mueller caves

KNOWING he can't make the President do $hit, Mueller caved, signaling that he will accept WRITTEN answers to questions he had for the President.

It shows how desperate he is to get to the President, that his entire case depends on it...because so far he doesn't have $hit for evidence ont President Trump.

Mueller Will Accept Some Written Answers From Trump

'The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, eased up slightly on his demands to question President Trump in the Russia investigation, a shift that came as the president’s lawyers, who have advised him against sitting for an interview, are fighting his desire to answer investigators’ queries.

Mr. Mueller will accept written answers from Mr. Trump on questions about whether his campaign conspired with Russia’s election interference'
how is this a cave? unless mueller said previously that he would ONLY accept verbal answers and NOTHING ELSE EVER this is just a step in a very long process.
Mueller did say previously that he was not interested in written responses but wanted an interview.
Some written answers. Nothing mentioned about obstruction questions, though.
Some. Others FU.
Art of the Deal

And I am sure that just like with Art of the Deal, someone else will write the answers and Trump will take credit for them.
If Mueller is willing to accept written responses to questions about collusion, that means he already has rock hard evidence of collusion, or no evidence of collusion so it is a formality to ask.
Obstruction of justice requires intent, so of course Mueller needs to be able to ask those questions "live" and get an idea of where Trump stands. That's why his lawyers will do everything in their power to keep him from talking to Mueller. BECAUSE OF COURSE Trump wanted and wants to shut down the investigation. He has talked of nothing else for over a year.
Yeah, Trump wants to shut down the investigation....that has been going on for more than 2 years and which has exposed evidence of crimes regarding illegal collusion perpetrated by DEMOCRATS only.


Most Americans - excluding the butt-hurt threats to our democracy libtards and snowflakes who have not accepted the results of the 2016 election - know this is a witch hunt carried on by criminals who have committed Obstruction, perjury, Conspiracy, refusal to comply with Congressional subpoenas, sedition, espionage, mishandling classified, and even - arguably - treason.
Ain't gonna be no interview, written or otherwise. Trump is jerking Mueller around.
Evidence shows a Russian Oligarch Buddy of Mueller's most probably wrote the Dossier...

Oher testified he had been working with Mueller on the Dossier early in 2016, Oher's wife - a Russian Specialist - was working with Fusion GPS...

Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in her attempting to win the WH - specifically buying the Dossier...

The DOJ, CIA, and NIA end up with the Dossier BEFORE a Special Counsel is ever appointed - they used the Dossier as the basis for getting Mueller appointed Special Counsel...

FBI Agent Strzok worked with Brenan and Clapper to author Intel Community Reports and Assessments, controlling the narrative to get the results they wanted - they then presented the fake Dossier they knew was not valid as legitimate Intel to 1) illegally obtain warrants & 2) to deceive Congress and get Mueller appointed Special Counsel....

The US IG hammered the FBI on several issues

- Failing to adhere to official FBI processes and procedures: Refusing to put Hillary under oath or record her testimony, indicting Flynn (after Comey testified his agents said Flynn never lied during his interview) while refusing to indict Hillary aides Mills and Abedin for the same thing...altering witness testimony after it was given...

- The US IG recommended Deputy FBI Director McCabe be indicted for crimes - the DOJ and FBO has REFUSED to do so

- The US IG recommended that FBI agent Strzok be officially investigated - the DOJ and FBI has refused to do so

The FBI (Strzok) knew in 2015 about foreign entities accessing TS data on Hillary's illegal server but did nothing to protect her for the 2016 election

Massive conflicts of interest, crimes and evidence of crimes ignored, the actual Investigators exposed as having committed crimes, lies, deceptions, Obstruction, Espionage, Perjury, Sedition, Conspiracy, and even treason exposed over and over......

Yeah, the majority of American people want this political coup attempt to end, and after / considering all of this the President has no reason to agree to any meeting with Mueller.

Again, Mueller - a friend and mentor of fired former GBI Director Comey should NEVER have been appointed to begin with. The Conflict of Interest here is massive and undeniable. Stevie F*ing Wonder could see that one...

Some written answers. Nothing mentioned about obstruction questions, though.

But there was no obstruction. This has been demonstrated over and over again and it’s a FAaaaar cry off from Russian collision ain’t it? Muller will take what he gets or be made a fool of again.
"Demonstrated" how? By arguments and opinions from Trump supporters? Let's wait and see.

Well, for starters Rod R. He wrote the letter explaining why the twat needed to be canned. I do believe the letter is out and around for reading. There was no obstruction. None. Collision. Not even a crime, still the only “collision” that has been demonstrated to be the issue has only been carried out by John McTumor, Hillary Clinton, and as this drags on, prosecutors on Mewlers team. But none in the Trump camp so far.
Some written answers. Nothing mentioned about obstruction questions, though.
Some. Others FU.
Art of the Deal

And I am sure that just like with Art of the Deal, someone else will write the answers and Trump will take credit for them.

Kinda like "Dreams from my father".

I could not tell you, never read it. How is it?
'Dreams of My Anti-Colonialist America-Hating Father' ... which was later shortened to just 'Dreams of My Father', for obvious reasons....?

The Highlights?

Obama was so influenced by his Anti-Colonialist America-Hating Father, who wanted to see the United States eliminated as a world power and world influence, that he changed his name to honor the man..... (Yeah, those are 'warning signs' flashing)....

Obama lied about a woman he supposedly dated, only to have him admit later that it was a 'compilation' of women woven journalistically into one woman in the book...(aka he LIED - go figure)

Obama admits that in college he learned to be 'all things to all people to get what he wanted, to be a chameleon...'
-- That talent suited him well in his run to the WH and time in office

This book was one of those 'warning signs' the media kept telling people 'did not matter' as they repeated the mantra over and over again that Barry's entire past did not matter...
Some written answers. Nothing mentioned about obstruction questions, though.
Some. Others FU.
Art of the Deal

And I am sure that just like with Art of the Deal, someone else will write the answers and Trump will take credit for them.

