MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Says Kellyanne Conway Not Welcome on MSNBC Because ...

‘I don’t believe in fake news’: MSNBC host says she will no longer book Kellyanne Conway on show

MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Says Kellyanne Conway is No Longer Welcome on MSNBC Because She / MSNBC Doesn't Believe in 'Fake News'...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

‘Fake news’: MSNBC anchor tells a whopper about Fox News

FAKE: MSNBC Caught in Flat Out Lie About Trump and Fox... Forced to Apologize ON AIR

LOOK: NBC Complains About Fake News, Then THIS HAPPENED!

MSNBC Caught Lying About Trump / KKK

Hey MSNBC... :anj_stfu:! No one wants to come on your 'All-In FAKE News' Show anyway!

Trump watches "Morning Joe". Maybe you should too.

TV networks hiking ad rates for shows Trump watches - POLITICO
Feb 4, 2017 - The ad rates for “Morning Joe” have more than doubled post-election, according to one veteran media buyer. Trump, who reportedly watches ...
Trump 'Fake polls' tweet comes after 'Morning Joe' segment - Business ...
Feb 6, 2017 - President Donald Trump's messaging on Twitter again seems to have been inspired by a cable-news segment. On MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on ...
Donald Trump might just have made Joe Scarborough as important as ...
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis...trump...joe.../81ce67fe-bd7b-11e6-94ac-3d3248401...
Dec 13, 2016 - NEW YORK — Joe Scarborough knew he had Donald Trump's ear. .... Some days Trump watches “Morning Joe,” and some days it's clear from ...
‘I don’t believe in fake news’: MSNBC host says she will no longer book Kellyanne Conway on show

MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Says Kellyanne Conway is No Longer Welcome on MSNBC Because She / MSNBC Doesn't Believe in 'Fake News'...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

‘Fake news’: MSNBC anchor tells a whopper about Fox News

FAKE: MSNBC Caught in Flat Out Lie About Trump and Fox... Forced to Apologize ON AIR

LOOK: NBC Complains About Fake News, Then THIS HAPPENED!

MSNBC Caught Lying About Trump / KKK

Hey MSNBC... :anj_stfu:! No one wants to come on your 'All-In FAKE News' Show anyway!

Trump watches "Morning Joe". Maybe you should too.

TV networks hiking ad rates for shows Trump watches - POLITICO
Feb 4, 2017 - The ad rates for “Morning Joe” have more than doubled post-election, according to one veteran media buyer. Trump, who reportedlywatches ...
Trump 'Fake polls' tweet comes after 'Morning Joe' segment - Business ...
Feb 6, 2017 - President Donald Trump's messaging on Twitter again seems to have been inspired by a cable-news segment. On MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on ...
Donald Trump might just have made Joe Scarborough as important as ...
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis...trump...joe.../81ce67fe-bd7b-11e6-94ac-3d3248401...
Dec 13, 2016 - NEW YORK — Joe Scarborough knew he had Donald Trump's ear. .... Some days Trump watches “Morning Joe,” and some days it's clear from ...

Lol fake news outlets spinning news produced by real news outlets.

Typical leftist propaganda strategy.
Huh? You really need to know more about what you're posting before you display your idiocy.

Oh, I do...

As I posted in the 1st thread, The MSNBC Fake News Bimbo hypocritically declared Conway not to be trustworthy and declared she and MSNBC do not believe in 'Fake News'....despite benig exposed over and over as BEING a fake 'news site'. From the very 1st post:

‘Fake news’: MSNBC anchor tells a whopper about Fox News

FAKE: MSNBC Caught in Flat Out Lie About Trump and Fox... Forced to Apologize ON AIR

LOOK: NBC Complains About Fake News, Then THIS HAPPENED!

MSNBC Caught Lying About Trump / KKK

(If you want the actual links go to the 1st post.)

THIS is what this thread is about...and what has been PROVEN!

MSNBC IS a 'Fake News' media and just got BUSTED for being hypocritical as well.

(Mic drop...walk off)
If there is one thing in this world that the left media hates its a powerful, successful conservative woman. They attack these women like a pack of rabies infested rats.

She was a powerful, successful conservative woman but she's going into a downward spiral and no one is to blame but her. She makes Sarah Palin look like a the patron saint of virtuous truth.

You can turn off the sound on this video and plainly see she's out of control, exhausted and toasted.

Huh? You really need to know more about what you're posting before you display your idiocy.

Oh, I do...

