MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Says Kellyanne Conway Not Welcome on MSNBC Because ...

If there is one thing in this world that the left media hates its a powerful, successful conservative woman. They attack these women like a pack of rabies infested rats.

Oh, yes, she's so powerful and successful. What's her real job?

She runs a POLLING organization. Polls, those things that RWnuts have nothing but contempt for.
She helped make Trump president and did a magnificent job against all odds. Remember?
Like Kellyanne is going to lose any sleep for not being welcome in msnbc

pleaseeeeee :rolleyes-41: :cuckoo:
If there is one thing in this world that the left media hates its a powerful, successful conservative woman. They attack these women like a pack of rabies infested rats.

Oh, yes, she's so powerful and successful. What's her real job?

She runs a POLLING organization. Polls, those things that RWnuts have nothing but contempt for.
She helped make Trump president and did a magnificent job against all odds. Remember?

No, that's a fairy tale.
If there is one thing in this world that the left media hates its a powerful, successful conservative woman. They attack these women like a pack of rabies infested rats.

Oh, yes, she's so powerful and successful. What's her real job?

She runs a POLLING organization. Polls, those things that RWnuts have nothing but contempt for.
She helped make Trump president and did a magnificent job against all odds. Remember?

No, that's a fairy tale.
Anyone remember when she was on Fox all the time in the nineties, lying about Bill Clinton?

She was Kellyanne Fitzpatrick back then, you might recall. She was in that herd of bottle blonde cows that included Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter.
If there is one thing in this world that the left media hates its a powerful, successful conservative woman. They attack these women like a pack of rabies infested rats.

Oh, yes, she's so powerful and successful. What's her real job?

She runs a POLLING organization. Polls, those things that RWnuts have nothing but contempt for.
She helped make Trump president and did a magnificent job against all odds. Remember?

No, that's a fairy tale.

Google is full of fairy tales.

Now, to be clear, are you arguing that Trump was only able to get elected president by hiring one of the most outrageous professional LIARS in politics?

If there is one thing in this world that the left media hates its a powerful, successful conservative woman. They attack these women like a pack of rabies infested rats.

Oh, yes, she's so powerful and successful. What's her real job?

She runs a POLLING organization. Polls, those things that RWnuts have nothing but contempt for.
She helped make Trump president and did a magnificent job against all odds. Remember?

No, that's a fairy tale.

Google is full of fairy tales.

Now, to be clear, are you arguing that Trump was only able to get elected president by hiring one of the most outrageous professional LIARS in politics?

"She helped make Trump president and did a magnificent job against all odds. Remember?"

God, America has dumbed down. But you're black, right?
So just because we don't think the Bowling Green Massacre occurred doesn't mean it didn't?

Spoken like a true Birther.

Since I'm not a birther and never have been you're post is as ludicrous as you are.

So you agree that Birthers like Trump are fucking lunatics. Good for you.

Nope. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Everyone has free speech.

Just because I don't believe in this birther crap doesn't mean I think those that do are nuts.

Oh and wouldn't it be just peachy if you found out Obama was indeed born in Kenya??

Wonder what you're reaction to that little factoid would be. LOL

So now you admit you're a closet Birther.

LOL, this gets better every post.

Nope. You're the one fixated on birthers. Not me.

I never believed in that birther crap.

Whatever floats you're very leaky liberal boat.

But you wanted a man crazy enough to believe the birther crap to be your president. You're a crazy person enabler.
I don't believe in fake news': 'Morning Joe' host explains why she barred Kellyanne Conway from the show ,,,, I can't see why , Republicans love fake news
Maxwell Tani,Business Insider 6 hours ago
(Kellyanne Conway during a TV appearance from the White House.AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
MSNBC anchor Mika Brzezinski said on Wednesday that she won't allow President Donald Trump's top counselor, Kellyanne Conway, to appear on "Morning Joe."

The show's host slammed Conway for spinning on behalf of the administration without being accurate.

"She books herself on these shows. We know for a fact that she tries to book herself on this show," Brzezinski said. "I won't do it because I don't believe in fake news or information that is not true, and every time I see her on television something is askew, off, or incorrect."
In other words, MSNBC wants to present only one side of the news. This is political activism, not journalism, and it would be reasonable for that reason to cancel MSNBC's WH WH credentials. After all, since they already know what they will pass on as news, there is no need for them to be at the WH.
Any and all White House spokespeople or representatives are still welcome on the show. Only Conway is being rejected for cause. 'Cause she is a serial liar like her boss.
She is entertaining and gives you something to talk about

You just can't take her seriously
Oh, yes, she's so powerful and successful. What's her real job?

She runs a POLLING organization. Polls, those things that RWnuts have nothing but contempt for.
She helped make Trump president and did a magnificent job against all odds. Remember?

No, that's a fairy tale.

Google is full of fairy tales.

Now, to be clear, are you arguing that Trump was only able to get elected president by hiring one of the most outrageous professional LIARS in politics?

