MSNBC socialist Sees the Light.

Yeah, Jesus never discussed economics. Oh wait, he did often. My bad...

Not the point.

I neg anyone who uses the Bible to justify their political views, been doing it for month. It doesn't matter if they are right, or wrong, they get negged when I come across the post.
And exactly what makes you think that matters to anyone but you? The last time I checked the Pope himself was pretty found of quoting the Bible, on Political matters...

If he posted here I would neg him.

What the fuck is your point?
A civilized society wouldn't have certificates of need for hospitals, but thanks for playing.

Then why not turn all needs of the less fortunate over to the whims of the rich?

Why not end all medical assistance to those who can't afford it, except for what they can get from charity?

Why not end all public education and let the poor go without unless someone comes along and voluntarily makes it affordable for them?

Why not, thus, give up this whole idea of being a civilized society and go back to the laws of the jungle?

Damn that was even dumber that your post about non profits.

Certificates of need are issued by the government, not by rich people. Until you start railing about the way government rations health care by denying the ability of rich people to build more hospitals you are not going to impress me even slightly with your insane rant against rich people building hospitals.

You're the anarchist. What did I say above, as hypotheticals, that you wouldn't want to see happen?
Then why not turn all needs of the less fortunate over to the whims of the rich?

Why not end all medical assistance to those who can't afford it, except for what they can get from charity?

Why not end all public education and let the poor go without unless someone comes along and voluntarily makes it affordable for them?

Why not, thus, give up this whole idea of being a civilized society and go back to the laws of the jungle?

Damn that was even dumber that your post about non profits.

Certificates of need are issued by the government, not by rich people. Until you start railing about the way government rations health care by denying the ability of rich people to build more hospitals you are not going to impress me even slightly with your insane rant against rich people building hospitals.

You're the anarchist. What did I say above, as hypotheticals, that you wouldn't want to see happen?

Why don't you address the point I made about certificates of need and the damage they cause? Is it because it is a government program, and you are pro government no matter what, or do you just not understand the issues?
They donated 25 million to the hospital O'Donnell was treated at. 25 million to the United Negro College Fund and 100 million to another hospital in NYC. That's 150 million and they aren't humanitarians? You probably haven't donated 150 dollars in your lifetime.

Trying to undermine American politics and destroy regulatory authority and social programs is causing more harm than any real good they are doing for the sole purpose to appear less monstrously callous. They are not good people and nothing short of disposing of their wealth can fix that.
By "trying to undermine American politics", do you mean disagreeing with the government and the disappearance of freedoms by way of 'regulatory authority' and opposing the welfare socialist state?

It seems you would make traitors of anyone that doesn't "compromise" by changing their vote and going along with what the dear leader says.

This free nation has existed for over 200 years because some people succeeded in undermining British politics. If I recall, the driving issue was taxation without representation. This is not unlike the issue we have today with the giving away of tax monies to fraudulent systems such as much of our "welfare" system.

Your proposed confiscation of wealth would likely apply only to those not within "the party" and result in mega-rich tyrannical rulers whose position exempts them from all the rules.

Occupied just made it clear that he believes anyone who opposes government programs and regulations is an enemy of the state. Once his type gain control over this country, anyone who has ever criticised the government will be digging for gold with our bare hands in a government Gulag in Alaska. If you want to understand the mentality of people like Lois Lerner, just read what Occupied posts in this forum.
btw, this hospital is a NON-PROFIT. The best hospital of its kind in the country is a NON-PROFIT.

Now how is that possible when conservatives claim that the only path to excellence must include a profit incentive?

Why do people think that non profit means that you don't actually make money?

The liberal moron believes that "non profit" is the same as "government run." Of course, the liberal moron ignores the role that guns play in whatever the government does.
Negged for using the Bible to justify political views.
Yeah, Jesus never discussed economics. Oh wait, he did often. My bad...

Not the point.

I neg anyone who uses the Bible to justify their political views, been doing it for month. It doesn't matter if they are right, or wrong, they get negged when I come across the post.

That's perfectly fine with me. I do have to ask... what's the rational for doing that? You just hate religious people? That's a perfectly acceptable reason, but just wondering what it is?

And a follow up.... if today was 1806.... would you have also given William Wilberforce a negative since his push against the slave trade was based entirely on the Bible?
Apparently the RWnuts around here who go on and on about the profit motive.

You are the idiot made the stupid post, are you a right winger now?

If you are in denial about the conservative obsession with profits as the engines of efficiency, that's your problem.

You mean understanding economics is the same as "obsession with profits?"

Are engineers "obsessed" with the laws of physics?
Damn that was even dumber that your post about non profits.

Certificates of need are issued by the government, not by rich people. Until you start railing about the way government rations health care by denying the ability of rich people to build more hospitals you are not going to impress me even slightly with your insane rant against rich people building hospitals.

You're the anarchist. What did I say above, as hypotheticals, that you wouldn't want to see happen?

Why don't you address the point I made about certificates of need and the damage they cause? Is it because it is a government program, and you are pro government no matter what, or do you just not understand the issues?

He doesn't address it because he supports forcing investors to get a certificate of need before they build a hospital. We can't have any greedy capitalists making money off of hospitals that no one "needs," right?
They could donate a hell of a lot more to a hell of a lot more places.

