MSNBC socialist Sees the Light.

btw, this hospital is a NON-PROFIT. The best hospital of its kind in the country is a NON-PROFIT.

Now how is that possible when conservatives claim that the only path to excellence must include a profit incentive?

The people who work there are not non profit, and they are the ones who create the path to excellence. Prior to the federal government screwing up our health care system with Medicare, most hospitals were non profit, and most were excellent hospitals.

The concept of Medicare was not the problem, the implementation and operation of the system by incompetent government political appointees was, and still is.

So the new RWnut position is that the profit incentive is worthless as it relates to excellence.

lol. Maybe Walmart should convert in to a cooperative .
btw, this hospital is a NON-PROFIT. The best hospital of its kind in the country is a NON-PROFIT.

Now how is that possible when conservatives claim that the only path to excellence must include a profit incentive?

The people who work there are not non profit, and they are the ones who create the path to excellence. Prior to the federal government screwing up our health care system with Medicare, most hospitals were non profit, and most were excellent hospitals.

The concept of Medicare was not the problem, the implementation and operation of the system by incompetent government political appointees was, and still is.

So the new RWnut position is that the profit incentive is worthless as it relates to excellence.

lol. Maybe Walmart should convert in to a cooperative .

If someone gave you a brand new Cadillac you'd complain about the paint job.
Here is where you see the conflict of our current system vs. the "Fair Tax". Libertarians, Tea party and some Republicans are pushing for.

Today, the Rich are looking for ways to donate to charities because it's more profitable to, as the system is set up. If they don't donate, they will be taxed more! It's not a good hearted investment at all. It's simply a way to get more profit!

"Giving to the needy" sometimes brings your tax bracket down and it's extremely common for the rich to be forced to give to the needy so they get more profit.

Note; In the fair tax, they just assume people will give to the needy. Because so much is given already.........(They never mention it's the churches)

Obviously you're just another liberal retard who doesn't understand the tax code. A billionaire doesn't end up with more money after he makes a donation to charity. It just doesn't take as much out of his pocket as it would have if he had to make the donation with after tax savings.

Stupid remarks like yours are the proof that liberals shouldn't be allowed to vote. They are just too damn stupid.
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It's not as rare as the left-wing tards would want to believe. I too was a raving left-winger when I was much younger. Luckily I grew a brain in high school, and didn't have to end up in the hospital to realize the error of my leftard stupidity.

But at least there is one more leftard that pried his head out of his political butt long enough to see reality.

So you didn't have to end up in the hospital to become a Left Winger. You know that's an entire topic on it's own. Right Wingers are the personalities that don't know how to "see a painting that isn't in the room unless it's in there". Today's right Wingers anyway.

Problem prevention does more than problem solving. Hope, and doubt, you learned something.

So you can see a painting that isn't in the same room as you are? Normally people who make such claims are referred for psychiatric evaluation.
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The people who work there are not non profit, and they are the ones who create the path to excellence. Prior to the federal government screwing up our health care system with Medicare, most hospitals were non profit, and most were excellent hospitals.

The concept of Medicare was not the problem, the implementation and operation of the system by incompetent government political appointees was, and still is.

So the new RWnut position is that the profit incentive is worthless as it relates to excellence.

lol. Maybe Walmart should convert in to a cooperative .

If someone gave you a brand new Cadillac you'd complain about the paint job.

If cars were built solely for utility and efficiency, and sold at cost, you could get a good one for $5000, or less.
So the new RWnut position is that the profit incentive is worthless as it relates to excellence.

lol. Maybe Walmart should convert in to a cooperative .

If someone gave you a brand new Cadillac you'd complain about the paint job.

If cars were built solely for utility and efficiency, and sold at cost, you could get a good one for $5000, or less.

More proof that the far left should not be in charge of anything!
So the new RWnut position is that the profit incentive is worthless as it relates to excellence.

lol. Maybe Walmart should convert in to a cooperative .

If someone gave you a brand new Cadillac you'd complain about the paint job.

If cars were built solely for utility and efficiency, and sold at cost, you could get a good one for $5000, or less.

If a crap sandwich tasted like a ham sandwich you could eat it. If teardrops were diamonds we'd all be rich. If heartaches were commercials we'd all be on TV.
America is the number one science power on earth because it has both a private and public system of promoting it. Learn it and love it.

