MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Says Kellyanne Conway Not Welcome on MSNBC Because ...

If she's barred, which I highly doubt, it will be their loss. She's an insider and a good person to talk to about what's going on.

But them they probably don't care what's really going on.

Their loss.
How is she a good person to talk to when she's incapable of telling the truth ( as per the Comrade's orders)

Just because you don't think she's telling the truth doesn't mean she's lying. You think every Rep out there is a liar. Color me shocked.

Of course, like you, they would prefer to take their chances on getting stories then by al means, bar the woman.

Their loss.

So just because we don't think the Bowling Green Massacre occurred doesn't mean it didn't?

Spoken like a true Birther.

Since I'm not a birther and never have been you're post is as ludicrous as you are.

So you agree that Birthers like Trump are fucking lunatics. Good for you.

Nope. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Everyone has free speech.

Just because I don't believe in this birther crap doesn't mean I think those that do are nuts.

Oh and wouldn't it be just peachy if you found out Obama was indeed born in Kenya??

Wonder what you're reaction to that little factoid would be. LOL
Spoken like a true Birther.
A Liberal like yourself should know, especially since it was your Defeated Presidential Candidate and her staff who spread it around in 2008, trying un-successfully to avoid her 1st defeat! :p

No, they didn't. A couple guys ran it up the flagpole, nobody saluted...

...except of course people like you who ran with it for 8 years.
How is she a good person to talk to when she's incapable of telling the truth ( as per the Comrade's orders)

Just because you don't think she's telling the truth doesn't mean she's lying. You think every Rep out there is a liar. Color me shocked.

Of course, like you, they would prefer to take their chances on getting stories then by al means, bar the woman.

Their loss.

So just because we don't think the Bowling Green Massacre occurred doesn't mean it didn't?

Spoken like a true Birther.

Since I'm not a birther and never have been you're post is as ludicrous as you are.

So you agree that Birthers like Trump are fucking lunatics. Good for you.

Nope. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Everyone has free speech.

Just because I don't believe in this birther crap doesn't mean I think those that do are nuts.

Oh and wouldn't it be just peachy if you found out Obama was indeed born in Kenya??

Wonder what you're reaction to that little factoid would be. LOL

So now you admit you're a closet Birther.

LOL, this gets better every post.
If there is one thing in this world that the left media hates its a powerful, successful conservative woman. They attack these women like a pack of rabies infested rats.

She was a powerful, successful conservative woman but she's going into a downward spiral and no one is to blame but her. She makes Sarah Palin look like a the patron saint of virtuous truth.

You can turn off the sound on this video and plainly see she's out of control, exhausted and toasted.

Ouch. Filiblubbering
Just because you don't think she's telling the truth doesn't mean she's lying. You think every Rep out there is a liar. Color me shocked.

Of course, like you, they would prefer to take their chances on getting stories then by al means, bar the woman.

Their loss.

So just because we don't think the Bowling Green Massacre occurred doesn't mean it didn't?

Spoken like a true Birther.

Since I'm not a birther and never have been you're post is as ludicrous as you are.

So you agree that Birthers like Trump are fucking lunatics. Good for you.

Nope. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Everyone has free speech.

Just because I don't believe in this birther crap doesn't mean I think those that do are nuts.

Oh and wouldn't it be just peachy if you found out Obama was indeed born in Kenya??

Wonder what you're reaction to that little factoid would be. LOL

So now you admit you're a closet Birther.

LOL, this gets better every post.

Nope. You're the one fixated on birthers. Not me.

I never believed in that birther crap.

Whatever floats you're very leaky liberal boat.
I don't believe in fake news': 'Morning Joe' host explains why she barred Kellyanne Conway from the show ,,,, I can't see why , Republicans love fake news
Maxwell Tani,Business Insider 6 hours ago
(Kellyanne Conway during a TV appearance from the White House.AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
MSNBC anchor Mika Brzezinski said on Wednesday that she won't allow President Donald Trump's top counselor, Kellyanne Conway, to appear on "Morning Joe."

The show's host slammed Conway for spinning on behalf of the administration without being accurate.

"She books herself on these shows. We know for a fact that she tries to book herself on this show," Brzezinski said. "I won't do it because I don't believe in fake news or information that is not true, and every time I see her on television something is askew, off, or incorrect."
poor Kelly Anne ... she's been schooled.

only tell the horseshit lies Bannon tells her to.
I don't believe in fake news': 'Morning Joe' host explains why she barred Kellyanne Conway from the show ,,,, I can't see why , Republicans love fake news
Maxwell Tani,Business Insider 6 hours ago
(Kellyanne Conway during a TV appearance from the White House.AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
MSNBC anchor Mika Brzezinski said on Wednesday that she won't allow President Donald Trump's top counselor, Kellyanne Conway, to appear on "Morning Joe."

The show's host slammed Conway for spinning on behalf of the administration without being accurate.

"She books herself on these shows. We know for a fact that she tries to book herself on this show," Brzezinski said. "I won't do it because I don't believe in fake news or information that is not true, and every time I see her on television something is askew, off, or incorrect."
Mika is showing integrity, something unheard of in the so-called Presidents administration.
I don't believe in fake news': 'Morning Joe' host explains why she barred Kellyanne Conway from the show ,,,, I can't see why , Republicans love fake news
Maxwell Tani,Business Insider 6 hours ago
(Kellyanne Conway during a TV appearance from the White House.AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
MSNBC anchor Mika Brzezinski said on Wednesday that she won't allow President Donald Trump's top counselor, Kellyanne Conway, to appear on "Morning Joe."

