mueller caves

Lol, Mueller doesn't leak. You have no idea what he was asking for and thus no idea whether he "caved" or not.

You kids and your desperate squirming are highly amusing.

There never was evidence hence Mueller stalling and charging people for process crimes.
Uhmmm what? How many indictments, guilty pleas, and what not so far?

Uh huh, indictments. Lol .where is the collusion? Come on, where is it?

hiding between obstruction and conspiracy ?
Ain't gonna be no interview, written or otherwise. Trump is jerking Mueller around.
question to the president... was there collusion with russia

trump.. nope

what about a conspiracy

trump.. same answer.

What about.....

trump same answer.
KNOWING he can't make the President do $hit, Mueller caved, signaling that he will accept WRITTEN answers to questions he had for the President.

It shows how desperate he is to get to the President, that his entire case depends on it...because so far he doesn't have $hit for evidence ont President Trump.

Mueller Will Accept Some Written Answers From Trump

'The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, eased up slightly on his demands to question President Trump in the Russia investigation, a shift that came as the president’s lawyers, who have advised him against sitting for an interview, are fighting his desire to answer investigators’ queries.

Mr. Mueller will accept written answers from Mr. Trump on questions about whether his campaign conspired with Russia’s election interference'
how is this a cave? unless mueller said previously that he would ONLY accept verbal answers and NOTHING ELSE EVER this is just a step in a very long process.
Mueller did say previously that he was not interested in written responses but wanted an interview.

Mueller has the option to subpoena the President. With that comes a Constitutional crisis which is why the R's are in a hurry to have the current nominee appointed, so he can vote with the other Republicans in a 5-4 decision making the President of the United States above the law.
Ain't gonna be no interview, written or otherwise. Trump is jerking Mueller around.
question to the president... was there collusion with russia

trump.. nope

what about a conspiracy

trump.. same answer.

What about.....

trump same answer.
and then there's

mueller ..was there collusion with russia

Trump.. yes it's called the dossier

mueller..what about a conspiracy

Trump... ask rosenstein he hired you
KNOWING he can't make the President do $hit, Mueller caved, signaling that he will accept WRITTEN answers to questions he had for the President.

It shows how desperate he is to get to the President, that his entire case depends on it...because so far he doesn't have $hit for evidence ont President Trump.

Mueller Will Accept Some Written Answers From Trump

'The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, eased up slightly on his demands to question President Trump in the Russia investigation, a shift that came as the president’s lawyers, who have advised him against sitting for an interview, are fighting his desire to answer investigators’ queries.

Mr. Mueller will accept written answers from Mr. Trump on questions about whether his campaign conspired with Russia’s election interference'
how is this a cave? unless mueller said previously that he would ONLY accept verbal answers and NOTHING ELSE EVER this is just a step in a very long process.
Mueller did say previously that he was not interested in written responses but wanted an interview.

Mueller has the option to subpoena the President. With that comes a Constitutional crisis which is why the R's are in a hurry to have the current nominee appointed, so he can vote with the other Republicans in a 5-4 decision making the President of the United States above the law.

Hmmm....did we actually FORGET or CHOOSE to ignore the fact that the US AGs under and Presidential administrations of both CLINTON and Bush already made the decision and reinforced it that a sitting President can not be subpoenaed?

Snowflakes so desperately want this to be an 'US' (Liberal) versus 'THEM' (Republican) 'Constitutional Crisis, but the fact is that it is NOT.

The Founding Fathers already, also, established the only path to removing a President from office is Impeachment, AFTEWR WHICH he can be subpoenaed, indicted, and convicted.

They made sure that butt-hurt politicians who lost an election could not break laws, deceive the courts, deceive Congress and get a rogue partisan political assassin assigned as Special Counsel to take down the elected President, thereby overturning the people's choice in a democratic election!

Perjury can be oral or written. Mueller is smart, unlike you, and even when Trump's lawyers write the response, Trump will need to sign it.

Neither Trump nor his lawyers know what evidence Mueller has discovered. Thus I doubt the lawyers will ever respond in specifics to what questions are asked.

exactly - Mueller didnt cave RW Trumpbots are just too damn stupid to know it.

Perjury can be oral or written. Mueller is smart, unlike you, and even when Trump's lawyers write the response, Trump will need to sign it.

