Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant
What does the "left" have to do with any of this? This investigation is being conducted by Republicans appointed by Republicans looking at possible crimes of other Republicans. The Patriot Act was originally passed and later reauthorized with unanimous Republican support. The right loves warrant-less wiretaps and no-knock raids, or at least they did when they weren't on the receiving end.
no it wasn't it was insrumented by a demoloser.
Where is the Dem? Mike Flynn (R) lied about his activities with the Russians. AG Jeff Sessions (R) had to recuse himself because he lied about his communications with the Russians. He appointed Rosenstein (R) as special counsel. Rosenstein (R) is investigating because President Trump (R) admitted he fired Comey (R) because he wanted the Russia investigation to end and he also asked Comey (R) to dismiss the investigation into Flynn (R). Rosenstein (R) appointed Mueller (R).

All lies, of course. There isn't a single snowflake post in this forum that tells the whole truth about any of this.
Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant


Hypocrisy and self righteous judgments is the game Tumpanzees play: NIGYYSOB (Now I've got you, you son of a bitch) is the game, and it's not limited to the assassination of the character of Mr. Mueller or Mr. Comey.

When did douche bags like you ever have a problem with character assassination? That's the Dim stock in trade.

Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant


I agree lock mueller up

Let's talk about Hypocrisy:

The FBI under James "The Sweeper" Comey TRUSTED Hillary Clinton not to DELETE and BLEACH BIT 33,000 Emails on an illegal server containing classified information, which in itself is a FELONY, both the server with the classified intel on it, and her violating two court orders in the destruction of Government Property and Government Documents....

They trusted her not to destroy evidence even giving her permission to do so....and yet knowing she was doing this, did not carry out a PRE DAWN RAID and TRUSTED HER TO PRESERVE THE MATERIALS THE FBI WANTED.

Yet with Manafort who has Volunteered any Materials THE FBI wanted to request, they apparently needed a SPLASHY PRE DAWN RAID, because " the FBI did not trust that Manafort would preserve the materials they wanted."

Exactly when is LEFTY going to have a COME TO JESUS MOMENT under this and realize his FREEDOMS are under ASSAULT.

You keep hitting these scumbags right between the eyes.

Keep it up!
Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant
Not liking those wheels of Justice, eh?

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

Your belief that Mueller's actions constitute "justice" is what sensible people find so scary about goose-steppers like you.
Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant


Hypocrisy and self righteous judgments is the game Tumpanzees play: NIGYYSOB (Now I've got you, you son of a bitch) is the game, and it's not limited to the assassination of the character of Mr. Mueller or Mr. Comey.

well it is actually naming a crime, which in the United States one must have to get a warrant. Now do you agree or disagree with that?

I agree. It is one step in the process. Once evidence is collected, however, the crime may change in a complaint, or indictment by a Grand Jury. Do you agree with that?

No crime has ever been listed, dumbass.
Exactly how is The FBI which is actually being RUN BY MUELLER allowed to VIOLATE Client Attorney Privilege by confiscation of documents prepared by his attorney as aids for him to cooperate with THe FBI.

Why would The FBI want that?

So they can justify that Manafort was not going to cooperate and conduct an illegal search and seizure contrary to the documents his attorney prepared as aids in cooperating?

Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant

Where do you get this notion that Mueller has some duty to specify what sections of the US code were possibly violated before he concludes his investigation? Links please.

I realize to an American Hating Liberal the 2nd and 4th Amendments are annoyances, but they protect scum like Hillary Clinton too.

In other words, The Warrant to Raid Manafort's Private Residence is INVALID and Constitutes ILLEGAL SEARCH AND SEIZURE.
Manafort already agreed to cooperate and hand over the documents the FBI wanted. There was no reasonable reason to believe he would destroy any of the documents, unlike Hillary Clinton who deleted 33,000 documents that were under TWO COURT ORDERED Preservation Orders.

