mueller caves

Lol, Mueller doesn't leak. You have no idea what he was asking for and thus no idea whether he "caved" or not.

You kids and your desperate squirming are highly amusing.

Are you stupid or merely a political whore?

Leaks in the Mueller investigation mean the endgame must be near

Leaks in the Mueller investigation mean the endgame must be near
Which, of course, is only noteworthy, due to the complete lack of leaks from the Mueller circle so far. As the article clearly rests on.
It turns out it was tRumps lawyers and not Mueller's group anyway.
No, not maybe. That's what happened according to NYT who was the one to originally publish the list. Even faux news agrees.
Fox is guessing. I would like to see the NYT report you are referencing.
Which, of course, is only noteworthy, due to the complete lack of leaks from the Mueller circle so far. As the article clearly rests on.
It turns out it was tRumps lawyers and not Mueller's group anyway.
No, not maybe. That's what happened according to NYT who was the one to originally publish the list. Even faux news agrees.
Fox is guessing. I would like to see the NYT report you are referencing.
Can't seem to find the times report, here's Newsweek though.

Trump's team was behind the leak of Mueller questions, legal experts say
Which, of course, is only noteworthy, due to the complete lack of leaks from the Mueller circle so far. As the article clearly rests on.
It turns out it was tRumps lawyers and not Mueller's group anyway.
No, not maybe. That's what happened according to NYT who was the one to originally publish the list. Even faux news agrees.
Fox is guessing. I would like to see the NYT report you are referencing.
Can't seem to find the times report, here's Newsweek though.

Trump's team was behind the leak of Mueller questions, legal experts say
I tend to agree, but it's still a guess. And what a desperate strategy itiis.
Which, of course, is only noteworthy, due to the complete lack of leaks from the Mueller circle so far. As the article clearly rests on.
It turns out it was tRumps lawyers and not Mueller's group anyway.
No, not maybe. That's what happened according to NYT who was the one to originally publish the list. Even faux news agrees.
Fox is guessing. I would like to see the NYT report you are referencing.

Yes, you want the Fake News version that says what you want to hear.

You just miss the old days when you didn't have to turn on a TV and hear something you disagreed with. Those days aren't coming back, Mr. Ed
Yes, you want the Fake News version that says what you want to hear.
That doesn't make any sense. I don't have a preference. I was just looking for something sourced, instead of punditry. Find another battle, attack poodle.
Yes, you want the Fake News version that says what you want to hear.
That doesn't make any sense. I don't have a preference. I was just looking for something sourced, instead of punditry. Find another battle, attack poodle.

What doesn't make any sense is you said you don't care if it's fake news or not, then said you just want to hear it from fake news
What doesn't make any sense is you said you don't care if it's fake news or not, then said you just want to hear it from fake news
Of course, I never said or implied either of those things. You are an odd little man.
What doesn't make any sense is you said you don't care if it's fake news or not, then said you just want to hear it from fake news
Of course, I never said or implied either of those things. You are an odd little man.

You said exactly that. That's why you cut the quote
False, i did not. But now that you are straightened out as to what i actually think, you can drop your nonsense.
What doesn't make any sense is you said you don't care if it's fake news or not, then said you just want to hear it from fake news
Of course, I never said or implied either of those things. You are an odd little man.

You said exactly that. That's why you cut the quote
False, i did not. But now that you are straightened out as to what i actually think, you can drop your nonsense.

Of course you cut the quote, racist piece of garbage. It's the one right before in the quote nest above. What is wrong with you? Do racists have to lie about everything?
False, i did not. But now that you are straightened out as to what i actually think, you can drop your nonsense.

Of course you cut the quote, racist piece of garbage. It's the one right before in the quote nest above. What is wrong with you? Do racists have to lie about everything?
Then you can just requote it, you insufferable crybaby.

Gawd racist leftists are stupid. I'm blasting your ass, stupid mother fucker. You don't know what crying means? I mean seriously ... #buyadictionary

Racist moron
You are crying like a little bitch, insisting i said something I did not say. 10 posts of your crybabying, and no quote.... I think I will leave you to it.

You're back, are you? Where were you? What's that in your eye?

OMG, it's a tear. You were crying. I'd say awww, poor dear, but what a racist little faggot.

Oh yeah, kaz, well let me ... let me ... I just can't ...

:206::206::206: oh man, i almost feel bad for triggering you. Dude, breathe into this paper bag ...

And,to review: I never said anything like what you claim i said. That is why you are putting on this embarrassing display. You are well known for fucking up and then refusing to accept it.

Anyhoo, enough of your hissy...back on topic:

Trump cultists (like the blubbering baby above) think this is some sort of victory for Trump. No. This is trump , refusing his lawyers advice, due to his fragile ego. Trump's lawyers do not know what evidence Mueller even if they take this test for him, he can still perjure himself.

Oh...and he has still agreed to a verbal interview on other topics. This comes much to the chagrin of his lawyers, as we all now know that he failed his practice interview badly.

Let that sink in, Trumpkins.
Trump's not a racist. Leftists always accuse others of being what you actually are, Grand Wizard
But he is a racist,by the definition of the person to whom I responded. But thanks for your intellectual contribution.

Well, racist, provide a quote that Trump has ever said that is racist, only without changing his words.
They’re not people. They’re animals.”

Right. Trump said M-13 are animals.

They are. Your point?

He didnt say ms-13. He said were taking people out of the country.

No sale. The question he was ANSWERING was about MS-13. You took the answer out of context.
But he is a racist,by the definition of the person to whom I responded. But thanks for your intellectual contribution.

Well, racist, provide a quote that Trump has ever said that is racist, only without changing his words.
They’re not people. They’re animals.”

Right. Trump said M-13 are animals.

They are. Your point?

He didnt say ms-13. He said were taking people out of the country.

No sale. The question he was ANSWERING was about MS-13. You took the answer out of context.

Trump opted to use the word people in answer. Its a dog whistle to his base. Trump's true intentions are revealed by his choice of words and his current policy.
Lol, Mueller doesn't leak. You have no idea what he was asking for and thus no idea whether he "caved" or not.

You kids and your desperate squirming are highly amusing.
Your blind advocacy is even more amusing.
You, who ignores all the lies tRump tells, all the hate he spews, the obvious incompetence, the fact that he policies change daily, the investigation that has led to many indictments guilty pleas and convictions, and the many folks trying to tell you just how bad things are, have the nerve to accuse me of "blind advocacy"?
Listen to all these eye witness liberals telling us all what Mueller will do, with none of them knowing jack.

At the moment, Mueller is their salvation.

Oooo, somebody's in for a big letdown. :rolleyes:

Mueller is making his vacation plans as we speak. It is all over folks.

What does that mean?

It means Mueller is ready to wrap it up. He likely doesn't even need Trumps testimony. Trump is basically is in the clear, but for some last minute house keeping so Mueller can save face.

Mueller's next investigation is into all inclusive resort or pay as you go.

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