Neither Trump nor his lawyers know what evidence Mueller has discovered. Thus I doubt the lawyers will ever respond in specifics to what questions are asked.

exactly - Mueller didnt cave RW Trumpbots are just too damn stupid to know it.
Hilarious how the Left are so desperate to spin this.
KNOWING he can't make the President do $hit, Mueller caved, signaling that he will accept WRITTEN answers to questions he had for the President.

It shows how desperate he is to get to the President, that his entire case depends on it...because so far he doesn't have $hit for evidence ont President Trump.

Mueller Will Accept Some Written Answers From Trump

'The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, eased up slightly on his demands to question President Trump in the Russia investigation, a shift that came as the president’s lawyers, who have advised him against sitting for an interview, are fighting his desire to answer investigators’ queries.

Mr. Mueller will accept written answers from Mr. Trump on questions about whether his campaign conspired with Russia’s election interference'
how is this a cave? unless mueller said previously that he would ONLY accept verbal answers and NOTHING ELSE EVER this is just a step in a very long process.
Mueller did say previously that he was not interested in written responses but wanted an interview.

Mueller has the option to subpoena the President. With that comes a Constitutional crisis which is why the R's are in a hurry to have the current nominee appointed, so he can vote with the other Republicans in a 5-4 decision making the President of the United States above the law.

Hmmm....did we actually FORGET or CHOOSE to ignore the fact that the US AGs under and Presidential administrations of both CLINTON and Bush already made the decision and reinforced it that a sitting President can not be subpoenaed?

Snowflakes so desperately want this to be an 'US' (Liberal) versus 'THEM' (Republican) 'Constitutional Crisis, but the fact is that it is NOT.

The Founding Fathers already, also, established the only path to removing a President from office is Impeachment, AFTEWR WHICH he can be subpoenaed, indicted, and convicted.

They made sure that butt-hurt politicians who lost an election could not break laws, deceive the courts, deceive Congress and get a rogue partisan political assassin assigned as Special Counsel to take down the elected President, thereby overturning the people's choice in a democratic election!
That didnt stop them from trying to subpoena fast & furious documents.
That didnt stop them from trying to subpoena fast & furious documents.

The Obama administration was caught illegally running thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels in a plan to drive up the death toll to fuel the political argument for why guns should be made illegal....

I have no problem with President Obama not being subpoenaed to testify. The evidence, however, was being hidden all the way to Obama's Cabinet, specifically his US AG and head of the DOJ, Eric Holder.

In covering the illegal operation up...and covering his boss' ass...Holder lied his own ass off, was caught, was protected from indictment, and was Censured. Despite the crime of running thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, which resulted in many deaths - to include American deaths, not one damn person involved was ever arrested and held judicially held accountable.

...and you are trying to compare a Conspiracy / Plan in which Obama was TRYING TO FACILITATE THE MURDER OF PEOPLE TO DRIVE UP THE DEATH TOLL TO GO AFTER GUNS IN THE US to a President's refusal to be interviewed by a proven criminal who is leading the Conspiracy to take the President down, specifically by trying to nail him in a game of 'gottcha' when there has been no crime proven to have been perpetrated involving the President?



Perjury can be oral or written. Mueller is smart, unlike you, and even when Trump's lawyers write the response, Trump will need to sign it.

Neither Trump nor his lawyers know what evidence Mueller has discovered. Thus I doubt the lawyers will ever respond in specifics to what questions are asked.

exactly - Mueller didnt cave RW Trumpbots are just too damn stupid to know it.
Hilarious how the Left are so desperate to spin this.

spin ?

Trump and a lawyer cant simply write down anything they want to and expect it to fly - Meuller has the answers to the question before he ever asks the damn question .... DDDDUUURRRRRRRRR

Perjury can be oral or written. Mueller is smart, unlike you, and even when Trump's lawyers write the response, Trump will need to sign it.

Neither Trump nor his lawyers know what evidence Mueller has discovered. Thus I doubt the lawyers will ever respond in specifics to what questions are asked.

exactly - Mueller didnt cave RW Trumpbots are just too damn stupid to know it.
Hilarious how the Left are so desperate to spin this.

spin ?

Trump and a lawyer cant simply write down anything they want to and expect it to fly - Meuller has the answers to the question before he ever asks the damn question .... DDDDUUURRRRRRRRR
so he's not interested in being fair is what you just said.
That didnt stop them from trying to subpoena fast & furious documents.