America was the source of more inventions and scientific discoveries before government started subsidizing it than after. Consider where the following were invented:

  1. Airplane
  2. Electronic Television
  3. Liquid fueled rockets
  4. Assembly line
  5. Telephone
  6. Telegraph
  7. Motion pictures
  8. Sound for Motion pictures
  9. Refrigeration
  10. barbed wire
  11. Type writer
  12. Cash Register
  13. Sewing Machine
  14. Cotton Gin
  15. Interchangeable parts
  16. Washing Machine
  17. Clothes Dryer
  18. Refrigerator
  19. Microphone
  20. Elevator
  21. Escalator
  22. Blue Jeans
  23. Oil Well
  24. Light Bulb
  25. Alternating Current
  26. Lightening Rod
  27. Nylon
  28. Phonograph
  29. Polio Vaccine
  30. Safety razor
  31. Vacuum cleaner
  32. Vacuum tube
  33. Vulcanization
  34. Zipper
The Koch brothers giveth, and the Koch brothers taketh away.

Doing good deeds alone doesn't necessarily make you a good person. It may just make you a bit less of an evil person.

So what makes the Koch brothers "evil?"
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Bottom line is,

a civilized, prosperous society should not have to depend on the whims of the super-rich in order to have great hospitals.

It doesn't. That doesn't mean it needs government to pay for hospital. They Mercy hospital system is run by the Catholic church. The Mayo clinic is non profit and original founded by a minister. Most hospitals were founded by religious organizations and are non-profit operations.
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btw, this hospital is a NON-PROFIT. The best hospital of its kind in the country is a NON-PROFIT.

Now how is that possible when conservatives claim that the only path to excellence must include a profit incentive?

They don't claim that. However, they do claim that government run anything is the worst possible way to provide a service.
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As of this morning the Koch brothers were worth 41.3 billion dollars, 6 billion dollars more than they were worth last year. Soros was worth 23.8 billion dollars.
They could give hundreds of millions of dollars away and it's like you or me buying a sandwich for a homeless guy.

David Koch - Forbes

Most of their wealth is tied up in their business. They can't give it away without selling off their business. Most of Soros' money is liquid. He can convert it to cash overnight.
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So the new RWnut position is that the profit incentive is worthless as it relates to excellence.

lol. Maybe Walmart should convert in to a cooperative .

If someone gave you a brand new Cadillac you'd complain about the paint job.

If cars were built solely for utility and efficiency, and sold at cost, you could get a good one for $5000, or less.

What does "sold for utility" mean? No upholstery? Wood benches? No roof or windows? no airbags, seatbelts, safety glass, 5 mph bumbers?

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If someone gave you a brand new Cadillac you'd complain about the paint job.

If cars were built solely for utility and efficiency, and sold at cost, you could get a good one for $5000, or less.

More proof that the far left should not be in charge of anything!

The Soviet government built a car "solely for utility." It was called the Trebant. You couldn't give them away in the United States.
If cars were built solely for utility and efficiency, and sold at cost, you could get a good one for $5000, or less.

More proof that the far left should not be in charge of anything!

The Soviet government built a car "solely for utility." It was called the Trebant. You couldn't give them away in the United States.

Ah, the good old days, when men were men and Soviets were Commie Bastards.
They could donate a hell of a lot more to a hell of a lot more places.

Billionaires write their donations off of their taxes. They aren't humanitarians.

They donated 25 million to the hospital O'Donnell was treated at. 25 million to the United Negro College Fund and 100 million to another hospital in NYC. That's 150 million and they aren't humanitarians? You probably haven't donated 150 dollars in your lifetime.

Trying to undermine American politics and destroy regulatory authority and social programs is causing more harm than any real good they are doing for the sole purpose to appear less monstrously callous. They are not good people and nothing short of disposing of their wealth can fix that.
By "trying to undermine American politics", do you mean disagreeing with the government and the disappearance of freedoms by way of 'regulatory authority' and opposing the welfare socialist state?

It seems you would make traitors of anyone that doesn't "compromise" by changing their vote and going along with what the dear leader says.

This free nation has existed for over 200 years because some people succeeded in undermining British politics. If I recall, the driving issue was taxation without representation. This is not unlike the issue we have today with the giving away of tax monies to fraudulent systems such as much of our "welfare" system.

Your proposed confiscation of wealth would likely apply only to those not within "the party" and result in mega-rich tyrannical rulers whose position exempts them from all the rules.
If cars were built solely for utility and efficiency, and sold at cost, you could get a good one for $5000, or less.

More proof that the far left should not be in charge of anything!

The Soviet government built a car "solely for utility." It was called the Trebant. You couldn't give them away in the United States.

Maybe they were thinking of the Volkswagen that Hitler wanted.

Just goes to show that the far left and the far right are now one and the same.

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