MSNBC socialist Sees the Light.

Here is where you see the conflict of our current system vs. the "Fair Tax". Libertarians, Tea party and some Republicans are pushing for.

Today, the Rich are looking for ways to donate to charities because it's more profitable to, as the system is set up. If they don't donate, they will be taxed more! It's not a good hearted investment at all. It's simply a way to get more profit!

"Giving to the needy" sometimes brings your tax bracket down and it's extremely common for the rich to be forced to give to the needy so they get more profit.

Note; In the fair tax, they just assume people will give to the needy. Because so much is given already.........(They never mention it's the churches)

They could donate a hell of a lot more to a hell of a lot more places.

Billionaires write their donations off of their taxes. They aren't humanitarians.

They donated 25 million to the hospital O'Donnell was treated at. 25 million to the United Negro College Fund and 100 million to another hospital in NYC. That's 150 million and they aren't humanitarians? You probably haven't donated 150 dollars in your lifetime.

OOOOH! 150m is a lot for a fucking BILLIONAIRE, right?

Jesus Christ would not call the Kochs or any other billionaire a "humanitarian". Jesus would ask, "Why do you have $36b while children can't get enough to eat?"

Negged for using the Bible to justify political views.
They donated 25 million to the hospital O'Donnell was treated at. 25 million to the United Negro College Fund and 100 million to another hospital in NYC. That's 150 million and they aren't humanitarians? You probably haven't donated 150 dollars in your lifetime.

OOOOH! 150m is a lot for a fucking BILLIONAIRE, right?

Jesus Christ would not call the Kochs or any other billionaire a "humanitarian". Jesus would ask, "Why do you have $36b while children can't get enough to eat?"

Negged for using the Bible to justify political views.
Yeah, Jesus never discussed economics. Oh wait, he did often. My bad...
btw, this hospital is a NON-PROFIT. The best hospital of its kind in the country is a NON-PROFIT.

Now how is that possible when conservatives claim that the only path to excellence must include a profit incentive?

Why do people think that non profit means that you don't actually make money?
Did some of you miss the part in the clip where O'Donnell says he agrees with Harry Reid about the Koch brothers?

Wow, you really are a True Believer. It's like you're genetically prohibited from giving even an inch, even as much as O'Donnell did.

I wonder what you think would happen if you did.

Fascinating stuff.


I'm the one person in the thread who accurately described what O'Donnell did, which was to give credit where credit was due,

nothing more, nothing less.

You are also the one person in this thread who said really stupid things in defense of his position, but don't let that stop you from pretending you are intelligent.
btw, this hospital is a NON-PROFIT. The best hospital of its kind in the country is a NON-PROFIT.

Now how is that possible when conservatives claim that the only path to excellence must include a profit incentive?

Why do people think that non profit means that you don't actually make money?

Apparently the RWnuts around here who go on and on about the profit motive.
Wow, you really are a True Believer. It's like you're genetically prohibited from giving even an inch, even as much as O'Donnell did.

I wonder what you think would happen if you did.

Fascinating stuff.


I'm the one person in the thread who accurately described what O'Donnell did, which was to give credit where credit was due,

nothing more, nothing less.

You are also the one person in this thread who said really stupid things in defense of his position, but don't let that stop you from pretending you are intelligent.

And yet you can't cite them. The only real stupidity in this thread is you not seeing the stupidity of the rightwing nut crowd that you pretend to not be loyal member of.
If cars were built solely for utility and efficiency, and sold at cost, you could get a good one for $5000, or less.

More proof that the far left should not be in charge of anything!
His point is correct, capitalism builds what people will pay for, not what they need necessarily.


No, fail. If cars were only sold at cost, you couldn't get one for $5,000 or less, because you couldn't get one AT ALL.

They would not build the car period.

You people on the left live in this mythic fantasy world, where manufacturing plants, and supply chains, all pop into existence from magic fairy dust or something.

It takes MILLIONS ON MILLIONS of dollars to setup. Where does that money come from? Investors. Who invests to earn a 0% return on investment? Because in order to pay those investors an ROI, you have to have profit.

No profit, no investors. No investors, no money to build auto plant. No auto plant, no car.

Hello... you sell anything "at cost", and generally you don't have much to sell. Very few counter examples.

So, no you wouldn't be able to get one for $5,000 or less, or even more. You wouldn't be able to get it at all.

Second, it doesn't really matter how cheap the car is, or how efficient the car is, how much the utility the car has, if no one wants it.


This is a Kandi Coco.

It's a street legal, $6,000 car. 60 MPG. Utility value only. How many have you seen?


$7,000 car. 3 wheels. 600 cc engine. 70 MPG. Power nothing. No AC. Extremely cramped.

How many have you seen on the roads lately? Bet you didn't even know such a thing existed in the US.

Point being making up these mythical examples where "if cars were only built for efficiency and utility........" is pointless. People don't want stuff that only has efficiency and utility.

