mueller caves

I posted a link, you posted an opinion. The same Phoenix office used the same failed strategy.
Yeah, I ignored your Fake News BS!

Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration


Politifact says YOU LIE!

Barack Obama said 'Fast and Furious' began under the Bush administration

Wrong, you simply can't see beyond your biases.


upload_2018-9-5_15-56-50.jpeg [URL='']upload_2018-9-5_15-57-31.jpeg
Furthermore, I would like to Add, that President Trump should SUE THE DNC, Clinton, Obama, Mueller, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Yates, Strozk, Ohr, Paige etc. etc. for DEFAMATION of CHARACTER and LIBEL and for Knowingly pushing a False Narrative based on KNOWN RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA which was Viewed to be False and Salacious. I would also sue for damages for Civil Rights Abuses as The FISA Court also Violated his rights and allowed The Clinton Cronies in THE DOJ and FBI to spy on The Trump Campaign Illegally for purposes of attempting to rig an election for Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton.

I would also Have The Federal Government under a new Attorney General sue The Clinton Campaign, The FBI, and DOJ for Fraud and Abuse of Taxpayer funds used to fund this Fictitious Witch Hunt.

If it were me on the other end of this, I would take a Scorched Earth Approach and Damn Them All To Hell with Civil and Criminal proceedings.

After he wins any all of the law suits the money should be donated to inner city jobs programs and schools.

Do you have any evidence to support your apparent fantasies? Do they form in your head by ecotoplasms transmitted by a medium? Is Alex Jones the medium for your seance?
exactly - Mueller didnt cave RW Trumpbots are just too damn stupid to know it.
Hilarious how the Left are so desperate to spin this.

spin ?

Trump and a lawyer cant simply write down anything they want to and expect it to fly - Meuller has the answers to the question before he ever asks the damn question .... DDDDUUURRRRRRRRR
so he's not interested in being fair is what you just said.


Trump is anything but honest.

Be it on paper or in person its up to Goldilocks to provide Meuller with honest answers.
you have no idea about anything trump. just remember that. nor do I. but I don't go off willie nillie calling people name without facts. let's start with facts, post something he wasn't honest about.

Your wish is granted:

Donald Trump's 10 biggest falsehoods
Hilarious how the Left are so desperate to spin this.

spin ?

Trump and a lawyer cant simply write down anything they want to and expect it to fly - Meuller has the answers to the question before he ever asks the damn question .... DDDDUUURRRRRRRRR
so he's not interested in being fair is what you just said.


Trump is anything but honest.

Be it on paper or in person its up to Goldilocks to provide Meuller with honest answers.
you have no idea about anything trump. just remember that. nor do I. but I don't go off willie nillie calling people name without facts. let's start with facts, post something he wasn't honest about.

Your wish is granted:

Donald Trump's 10 biggest falsehoods
none of any of that can be proved one way or the other. dude, that is only good to print on toilet paper and wipe my ass with. Did you even read it?
spin ?

Trump and a lawyer cant simply write down anything they want to and expect it to fly - Meuller has the answers to the question before he ever asks the damn question .... DDDDUUURRRRRRRRR
so he's not interested in being fair is what you just said.


Trump is anything but honest.

Be it on paper or in person its up to Goldilocks to provide Meuller with honest answers.
you have no idea about anything trump. just remember that. nor do I. but I don't go off willie nillie calling people name without facts. let's start with facts, post something he wasn't honest about.

Your wish is granted:

Donald Trump's 10 biggest falsehoods

none of any of that can be proved one way or the other. dude, that is only good to print on toilet paper and wipe my ass with. Did you even read it?

I read it. Did you? I can find many more if you want more? Why not admit the obvious?
so he's not interested in being fair is what you just said.


Trump is anything but honest.

Be it on paper or in person its up to Goldilocks to provide Meuller with honest answers.
you have no idea about anything trump. just remember that. nor do I. but I don't go off willie nillie calling people name without facts. let's start with facts, post something he wasn't honest about.

Your wish is granted:

Donald Trump's 10 biggest falsehoods

none of any of that can be proved one way or the other. dude, that is only good to print on toilet paper and wipe my ass with. Did you even read it?

I read it. Did you? I can find many more if you want more? Why not admit the obvious?
how many million of illegals are here? there is no way to know that number and I've seen as many as 40 million. so how is that saying 30 million is a lie or dishonest? please explain it.
Last edited:
Who is this "proven criminal" you speak of? who would interview Trump.
Rosenstein and Mueller undeniable illegally refused to comply with Congressional subpoenas..... You must have missed that during the time you were jumping up and down telling people 'You just wait' in response to the fact that Mueller has no evidence on Trump of illegal Russian he does with Hillary but refuses to use it.

even if a congressional subpoena is ignored its a misdemeanor ....

