MSNBC - The bane of conservatives - is one of the few outlets acknowledging Paul wins

All you have to do is listen to he talk for more than a 30 Second Canned Response in a debate. Dude intertwines Great ideas and periods of Lucidness, with rants that make little sense and Border on the Hysterical and Insane. His Ideas on defense, I think anyways, are shortsighted and fail to learn from History.

The Man simply has 0 Chance of winning a General Election. He is a SURE way to assure a Second Term for the disastrous one.

First of all your proper nouns are all F-ed up. Dude, general election isn't a proper noun. Either use proper grammar or just let it go.

Second, what specifically do you disagree with?
So, who made YOU the boards official grammer police?

And, who are you to tell anybody to "let it go"?

No one did. All I did was point out that you are capitalizing random shit like 'lucidness'.

Of all the things I've posted that is what you are going to take offense to?

And I was saying either use proper grammar, or let it all go; use text message bullshit, don't capitalize anything. But to randomly capitalize stuff makes you look stupid...
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All you have to do is listen to he talk for more than a 30 Second Canned Response in a debate. Dude intertwines Great ideas and periods of Lucidness, with rants that make little sense and Border on the Hysterical and Insane. His Ideas on defense, I think anyways, are shortsighted and fail to learn from History.

The Man simply has 0 Chance of winning a General Election. He is a SURE way to assure a Second Term for the disastrous one.

First of all your proper nouns are all F-ed up. Dude, general election isn't a proper noun. Either use proper grammar or just let it go.

Second, what specifically do you disagree with?
So, who made YOU the boards official grammer police?

And, who are you to tell anybody to "let it go"?

who Made you The board's Village idiot? :confused::confused:
Ron Paul will never be president for the same reason Rand Paul won't, Dennis Kucinich won't, Paul E. Tsongas wasn't, Hubert Humphrey wasn't, Gary Bauer wasn't: they are all wimpy men. Americans will not vote for a wimpy man for president, no matter what his ideas are.

The only reason Wimpy Bush won was because Dukakis was even wimpier. Perot was wimpy in stature, but talked tougher than anyone else and had proven his toughness in business. But losing his nerve in the summer of 1992 kept him from maybe being the exception to the wimpy rule.
So, care to explain how whimpy Obama got elected?

Paul won't be elected because he's a friggin' nutter to the core.

Really? I don't think we need to rehash the facts of the 2008 presidential election. How Obama got elected is well documented.

20% of Americans are satisfied with the direction of this country. Nutter? The hell are you saying? Oh, an ideological consistent 12 term Congressman has no chance. :cuckoo:

Do you actually have something to contribute instead of the same bullshit?
Yeah, he has zero chance........He will not get the nomination, he will never be elected.

The man is a nutter...........This isn't the 1700's where his world view would have worked just fine back then.

All you have to do is listen to the man. As CM said, he goes from lucid and precise, to going off on rambling BS runs of the mouth.

Maybe his age is catching up with him. Maybe he's just a nutter to the core. I happen to believe it's a combination of both.

There is no way in hell that man should ever occupy the oval office.
It's not that mysterious. Ron Paul represents the only significant challenge to the status quo. Naturally, people dissatisfied with the status quo, people who find themselves shut out by the current establishment, will be in favor of shaking things up. They also make the same mistake that many on he left make and see Paul's principled opposition to identity politics as an endorsement of their bigoted beliefs. But fringe groups with bizarre agendas support mainstream candidates as well; it's only an issue with Paul because it goes well with the establishment's campaign to portray him as a nutjob.
Nobody's "portraying" him as a nujob........He is a friggin' nutjob.

All you have to do is listen to he talk for more than a 30 Second Canned Response in a debate. Dude intertwines Great ideas and periods of Lucidness, with rants that make little sense and Border on the Hysterical and Insane. His Ideas on defense, I think anyways, are shortsighted and fail to learn from History.

The Man simply has 0 Chance of winning a General Election. He is a SURE way to assure a Second Term for the disastrous one.

Link to where Ron Paul can't win the GE....?

Will you show me yours if I show you mine?

Obama in Close Race Against Romney, Perry, Bachmann, Paul
So, care to explain how whimpy Obama got elected?

Paul won't be elected because he's a friggin' nutter to the core.

Really? I don't think we need to rehash the facts of the 2008 presidential election. How Obama got elected is well documented.

20% of Americans are satisfied with the direction of this country. Nutter? The hell are you saying? Oh, an ideological consistent 12 term Congressman has no chance. :cuckoo:

Do you actually have something to contribute instead of the same bullshit?
Yeah, he has zero chance........He will not get the nomination, he will never be elected.

The man is a nutter...........This isn't the 1700's where his world view would have worked just fine back then.

All you have to do is listen to the man. As CM said, he goes from lucid and precise, to going off on rambling BS runs of the mouth.

Maybe his age is catching up with him. Maybe he's just a nutter to the core. I happen to believe it's a combination of both.

There is no way in hell that man should ever occupy the oval office.

So don't have anything to contribute...
First of all your proper nouns are all F-ed up. Dude, general election isn't a proper noun. Either use proper grammar or just let it go.