They want cars with 'bling bling". They want cars with un-necessary amnesties.

I like the fact I can hit a button on my key chain, and the truck pops up. I like the fact I can hit a button and the window rolls all the way down. I like the fact I can hit another button and all the windows defrost, without me having to scrape them.

That's why I bought a Mercury Grand Marquis, and not a crappy 3-wheel Snider Motor car.

ooo but it's efficient! 70 mpg! Don't care. I like my nice car.
Bottom line is,

a civilized, prosperous society should not have to depend on the whims of the super-rich in order to have great hospitals.

A civilized society wouldn't have certificates of need for hospitals, but thanks for playing.

Then why not turn all needs of the less fortunate over to the whims of the rich?

Why not end all medical assistance to those who can't afford it, except for what they can get from charity?

Why not end all public education and let the poor go without unless someone comes along and voluntarily makes it affordable for them?

Why not, thus, give up this whole idea of being a civilized society and go back to the laws of the jungle?

the koch's philanthropy does nothing to offset their destructiveness.... exempt of course to loons like you who buy the PR.

and Lawrence O'Donnell is still a socialist.


Generally anything a leftist says is 'destructive', I assume is something good for the country. Thus far, that line of reasoning has never failed me.
So the new RWnut position is that the profit incentive is worthless as it relates to excellence.

lol. Maybe Walmart should convert in to a cooperative .

If someone gave you a brand new Cadillac you'd complain about the paint job.

If cars were built solely for utility and efficiency, and sold at cost, you could get a good one for $5000, or less.

Except for the fact that the government would never let that happen, you have a good point.
If someone gave you a brand new Cadillac you'd complain about the paint job.

If cars were built solely for utility and efficiency, and sold at cost, you could get a good one for $5000, or less.

Except for the fact that the government would never let that happen, you have a good point.

Um.... then why is it I can find such cars in existence already?

What would they not allow to happen exactly?
OOOOH! 150m is a lot for a fucking BILLIONAIRE, right?

Jesus Christ would not call the Kochs or any other billionaire a "humanitarian". Jesus would ask, "Why do you have $36b while children can't get enough to eat?"

Negged for using the Bible to justify political views.
Yeah, Jesus never discussed economics. Oh wait, he did often. My bad...

Not the point.

I neg anyone who uses the Bible to justify their political views, been doing it for month. It doesn't matter if they are right, or wrong, they get negged when I come across the post.
btw, this hospital is a NON-PROFIT. The best hospital of its kind in the country is a NON-PROFIT.

Now how is that possible when conservatives claim that the only path to excellence must include a profit incentive?

Why do people think that non profit means that you don't actually make money?

Apparently the RWnuts around here who go on and on about the profit motive.

You are the idiot made the stupid post, are you a right winger now?
I'm the one person in the thread who accurately described what O'Donnell did, which was to give credit where credit was due,

nothing more, nothing less.

You are also the one person in this thread who said really stupid things in defense of his position, but don't let that stop you from pretending you are intelligent.

And yet you can't cite them. The only real stupidity in this thread is you not seeing the stupidity of the rightwing nut crowd that you pretend to not be loyal member of.

I just did, and you blamed it on right wingers. But thanks for pointing out that you can't remember a post you just replied to.
Bottom line is,

a civilized, prosperous society should not have to depend on the whims of the super-rich in order to have great hospitals.

A civilized society wouldn't have certificates of need for hospitals, but thanks for playing.

Then why not turn all needs of the less fortunate over to the whims of the rich?

Why not end all medical assistance to those who can't afford it, except for what they can get from charity?

Why not end all public education and let the poor go without unless someone comes along and voluntarily makes it affordable for them?

Why not, thus, give up this whole idea of being a civilized society and go back to the laws of the jungle?

Damn that was even dumber that your post about non profits.

Certificates of need are issued by the government, not by rich people. Until you start railing about the way government rations health care by denying the ability of rich people to build more hospitals you are not going to impress me even slightly with your insane rant against rich people building hospitals.
Negged for using the Bible to justify political views.
Yeah, Jesus never discussed economics. Oh wait, he did often. My bad...

Not the point.

I neg anyone who uses the Bible to justify their political views, been doing it for month. It doesn't matter if they are right, or wrong, they get negged when I come across the post.
And exactly what makes you think that matters to anyone but you? The last time I checked the Pope himself was pretty found of quoting the Bible, on Political matters...
If cars were built solely for utility and efficiency, and sold at cost, you could get a good one for $5000, or less.

Except for the fact that the government would never let that happen, you have a good point.

Um.... then why is it I can find such cars in existence already?

What would they not allow to happen exactly?


He wanted a bare bones care built only for utility. In other words, absolutely no safety features, no back up camera, and none of the features that the government mandates, including airbags. The fact that you can glorified golf cars that are not legal to drive on freeways, and cars that were built in the 1960s, before all the new safety regulations were handed down, in no way proves that you have a point.

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