The subpoena was hardley ignored. Its a massive subpoena. Republicans requested more than a million documents. FBI doubled the number of staffers working on this to 54.
DOJ had made space available for committee staff to view unredacted documents.

Really whats going on there is an impossible to meet request so they can justify removing Rosenstein; which makes him a criminal for not complying with this stupid request?
Lol, Mueller doesn't leak. You have no idea what he was asking for and thus no idea whether he "caved" or not.

You kids and your desperate squirming are highly amusing.
nor do you. but his lawyers were. there isn't any obligation to answer any questions. just remember that.

I'm not the one claiming I know shit that I can't possibly know.

Nice try at deflection though.
Lol, Mueller doesn't leak. You have no idea what he was asking for and thus no idea whether he "caved" or not.

You kids and your desperate squirming are highly amusing.

There never was evidence hence Mueller stalling and charging people for process crimes.
Uhmmm what? How many indictments, guilty pleas, and what not so far?

Uh huh, indictments. Lol .where is the collusion? Come on, where is it?
download (5).jpeg
Lol, Mueller doesn't leak. .

Mueller doesn't leak? is there any fairytale you dipshits won't buy into? :lol:
So tell us friend, what has leaked from Robert Mueller?
So tell us friend, what has leaked from Robert Mueller?

All those mountains of evidence showing Trump working with the Russians.

You know, all that stuff you Leftards say exists and justifies impeachment.

Lol, Mueller doesn't leak. You have no idea what he was asking for and thus no idea whether he "caved" or not.

You kids and your desperate squirming are highly amusing.

Thanks racist! #anydaynowanyday

Race baiting is in itself racism #alreadypointedthisout
Tell that to the racist president.

Trump's not a racist. Leftists always accuse others of being what you actually are, Grand Wizard
Lol, Mueller doesn't leak. You have no idea what he was asking for and thus no idea whether he "caved" or not.

You kids and your desperate squirming are highly amusing.

Thanks racist! #anydaynowanyday

Race baiting is in itself racism #alreadypointedthisout
Tell that to the racist president.
You Leftards and your outlandish lies.
Lol, Mueller doesn't leak. You have no idea what he was asking for and thus no idea whether he "caved" or not.

You kids and your desperate squirming are highly amusing.

Thanks racist! #anydaynowanyday

Race baiting is in itself racism #alreadypointedthisout
Tell that to the racist president.
You Leftards and your outlandish lies.

Yes. You know leftists are lying when they say Trump is racist because they always change his words. They wouldn't do that if they didn't realize what he says is actually always not racist.

This is all over a black hating racist like Fort Fruit Indiana anyway. I think he already left for his Klan meeting
So, we have been told Trump's actions are being directed by Putin. Treason, high crimes.

And, Mueller doesn't push for a interview. Even Clinton was forced to interview. Obstruction? That is after the fact. We are talking treason and collusion with Russia to rig an election. Written questions. Wow. No wonder the Op Ed hit today.
Lol, Mueller doesn't leak. You have no idea what he was asking for and thus no idea whether he "caved" or not.

You kids and your desperate squirming are highly amusing.

Thanks racist! #anydaynowanyday

Race baiting is in itself racism #alreadypointedthisout
Tell that to the racist president.

Trump's not a racist. Leftists always accuse others of being what you actually are, Grand Wizard
But he is a racist,by the definition of the person to whom I responded. But thanks for your intellectual contribution.
Some written answers. Nothing mentioned about obstruction questions, though.
Some. Others FU.
Art of the Deal

And I am sure that just like with Art of the Deal, someone else will write the answers and Trump will take credit for them.

Exactly, and that's what Mueller is counting on, and then at a later date, when he's asked those same questions in person under oath. He has to remember those answers, doesn't he?

Mueller is so far ahead of Trump it's really embarrassing.
Some written answers. Nothing mentioned about obstruction questions, though.
Some. Others FU.
Art of the Deal

And I am sure that just like with Art of the Deal, someone else will write the answers and Trump will take credit for them.

Exactly, and that's what Mueller is counting on, and then at a later date, when he's asked those same questions in person under oath. He has to remember those answers, doesn't he?

Mueller is so far ahead of Trump it's really embarrassing.

Mueller is done. This thing is just about over. Be happy the President was not involved in any collusion. It is good for the country as a whole.

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