Billionaires write their donations off of their taxes. They aren't humanitarians.

They donated 25 million to the hospital O'Donnell was treated at. 25 million to the United Negro College Fund and 100 million to another hospital in NYC. That's 150 million and they aren't humanitarians? You probably haven't donated 150 dollars in your lifetime.

OOOOH! 150m is a lot for a fucking BILLIONAIRE, right?

Jesus Christ would not call the Kochs or any other billionaire a "humanitarian". Jesus would ask, "Why do you have $36b while children can't get enough to eat?"

um..... no, I don't think so. Jesus had numerous chances to say such things to people he came in contact with. Dozens. Some of the apostles were wealthy. Many of the early church were wealthy to, and that was not said to them either.

There is only one time where Jesus said that, and it was to one specific person. But there were many wealthy followers of his before that, and after that, indicating that this one specific person needed that specific direction.

But Zacchaeus wasn't told to give all his billions away, and he was extremely wealthy.

So no, I don't think so. You are making a claim about Jesus, that Jesus never made.
Yeah, Jesus never discussed economics. Oh wait, he did often. My bad...

Not the point.

I neg anyone who uses the Bible to justify their political views, been doing it for month. It doesn't matter if they are right, or wrong, they get negged when I come across the post.

That's perfectly fine with me. I do have to ask... what's the rational for doing that? You just hate religious people? That's a perfectly acceptable reason, but just wondering what it is?

And a follow up.... if today was 1806.... would you have also given William Wilberforce a negative since his push against the slave trade was based entirely on the Bible?
They had internet back then? I didn't know Al Gore was that old!
Yeah, Jesus never discussed economics. Oh wait, he did often. My bad...

Not the point.

I neg anyone who uses the Bible to justify their political views, been doing it for month. It doesn't matter if they are right, or wrong, they get negged when I come across the post.

That's perfectly fine with me. I do have to ask... what's the rational for doing that? You just hate religious people? That's a perfectly acceptable reason, but just wondering what it is?

And a follow up.... if today was 1806.... would you have also given William Wilberforce a negative since his push against the slave trade was based entirely on the Bible?

My rational for that is that it contradicts the teachings of Jesus. If that means I hate religion in the peanut you use to think, so be it.
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I like the fact I can hit a button on my key chain, and the truck pops up.

So you got one of these? Cool.

[ame=]Hydraulic Bouncing Truck at the 2009 Charleston Boulevard Car Show - YouTube[/ame]

Not exactly. I'm just into luxury... now kewl. I have no interest in impressing other people.

But if you like that, go for it.
Not the point.

I neg anyone who uses the Bible to justify their political views, been doing it for month. It doesn't matter if they are right, or wrong, they get negged when I come across the post.

That's perfectly fine with me. I do have to ask... what's the rational for doing that? You just hate religious people? That's a perfectly acceptable reason, but just wondering what it is?

And a follow up.... if today was 1806.... would you have also given William Wilberforce a negative since his push against the slave trade was based entirely on the Bible?

My rational for that is that it contradicts the teachings of Jesus. If that means I hate religion in the peanut you use to think, so be it.

But you just contradicted yourself. You said that you neg anyone who uses the Bible to justify their political views.

Now you say you neg because it contradicts what Jesus said.

Those are two different things. I often use the Bible to justify my political views, because they are inline with what Jesus said. Not contradicting.

By definition, if it contradicts what Jesus said, it is impossible to use the Bible to justify it. You can't use the Bible to justify something that contradicts Jesus. The whole Bible is about Jesus.

Sorry, but I actually watched Lawrence when he was talking about his experience and the car wreck. Matter of fact, it was the first segment of his show on Monday when he came back to work.

No........................Lawrence HASN'T done a 180. He still holds his views and disagrees very much with the political stance that the Koch brothers have. However, he also stated that even though he does not agree with them on many things, on this one part where they have done some good for lots of people by building the hospital, he's happy they did it, and approves of their actions in this instance.

the koch's philanthropy does nothing to offset their destructiveness.... exempt of course to loons like you who buy the PR.

and Lawrence O'Donnell is still a socialist.


You must have missed a good point here. He was bragging about the excellent care he received. That's the difference between gov't running your health care and those who know how to. Open your mind.

Sorry, but I actually watched Lawrence when he was talking about his experience and the car wreck. Matter of fact, it was the first segment of his show on Monday when he came back to work.

No........................Lawrence HASN'T done a 180. He still holds his views and disagrees very much with the political stance that the Koch brothers have. However, he also stated that even though he does not agree with them on many things, on this one part where they have done some good for lots of people by building the hospital, he's happy they did it, and approves of their actions in this instance.

Exactly. Stick to the issues and stop with the sick nasty bomb tossing and hateful slander.
The question is whether Lawrence will learn from his experience or continue to keep his head in the sand about socialism. Without wealth creators like the Koch brothers, there is no money with which to implement socialism.
It often takes a life threatening situation to wake someone like O'Donnell up. It may take a while but I predict as he discusses the virtues of socialism with his commie friends, he will find himself defending capitalism (if he's honest).
But if he continues to be the hypocrite he's always been, he'll keep demonizing the same people who made it possible for him to still be alive.

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