MTG has memory problems.

Pisslosi the drunk gets nothing until HER emails and phone records from that day are released. She refuses to do that while demanding everybody else release theirs. Fuck Cheney and the rest of this kangaroo court.
I looked really hard at the video. That judge didn't look anything like Nancy Pelosi. That's a real court MTG is being asked questions in.
You’ve spent some time in this district. So tell me about it. You say it’s anachronistic. What do you mean?

It’s very rural. It’s very white. It’s poor. Its two biggest cities each have fewer than 40,000 people. Fairly recently, I think 6,000 people signed a petition to preserve a statue of a Klan member.

Not a Confederate soldier. A Klan member?

Yeah, exactly. It has a history of electing fringe candidates. There was the election of a guy who was described to me as a paranoid urologist who represented the district back in the 1980s. Obviously, the district loves Trump, and Democrats have really made somewhat understandably half-hearted efforts at even running candidates.

There’s been six contests there since the district was drawn in 2010. I think they’ve only fielded a candidate in three of those, and when they’ve done that, they’ve had almost laughable candidates step up to the task, one of whom was a doctor with an expired medical license who was also a well-known nudist. And during a DUI stop that took place during the last weeks of the campaign, he told the arresting officer that he hated the county and he prayed for God to curse it.

It’s just so hard to get anyone to step up to the plate to run against Republicans here and those who do are a little nuts.

Slate. LMAO!

So the reason democrats aren’t doing well in that district is it’s full of white racists. Democrats have been doing their best to tell these fucking people how white and racist they are and why that makes them horrible fucking people but just can’t seem to win an election there. Fucking mystery.
Slate. LMAO!

So the reason democrats aren’t doing well in that district is it’s full of white racists. Democrats have been doing their best to tell these fucking people how white and racist they are and why that makes them horrible fucking people but just can’t seem to win an election there. Fucking mystery.
All you have to do is look at MTG and see for yourself her voters are a bumper crop of retards and racists.

And they are downright proud of it.
That's been the cherry on top throughout this entire shit show. The pointed line of questioning has been pretty good too. MTG has never been through something like this, and you can tell she just hates it.
She reminds me of Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was running for Governor of California, and people brought up his participation in sex orgies, drug use and the like. And his answer was if he knew he'd be running for elected office, he would have behaved differently.

Greene seems to be trying to say, if she knew they would hold participating in insurrection could be held against her, she wouldn't have made all those statements supporting it.
All you have to do is look at MTG and see for yourself they are a crop of retards.
She won 75% of the vote.

I don’t think you’re understanding how bad you are pissing people off by calling her voters retards.

The death of your party, which I’m cheering for, is going to come because of your arrogance and assholishness.
MTG will make a great senator someday.
So it doesn't bother you that she lies after being sworn in on a witness stand, and then what she has just lied about is played back for her for the world to see?

Is that really okay with you?

What are your standards for a United States Senator? Or ANYONE, for that matter? Is honesty anywhere on your list?
Lol.. the above post could only be written by someone whose brain is fried on drugs or is a retard.
Are your posts a junior high politics assignment?

You can’t just say the above post without actually addressing the above posts point.

Otherwise you look like an idiot.
Yes, because being drug into a court is usually a good time.

Court may not be fun, but it's really bad when you suddenly realize your past statements would be held against you. Maybe she should have read the constitution where the "speech and debate clause" would have protected her, had she been allowed to say her remarks on the floor of the house.
So it doesn't bother you that she lies after being sworn in on a witness stand, and then what she has just lied about is played back for her for the world to see?

Is that really okay with you?

What are your standards for a United States Senator? Or ANYONE, for that matter? Is honesty anywhere on your list?
Yes I do expect the politicians I vote for to be honest and to have morals.
So it doesn't bother you that she lies after being sworn in on a witness stand, and then what she has just lied about is played back for her for the world to see?

Is that really okay with you?

What are your standards for a United States Senator? Or ANYONE, for that matter? Is honesty anywhere on your list?
I’m going to need some transcripts of the lies from the trial. In ful context please.
Court may not be fun, but it's really bad when you suddenly realize your past statements would be held against you. Maybe she should have read the constitution where the "speech and debate clause" would have protected her, had she been allowed to say her remarks on the floor of the house.
Protected from what? You only get full free protected speech on the house floor? WTF are you talking about.
She won 75% of the vote.

I don’t think you’re understanding how bad you are pissing people off by calling her voters retards.

The death of your party, which I’m cheering for, is going to come because of your arrogance and assholishness.
I don't have a party. I quit the GOP after Trump was elected.

Trump could live to be 100 and he still won't be a Republican for as long as I have been.

The GOP is extinct. Dead. Gone. A rotting corpse.

I don't care if I piss off retards and racists. I really don't. In fact, I hope I do.

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