MTP: Climate Change Discussion - no Deniers

Watching Meet the Press. They have dedicated the whole hour to climate change. They have no deniers on the panel and as Chuck Todd correctly stated the science is long since settled. Now it is time to discuss solutions.

A recent poll shows even a majority of Republicans do not dispute anthropogenic climate change.
Opinion | More Republicans Than You Think Support Action on Climate Change

I applaud Meet the Press. Time to push deniers and their pseudo science to the curb or back into closet. Choose your metaphor. They are just standing in the way and are no more than obstructionists.

We need to discuss only solutions and adaptations.

No "deniers"? Of what? Fuck off; you're living in a failed socialist paradigm.

Only people who are in complete agreement should communicate on the important issues. We must shut down and shut out all contrarian thought .

That's where we are, gang. We've gotten that fucked up.

That's so not true.

When your discussion is about solutions to a problem those who refuse to acknowledge the problem exists and have absolutely zero solutions don't have any place at the table.

When they have solutions they will have a place at the table.

The subject isn't if climate change is real. The subject is what solutions can we find for the problem.

When someone doesn't even believe there's a problem and have no solutions they aren't invited to find solutions. They have no place at the table with people who want to find solutions.

You're expecting the subject to be different from what it is and you're expecting people to have to listen to the same lies and garbage we've already heard millions of times.

You are not being honest.

If I want to ask about engineering I ask an engineer; not a stupid Green activist.

Watching Meet the Press. They have dedicated the whole hour to climate change. They have no deniers on the panel and as Chuck Todd correctly stated the science is long since settled. Now it is time to discuss solutions.

A recent poll shows even a majority of Republicans do not dispute anthropogenic climate change.
Opinion | More Republicans Than You Think Support Action on Climate Change

I applaud Meet the Press. Time to push deniers and their pseudo science to the curb or back into closet. Choose your metaphor. They are just standing in the way and are no more than obstructionists.

We need to discuss only solutions and adaptations.
Ignoring the fact of climate change isn’t ‘science’ at all.
Here's the challenge for all to see whether Mac still has the capacity to think, or merely retreats behind his shtick dismissing out of hand everyone who has the temerity to disagree with him:

Hey Mac1958, is human caused climate change a serious national security threat?​

That should be easy enough to answer. The U.S. military, in studies conducted by the Pentagon, did in fact deem AGW a security threat, and, even more, AGW was deemed a "threat multiplier".

So, is that so? Or shall we weigh the above against the "other side's" claim that AGW ain't happening, that if it happens it ain't a problem because humans like it warm, and even if humans don't like it that warm, there's nothing we can do about it, and thinking about it is pointless anyway?

Since you declare the wingers communicative failures, you can at least demonstrate that you are the one to build bridges.
We need to discuss only solutions and adaptations.

That should be easy enough to answer. The U.S. military, in studies conducted by the Pentagon, did in fact deem AGW a security threat, and, even more, AGW was deemed a "threat multiplier".
Read that Olde One , of course one could paint the open check book pentagon policy biased on one hand, yet they do have a stellar record for outing threats on the other

much more qualified than our CIC


Here's the challenge for all to see whether Mac still has the capacity to think, or merely retreats behind his shtick dismissing out of hand everyone who has the temerity to disagree with him:

Hey Mac1958, is human caused climate change a serious national security threat?​

That should be easy enough to answer. The U.S. military, in studies conducted by the Pentagon, did in fact deem AGW a security threat, and, even more, AGW was deemed a "threat multiplier".

So, is that so? Or shall we weigh the above against the "other side's" claim that AGW ain't happening, that if it happens it ain't a problem because humans like it warm, and even if humans don't like it that warm, there's nothing we can do about it, and thinking about it is pointless anyway?

Since you declare the wingers communicative failures, you can at least demonstrate that you are the one to build bridges.

"Hey Mac1958, is human caused climate change a serious national security threat?"


thats a loaded question,,,you're assuming that climate change is caused by humans,

I have seen no proof to back up that claim,,,
If you cannot accept the fact that human caused climate change is a severe national security threat, you are of no use to anyone as we try to come up with workable solutions. So you have no place in the conversation. Ciao!

Prove your "solutions" are workable or even possible.

First, please indicate that you accept the fact that man made climate change is a serious national security threat.

Then we can discuss the solutions.


First, please admit that you are an Acolyte of the Secular Church of Global(ist) Warming and that you are preaching Faith Based dogma.

Why are you addressing me? You asked me to avoid speaking to you years ago. Have you forgotten?

I don't think of you.
If you cannot accept the fact that human caused climate change is a severe national security threat, you are of no use to anyone as we try to come up with workable solutions. So you have no place in the conversation. Ciao!

Prove your "solutions" are workable or even possible.

First, please indicate that you accept the fact that man made climate change is a serious national security threat.

Then we can discuss the solutions.


First, please admit that you are an Acolyte of the Secular Church of Global(ist) Warming and that you are preaching Faith Based dogma.

Why are you addressing me? You asked me to avoid speaking to you years ago. Have you forgotten?

I don't think of you.

Now you lie.
Only people who are in complete agreement should communicate on the important issues. We must shut down and shut out all contrarian thought .

That's where we are, gang. We've gotten that fucked up.

That's so not true.

When your discussion is about solutions to a problem those who refuse to acknowledge the problem exists and have absolutely zero solutions don't have any place at the table.

When they have solutions they will have a place at the table.

The subject isn't if climate change is real. The subject is what solutions can we find for the problem.

When someone doesn't even believe there's a problem and have no solutions they aren't invited to find solutions. They have no place at the table with people who want to find solutions.

You're expecting the subject to be different from what it is and you're expecting people to have to listen to the same lies and garbage we've already heard millions of times.

You are not being honest.
Your premise is in error. Can't find a solution for a problem that doesn't exist.

Prove your "solutions" are workable or even possible.

First, please indicate that you accept the fact that man made climate change is a serious national security threat.

Then we can discuss the solutions.


First, please admit that you are an Acolyte of the Secular Church of Global(ist) Warming and that you are preaching Faith Based dogma.

Why are you addressing me? You asked me to avoid speaking to you years ago. Have you forgotten?

I don't think of you.

Now you lie.

No. I don't think of you. I responded to a post. That has nothing to do with thinking about you or discussing a comment which I don't recall making but which obviously affected you enough that you appear to be obsessed about it.

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming: AGW is a crock of shit.
First, please indicate that you accept the fact that man made climate change is a serious national security threat.

Then we can discuss the solutions.


First, please admit that you are an Acolyte of the Secular Church of Global(ist) Warming and that you are preaching Faith Based dogma.

Why are you addressing me? You asked me to avoid speaking to you years ago. Have you forgotten?

I don't think of you.

Now you lie.

No. I don't think of you. I responded to a post. That has nothing to do with thinking about you or discussing a comment which I don't recall making but which obviously affected you enough that you appear to be obsessed about it.

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming: AGW is a crock of shit.

You bitched and whined so much about my responding to your posts that I agreed to give you your safe space. You must have gained some new confidence. Good for you!
Wasn't all the snow and ice supposed to be melted by now in Antarctica? Should be grass there now. Where is the proof previous claims made years ago are true.
Antarctica is one part of the globe darlin.
Get an atlas
Greenland Green yet? Miami under water?
Come on one of your predictions had to of come true by now huh.
I guess you were never in Miami in a rainstorm.
And btw, Greenland is greener

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