The Obama administration was caught illegally running thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels in a plan to drive up the death toll to fuel the political argument for why guns should be made illegal....

I have no problem with President Obama not being subpoenaed to testify. The evidence, however, was being hidden all the way to Obama's Cabinet, specifically his US AG and head of the DOJ, Eric Holder.

In covering the illegal operation up...and covering his boss' ass...Holder lied his own ass off, was caught, was protected from indictment, and was Censured. Despite the crime of running thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, which resulted in many deaths - to include American deaths, not one damn person involved was ever arrested and held judicially held accountable.

...and you are trying to compare a Conspiracy / Plan in which Obama was TRYING TO FACILITATE THE MURDER OF PEOPLE TO DRIVE UP THE DEATH TOLL TO GO AFTER GUNS IN THE US to a President's refusal to be interviewed by a proven criminal who is leading the Conspiracy to take the President down, specifically by trying to nail him in a game of 'gottcha' when there has been no crime proven to have been perpetrated involving the President?


just like hildebeast and benghazi. God love the four who died because of her.

Perjury can be oral or written. Mueller is smart, unlike you, and even when Trump's lawyers write the response, Trump will need to sign it.

Neither Trump nor his lawyers know what evidence Mueller has discovered. Thus I doubt the lawyers will ever respond in specifics to what questions are asked.

exactly - Mueller didnt cave RW Trumpbots are just too damn stupid to know it.
Hilarious how the Left are so desperate to spin this.

spin ?

Trump and a lawyer cant simply write down anything they want to and expect it to fly - Meuller has the answers to the question before he ever asks the damn question .... DDDDUUURRRRRRRRR
he can answer anyway he wants stupid fk. what the fk is the matter with you fks? how about trump supplies the question and mueller answers based on trump's answers? what kind of stupidity do you live in?
That didnt stop them from trying to subpoena fast & furious documents.

The Obama administration was caught illegally running thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels in a plan to drive up the death toll to fuel the political argument for why guns should be made illegal....

I have no problem with President Obama not being subpoenaed to testify. The evidence, however, was being hidden all the way to Obama's Cabinet, specifically his US AG and head of the DOJ, Eric Holder.

In covering the illegal operation up...and covering his boss' ass...Holder lied his own ass off, was caught, was protected from indictment, and was Censured. Despite the crime of running thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, which resulted in many deaths - to include American deaths, not one damn person involved was ever arrested and held judicially held accountable.

...and you are trying to compare a Conspiracy / Plan in which Obama was TRYING TO FACILITATE THE MURDER OF PEOPLE TO DRIVE UP THE DEATH TOLL TO GO AFTER GUNS IN THE US to a President's refusal to be interviewed by a proven criminal who is leading the Conspiracy to take the President down, specifically by trying to nail him in a game of 'gottcha' when there has been no crime proven to have been perpetrated involving the President?



Try to stay on topic once in a while. Fast and Furious it seems was modeled after Operation Wide Receiver (OWR) which, "had some similarities, and both were run out of the ATF’s Phoenix Field Division. The inspector general explored both programs in depth and found similar problems."

OWR was initiated by the Bush Administration. While F&F was implemented President Obama's Admin. in 2009 he had his hands full with the Great Recession, high unemployment and the housing bubble all of which he inherited.
I say Fuck Mueller. No reason to answer questions about a "CRIME" Mueller cannot even name, identify, cite US code for, or produce evidence that anything occurred at all.

Mueller is the same piece of shit that along with James Comey covered up the Rosatom-Russia Bribery scheme to get Uranium One approved.

Same guy that Railroaded Multiple Innocent men through Prosecutorial Conduct and cost the Tax Payers Millions in Restitution.

Same guy that while working for THE FBI, also looked the other way why Eric Holder Ran guns to Terrorists and Drug Cartels.

He and James Comey also looked the other way while Obama abused the power of THE IRS to target conservatives.

He is an Evil Hideous Son of a Bitch, and he needs to be on trial himself. James Comey too.

Both of these fuckers never said one word about Benghazi nor called themselves, or Clinton out on the mishandling and leaking of classified Intel.

Fuck them and everyone they know.
I would answer every question with a question.

Why cooperate with a witch hunt?

