MSNBC Reporting - REPUBs Take The House!!!

i am not playing this game with you. hell, you can't even keep ignoring me like you promise to do. HOWEVER - lets make this quick so you can get to your buffoonery and telling me how stupid i was for daring to be specific.

Well, after seeing you reply to so many of my post I thought I would give you a chance to see if you were ready to act like an adult.

The answer is no.

Back you go
Well, after seeing you reply to so many of my post I thought I would give you a chance to see if you were ready to act like an adult.

The answer is no.

Back you go
see what i mean? i answer your questions, i give you the details you ask for, i ask for the same in return, you cry like a bitch and run away.


sucks i know you that well, huh?

So, now that Pelosi is finally getting the boot, who is going to be the new Speaker of the House?

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Better than the shyster OZ
Another MORONIC post. A Shyster is a Lawyer. You would rather have someone who INITIALLY says “ GOOD NIGHT “ 💤 at the beginning of a debate? You want someone who has trouble reading off a teleprompter, against fracking, bail, in favor of “ drug free zones” etc? You got it
Lake is catching up and Hobbs is probably slowing down the count to make people forget about Lake.
The interesting thing is that this morning at 8:00AM EST, the % counted was higher than the current % counted.
There is hanky panky afoot.
A decrease several hours later in the vote count is extremely suspicious
Possibly in Nevada too!
Mail-in ballots still count here if postmarked by Fri., and final counts here won't be in til' Monday!!!
Ballots that are postmarked after election should NEVER be counted.
Liberals generally are not competitive and have no idea that ALL contests have time expirations where the game or effort has ended.
Who is crying?

I am elated.

The Republican Party is finally on its way to extinction.
It's official.
This election is the death knell.

American's just aren't buying what conservatism is selling anymore.

Mail in voting is on the Repugs can't even effectively suppress the vote anymore.
The end is near.

Look for a blue tidal wave in 24!

“The worst collapse in real wages in 40 years, the worst crime wave since the 1990s, the worst border crisis in US history, we have Joe Biden who is the least popular president since Harry Truman, since presidential polling happened, and there wasn’t a red wave.”

“That is a searing indictment of the Republican Party. That is a searing indictment of the message that we have been sending to the voters. They looked at all of that, looked at the Republican alternative and said ‘no, thanks’.”

Fox News pundit calls midterms a ‘searing indictment’ of the Republican Party: ‘This is an absolute disaster’ Fox News pundit calls midterms a ‘searing indictment’ of the Republican Party: ‘This is an absolute disaster’
Understand republicans made gains. It was not a large margin but libs being uncompetitive in general do not wish to recognize that although 24-20 is not a blowout like 34-10 it is Still A Victory. Liberals are now trying to play the feelings game that a non blowout is actually a loss.
Thinkers see right through that
2000 mules says otherwise. Common sense says otherwise. Critical thinking says otherwise. You're not very bright are you?
2000 mules has already been widely discredited as a fake piece of dishonest crap.

Why would you be citing something that makes your entire argument sound misinformed and biased?
Which means no one like you, thanks for clearing that up
Are you even capable of making a point?
Nobody (and especially not ME) gives a shit about your personal insults and badgering.

Hillbilly internet trolls are a dime a dozen.

You do not make yourself look more intelligent with this juvie, back and forth insult shit.

Just the opposite in fact.

Are you even capable of making a point?
Nobody (and especially not ME) gives a shit about your personal insults and badgering.

Hillbilly internet trolls are a dime a dozen.

You do not make yourself look more intelligent with this juvie, back and forth insult shit.

Just the opposite in fact.

Right, cause it's so "adult" using middle finger emojis

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