MSNBC host mocks Romney's adopted black grandchild

I wasn't a Romney fan but to call him racist would be wrong, he was raised by a man who was ousted from his job for sticking up for black people.

Either way the woman apologized and Romney accepted it.

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she saw herself in that child when she said one of these things is not like the other.

She was a black person raised by an adopted white morman family.

how was that insulting the child?
The Romney family adopted a black child, how many people here can say the same thing about their family?

My brother is half native and adopted. Your point?
No one is calling Romney a racist, well at least most of them. And he also accepted her apology.

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The point was TM asked how Mormons view black people in a thread about a black child adopted by the Romneys.

What was TM's point with that question? If her current point was similar to her previous points on the subject of blacks and Mormons then she was implying that Mormons don't like black people. And if that's the case then her choice of venue for such an implication was poorly chosen. Of course since she didn't make her point clear, I won't jump to any conclusions in spite of her long history on this subject.

I was calking on you to have some sympathy for a black person who was raised in a culture that has roots in racism.

If you wish to pretend that the morman church was not racist in its original state then you will lose the debate on facts very quickly.

They were blatently racist.

They have done some of the right things in leaving behind that racist past.

that is very good.

there is stull a history that this young women would have had to have known and thought about don't you think?

she is a human and a bright one at that.

why do you think its BAD to try and understand her?
My brother is half native and adopted. Your point?
No one is calling Romney a racist, well at least most of them. And he also accepted her apology.

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The point was TM asked how Mormons view black people in a thread about a black child adopted by the Romneys.

What was TM's point with that question? If her current point was similar to her previous points on the subject of blacks and Mormons then she was implying that Mormons don't like black people. And if that's the case then her choice of venue for such an implication was poorly chosen. Of course since she didn't make her point clear, I won't jump to any conclusions in spite of her long history on this subject.

I missed all that.
But Mormons did not view blacks very well thirty years ago, that has obviously changed. I know a few African Americans who are Mormon, one who was adopted by a white Mormon or I should say LDS family.

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As someone who was a Mormon 30 years ago, I would disagree to some degree, but I appreciate your statement. Things have definitely changed.
why are some of you pretending this woman was being racist yet no one on the right EVER says anything racist?

The bitch's moronic comments can stand on their own de-merit.

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Ok you find the comments very racist.

can you please retrieve for a time when you heard the black community say "hey that is a racist thing to say" and you agreed with them when it came from a right leaning mouth?

I don't recall you ever doing that?
Yeah, she realizes that she went too far with that and got into racial stereotyping territory.

As to her apology, here I think she was sincere.

Maybe in the future she might cut some nonliberal some slack after she walked in them shoes herself.

go et a time when you agreed that a con said something racist?

Well, George Wallace I think was relatively conservative in the view of states rights, and he said some racist things, but then again he was still a Democrat at the time.

which of his quotes did you find racist?
come on

I cant think of one fucking time.

maybe you guys could correct me with some facts here.

what was that time Im missing?

Bill O'Reily went off on those kids in Georgia that had that 'racist' whites only prom.

That count?

Of course, he was wrong. It wasn't a prom just a private party among some close friends celebrating their prom. But the details were brushed aside and those kids got death threats from all across the country because some man generally considered conservative bought the libtard line about racism being the root reason these kids had their party, lol.

What a shame, but then O'Reily isn't really known for his smarts, like Lou Dobbs, for example, lol.

But still, O'Reily is a relatively honest for a journalist and a h ell of a lot smarter than most.

document what you are talking about.

go get what he said and tell us what you found racist about what he said
see none of you will give us any example of words that you found racist when they came out of a white face and the black community complained about the statement being racist.

why is it so hard for you to do?

think on that awhile
Perry was that baby guys.

when she looked at the baby she saw herself.

YOU pretend she was insulting the child out of racism.

Its was more of a reflection of what her life was like
In that you see MASSIVE racism ?


yet you cant give us words (you know an actual quote) of racist words from a republican.

in your world that NEVER happens

can you see yourself in that mirror yet guys?
The other day I started to tell a breakfast group an inspiring tale about a smart liberal. Only started; the laughter drowned out all the rest and they didn't even know there was a really funny punchline that had been coming.

I guess I didn't need it.
go et a time when you agreed that a con said something racist?

Well, George Wallace I think was relatively conservative in the view of states rights, and he said some racist things, but then again he was still a Democrat at the time.

which of his quotes did you find racist?

