was in the bible.

3) If you take those meds the nice doctor gave you, you'd be able to see connections more easily....

I love it when people double down on stupid.

  1. The decision to make Utah a slave territory was made in 1850 as a compromise between the Northern States and the Southern States designed to avoid a civil war.
  2. You keep confusing Mormons and the official position of the Church of Latter Day Saints.
  3. Why should I look for the connections you keep seeing between oil and the KKK?

JoeB really does hate Mormons. I think that theologically they are polytheists, given their view of the origen of God (born within the universe on some other planet way, way, way back when.

But Joe just hates them, especially for backing Romney.

Yeah, when your cult was started by con-artists who married 14 year old girls, there's probably a good reason to hate them.

Romney is a case in point. The guy was a real slimebag. Screwed over thousands of working folks to buy more Dressage Horsies...
He hates them because they are anti-abortion. His life's focus is on killing babies and exploiting women. Any group that makes that different, he hates with a particular passion.
He hates them because they are anti-abortion. His life's focus is on killing babies and exploiting women. Any group that makes that different, he hates with a particular passion.

Sounds about right.

It's not right. Whenever KG has no clue what she is talking about, she gets back on her signature personal attack topic of everyone and anyone who is Left of David Duke being a baby killer. Why? Basically because she's a fat idiot.

That's why.
Joeb's entire personality is wrapped up in promoting the murder of babies.

And Sarhag is his devoted acolyte.

The truth is what it is. Lefty scumbags call that "hate"...but it's only "hate" inasmuch as it brings to the light their own hatefulness. When we describe them we're called hatemongers, but how can that be, if we're only describing them? They see their ow hate and they think somehow that we're artificially attaching it to them by noticing it.'s there for the world to see. What you see as "hate" in those who are disgusted by you is just your own hate reflected, scum.
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He hates them because they are anti-abortion. His life's focus is on killing babies and exploiting women. Any group that makes that different, he hates with a particular passion.

Sounds about right.

It's not right. Whenever KG has no clue what she is talking about, she gets back on her signature personal attack topic of everyone and anyone who is Left of David Duke being a baby killer. Why? Basically because she's a fat idiot.

That's why.

No, I know that JoeB is a lying PoS and he has an irrational hatred of Mormons and pro-lifers. I know that from reading many of his posts for a while.

KG is right on the money about JoeB.
I love it when people double down on stupid.

  1. The decision to make Utah a slave territory was made in 1850 as a compromise between the Northern States and the Southern States designed to avoid a civil war.
  2. You keep confusing Mormons and the official position of the Church of Latter Day Saints.
  3. Why should I look for the connections you keep seeing between oil and the KKK?

JoeB really does hate Mormons. I think that theologically they are polytheists, given their view of the origen of God (born within the universe on some other planet way, way, way back when.

But Joe just hates them, especially for backing Romney.

Yeah, when your cult was started by con-artists who married 14 year old girls, there's probably a good reason to hate them.

Romney is a case in point. The guy was a real slimebag. Screwed over thousands of working folks to buy more Dressage Horsies...

It's so hard to drum up any sympathy for him. Freedom of religion, of course but he is one shady character.
JoeB really does hate Mormons. I think that theologically they are polytheists, given their view of the origen of God (born within the universe on some other planet way, way, way back when.

But Joe just hates them, especially for backing Romney.

Yeah, when your cult was started by con-artists who married 14 year old girls, there's probably a good reason to hate them.

Romney is a case in point. The guy was a real slimebag. Screwed over thousands of working folks to buy more Dressage Horsies...

It's so hard to drum up any sympathy for him. Freedom of religion, of course but he is one shady character.

Yeah saving countless businesses, the Olympics, and doing good to his fellow man in general makes him a shady character because he doesn't adopt your political philosophy.

Meanwhile killing unborn children, that makes you a good American in your eyes. Creating divisions between people based on race and income should be applauded.

Talk about calling good evil and evil good.
Yeah, when your cult was started by con-artists who married 14 year old girls, there's probably a good reason to hate them.

Romney is a case in point. The guy was a real slimebag. Screwed over thousands of working folks to buy more Dressage Horsies...

It's so hard to drum up any sympathy for him. Freedom of religion, of course but he is one shady character.

Yeah saving countless businesses, the Olympics, and doing good to his fellow man in general makes him a shady character because he doesn't adopt your political philosophy.

Meanwhile killing unborn children, that makes you a good American in your eyes. Creating divisions between people based on race and income should be applauded.

Talk about calling good evil and evil good.

The left is highly suspicious and afraid of above-board behavior, integrity in business dealings, honesty...and *gasp*...TRADITIONAL VALUES!

OMG! Shady! Scary!
He's not the only one. All progressives make shit up, then pretend their baloney is Proven Fact.
Funniest thing about that photo of the Romney's is that the percentage of black people in the photo is almost exactly the same percentage of the black vote that Romney got in the election...

...that and the fact that they named the baby Kieran, which is a gaelic word meaning 'Blackie'.
That blubbering faux apology would have made Jerry Falwell proud. I downloaded it for a few laughs later.

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