mueller caves

Perjury can be oral or written. Mueller is smart, unlike you, and even when Trump's lawyers write the response, Trump will need to sign it.

Neither Trump nor his lawyers know what evidence Mueller has discovered. Thus I doubt the lawyers will ever respond in specifics to what questions are asked.

exactly - Mueller didnt cave RW Trumpbots are just too damn stupid to know it.
Hilarious how the Left are so desperate to spin this.

spin ?

Trump and a lawyer cant simply write down anything they want to and expect it to fly - Meuller has the answers to the question before he ever asks the damn question .... DDDDUUURRRRRRRRR
so he's not interested in being fair is what you just said.


Trump is anything but honest.

Be it on paper or in person its up to Goldilocks to provide Meuller with honest answers.
Ain't gonna be no interview, written or otherwise. Trump is jerking Mueller around.

theres 3 or 4 RW Trumpukes sitting on guilty verdicts the believe youre full of shit ..

You get one verdict for what amounts to in legal terms is Jaywalking in an ancient infraction prior to Trump against Paul Manafort, and you believe the walls are closing in on him. Mueller is trying to set Trump up for perjury. I would never agree to jack-squat if I was Trump. The whole investigation was as fake as those Protests at the Kavavaugh hearing yesterday.
That didnt stop them from trying to subpoena fast & furious documents.

The Obama administration was caught illegally running thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels in a plan to drive up the death toll to fuel the political argument for why guns should be made illegal....

I have no problem with President Obama not being subpoenaed to testify. The evidence, however, was being hidden all the way to Obama's Cabinet, specifically his US AG and head of the DOJ, Eric Holder.

In covering the illegal operation up...and covering his boss' ass...Holder lied his own ass off, was caught, was protected from indictment, and was Censured. Despite the crime of running thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, which resulted in many deaths - to include American deaths, not one damn person involved was ever arrested and held judicially held accountable.

...and you are trying to compare a Conspiracy / Plan in which Obama was TRYING TO FACILITATE THE MURDER OF PEOPLE TO DRIVE UP THE DEATH TOLL TO GO AFTER GUNS IN THE US to a President's refusal to be interviewed by a proven criminal who is leading the Conspiracy to take the President down, specifically by trying to nail him in a game of 'gottcha' when there has been no crime proven to have been perpetrated involving the President?


So there is a case where the president can be subpoenaed.

Who is this "proven criminal" you speak of? who would interview Trump.
Wicked man doing the witch hunting work for 35% of the Nation which is emotionally distraught and needs someone to blame it on. I say 35% because not all Hillary voters are so anti-American to think this witch hunt is valid.
Who is this "proven criminal" you speak of? who would interview Trump.
Rosenstein and Mueller undeniable illegally refused to comply with Congressional subpoenas..... You must have missed that during the time you were jumping up and down telling people 'You just wait' in response to the fact that Mueller has no evidence on Trump of illegal Russian he does with Hillary but refuses to use it.
Furthermore, I would like to Add, that President Trump should SUE THE DNC, Clinton, Obama, Mueller, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Yates, Strozk, Ohr, Paige etc. etc. for DEFAMATION of CHARACTER and LIBEL and for Knowingly pushing a False Narrative based on KNOWN RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA which was Viewed to be False and Salacious. I would also sue for damages for Civil Rights Abuses as The FISA Court also Violated his rights and allowed The Clinton Cronies in THE DOJ and FBI to spy on The Trump Campaign Illegally for purposes of attempting to rig an election for Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton.

I would also Have The Federal Government under a new Attorney General sue The Clinton Campaign, The FBI, and DOJ for Fraud and Abuse of Taxpayer funds used to fund this Fictitious Witch Hunt.

If it were me on the other end of this, I would take a Scorched Earth Approach and Damn Them All To Hell with Civil and Criminal proceedings.

After he wins any all of the law suits the money should be donated to inner city jobs programs and schools.
Who is this "proven criminal" you speak of? who would interview Trump.
Rosenstein and Mueller undeniable illegally refused to comply with Congressional subpoenas..... You must have missed that during the time you were jumping up and down telling people 'You just wait' in response to the fact that Mueller has no evidence on Trump of illegal Russian he does with Hillary but refuses to use it.

even if a congressional subpoena is ignored its a misdemeanor ....

even if a congressional subpoena is ignored its a misdemeanor ....

Thank you for admitting .... and pointing out to your fellow snowflakes .. that Mueller, the prosecutor responsible for investigating a crime - but has yet to find one involving Trump - has himself broken the law in desperate pursuit of Trump.
even if a congressional subpoena is ignored its a misdemeanor ....