She helped make Trump president and did a magnificent job against all odds. Remember?
God, America has dumbed down. But you're black, right?

What is it about a guy who repeatedly calls me black, thinking that's an awesome INSULT?

Oh, right, textbook symptom of racism.
The lamestream media doesn't like spokespersons with opposing viewpoints that are good at making them look dishonest and biased.

And they hate women....the male chauvinist pigs that they are.:fu:
I don't agree with this - she should be welcomed and called on her bullshit.

It's a fine line. You've got an administration representative that you can grill, or you've got an admin representative who has a platform to spout lies. When does it shift too far to the latter?

Lies are easy to deal are existing facts

The fact that our President would choose such an amateurish spokesperson is a story in itself

Well for an amateur she sure did a great job helping Trump get elected. Not to shabby for an amateur.

Unlike you're expert who cooked her own goose and fucked up her election every way she possibly could.

She did a great job losing the popular vote by 3 million? If Hillary was SOOOO inept and "cooked her own goose", then Trump was worse.
You do know that the Beast lost 304 - 227, right?

Yeah, you're the 4th person to proffer that lazy reply. Bottom line, Trump has no mandate from the people, he's BIGLY disliked, and will likely be impeached before 2018 comes around. The people got this one right. And the EC needs to go (just like Donnie said in 2012)
It's a fine line. You've got an administration representative that you can grill, or you've got an admin representative who has a platform to spout lies. When does it shift too far to the latter?

Lies are easy to deal are existing facts

The fact that our President would choose such an amateurish spokesperson is a story in itself

Well for an amateur she sure did a great job helping Trump get elected. Not to shabby for an amateur.

Unlike you're expert who cooked her own goose and fucked up her election every way she possibly could.

She did a great job losing the popular vote by 3 million? If Hillary was SOOOO inept and "cooked her own goose", then Trump was worse.
You do know that the Beast lost 304 - 227, right?

Yeah, you're the 4th person to proffer that lazy reply. Bottom line, Trump has no mandate from the people, he's BIGLY disliked, and will likely be impeached before 2018 comes around. The people got this one right. And the EC needs to go (just like Donnie said in 2012) dicks on the left are overplaying your hand and you will pay for it.
‘I don’t believe in fake news’: MSNBC host says she will no longer book Kellyanne Conway on show

MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski Says Kellyanne Conway is No Longer Welcome on MSNBC Because She / MSNBC Doesn't Believe in 'Fake News'...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

‘Fake news’: MSNBC anchor tells a whopper about Fox News

FAKE: MSNBC Caught in Flat Out Lie About Trump and Fox... Forced to Apologize ON AIR

LOOK: NBC Complains About Fake News, Then THIS HAPPENED!

MSNBC Caught Lying About Trump / KKK

Hey MSNBC... :anj_stfu:! No one wants to come on your 'All-In FAKE News' Show anyway!

MSNBC is not even real news. CNN and MSNBC are extension of
Democratic party propaganda wing. Mika is not even a legite journalist. Got where she is because of her ass and daddys name.
It's a fine line. You've got an administration representative that you can grill, or you've got an admin representative who has a platform to spout lies. When does it shift too far to the latter?

Lies are easy to deal are existing facts

The fact that our President would choose such an amateurish spokesperson is a story in itself

Well for an amateur she sure did a great job helping Trump get elected. Not to shabby for an amateur.

Unlike you're expert who cooked her own goose and fucked up her election every way she possibly could.

She did a great job losing the popular vote by 3 million? If Hillary was SOOOO inept and "cooked her own goose", then Trump was worse.
You do know that the Beast lost 304 - 227, right?

Yeah, you're the 4th person to proffer that lazy reply. Bottom line, Trump has no mandate from the people, he's BIGLY disliked, and will likely be impeached before 2018 comes around. The people got this one right. And the EC needs to go (just like Donnie said in 2012)
You're about the 20 millionth whiner to ignore the EC and whine that Clinton won a small plurality of the pop vote.

Grow up. She lost.
MSNBC. LOL Yea, banning the President's spokesperson will help their ratings. smh
She is extremely hard to watch, I don't think it will hurt a thing amoungst their viewers or anybody looking for factual information

She kicks Liberal ass every time she speaks. She's very easy to watch and it's good hear the truth.
MSNBC. LOL Yea, banning the President's spokesperson will help their ratings. smh
She is extremely hard to watch, I don't think it will hurt a thing amoungst their viewers or anybody looking for factual information

She kicks Liberal ass every time she speaks. She's very easy to watch and it's good hear the truth.
The truth and republicans are not friends ,,Conway is a lying pos
MSNBC. LOL Yea, banning the President's spokesperson will help their ratings. smh
She is extremely hard to watch, I don't think it will hurt a thing amoungst their viewers or anybody looking for factual information

She kicks Liberal ass every time she speaks. She's very easy to watch and it's good hear the truth.
The truth and republicans are not friends ,,Conway is a lying pos
Conway is an effective advocate for the administration and that's why you hate her. Hate is the only thing holding the Democratic Party together these days.

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