Msnbc lib calls va lt HIV candidate a black puppet

^^ The only racism the right sees is racism against black Republicans. No other racism exists or they don't care about it.
It shouldn't be surprising. American racism is a democrat party phenomenon. There is a lot of hatred boiling up on the left and the latent racism often shows it's ugly head.
Good thing the Republicans are there on the important issues when it come to race like politics
Is this not expected, PMSnbc race baits and stirs up the racial hatred constantly

that station should be SHUNNED
E.W. Jackson is an uncle tom and a cracker wanna be. He is the massa's puppet and the crackers kind of compliant house negro who carries the crackers water.
Maybe if all blacks voted Republican then that would make them take notice of racism in general and not just to blacks of a certain political group.

^^ The only racism the right sees is racism against black Republicans. No other racism exists or they don't care about it.

why don't you care about racism against black Republicans? Seems to me you tolerate that form of racism very well. Why the fuck is that?

You mean important life altering Racism like name calling? Why is that more important than racism that affects peoples lives? And only important when it black conservatives and not blacks in general?

The day any of you "I'm against racism....for black conservatives only" bandwagoneers stand against anything for any blacks that doesn't involve politics I'll believe you. Right now tho, you're just fakers pretending to give a dam about blacks. Or you believe that name calling is one of the most pressing issues when it comes to racism.

Either way, you're stupid

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