Kinda like "Dreams from my father".

I could not tell you, never read it. How is it?
'Dreams of My Anti-Colonialist America-Hating Father' ... which was later shortened to just 'Dreams of My Father', for obvious reasons....?

The Highlights?

Obama was so influenced by his Anti-Colonialist America-Hating Father, who wanted to see the United States eliminated as a world power and world influence, that he changed his name to honor the man..... (Yeah, those are 'warning signs' flashing)....

Obama lied about a woman he supposedly dated, only to have him admit later that it was a 'compilation' of women woven journalistically into one woman in the book...(aka he LIED - go figure)

Obama admits that in college he learned to be 'all things to all people to get what he wanted, to be a chameleon...'
-- That talent suited him well in his run to the WH and time in office

This book was one of those 'warning signs' the media kept telling people 'did not matter' as they repeated the mantra over and over again that Barry's entire past did not matter...

Thanks for the info!

Did you enjoy reading the book?
Some written answers. Nothing mentioned about obstruction questions, though.

But there was no obstruction. This has been demonstrated over and over again and it’s a FAaaaar cry off from Russian collision ain’t it? Muller will take what he gets or be made a fool of again.
"Demonstrated" how? By arguments and opinions from Trump supporters? Let's wait and see.

Well, for starters Rod R. He wrote the letter explaining why the twat needed to be canned. I do believe the letter is out and around for reading. There was no obstruction. None. Collision. Not even a crime, still the only “collision” that has been demonstrated to be the issue has only been carried out by John McTumor, Hillary Clinton, and as this drags on, prosecutors on Mewlers team. But none in the Trump camp so far.

Absolutely....another major Conflict of Interest ignored by the liberal media:

Rosenstein made the argument for firing FBI Director Comey and they ADVISED Trump to fire him. In an 'Obstruction' investigation this would make Rosenstein THE #1 witness in the case who was at the very heart of the case...which means he should have recused himself as soon as a Special Counsel was appointed. Being a co-conspirator, he announced that he would not do so...that HE had decided that if HE thought there was a Conflict of Interest he would / would have stepped down...but that HE had decided this was NOT a Conflict of Interest.


Add in the fact that he has since committed the crime of Obstruction by illegally refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena...
Some. Others FU.
Art of the Deal

And I am sure that just like with Art of the Deal, someone else will write the answers and Trump will take credit for them.

Kinda like "Dreams from my father".

I could not tell you, never read it. How is it?
'Dreams of My Anti-Colonialist America-Hating Father' ... which was later shortened to just 'Dreams of My Father', for obvious reasons....?

The Highlights?

Obama was so influenced by his Anti-Colonialist America-Hating Father, who wanted to see the United States eliminated as a world power and world influence, that he changed his name to honor the man..... (Yeah, those are 'warning signs' flashing)....

Obama lied about a woman he supposedly dated, only to have him admit later that it was a 'compilation' of women woven journalistically into one woman in the book...(aka he LIED - go figure)

Obama admits that in college he learned to be 'all things to all people to get what he wanted, to be a chameleon...'
-- That talent suited him well in his run to the WH and time in office

This book was one of those 'warning signs' the media kept telling people 'did not matter' as they repeated the mantra over and over again that Barry's entire past did not matter...

Thanks for the info!

Did you enjoy reading the book?
What do you think?
And I am sure that just like with Art of the Deal, someone else will write the answers and Trump will take credit for them.

Kinda like "Dreams from my father".

I could not tell you, never read it. How is it?
'Dreams of My Anti-Colonialist America-Hating Father' ... which was later shortened to just 'Dreams of My Father', for obvious reasons....?

The Highlights?

Obama was so influenced by his Anti-Colonialist America-Hating Father, who wanted to see the United States eliminated as a world power and world influence, that he changed his name to honor the man..... (Yeah, those are 'warning signs' flashing)....

Obama lied about a woman he supposedly dated, only to have him admit later that it was a 'compilation' of women woven journalistically into one woman in the book...(aka he LIED - go figure)

Obama admits that in college he learned to be 'all things to all people to get what he wanted, to be a chameleon...'
-- That talent suited him well in his run to the WH and time in office

This book was one of those 'warning signs' the media kept telling people 'did not matter' as they repeated the mantra over and over again that Barry's entire past did not matter...

Thanks for the info!

Did you enjoy reading the book?
What do you think?

Yep, I think it was a real page turner that kept you up at night.~ :21::21:
Yep, I think it was a real page turner that kept you up at night.
Do you have anything of actual substance to add? The last few posts you have made these little empty shallow comments that provide no info, shed no light on anything...hell, it doesn't even offer your usual insults, attacks, or hypocrisy..... Are you feeling ok today?
Yep, I think it was a real page turner that kept you up at night.
Do you have anything of actual substance to add? The last few posts you have made these little empty shallow comments that provide no info, shed no light on anything...hell, it doesn't even offer your usual insults, attacks, or hypocrisy..... Are you feeling ok today?

I am feeling great. Just not in the mood to beat this horse that you are beating, the poor thing has been dead for weeks.
Lol, Mueller doesn't leak. You have no idea what he was asking for and thus no idea whether he "caved" or not.

You kids and your desperate squirming are highly amusing.

There never was evidence hence Mueller stalling and charging people for process crimes.
Uhmmm what? How many indictments, guilty pleas, and what not so far?

Uh huh, indictments. Lol .where is the collusion? Come on, where is it?

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