Second, what specifically do you disagree with?
So, who made YOU the boards official grammer police?

And, who are you to tell anybody to "let it go"?

No one did. All I did was point out that you are capitalizing random shit like 'lucidness'.

Of all the things I've posted that is what you are going to take offense to?

And I was saying either use proper grammar, or let it all go; use text message bullshit, don't capitalize anything. But to randomly capitalize stuff makes you look stupid...
First of all, you were addressing CM about HIS grammar.

And, who gives a fuck if someones grammar is not perfect?

Who in the fuck are you to get all pompous and arrogant about it?

I'm sure i'll no doubt see you do a typo, and i'll be sure to point it out like an asshole.
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Nobody's "portraying" him as a nujob........He is a friggin' nutjob.

All you have to do is listen to he talk for more than a 30 Second Canned Response in a debate. Dude intertwines Great ideas and periods of Lucidness, with rants that make little sense and Border on the Hysterical and Insane. His Ideas on defense, I think anyways, are shortsighted and fail to learn from History.

The Man simply has 0 Chance of winning a General Election. He is a SURE way to assure a Second Term for the disastrous one.

Link to where Ron Paul can't win the GE....?

Will you show me yours if I show you mine?

Obama in Close Race Against Romney, Perry, Bachmann, Paul

Can't provide a link to his tarot card readings. He sees the future so well, you'd think he have something more insightful to say.

So, who made YOU the boards official grammer police?

And, who are you to tell anybody to "let it go"?

No one did. All I did was point out that you are capitalizing random shit like 'lucidness'.

Of all the things I've posted that is what you are going to take offense to?

And I was saying either use proper grammar, or let it all go; use text message bullshit, don't capitalize anything. But to randomly capitalize stuff makes you look stupid...
First of all, you were addressing CM about HIS grammar.

And, who gives a fuck if someones grammer is not perfect?

Who in the fuck are you to get all pompous and arrogant about it?

I'm sure i'll no doubt see you do a typo, and i'll be sure to point it out like an asshole.

Perfect? No, not perfect, but at least on a high school level. And please, correct me if I make such stupid mistakes. I believe Ron Paul would at least be able to write things with a high school level of grammar.

What the hell is your point?
No one did. All I did was point out that you are capitalizing random shit like 'lucidness'.

Of all the things I've posted that is what you are going to take offense to?

And I was saying either use proper grammar, or let it all go; use text message bullshit, don't capitalize anything. But to randomly capitalize stuff makes you look stupid...
First of all, you were addressing CM about HIS grammar.

And, who gives a fuck if someones grammer is not perfect?

Who in the fuck are you to get all pompous and arrogant about it?

I'm sure i'll no doubt see you do a typo, and i'll be sure to point it out like an asshole.

Perfect? No, not perfect, but at least on a high school level. And please, correct me if I make such stupid mistakes. I believe Ron Paul would at least be able to write things with a high school level of grammar.

What the hell is your point?
The point is, you only pointed out his grammar because what he said was spot on, and as you Paullettes have a tendency to do, you try and attack something completely stupid, to deflect away from a spot on observance of Paul being a nutter.
First of all, you were addressing CM about HIS grammar.

And, who gives a fuck if someones grammer is not perfect?

Who in the fuck are you to get all pompous and arrogant about it?

I'm sure i'll no doubt see you do a typo, and i'll be sure to point it out like an asshole.

Perfect? No, not perfect, but at least on a high school level. And please, correct me if I make such stupid mistakes. I believe Ron Paul would at least be able to write things with a high school level of grammar.

What the hell is your point?
The point is, you only pointed out his grammar because what he said was spot on, and as you Paullettes have a tendency to do, you try and attack something completely stupid, to deflect away from a spot on observance of Paul being a nutter.

Jesus Christ, fine screw the grammar. Is that all you are going to harp on?
First of all, you were addressing CM about HIS grammar.

And, who gives a fuck if someones grammer is not perfect?

Who in the fuck are you to get all pompous and arrogant about it?

I'm sure i'll no doubt see you do a typo, and i'll be sure to point it out like an asshole.

Perfect? No, not perfect, but at least on a high school level. And please, correct me if I make such stupid mistakes. I believe Ron Paul would at least be able to write things with a high school level of grammar.

What the hell is your point?
The point is, you only pointed out his grammar because what he said was spot on, and as you Paullettes have a tendency to do, you try and attack something completely stupid, to deflect away from a spot on observance of Paul being a nutter.

A nutter. That is the premise of all of your posts, with nothing behind it. Insightful shit, you are a very smart person :clap2:
Perfect? No, not perfect, but at least on a high school level. And please, correct me if I make such stupid mistakes. I believe Ron Paul would at least be able to write things with a high school level of grammar.

What the hell is your point?
The point is, you only pointed out his grammar because what he said was spot on, and as you Paullettes have a tendency to do, you try and attack something completely stupid, to deflect away from a spot on observance of Paul being a nutter.

