MSNBC socialist Sees the Light.

Yeah, because Google and Wikipedia are divine truth, but radio is automatically wrong.

As someone who personally suffers from asthma, the worst place I can be is on a farm out in the country. I've lived in the city my whole life. Haven't dropped dead yet.

As for the sky is falling frog bit.... yeah. I can look back at news stories from the early 1900s and they said we only have a few years left. They said it again in the 1950s. Then in the 1970s. And the 1980s. And now today we still only have a few more years and it's over. We're all doomed.

For the last hundred years we heard that we only have a few more years. Here's the truth. You don't know what you are talking about. All of the models, and predictions, and doom and gloom of the inevitable end of the planet, have all been wrong. They've been wrong for 100 years, and are still wrong today, and will be wrong for the next 100 years.

Nope, never said that Google or Wikipedia were the divine truth, but however, if you Google something, you can get the views on both sides of the fence because there is room on the 'net for opposing views.

If you look something up on Wikipedia, you're going to get a start in the right direction, because Wikipedia requires verifications of the information you post, or they will delete it.

Radio? Well..............most of those people can pontificate about almost any subject they want, and don't have to back it up with facts, only use rhetoric to turn the people to their views. Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh as well as many others come to mind. They don't have facts behind them, but their rhetoric sounds like gospel (even if it's full of flaws, half truths and plain wrong facts).

If you have asthma, no..................sorry..............but the BEST place you can be is somewhere out in the country. Cities have had smog warnings (check out L.A. in the 70's and 80's), and they told those with breathing problems (i.e. older people and those with asthma) to stay inside so that they didn't suffer complications from breathing polluted air.

I'm wondering how well you'd do in the big cities of China like Beijing? Even Olympic athletes (who have a much better 02 uptake than you do) were loathe to go there to compete because of the dirty air.

And the 70's, 80's, and 90's, they were trying to warn us not to cross over the tipping point.

Only trouble is...............we've finally hit it.

Want some oceanfront property in Arizona (like in the popular country and western song)? Wait around 20 years or so, and you may have it.

I've caught more than a dozens of errors on Wikipedia, especially on this topic. That's one of the reasons I am an editor on Wikipedia, and routinely delete that crap. But there's only so much time, and I can't clean up every crap filled article on there. Just how it is.

As for radio, yeah it's the same. The difference is, you think one error filled medium is better than the other error filled medium. Well, that is your opinion. It's a false claim, but you have the right to be wrong on that. That said, I don't listen to radio at all. You just assumed that.

Further, I find it a complete joke, that you think that you know better than someone who actually suffers from Asthma, what is best for them. You really should reconsider your arrogance on that.

Lastly, you changed the topic. Localized air pollution, is different from "the entire planet is going to be ruined!".

We all know that localized pollution is a real issue that must be dealt with. That is completely different from lets ban everything planet wide, to save the Earth.

By all means, if you live in a city with a real pollution problem, pass the regulation on your city, that is needed to fix it.

That's a far cry from "let's ban all use of coal world wide!". You regulate your city. But when you go to the UN, and demand the rest of us follow what you did, no. I don't think so.

I notice that you totally left Google alone. Yeah................Wikipedia can be wrong on occasion, but that is why I verify my information from no less than 3 (and in some cases 5) different sources.

Localized pollution is a real issue and yes, it must be dealt with, because if localized pollution is allowed to continue, it spreads to larger areas, and eventually can cover the planet. We're already seeing some of those things happen. Wanna talk about Vancouver not having enough snow for the Olympics, yet Washington DC saw record snow? It's because of the climate change.

And......................what if the city (like Beijing China) doesn't want to pass regulations until they have a major event (like the Olympics)? The only reason they tried (and failed) to clean up their air was because it was going to be on the world stage.

And no.....................I didn't say "ban coal", although I think it's a good idea. I just think that we should find better ways of generating energy.

And yeah..............the world is a closed ecosystem, and if we crap up one area, it's just gonna spread to another.

Do you understand how science, the jet stream, physics and all that other stuff works? I'm guessing you don't.

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