They have nothing on you, and can prove nothing, so tell Herr Mueller to pound salt.
I say Fuck Mueller. No reason to answer questions about a "CRIME" Mueller cannot even name, identify, cite US code for, or produce evidence that anything occurred at all.

Mueller is the same piece of shit that along with James Comey covered up the Rosatom-Russia Bribery scheme to get Uranium One approved.

Same guy that Railroaded Multiple Innocent men through Prosecutorial Conduct and cost the Tax Payers Millions in Restitution.

Same guy that while working for THE FBI, also looked the other way why Eric Holder Ran guns to Terrorists and Drug Cartels.

He and James Comey also looked the other way while Obama abused the power of THE IRS to target conservatives.

He is an Evil Hideous Son of a Bitch, and he needs to be on trial himself. James Comey too.

Both of these fuckers never said one word about Benghazi nor called themselves, or Clinton out on the mishandling and leaking of classified Intel.

Fuck them and everyone they know.

Mueller is a dirty, corrupt f*er....who knew a lot of corruption and crime was going on, did nothing to stop it, took action to hide it and protect those involved....and this is who we have investigating Trump?

Mueller should be the one investigated.

Perjury can be oral or written. Mueller is smart, unlike you, and even when Trump's lawyers write the response, Trump will need to sign it.

Neither Trump nor his lawyers know what evidence Mueller has discovered. Thus I doubt the lawyers will ever respond in specifics to what questions are asked.

exactly - Mueller didnt cave RW Trumpbots are just too damn stupid to know it.
Hilarious how the Left are so desperate to spin this.

spin ?

Trump and a lawyer cant simply write down anything they want to and expect it to fly - Meuller has the answers to the question before he ever asks the damn question .... DDDDUUURRRRRRRRR

so he's not interested in being fair is what you just said.

Wow, this straw man ^^^ is made entirely of asbestos. It won't burn!
That didnt stop them from trying to subpoena fast & furious documents.

The Obama administration was caught illegally running thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels in a plan to drive up the death toll to fuel the political argument for why guns should be made illegal....

I have no problem with President Obama not being subpoenaed to testify. The evidence, however, was being hidden all the way to Obama's Cabinet, specifically his US AG and head of the DOJ, Eric Holder.

In covering the illegal operation up...and covering his boss' ass...Holder lied his own ass off, was caught, was protected from indictment, and was Censured. Despite the crime of running thousands of automatic weapons and grenades to Mexican Drug Cartels, which resulted in many deaths - to include American deaths, not one damn person involved was ever arrested and held judicially held accountable.

...and you are trying to compare a Conspiracy / Plan in which Obama was TRYING TO FACILITATE THE MURDER OF PEOPLE TO DRIVE UP THE DEATH TOLL TO GO AFTER GUNS IN THE US to a President's refusal to be interviewed by a proven criminal who is leading the Conspiracy to take the President down, specifically by trying to nail him in a game of 'gottcha' when there has been no crime proven to have been perpetrated involving the President?



Try to stay on topic once in a while. Fast and Furious it seems was modeled after Operation Wide Receiver (OWR) which, "had some similarities, and both were run out of the ATF’s Phoenix Field Division. The inspector general explored both programs in depth and found similar problems."

OWR was initiated by the Bush Administration. While F&F was implemented President Obama's Admin. in 2009 he had his hands full with the Great Recession, high unemployment and the housing bubble all of which he inherited.

Thank you for brining Bush up in regards to Fast and Furious. It give me a chance to stomp the hell out of a LIE snowflakes continue to try to bring up.

(Again, more than a decade after Bush has left the WH snowflakes are still bringing him up, trying to blame him for Obama's F* Up!)

A similar operation was created AND PROPOSED under Bush. Bush, unlike Obama, was more intelligent and REFUSED TO ALLOW THE OPERATION TO BE CONDUCTED! Bush knew the minute the guns went across the border there would be no way to track them and get them back.

Bush knew this, of course, because he had some experience with the CIA (as his dad used to run the CIA) and such operations as opposed to the experienced COMMUNITY ORGANIZER and HALF A TERM SENATOR Barak Obama, who sent the guns across the border only to lose them and cause a good many of include American deaths.

I posted a link, you posted an opinion. The same Phoenix office used the same failed strategy. And, BTW, Obama had his hands full on day one, and had no play book.

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