A nutter. That is the premise of all of your posts, with nothing behind it. Insightful shit, you are a very smart person :clap2:
Yeah, all one has to do is listen to him during any debate. He goes off on rambling friggin' nonsense. He'll get asked about gay marriage, and by the time he's finished, he's back to his foreign policy BS. Blaming the US for all the worlds ills, or whatever is going through that bizarre mind at the time.

Seriously, the dude can't control what is put out in his goofy newsletters. And we're supposed to believe he can lead this country. That he can sit with world leaders without going off on one of his rambling, nonsense laden mouth rides?

Give me a friggin' break.

This dude should not be experiencing those 3 AM phone call moments. That's for damn sure.
The point is, you only pointed out his grammar because what he said was spot on, and as you Paullettes have a tendency to do, you try and attack something completely stupid, to deflect away from a spot on observance of Paul being a nutter.

A nutter. That is the premise of all of your posts, with nothing behind it. Insightful shit, you are a very smart person :clap2:
Yeah, all one has to do is listen to him during any debate. He goes off on rambling friggin' nonsense. He'll get asked about gay marriage, and by the time he's finished, he's back to his foreign policy BS. Blaming the US for all the worlds ills, or whatever is going through that bizarre mind at the time.

Seriously, the dude can't control what is put out in his goofy newsletters. And we're supposed to believe he can lead this country. That he can sit with world leaders without going off on one of his rambling, nonsense laden mouth rides?

Give me a friggin' break.

This dude should not be experiencing those 3 AM phone call moments. That's for damn sure.

And then the crowd goes wild! But you get all pissy because he was right =D
A nutter. That is the premise of all of your posts, with nothing behind it. Insightful shit, you are a very smart person :clap2:
Yeah, all one has to do is listen to him during any debate. He goes off on rambling friggin' nonsense. He'll get asked about gay marriage, and by the time he's finished, he's back to his foreign policy BS. Blaming the US for all the worlds ills, or whatever is going through that bizarre mind at the time.

Seriously, the dude can't control what is put out in his goofy newsletters. And we're supposed to believe he can lead this country. That he can sit with world leaders without going off on one of his rambling, nonsense laden mouth rides?

Give me a friggin' break.

This dude should not be experiencing those 3 AM phone call moments. That's for damn sure.

And then the crowd goes wild! But you get all pissy because he was right =D
No, ignorant Paullette's go wild.....The non-ignorant just shake their heads at the sad sight of a loony old man making a fool of himself....And then, sometimes, they just boo when he gets really ridiculous.

Nut Ron Paul Booed at Iowa Debate (Video) | The Gateway Pundit

Yep, it's no wonder he can't control his newsletter. He can barely control what goes on in his own mind.
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I am sick of hearing "I like what he says, but he can't win", it is god damned bull shit.

I think I've figured out what this means. Along with it's counterpart "Ron Paul has good ideas on fiscal policy, but he loses me on foreign policy..."

The people uttering this rationalizations are neo-cons trying to dodge the embarrassment of the Bush legacy. They want to slip out from underneath the shame of the Bush administration, but they still hang on to the neo-con version of American Exceptionalism - which translates roughly to "We rock! And we should rule the world!"

It means they are Progressive big Government liberal Neocons that don't mind debt growing at a rate that will leave us un able to pay it back... Of course these same people usually don't want to cut anything meaningful.

"Liberal neocon?" Completely impossible.
And, who are you to tell anybody to "let it go"?

I think I've figured out what this means. Along with it's counterpart "Ron Paul has good ideas on fiscal policy, but he loses me on foreign policy..."

The people uttering this rationalizations are neo-cons trying to dodge the embarrassment of the Bush legacy. They want to slip out from underneath the shame of the Bush administration, but they still hang on to the neo-con version of American Exceptionalism - which translates roughly to "We rock! And we should rule the world!"

It means they are Progressive big Government liberal Neocons that don't mind debt growing at a rate that will leave us un able to pay it back... Of course these same people usually don't want to cut anything meaningful.

"Liberal neocon?" Completely impossible.

No, it's not. Not really. In fact, there is often more to "neocon" that is liberal than is conservative.
First of all your proper nouns are all F-ed up. Dude, general election isn't a proper noun. Either use proper grammar or just let it go.

Second, what specifically do you disagree with?
So, who made YOU the boards official grammer police?

And, who are you to tell anybody to "let it go"?

No one did. All I did was point out that you are capitalizing random shit like 'lucidness'.

Of all the things I've posted that is what you are going to take offense to?

And I was saying either use proper grammar, or let it all go; use text message bullshit, don't capitalize anything. But to randomly capitalize stuff makes you look stupid...

Wait until you meet tha malcontent! :lol:
You embody the left so eloquently. All of the obnoxiousness, immaturity, and intellectual dishonesty are encapsulated in your posts. Thank you for demonstrating it for everyone :clap2:

And you embody the right so well. You expect people that you don't agree with to capitulate on the first attack..and if they attack whine like crazy saying they've gone to far..they are mean..potato headed brutes.


I'm a brute.


You aren't a brute, you are classless. You can't find the kind of name calling you have engaged in in any of my posts. Not one F-ing post.

And I'm not you.

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