Don't recall the exact quote, but it went along the lines of 'Segregation now, segregation for ever.' The man was a hard core racial segregationist which makes him a straight up racist.

I am glad he repented later in his life.
see none of you will give us any example of words that you found racist when they came out of a white face and the black community complained about the statement being racist.

why is it so hard for you to do?

think on that awhile

I just did.

Pardon me if I don't live on the internet.
Sarah Palin: MSNBC ?despicable? - Lucy McCalmont -

During a segment of “Melissa Harris-Perry” on Sunday on the most-talked about photos of the year, the host and a panel of guests turned to the subject of a Romney family picture that included his recently adopted grandson, Kieran Romney, who is black.

One panelist, actress Pia Glenn, sang “one of these things is not like the other,” with another joking that it was representative of the Republican Party’s lack of diversity. “It really sums up the diversity of the Republican Party, the RNC. At the convention, they find the one black person,” said comedian Dean Obeidallah.

Harris-Perry herself joked about Romney’s grandson marrying the child of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.

Palin said the “leftist media” has reached a “new low” and praised the Romneys for adopting the child.

“You really need a conscience, yellow journalists. May your 2014 New Year’s Resolution be to find one,” she added.

Libtards are closet racists and always have been. Their posturing as antiracists since the end of WW2 has been purely for convenience sake as they needed the Civil Rights movement to break down the Christian establishment's control and replace it with a leftwing establishment supposedly based on freedom, but recent events are illustrating that illusion with the Phil Robertson, George Zimmerman and Paula Dean incidents.

As long as the libtars use their control of the federal government to buy off the leaders of the black community, one can expect black to continue to give the libtards 90+% of their vote.

But when the libtards think they no longer need them they will likely jettison the blacks over board like they have done to evangelical groups of both races.

There has never been a libtard worth trusting since the Jacobins set the mold back in the late 1700's and they started sending each other and their own supporters to the gallows. This is a pattern that the far left has repeated since, and genuine liberals of our day are fools to trust them.

Wow, now here is some serious crazy....
Perry was that baby guys.

when she looked at the baby she saw herself.

YOU pretend she was insulting the child out of racism.

Its was more of a reflection of what her life was like

Yes, I saw it and most people did, and apparently SHE DID AS WELL.

I don't think it was her intent, but these Identity Politics ideologues cant help but to react to people by category and among those categories is race, and so they pursue a racialist view of the world by definition.
Sarah Palin: MSNBC ?despicable? - Lucy McCalmont -

During a segment of “Melissa Harris-Perry” on Sunday on the most-talked about photos of the year, the host and a panel of guests turned to the subject of a Romney family picture that included his recently adopted grandson, Kieran Romney, who is black.

One panelist, actress Pia Glenn, sang “one of these things is not like the other,” with another joking that it was representative of the Republican Party’s lack of diversity. “It really sums up the diversity of the Republican Party, the RNC. At the convention, they find the one black person,” said comedian Dean Obeidallah.

Harris-Perry herself joked about Romney’s grandson marrying the child of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.

Palin said the “leftist media” has reached a “new low” and praised the Romneys for adopting the child.

“You really need a conscience, yellow journalists. May your 2014 New Year’s Resolution be to find one,” she added.

Libtards are closet racists and always have been. Their posturing as antiracists since the end of WW2 has been purely for convenience sake as they needed the Civil Rights movement to break down the Christian establishment's control and replace it with a leftwing establishment supposedly based on freedom, but recent events are illustrating that illusion with the Phil Robertson, George Zimmerman and Paula Dean incidents.

As long as the libtars use their control of the federal government to buy off the leaders of the black community, one can expect black to continue to give the libtards 90+% of their vote.

But when the libtards think they no longer need them they will likely jettison the blacks over board like they have done to evangelical groups of both races.

There has never been a libtard worth trusting since the Jacobins set the mold back in the late 1700's and they started sending each other and their own supporters to the gallows. This is a pattern that the far left has repeated since, and genuine liberals of our day are fools to trust them.

Wow, now here is some serious crazy....

Lol, that's all you got; a lame ass attempt at a joke.

The Dems will turn on the black community as soon as they think it will cost them votes, and I don't think that is too far distant into the future, because the other minority groups tend to be very racist and to not like blacks, not at all.

Ever sit in a room with an Arab guy, or a Chinese immigrant or a Maylasian?

Lol, they hate blacks more than New York Yankee Italians.

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