MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Says Kellyanne Conway Not Welcome on MSNBC Because ...

MSNBC. LOL Yea, banning the President's spokesperson will help their ratings. smh
She is extremely hard to watch, I don't think it will hurt a thing amoungst their viewers or anybody looking for factual information

She kicks Liberal ass every time she speaks. She's very easy to watch and it's good hear the truth.
The truth and republicans are not friends ,,Conway is a lying pos
Conway is an effective advocate for the administration and that's why you hate her. Hate is the only thing holding the Democratic Party together these days.
Toomuch Republican lying swine are easy to hate
MSNBC. LOL Yea, banning the President's spokesperson will help their ratings. smh
She is extremely hard to watch, I don't think it will hurt a thing amoungst their viewers or anybody looking for factual information

She kicks Liberal ass every time she speaks. She's very easy to watch and it's good hear the truth.
The truth and republicans are not friends ,,Conway is a lying pos
Conway is an effective advocate for the administration and that's why you hate her. Hate is the only thing holding the Democratic Party together these days.
Toomuch Republican lying swine are easy to hate
Easy for you because hate is all the Democratic Party stands for anymore.
She is extremely hard to watch, I don't think it will hurt a thing amoungst their viewers or anybody looking for factual information

She kicks Liberal ass every time she speaks. She's very easy to watch and it's good hear the truth.
The truth and republicans are not friends ,,Conway is a lying pos
Conway is an effective advocate for the administration and that's why you hate her. Hate is the only thing holding the Democratic Party together these days.
Toomuch Republican lying swine are easy to hate
Easy for you because hate is all the Democratic Party stands for anymore.
coming from the party that showed so much love for obama and the 2 clintons ?? Surely you're joking?
She kicks Liberal ass every time she speaks. She's very easy to watch and it's good hear the truth.
The truth and republicans are not friends ,,Conway is a lying pos
Conway is an effective advocate for the administration and that's why you hate her. Hate is the only thing holding the Democratic Party together these days.
Toomuch Republican lying swine are easy to hate
Easy for you because hate is all the Democratic Party stands for anymore.
coming from the party that showed so much love for obama and the 2 clintons ?? Surely you're joking?
Not at all, hate is the only thing holding the Democratic Party together. Democrats appear to have no other interests or values than hating Trump and his supporters.
The truth and republicans are not friends ,,Conway is a lying pos
Conway is an effective advocate for the administration and that's why you hate her. Hate is the only thing holding the Democratic Party together these days.
Toomuch Republican lying swine are easy to hate
Easy for you because hate is all the Democratic Party stands for anymore.
coming from the party that showed so much love for obama and the 2 clintons ?? Surely you're joking?
Not at all, hate is the only thing holding the Democratic Party together. Democrats appear to have no other interests or values than hating Trump and his supporters.
Again Thanks for showing us how Seems like repubs don't like it when they get the same shit they dealt out,back in their faces
Lies are easy to deal are existing facts

The fact that our President would choose such an amateurish spokesperson is a story in itself

Well for an amateur she sure did a great job helping Trump get elected. Not to shabby for an amateur.

Unlike you're expert who cooked her own goose and fucked up her election every way she possibly could.

She did a great job losing the popular vote by 3 million? If Hillary was SOOOO inept and "cooked her own goose", then Trump was worse.
You do know that the Beast lost 304 - 227, right?

Yeah, you're the 4th person to proffer that lazy reply. Bottom line, Trump has no mandate from the people, he's BIGLY disliked, and will likely be impeached before 2018 comes around. The people got this one right. And the EC needs to go (just like Donnie said in 2012)
You're about the 20 millionth whiner to ignore the EC and whine that Clinton won a small plurality of the pop vote.

Grow up. She lost.

