MTG has memory problems.

MTG’s pathetic testimony only shows that the insurrectionist POS does not have the courage of her
convictions. MTG acts like a criminal suspect afraid to reveal her true intentions to the Court. Of course, she is a criminal suspect. A seditionist in fact. Her action and lies are what to be expected from a POS who is caught and now faces the consequences of her actions.
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MTG’s pathetic testimony only shows that the insurrectionist POS does not have the courage of her
convictions. MTG acts like a criminal suspect afraid to reveal her true intentions to the Court. Of course, she is a criminal suspect. A seditionist in fact. Her action and lies are what to be expected from a POS who is caught and now faces the consequences of her actions.
That's a great point.

She'll scream the crap that she screams, she'll fire up the rube base like no one this side of the orange buffoon.

But put her on the witness stand, and she just doesn't recall. Hmm, gosh, I just don't remember!

How do these people not see what a joke this is? Who knows, maybe they do, and they don't care. They're miserable, and they just want payback.
Marjory Taylor Green seems to have severe memory problems. In her testimony today. She couldn't recall saying or tweeting lots of things, even after being shown proof that she had. I only watched a couple of clips of her testimony, but all of her testimony made me think of this video.

It is no wonder the Trump cult lives inside an echo chamber and refuse to interact with the real world. It is because they are cowards, and MTG is their queen.

If you put Donald Trump under oath and asked him the same question MTG was asked, you would get a direct answer.

If you asked Donald Trump under oath if it was his opinion the election was stolen, he would most likely respond, "Yes I do, because it was." He would say something along those lines.

Gazpacho, on the other hand, dodged and weaved and steadfastly refused to answer in the affirmative. It was an incredible display of gutlessness.

She has claimed the election was stolen countless times on the tards' favorite outlets. Yet when asked directly in court, she could not find the courage to say so.

And so it went with every question she was asked.

MTG likes to strut and flex in front of the rubes and act all Macho Gazpacho, but folds like a cheap suit under real pressure.

To understand the hilarity of this next part, it is important to understand a couple things about this tower of jello.

First, she believes the Sandy Hook massacre was staged by the federal government, that a missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11, that California's wildfires were started by a Jewish space laser, and all kinds of other unbelievably stupid conspiracy theories.

Second, MTG's idea of the bastion of journalistic integrity is the Epoch Times. :lol:

The prosecutor asked this spineless retard if she had encouraged protestors to invade the Capitol in 2019. She dodged, weaved, and pled a faulty memory. The old "I don't recall" gambit of crooks everywhere.

The prosecutor then handed her a printout of a CNN report which documented her statements. When MTG saw it was a CNN article, she smirked mockingly. She then still claimed a faulty memory and mocked CNN.

The prosecutor then rolled a tape of MTG looking directly into the camera while urging the protesters to invade the Capitol, word for word of what was in the CNN report.

Suddenly, MTG remembered all about it! And yet this Q-tard Epoch Times subscriber STILL tried to make a dig at CNN! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You can bet your house that when this yellow-bellied worm recounts her ordeal to her rapt audience in the echo chamber, she will claim the only evidence the court had was CNN and she and child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz will share a belly laugh.
Kangaroo courts where your tweets and past statements can make you a traitor to the nation. Man, 2024 is going to be fucking lit.
That's a great point.

She'll scream the crap that she screams, she'll fire up the rube base like no one this side of the orange buffoon.

But put her on the witness stand, and she just doesn't recall. Hmm, I just don't remember!

How do these people not see what a joke this is? Who knows, maybe they do, and they don't care.
Exactly. If she truly had conviction she would have told the court exactly how she felt. She would have brought hell fire down on the court. Instead she prevaricated and hemmed and hawed. She was the whiny brainless weasel most of us with a brain know her to be.
Exactly. If she truly had conviction she would have told the court exactly how she felt. She would have brought he’ll fire down on the court. Instead she salked And hemmed and hawed. She was the whiny brainless weasel most of us with a brain know her to be.
Nobody has accused you of having a brain. Ever.
It is no wonder the Trump cult lives inside an echo chamber and refuse to interact with the real world. It is because they are cowards, and MTG is their queen.

If you put Donald Trump under oath and asked him the same question MTG was asked, you would get a direct answer.

If you asked Donald Trump under oath if it was his opinion the election was stolen, he would most likely respond, "Yes I do, because it was." He would say something along those lines.

Gazpacho, on the other hand, dodged and weaved and steadfastly refused to answer in the affirmative. It was an incredible display of gutlessness.

She has claimed the election was stolen countless times on the tards' favorite outlets. Yet when asked directly in court, she could not find the courage to say so.

And so it went with every question she was asked.

MTG likes to strut and flex in front of the rubes and act all Macho Gazpacho, but folds like a cheap suit under real pressure.

To understand the hilarity of this next part, it is important to understand a couple things about this tower of jello.

First, she believes the Sandy Hook massacre was staged by the federal government, that a missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11, that California's wildfires were started by a Jewish space laser, and all kinds of other unbelievably stupid conspiracy theories.