As I posted in the 1st thread, The MSNBC Fake News Bimbo hypocritically declared Conway not to be trustworthy and declared she and MSNBC do not believe in 'Fake News'....despite benig exposed over and over as BEING a fake 'news site'. From the very 1st post:

‘Fake news’: MSNBC anchor tells a whopper about Fox News

FAKE: MSNBC Caught in Flat Out Lie About Trump and Fox... Forced to Apologize ON AIR

LOOK: NBC Complains About Fake News, Then THIS HAPPENED!

MSNBC Caught Lying About Trump / KKK

(If you want the actual links go to the 1st post.)

THIS is what this thread is about...and what has been PROVEN!

MSNBC IS a 'Fake News' media and just got BUSTED for being hypocritical as well.

(Mic drop...walk off)

I don't agree with this - she should be welcomed and called on her bullshit.

It's a fine line. You've got an administration representative that you can grill, or you've got an admin representative who has a platform to spout lies. When does it shift too far to the latter?

Lies are easy to deal are existing facts

The fact that our President would choose such an amateurish spokesperson is a story in itself

Well for an amateur she sure did a great job helping Trump get elected. Not to shabby for an amateur.

Unlike you're expert who cooked her own goose and fucked up her election every way she possibly could.

She did a great job losing the popular vote by 3 million? If Hillary was SOOOO inept and "cooked her own goose", then Trump was worse.
Huh? You really need to know more about what you're posting before you display your idiocy.

Oh, I do...

As I posted in the 1st thread, The MSNBC Fake News Bimbo hypocritically declared Conway not to be trustworthy and declared she and MSNBC do not believe in 'Fake News'....despite benig exposed over and over as BEING a fake 'news site'. From the very 1st post:

‘Fake news’: MSNBC anchor tells a whopper about Fox News

FAKE: MSNBC Caught in Flat Out Lie About Trump and Fox... Forced to Apologize ON AIR

LOOK: NBC Complains About Fake News, Then THIS HAPPENED!

MSNBC Caught Lying About Trump / KKK

(If you want the actual links go to the 1st post.)

THIS is what this thread is about...and what has been PROVEN!

MSNBC IS a 'Fake News' media and just got BUSTED for being hypocritical as well.

(Mic drop...walk off)

It's not fake news when public retractions and acknowledgments are made to viewers or readers. All news sources and journalists make mistakes. Fake news is when a false story is published and then promoted even though it's found to be false.

Sort of like what Mike Flynn and his son were doing, and why his son had to back out of a job with the Trump admin:

Michael Flynn's son resigns from Trump transition team - CBS News
Dec 6, 2016 - Michael T. Flynn, has been appointed national security adviser for ... his tweets on fake news had become problematic and the transition did not ...
Mike Flynn spreads fake news 16 times in last few months, son joins in ... › News › World › Americas
Dec 6, 2016 - Donald Trump's incoming national security adviser has beencaught spreading incorrect news at least 16 times in the last few months.
Flynn under fire for fake news - POLITICO
Dec 5, 2016 - Michael Flynn has used social media to promote a series of ... Now some say Flynn's fondness for spreading fake news casts .... the pizza rumors himself, his son Michael Flynn Jr. has done so directly, including Sunday night.
Incoming national security adviser's son spreads fake news about D.C. ...
Dec 4, 2016 - The son of retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Donald Trump's pick for national security adviser, embraced a baseless conspiracy theory about ...
I don't agree with this - she should be welcomed and called on her bullshit.

It's a fine line. You've got an administration representative that you can grill, or you've got an admin representative who has a platform to spout lies. When does it shift too far to the latter?

Lies are easy to deal are existing facts and

The fact that our President would choose such an amateurish spokesperson is a story in itself

Well for an amateur she sure did a great job helping Trump get elected. Not to shabby for an amateur.

Unlike you're expert who cooked her own goose and fucked up her election every way she possibly could.

She did a great job losing the popular vote by 3 million? If Hillary was SOOOO inept and "cooked her own goose", then Trump was worse.

Well who is POTUS there wise guy??

Hillary bought into the media, the DNC and polls that all told her she would win the presidency. She and they all thought Trump was a joke. Who's laughing now dumbass??

She got lazy and ran one lousy campaign. She lost the election all by herself.

Oh and lets not forget you dumbasses not only lost the WH you lost Congress, Governorships all across the country, 31 to be exact, and god knows how many local votes. That should tell you a lot about the voters of America and what they want.

You lost big time all across the board.
She did a great job losing the popular vote by 3 million? If Hillary was SOOOO inept and "cooked her own goose", then Trump was worse.
Yeah, instead of focusing on the election as a Popularity Contest, she understood and followed the rules that apply to actually winning the Presidency...and as a result Trump WON the Presidency.

Hillary and the DNC went after the 'Popularity Contest' angel....