The show's host slammed Conway for spinning on behalf of the administration without being accurate.

"She books herself on these shows. We know for a fact that she tries to book herself on this show," Brzezinski said. "I won't do it because I don't believe in fake news or information that is not true, and every time I see her on television something is askew, off, or incorrect."
In other words, MSNBC wants to present only one side of the news. This is political activism, not journalism, and it would be reasonable for that reason to cancel MSNBC's WH WH credentials. After all, since they already know what they will pass on as news, there is no need for them to be at the WH.
I don't believe in fake news': 'Morning Joe' host explains why she barred Kellyanne Conway from the show ,,,, I can't see why , Republicans love fake news
Maxwell Tani,Business Insider 6 hours ago
(Kellyanne Conway during a TV appearance from the White House.AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
MSNBC anchor Mika Brzezinski said on Wednesday that she won't allow President Donald Trump's top counselor, Kellyanne Conway, to appear on "Morning Joe."

The show's host slammed Conway for spinning on behalf of the administration without being accurate.

"She books herself on these shows. We know for a fact that she tries to book herself on this show," Brzezinski said. "I won't do it because I don't believe in fake news or information that is not true, and every time I see her on television something is askew, off, or incorrect."
What? NO proof again?
I don't believe in fake news': 'Morning Joe' host explains why she barred Kellyanne Conway from the show ,,,, I can't see why , Republicans love fake news
Maxwell Tani,Business Insider 6 hours ago
(Kellyanne Conway during a TV appearance from the White House.AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
MSNBC anchor Mika Brzezinski said on Wednesday that she won't allow President Donald Trump's top counselor, Kellyanne Conway, to appear on "Morning Joe."

The show's host slammed Conway for spinning on behalf of the administration without being accurate.

"She books herself on these shows. We know for a fact that she tries to book herself on this show," Brzezinski said. "I won't do it because I don't believe in fake news or information that is not true, and every time I see her on television something is askew, off, or incorrect."
In other words, MSNBC wants to present only one side of the news. This is political activism, not journalism, and it would be reasonable for that reason to cancel MSNBC's WH WH credentials. After all, since they already know what they will pass on as news, there is no need for them to be at the WH.
Any and all White House spokespeople or representatives are still welcome on the show. Only Conway is being rejected for cause. 'Cause she is a serial liar like her boss.
I don't believe in fake news': 'Morning Joe' host explains why she barred Kellyanne Conway from the show ,,,, I can't see why , Republicans love fake news
Maxwell Tani,Business Insider 6 hours ago
(Kellyanne Conway during a TV appearance from the White House.AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
MSNBC anchor Mika Brzezinski said on Wednesday that she won't allow President Donald Trump's top counselor, Kellyanne Conway, to appear on "Morning Joe."

The show's host slammed Conway for spinning on behalf of the administration without being accurate.

"She books herself on these shows. We know for a fact that she tries to book herself on this show," Brzezinski said. "I won't do it because I don't believe in fake news or information that is not true, and every time I see her on television something is askew, off, or incorrect."

People crow about the blondes on Fox....being stupid...when they are, in reality, very intelligent people.

Mika M. is a bonehead.

WTF writes this stuff??
It's an American term. Like if a girl who walks into a club or tavern looking like a crack whore, she might be told she is "Barred" because crack whore looking girls are not allowed to hang out. Kellyanne is a crack whore looking girl, so she is being barred from the Morning Joe Club.
She is probably the next in line to get fired, so it won't make much difference.
I don't believe in fake news': 'Morning Joe' host explains why she barred Kellyanne Conway from the show ,,,, I can't see why , Republicans love fake news
Maxwell Tani,Business Insider 6 hours ago
(Kellyanne Conway during a TV appearance from the White House.AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
MSNBC anchor Mika Brzezinski said on Wednesday that she won't allow President Donald Trump's top counselor, Kellyanne Conway, to appear on "Morning Joe."

The show's host slammed Conway for spinning on behalf of the administration without being accurate.

"She books herself on these shows. We know for a fact that she tries to book herself on this show," Brzezinski said. "I won't do it because I don't believe in fake news or information that is not true, and every time I see her on television something is askew, off, or incorrect."
In other words, MSNBC wants to present only one side of the news. This is political activism, not journalism, and it would be reasonable for that reason to cancel MSNBC's WH WH credentials. After all, since they already know what they will pass on as news, there is no need for them to be at the WH.
Any and all White House spokespeople or representatives are still welcome on the show. Only Conway is being rejected for cause. 'Cause she is a serial liar like her boss.
We both know the real reason is that she is an effective advocate for the government and MSNBC is too invested in attacking the government to allow her to speak.

WTF writes this stuff??
It's an American term. Like if a girl who walks into a club or tavern looking like a crack whore, she might be told she is "Barred" because crack whore looking girls are not allowed to hang out. Kellyanne is a crack whore looking girl, so she is being barred from the Morning Joe Club.
She is probably the next in line to get fired, so it won't make much difference.
Please! WTF says barred in this case?
If there is one thing in this world that the left media hates its a powerful, successful conservative woman. They attack these women like a pack of rabies infested rats.

Oh, yes, she's so powerful and successful. What's her real job?

She runs a POLLING organization. Polls, those things that RWnuts have nothing but contempt for.

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