MSNBC somehow getting dumber


<--- Pic is not me
Jan 23, 2010
Cincinnati, OH
Just wow.

[ame=]MSNBC's Touré: Red-State Senators in 'Gerrymandered' District - YouTube[/ame]

Via Hot Air...

Toure: Let?s face it, red-state Senate Dems criticize ObamaCare because we live in a gerrymandered world « Hot Air

So we’re left with this guy, who, after listing a bunch of Democratic senators, mused about the challenges of governing in a “gerrymandered world.” People are goofing on him on Twitter because, of course, gerrymandering is a House phenomenon, not a Senate one. The “gerrymander lines” for a senator are the, um, state borders.

Here’s what I want to know, though: What was he trying to say? The point he’s making, as I understand it, is basically the opposite of the criticism that’s usually made about gerrymandering. He seems to be saying that red-state Dems have no choice but to push a mildly conservative critique of O-Care since, after all, they do come from red states. If you’re a Democrat who wants to get reelected by a mostly Republican electorate, you’ve got to pander to voters in the other party a little. The knock on gerrymandering, though, is that you never have to pander to the other party. By drawing district lines irregularly to aggregate a huge majority of voters who are either Democrats or Republicans, you’re guaranteeing that the House member they elect only needs to appeal to that majority.

That’s (allegedly) one of the sources of gridlock in the House: You don’t see many swing votes in the middle because most reps come from districts where there’s already a solid majority from one party or the other, which forces them to do their party base’s bidding. Landrieu, Begich, et al. are in the opposite situation. They wish they were gerrymandered somehow so that they could go face-first into the tank for ObamaCare and never worry about paying a price for it. So … what on earth is Toure talking about? Dude?

"Dude?" indeed. WTH? :lol:
They aren't any dumber than they were a year or five or ten or twenty years ago. They are desperate left wing political hacks who are confused about the fact that Americans are smarter than they were during the good old days when Cronkite was the "most trusted man in America".
Don't think it's possible to get too dumb in programming when your audience is a giant cesspool of low information voters. Dumber just makes it easier for them to try to understand.
Don't think it's possible to get too dumb in programming when your audience is a giant cesspool of low information voters. Dumber just makes it easier for them to try to understand.


This thread is about MSNBC, not Faux Noise

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