Thank you for admitting .... and pointing out to your fellow snowflakes .. that Mueller, the prosecutor responsible for investigating a crime - but has yet to find one involving Trump - has himself broken the law in desperate pursuit of Trump.

has yet (in both cases) - key words

get back with us when the investigation is over.

even if a congressional subpoena is ignored its a misdemeanor ....

Thank you for admitting .... and pointing out to your fellow snowflakes .. that Mueller, the prosecutor responsible for investigating a crime - but has yet to find one involving Trump - has himself broken the law in desperate pursuit of Trump.
Mueller and Comey indeed are both Law Breakers. Mueller's so called multi million dollar investigation is in fact a violation of The Law. There is no basis at all under the rules for appointing a Special Prosecutor to have ever appointed one.

Can one Leftist Ahole here CITE the Justification and US CODE violated used to justify the appointment of a Special Counsel?

What Law was broken? Anyone? Anyone here have any actual BALLS to clarify what law was broken by President Trump?
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Furthermore, I would like to Add, that President Trump should SUE THE DNC, Clinton, Obama, Mueller, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Yates, Strozk, Ohr, Paige etc. etc. for DEFAMATION of CHARACTER and LIBEL and for Knowingly pushing a False Narrative based on KNOWN RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA which was Viewed to be False and Salacious. I would also sue for damages for Civil Rights Abuses as The FISA Court also Violated his rights and allowed The Clinton Cronies in THE DOJ and FBI to spy on The Trump Campaign Illegally for purposes of attempting to rig an election for Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton.

I would also Have The Federal Government under a new Attorney General sue The Clinton Campaign, The FBI, and DOJ for Fraud and Abuse of Taxpayer funds used to fund this Fictitious Witch Hunt.

If it were me on the other end of this, I would take a Scorched Earth Approach and Damn Them All To Hell with Civil and Criminal proceedings.

After he wins any all of the law suits the money should be donated to inner city jobs programs and schools.
That all sounds like what third world dictatorships so.

Oh wait...I forgot who was in the White House
even if a congressional subpoena is ignored its a misdemeanor ....

Thank you for admitting .... and pointing out to your fellow snowflakes .. that Mueller, the prosecutor responsible for investigating a crime - but has yet to find one involving Trump - has himself broken the law in desperate pursuit of Trump.
Mueller and Comey indeed are both Law Breakers. Mueller's so called multi million dollar investigation is in fact a violation of The Law. There is no basis at all under the rules for appointing a Special Prosecutor to have ever appointed one.

Can one Leftist Ahole here CITE the Justification and US CODE violated used to justify the appointment of a Special Counsel?

What Law was broken? Anyone? Anyone here have any actual BALLS to clarify what law was broken by President Trump?
Insane claims by the right wing fever swamp.

There is ZERO illegal about the Mueller investigation
There is ZERO illegal about the Mueller investigation

The Obama administration knowingly illegally used the dossier by presenting it to the FISA court as legitimate Intel to illegally obtain warrants and deceitfully presented it to congress as legitimate Intel to get Congress to agree to appoint Mueller Special Counsel.

There never was a crime that warranted a Special Investigation. Mueller still does not have any proof of any crime involving Trump that required an investigation let alone a Special Counsel.

After 2 years this whole conspiracy has been exposed.

Oher just recently testified to the fact that he (DOJ), Steele (foreign Spy), Russians, Mueller (who was LATER appointed Special Counsel), Comey (FBI), Brennan (CIA), and Clapper (NIA) were all communicating / working together in early 2016 on all of this....

Stevie Wonder can see this.... :p
I posted a link, you posted an opinion. The same Phoenix office used the same failed strategy.
Yeah, I ignored your Fake News BS!

Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration


Politifact says YOU LIE!

Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration

Wrong, you simply can't see beyond your biases.
Perjury can be oral or written. Mueller is smart, unlike you, and even when Trump's lawyers write the response, Trump will need to sign it.

Neither Trump nor his lawyers know what evidence Mueller has discovered. Thus I doubt the lawyers will ever respond in specifics to what questions are asked.

exactly - Mueller didnt cave RW Trumpbots are just too damn stupid to know it.
Hilarious how the Left are so desperate to spin this.

spin ?

Trump and a lawyer cant simply write down anything they want to and expect it to fly - Meuller has the answers to the question before he ever asks the damn question .... DDDDUUURRRRRRRRR
so he's not interested in being fair is what you just said.


Trump is anything but honest.

Be it on paper or in person its up to Goldilocks to provide Meuller with honest answers.
you have no idea about anything trump. just remember that. nor do I. but I don't go off willie nillie calling people name without facts. let's start with facts, post something he wasn't honest about.

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