How did that work out for you snowflakes again?
- About as well as the recount thing?
- About as well as the intimidating / threatening Electoral Voters in an attempt to flip them went?
- About as well as calling for a military coup went?
- About as well as calling for his Impeachment BEFORE he was sworn in?
- About as well as calling for his assassination went?

Oh you poor snowflakes....

I don't agree with this - she should be welcomed and called on her bullshit.

It's a fine line. You've got an administration representative that you can grill, or you've got an admin representative who has a platform to spout lies. When does it shift too far to the latter?

Lies are easy to deal are existing facts

The fact that our President would choose such an amateurish spokesperson is a story in itself

Well for an amateur she sure did a great job helping Trump get elected. Not to shabby for an amateur.

Unlike you're expert who cooked her own goose and fucked up her election every way she possibly could.

She did a great job losing the popular vote by 3 million? If Hillary was SOOOO inept and "cooked her own goose", then Trump was worse.

.... and yet someone on the Donald Duck team apparently still remembered that the game was chess while their opponents continued in their herculean efforts to win at checkers.

Donald Duck & the Republicrats 1
Queen of Corruption & the Demopublicans 0

"This shit's chess, it ain't checkers" -- Alonzo Harris, Training Day
Huh? You really need to know more about what you're posting before you display your idiocy.

Oh, I do...

As I posted in the 1st thread, The MSNBC Fake News Bimbo hypocritically declared Conway not to be trustworthy and declared she and MSNBC do not believe in 'Fake News'....despite benig exposed over and over as BEING a fake 'news site'. From the very 1st post:

‘Fake news’: MSNBC anchor tells a whopper about Fox News

FAKE: MSNBC Caught in Flat Out Lie About Trump and Fox... Forced to Apologize ON AIR

LOOK: NBC Complains About Fake News, Then THIS HAPPENED!

MSNBC Caught Lying About Trump / KKK

(If you want the actual links go to the 1st post.)

THIS is what this thread is about...and what has been PROVEN!

MSNBC IS a 'Fake News' media and just got BUSTED for being hypocritical as well.

(Mic drop...walk off)

It's not fake news when public retractions and acknowledgments are made to viewers or readers. All news sources and journalists make mistakes. Fake news is when a false story is published and then promoted even though it's found to be false.

Sort of like what Mike Flynn and his son were doing, and why his son had to back out of a job with the Trump admin:

Michael Flynn's son resigns from Trump transition team - CBS News
Dec 6, 2016 - Michael T. Flynn, has been appointed national security adviser for ... his tweets on fake news had become problematic and the transition did not ...
Mike Flynn spreads fake news 16 times in last few months, son joins in ... › News › World › Americas
Dec 6, 2016 - Donald Trump's incoming national security adviser has beencaught spreading incorrect news at least 16 times in the last few months.
Flynn under fire for fake news - POLITICO
Dec 5, 2016 - Michael Flynn has used social media to promote a series of ... Now some say Flynn's fondness for spreading fake news casts .... the pizza rumors himself, his son Michael Flynn Jr. has done so directly, including Sunday night.
Incoming national security adviser's son spreads fake news about D.C. ...
Dec 4, 2016 - The son of retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Donald Trump's pick for national security adviser, embraced a baseless conspiracy theory about ...

Blah, blah, blah...wail, whine, gnashing of teeth...


This thread is about how MSNBC, a proven fake news media, was just busted being hypocritical - that's all - period...

As I posted in the 1st thread, The MSNBC Fake News Bimbo hypocritically declared Conway not to be trustworthy and declared she and MSNBC do not believe in 'Fake News'....despite benig exposed over and over as BEING a fake 'news site'. From the very 1st post:

‘Fake news’: MSNBC anchor tells a whopper about Fox News

FAKE: MSNBC Caught in Flat Out Lie About Trump and Fox... Forced to Apologize ON AIR

LOOK: NBC Complains About Fake News, Then THIS HAPPENED!

MSNBC Caught Lying About Trump / KKK

(If you want the actual links go to the 1st post.)

THIS is what this thread is about...and what has been PROVEN!

MSNBC IS a 'Fake News' media and just got BUSTED for being hypocritical as well.

(Mic drop...walk off)

Again - YOU LOSE! Give it up!
Huh? You really need to know more about what you're posting before you display your idiocy.

Oh, I do...

As I posted in the 1st thread, The MSNBC Fake News Bimbo hypocritically declared Conway not to be trustworthy and declared she and MSNBC do not believe in 'Fake News'....despite benig exposed over and over as BEING a fake 'news site'. From the very 1st post:

‘Fake news’: MSNBC anchor tells a whopper about Fox News

FAKE: MSNBC Caught in Flat Out Lie About Trump and Fox... Forced to Apologize ON AIR

LOOK: NBC Complains About Fake News, Then THIS HAPPENED!

