MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Says Kellyanne Conway Not Welcome on MSNBC Because ...

‘I don’t believe in fake news’: MSNBC host says she will no longer book Kellyanne Conway on show

MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Says Kellyanne Conway is No Longer Welcome on MSNBC Because She / MSNBC Doesn't Believe in 'Fake News'...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

‘Fake news’: MSNBC anchor tells a whopper about Fox News

FAKE: MSNBC Caught in Flat Out Lie About Trump and Fox... Forced to Apologize ON AIR

LOOK: NBC Complains About Fake News, Then THIS HAPPENED!

MSNBC Caught Lying About Trump / KKK

Hey MSNBC... :anj_stfu:! No one wants to come on your 'All-In FAKE News' Show anyway!

A low ratings show on the lowest ratings news network. I don't think Conway was even considering it. They would be lucky to get the ratings boost.

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It's 'Morning Joe'. Joe Scarborough is a conservative.
Joe is no Mika Brzezinski...which is why he didn't say something so stupid.

Scarborough rips Conway as an 'out of the loop' liar after Flynn resignation

You just destroyed him lol
In your liberal alr-universe wet dream, snowflake.

MSNBC just tried to call someone else not trust-worthy; yet they have been proven repeatedly to have engaged in 'Fake News' and to be a 'Fake News' agency. MSNBC can't shake the facts or the evidence of who they are.
Maybe its possible that people on MSNBC AND Conway are cut from the same cloth and engage in manipulative spin to steer the narrative in their favor. I believe you all are now calling this fake news.
If there is one thing in this world that the left media hates its a powerful, successful conservative woman. They attack these women like a pack of rabies infested rats.
I thought the MSM loved Sacagewa or whatever the fuck you Trumpbots call her.

LOL that fruitcake is neither successful or powerful. Its funny she got told to STFU on the senate floor.
‘I don’t believe in fake news’: MSNBC host says she will no longer book Kellyanne Conway on show

MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Says Kellyanne Conway is No Longer Welcome on MSNBC Because She / MSNBC Doesn't Believe in 'Fake News'...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

‘Fake news’: MSNBC anchor tells a whopper about Fox News

FAKE: MSNBC Caught in Flat Out Lie About Trump and Fox... Forced to Apologize ON AIR

LOOK: NBC Complains About Fake News, Then THIS HAPPENED!

MSNBC Caught Lying About Trump / KKK

Hey MSNBC... :anj_stfu:! No one wants to come on your 'All-In FAKE News' Show anyway!

A low ratings show on the lowest ratings news network. I don't think Conway was even considering it. They would be lucky to get the ratings boost.

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Not true.
MSNBC. LOL Yea, banning the President's spokesperson will help their ratings. smh
I think this is mostly bullshit posturing. First of all, Kellyanne Conway is a senior advisor to the President. Losing access to her is basically losing access to the White House, and I don't think they're going to do that just to be petty. If Kellyanne doesn't answer questions sufficiently or truthfully, that's...where the media gets to do its job and correct the record for the public.

I do think some of this is more that the media wants to use their interviews with Kellyanne as an interrogation to extract a pound of flesh out of her because they can't do it to Trump directly because it seems like every interview with her winds up with the interviewer calling her a liar or asking her about lies and trying to "hold her accountable". It's kind of annoying. The media is not supposed to be part of the story, though they increasingly want to be.
engage in manipulative spin to steer the narrative in their favor

to manipulate & creating a fake or false premise.....yah?
Not quite, it is a grey area as "News" is reporting facts and events that are backed by reliable and vetted sources. our cable news stations are all muddied with opinions and analysts and pundits etc. take a guy like hannity... that isnt news, it's Right wing propaganda, or Trumpaganda. Some on MSNBC do the same thing for the left. I don't like any of it. And the term "fake news" is getting thrown around at anything somebody disagrees with so it's now lost its impact.
MSNBC. LOL Yea, banning the President's spokesperson will help their ratings. smh
She is extremely hard to watch, I don't think it will hurt a thing amoungst their viewers or anybody looking for factual information
I wonder. Does anyone who watches MSNBC even care? I wouldn't because I can't tell you the last time I heard that woman give a straight answer to a straightforward question.
Still, it's gotta sting for her. This is the most adulation she had received in her entire life, and through her own arrogance and dishonest, she instantly threw it away.

How much longer will she last?
Still, it's gotta sting for her. This is the most adulation she had received in her entire life, and through her own arrogance and dishonest, she instantly threw it away.

How much longer will she last?
She is following the bullshyt trail left behind by Flynn.
I don't agree with this - she should be welcomed and called on her bullshit.
Conway is barred is because her face isn't as pleasant as say, Susan Rice or Marie Harf.

And here we were told Trump only associates with good looking women. LOL
If she's barred, which I highly doubt, it will be their loss. She's an insider and a good person to talk to about what's going on.

But then they probably don't care what's really going on.

Their loss.
She's a non stop lying machine. That's why the deplorables love her.
Kate McKinnon has her nailed!

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