Second, MTG's idea of the bastion of journalistic integrity is the Epoch Times. :lol:

The prosecutor asked this spineless retard if she had encouraged protestors to invade the Capitol in 2019. She dodged, weaved, and pled a faulty memory. The old "I don't recall" gambit of crooks everywhere.

The prosecutor then handed her a printout of a CNN report which documented her statements. When MTG saw it was a CNN article, she smirked mockingly. She then still claimed a faulty memory and mocked CNN.

The prosecutor then rolled a tape of MTG looking directly into the camera while urging the protesters to invade the Capitol, word for word of what was in the CNN report.

Suddenly, MTG remembered all about it! And yet this Q-tard Epoch Times subscriber STILL tried to make a dig at CNN! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You can bet your house that when this yellow-bellied worm recounts her ordeal to her rapt audience in the echo chamber, she will claim the only evidence the court had was CNN and she and child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz will share a belly laugh.
She'll turn this court appearence into a fund raising scam, rake in millions from the gullible rubes & laugh all the way to the bank. Behind their back.

She's a total first class scumbag.

She's the kind of person parents warn their children about.
So all we need is a group to sue to get politicians off the ballot for whatever reason we think is necessary.

I can sue democrats for supporting the indoctrination of children at 5 years old into the queer agenda.

I could sue them for several things.

Let’s do this. Last candidate standing after the law suit to kick them out wins.

Fuck the voters.
You’ve spent some time in this district. So tell me about it. You say it’s anachronistic. What do you mean?

It’s very rural. It’s very white. It’s poor. Its two biggest cities each have fewer than 40,000 people. Fairly recently, I think 6,000 people signed a petition to preserve a statue of a Klan member.

Not a Confederate soldier. A Klan member?

Yeah, exactly. It has a history of electing fringe candidates. There was the election of a guy who was described to me as a paranoid urologist who represented the district back in the 1980s. Obviously, the district loves Trump, and Democrats have really made somewhat understandably half-hearted efforts at even running candidates.

There’s been six contests there since the district was drawn in 2010. I think they’ve only fielded a candidate in three of those, and when they’ve done that, they’ve had almost laughable candidates step up to the task, one of whom was a doctor with an expired medical license who was also a well-known nudist. And during a DUI stop that took place during the last weeks of the campaign, he told the arresting officer that he hated the county and he prayed for God to curse it.

It’s just so hard to get anyone to step up to the plate to run against Republicans here and those who do are a little nuts.

It is no wonder the Trump cult lives inside an echo chamber and refuse to interact with the real world. It is because they are cowards, and MTG is their queen.

If you put Donald Trump under oath and asked him the same question MTG was asked, you would get a direct answer.

If you asked Donald Trump under oath if it was his opinion the election was stolen, he would most likely respond, "Yes I do, because it was." He would say something along those lines.

Gazpacho, on the other hand, dodged and weaved and steadfastly refused to answer in the affirmative. It was an incredible display of gutlessness.

She has claimed the election was stolen countless times on the tards' favorite outlets. Yet when asked directly in court, she could not find the courage to say so.

And so it went with every question she was asked.

MTG likes to strut and flex in front of the rubes and act all Macho Gazpacho, but folds like a cheap suit under real pressure.

To understand the hilarity of this next part, it is important to understand a couple things about this tower of jello.

First, she believes the Sandy Hook massacre was staged by the federal government, that a missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11, that California's wildfires were started by a Jewish space laser, and all kinds of other unbelievably stupid conspiracy theories.

Second, MTG's idea of the bastion of journalistic integrity is the Epoch Times. :lol:

The prosecutor asked this spineless retard if she had encouraged protestors to invade the Capitol in 2019. She dodged, weaved, and pled a faulty memory. The old "I don't recall" gambit of crooks everywhere.

The prosecutor then handed her a printout of a CNN report which documented her statements. When MTG saw it was a CNN article, she smirked mockingly. She then still claimed a faulty memory and mocked CNN.

The prosecutor then rolled a tape of MTG looking directly into the camera while urging the protesters to invade the Capitol, word for word of what was in the CNN report.

Suddenly, MTG remembered all about it! And yet this Q-tard Epoch Times subscriber STILL tried to make a dig at CNN! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You can bet your house that when this yellow-bellied worm recounts her ordeal to her rapt audience in the echo chamber, she will claim the only evidence the court had was CNN and she and child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz will share a belly laugh.
The piss drinking retard weighs in with his stupidity. Proof of Gaetz being a sex trafficker. And no, your fevered desire for him to be doesn’t count. But the way moron, CNN has the pedos you support working for them.
She'll turn this court appearence into a fund raising scam, rake in millions from the gullible rubes & laugh all the way to the bank. Behind their back.

She's a total first class scumbag.

She's the kind of person parents warn their children about.
Did you donate to Hillary alone or beta o’dork and Stacy Abraham’s as well?

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