MSNBC Caught Lying About Trump / KKK

(If you want the actual links go to the 1st post.)

THIS is what this thread is about...and what has been PROVEN!

MSNBC IS a 'Fake News' media and just got BUSTED for being hypocritical as well.

(Mic drop...walk off)

Better pick up your mic, even though it's been turned off by smarter people that you.
This other example of yours is bullshit, from a blogger.
These fake news sites must rely heavily on their readers not being able to go past a headline.


“Not going to rule out anything,” sure sounds like they’re implying the Republicans are considering a Muslim registry, right?
Wrong. First of all, readers of The Political Insider already know what Priebus actually said.
Here is the full sentence (they didn’t just cherry pick an entire segment, they cut short one sentence) from Priebus during that segment:
“Look I’m not going to rule out anything but we’re not going to have a registry based on a religion.”

Priebus clearly says he's not going to rule out anything, just like the title QUOTES.
Go back to grade school and learn how to read more than 140 characters.
I don't agree with this - she should be welcomed and called on her bullshit.

It's a fine line. You've got an administration representative that you can grill, or you've got an admin representative who has a platform to spout lies. When does it shift too far to the latter?

Lies are easy to deal are existing facts

The fact that our President would choose such an amateurish spokesperson is a story in itself

Well for an amateur she sure did a great job helping Trump get elected. Not to shabby for an amateur.

Unlike you're expert who cooked her own goose and fucked up her election every way she possibly could.

She did a great job losing the popular vote by 3 million? If Hillary was SOOOO inept and "cooked her own goose", then Trump was worse.
You do know that the Beast lost 304 - 227, right?
Huh? You really need to know more about what you're posting before you display your idiocy.

Oh, I do...

As I posted in the 1st thread, The MSNBC Fake News Bimbo hypocritically declared Conway not to be trustworthy and declared she and MSNBC do not believe in 'Fake News'....despite benig exposed over and over as BEING a fake 'news site'. From the very 1st post:

‘Fake news’: MSNBC anchor tells a whopper about Fox News

FAKE: MSNBC Caught in Flat Out Lie About Trump and Fox... Forced to Apologize ON AIR

LOOK: NBC Complains About Fake News, Then THIS HAPPENED!

MSNBC Caught Lying About Trump / KKK

(If you want the actual links go to the 1st post.)

THIS is what this thread is about...and what has been PROVEN!

MSNBC IS a 'Fake News' media and just got BUSTED for being hypocritical as well.

(Mic drop...walk off)

Better pick up your mic, even though it's been turned off by smarter people that you.
This other example of yours is bullshit, from a blogger.
These fake news sites must rely heavily on their readers not being able to go past a headline.


“Not going to rule out anything,” sure sounds like they’re implying the Republicans are considering a Muslim registry, right?
Wrong. First of all, readers of The Political Insider already know what Priebus actually said.
Here is the full sentence (they didn’t just cherry pick an entire segment, they cut short one sentence) from Priebus during that segment:
“Look I’m not going to rule out anything but we’re not going to have a registry based on a religion.”

Priebus clearly says he's not going to rule out anything, just like the title QUOTES.
Go back to grade school and learn how to read more than 140 characters.

Sorry, again - another attempt, another FAIL.

MSNBC has been proven to be a 'Fake News' Site. They claimed not to believe in 'Fake News', despite their engaging in it. They were just proven to be lying hypocrites.

Done. This threads purpose has been fulfilled. You snowflakes just can't admit MSNBC has been proven to be a 'Fake News' site and has no 'moral high ground' or truthful basis to claim they don't believe in it...when they engage in it.
‘I don’t believe in fake news’: MSNBC host says she will no longer book Kellyanne Conway on show

MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Says Kellyanne Conway is No Longer Welcome on MSNBC Because She / MSNBC Doesn't Believe in 'Fake News'...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

‘Fake news’: MSNBC anchor tells a whopper about Fox News

FAKE: MSNBC Caught in Flat Out Lie About Trump and Fox... Forced to Apologize ON AIR

LOOK: NBC Complains About Fake News, Then THIS HAPPENED!

MSNBC Caught Lying About Trump / KKK

Hey MSNBC... :anj_stfu:! No one wants to come on your 'All-In FAKE News' Show anyway!

she's not going to be welcome in a lot of places because she's a lying twit. her usefulness is coming to an end.

no one is lying except for you and your buddies at breitbart. nutter butter.

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