The EC deserves to be ignored. It was designed to prevent election of demagogues, but the EC voters were spineless cowards and failed to fulfill that promise and vote AGAINST Trump.
Conway is an effective advocate for the administration and that's why you hate her. Hate is the only thing holding the Democratic Party together these days.
Toomuch Republican lying swine are easy to hate
Easy for you because hate is all the Democratic Party stands for anymore.
coming from the party that showed so much love for obama and the 2 clintons ?? Surely you're joking?
Not at all, hate is the only thing holding the Democratic Party together. Democrats appear to have no other interests or values than hating Trump and his supporters.
Again Thanks for showing us how Seems like repubs don't like it when they get the same shit they dealt out,back in their faces
Your trash talk is not a problem, it is that the Democrats seem to be interested only in politics and have no interest in policy.
MSNBC. LOL Yea, banning the President's spokesperson will help their ratings. smh
She is extremely hard to watch, I don't think it will hurt a thing amoungst their viewers or anybody looking for factual information

She kicks Liberal ass every time she speaks. She's very easy to watch and it's good hear the truth.
The truth and republicans are not friends ,,Conway is a lying pos
Conway is an effective advocate for the administration and that's why you hate her. Hate is the only thing holding the Democratic Party together these days.
Depends on the audience. Puppets looking for the the spin that explains how Trumps shit smells good love her because thats what she is selling. The rest of us just see a stinky piece of shit so for most of her interviews we shake our head and see right through the BS
News outlets that rarely have a conservative on unless they want to yell and scream don't like Trump people. That's surprising.

Republicans have been all over the airways the last 8 years. Republicans have been on the news interview shows at least 2 to 1 over Democrats. When Republicans lost in 2008, they went on a juggernaut lining up to talk on the news shows and get their POV out. There are no news shows where Republicans aren't welcomed.




^ That look is priceless! Bahahahahahaha!
News outlets that rarely have a conservative on unless they want to yell and scream don't like Trump people. That's surprising.

Republicans have been all over the airways the last 8 years. Republicans have been on the news interview shows at least 2 to 1 over Democrats. When Republicans lost in 2008, they went on a juggernaut lining up to talk on the news shows and get their POV out. There are no news shows where Republicans aren't welcomed.




^ That look is priceless! Bahahahahahaha!
Who's this guy?
News outlets that rarely have a conservative on unless they want to yell and scream don't like Trump people. That's surprising.

Republicans have been all over the airways the last 8 years. Republicans have been on the news interview shows at least 2 to 1 over Democrats. When Republicans lost in 2008, they went on a juggernaut lining up to talk on the news shows and get their POV out. There are no news shows where Republicans aren't welcomed.




^ That look is priceless! Bahahahahahaha!
Who's this guy?
View attachment 112711

A man Rachel was asking a bunch of gotcha-type loaded questions.
News outlets that rarely have a conservative on unless they want to yell and scream don't like Trump people. That's surprising.

Republicans have been all over the airways the last 8 years. Republicans have been on the news interview shows at least 2 to 1 over Democrats. When Republicans lost in 2008, they went on a juggernaut lining up to talk on the news shows and get their POV out. There are no news shows where Republicans aren't welcomed.




^ That look is priceless! Bahahahahahaha!
Who's this guy?
View attachment 112711

A man Rachel was asking a bunch of gotcha-type loaded questions.
So? What's wrong with that? He has the opportunity to say his piece. The press is supposed to be critical. Maddow is an extreme lefty, but she is no different than somebody like Hannity or O'reilly
News outlets that rarely have a conservative on unless they want to yell and scream don't like Trump people. That's surprising.

Republicans have been all over the airways the last 8 years. Republicans have been on the news interview shows at least 2 to 1 over Democrats. When Republicans lost in 2008, they went on a juggernaut lining up to talk on the news shows and get their POV out. There are no news shows where Republicans aren't welcomed.




^ That look is priceless! Bahahahahahaha!
Who's this guy?
View attachment 112711

A man Rachel was asking a bunch of gotcha-type loaded questions.
So? What's wrong with that? He has the opportunity to say his piece. The press is supposed to be critical. Maddow is an extreme lefty, but she is no different than somebody like Hannity or O'reilly

I don't see a need for any kind of "journalists" (term used VERY loosely) like that.

It's not like they're doing investigative journalism, they're just towing party lines.
If there is one thing in this world that the left media hates its a powerful, successful conservative woman. They attack these women like a pack of rabies infested rats.
I thought the MSM loved Sacagewa or whatever the fuck you Trumpbots call her.

Lieawatha....if you are talking Lizzy Warren.
Lizzie Borden Warren

Chief Lizzahontas whined
To her snowflake papoose,
"On the palefaces' Trump Train
We're stowaways in the caboose."

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