MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Says Kellyanne Conway Not Welcome on MSNBC Because ...

Both CNN and MSNBC are tired of her lies, and justly so.

Hell, I think Fox News may even bar her eventually. Everyone has a limit to the bullshit they're willing to shovel. This is lying on a GRAND scale.

'I don't believe in fake news': 'Morning Joe' host explains why she barred Kellyanne Conway from the show

You have to admit she is one hell of good physco babble interpreter for Trump. But I don't believe her when she says "alternate FACTS" exist--LOL. It's either a fact or it's not a fact. But truly the bullshit is getting very old.

I don't agree with this - she should be welcomed and called on her bullshit.

Meh, we lost that roll of governmental watchdog when Clinton deregulated the FCC and corporate money bought up the media machine in america. It's nothing but an indictrination platform now, anywhere ya look.
Conway is barred is because her face isn't as pleasant as say, Susan Rice or Marie Harf.

And here we were told Trump only associates with good looking women. LOL

No, Trump only sexually assaults good looking women.

Trump certainly doesn't associated himself with good looking men. Steve Miller looks like he's never seen the light of the sun, but then that rock he's been living under helps him avoid seeing that women, gays and people of colour have rights too.

I would say that a woman's worth isn't based on her looks, but that wouldn't be true. It shouldn't be true, but we all know it is.
I don't agree with this - she should be welcomed and called on her bullshit.

Nah, she's too far off the rails mentally to be affected by being called on her bullshit. Plus, Trump is paying her to lie. And probably paying her quite well.

Money minus conscience minus self respect.

At some point, when the bags under her eyes get especially heavy she will have had enough. Mark my words.
News outlets that rarely have a conservative on unless they want to yell and scream don't like Trump people. That's surprising.
Both CNN and MSNBC are tired of her lies, and justly so.

Hell, I think Fox News may even bar her eventually. Everyone has a limit to the bullshit they're willing to shovel. This is lying on a GRAND scale.

'I don't believe in fake news': 'Morning Joe' host explains why she barred Kellyanne Conway from the show

You have to admit she is one hell of good physco babble interpreter for Trump. But I don't believe her when she says "alternate FACTS" exist--LOL. It's either a fact or it's not a fact. But truly the bullshit is getting very old.

"You have to admit she is one hell of good physco babble interpreter for Trump."

Only amongst the deeply in denial.
If she's barred, which I highly doubt, it will be their loss. She's an insider and a good person to talk to about what's going on.

But then they probably don't care what's really going on.

Their loss.

Your post is too funny. Dial back the funny.
Conway is barred is because her face isn't as pleasant as say, Susan Rice or Marie Harf.

And here we were told Trump only associates with good looking women. LOL

No, Trump only sexually assaults good looking women.

Trump certainly doesn't associated himself with good looking men. Steve Miller looks like he's never seen the light of the sun, but then that rock he's been living under helps him avoid seeing that women, gays and people of colour have rights too.

I would say that a woman's worth isn't based on her looks, but that wouldn't be true. It shouldn't be true, but we all know it is.
Chill sister. It was a joke.
If she's barred, which I highly doubt, it will be their loss. She's an insider and a good person to talk to about what's going on.

But then they probably don't care what's really going on.

Their loss.

It's because they care about what's really going on that they won't interview her. She doesn't answer questions, she merely deflects with provable lies. How does that tell us "what's going on"? The answer is, it doesn't.
Conway is barred is because her face isn't as pleasant as say, Susan Rice or Marie Harf.

And here we were told Trump only associates with good looking women. LOL

That's a tough argument to make against MSNBC, who recently hired Greta Von Frankenstein.
Conway contributes nothing to any political discussion. Why book guests with nothing to contribute?

I don't like her because even all that theatrical-grade makeup she wears can't cover up the fact that she doesn't have shit to say that's worth anyone hearing it.
I don't watch but to me it seems an amateurish move. A professional would know how to deal with it.
It's 'Morning Joe'. Joe Scarborough is a conservative.
Joe is no Mika Brzezinski...which is why he didn't say something so stupid.

Huh? You really need to know more about what you're posting before you display your idiocy.

Joe Scarborough blasts Trump for his 'stupid fights ... - Business Insider
Jan 17, 2017 - Joe Scarborough predicted that President-elect DonaldTrump's poll numbers would plummet further if he continued to be sucked into what the ...

'Morning Joe' Blasts Trump's First Day in White House as 'Disturbing'
Jan 23, 2017 - MSNBC's “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough said that Donald Trump's first full day in the White House “could not have gone worse” and “it ...
I call that woman "Miss Make up." She wears theatrical-grade make-up and whenever she's asked a question, she just makes up an answer.

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