The Fourth Amendment Warrant Requirement

Once the Fourth Amendment applies to a particular search or seizure, the next question is under what circumstances is a warrant required. The Supreme Court has ruled that the Constitution expresses a preference for searches, seizures, and arrests conducted pursuant to a lawfully executed warrant (see Mincey v. Arizona, 437 U.S. 385 [1978]).

A warrant is a written order signed by a court authorizing a law-enforcement officer to conduct a search, seizure, or arrest. Searches, seizures, and arrests performed without a valid warrant are deemed presumptively invalid, and any evidence seized without a warrant will be suppressed unless a court finds that the search was reasonable under the circumstances.

Requirements for a Valid Search Warrant

An application for a warrant must be supported by a sworn, detailed statement made by a law enforcement officer appearing before a neutral judge or magistrate. The Supreme Court has said that probable cause exists when the facts and circumstances within the police officer's knowledge provide a reasonably trustworthy basis for a man of reasonable caution to believe that a criminal offense has been committed or is about to take place (see Carroll v. United States, 267 U.S. 132 [1925]).

How to Establish Probable Cause

Probable cause can be established by out-of-court statements made by reliable police informants, even though those statements cannot be tested by the magistrate. However, probable cause will not lie where the only evidence of criminal activity is an officer's affirmation of suspicion or belief (see Aguilar v. Texas, 378 U.S. 108 [1964]). On the other hand, an officer's subjective reason for making an arrest does not need to be the same criminal offense for which the facts indicate. (Devenpeck v. Alford, 543 U.S. 146 [2004]).

The Fourth Amendment Warrant Requirement - FindLaw

the thing isn't that you're a asshole, but that you are a arrogant asshole who has no clue what you're talking about. You're link has nothing to do with the search warrant issued in this case. Do you even have a link to the actual warrant?

And btw fucktard chump for trump, I didn't vote for Hillary,
I doubt the actual link would be available.

But trump's lawyers made this statement:

"Dowd said that among the documents obtained by FBI agents were "privileged and confidential materials prepared for Mr. Manafort by his counsel to aid him in his cooperation with the Congressional committees," according to Fox News.

"These failures by Special Counsel to exhaust less intrusive methods is a fatal flaw in the warrant process and would call for a Motion to Suppress the fruits of the search," he wrote."
Gee, maybe they should waterboard Manafort.

After all, it isn't like it is torture or something.

they wont have to .. there has to be a long list of names connected to the Trump Cartel ... sooner or later someone will be called to the carpet, be sworn in, and made to testify before the grand jury. That someone will roll over like a trained puppy rather than lie to stay out of prison ... subpoenas are going to start flying, and anyone associated will be sweating bullets, if they arent already ... "just do it and I'll pay your fine" is out the window now.

on what charges? tick tick tick tick
We never indicted any detainees, why change up now?
i never said any thing about indicting, I asked for the crime. big difference sponge bob.
There doesn't have to be a charge to waterboard someone.

Sean Hannity and Donald Trump said it's okay. Don't worry so much.

Pseudocons have always said if a person is innocent, he has nothing to worry about.

So if Manafort is innocent, he has nothing to worry about.

So you're equating American citizens with Constitutional rights to mass murdering foreign terrorists?

The stuff you goose stepping weasels will admit to is shocking.
Exactly how is The FBI which is actually being RUN NY MUELLER allowed to VIOLATE Xlient Attorney Privikege by confiscation of documents prepared by his attorney as aids for him to cooperate with THe FBI.

Why would The FBI want that?

So they can justify that Manafort was not going to cooperate and conduct an illegal search and seizure contrary to the documents his attorney prepared as aids in cooperating?

Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant

Where do you get this notion that Mueller has some duty to specify what sections of the US code were possibly violated before he concludes his investigation? Links please.

I realize to an American Hating Liberal the 2nd and 4th Amendments are annoyances, but they protect scum like Hillary Clinton too.

In other words, The Warrant to Raid Manafort's Private Residence is INVALID and Constitutes ILLEGAL SEARCH AND SEIZURE.
Manafort already agreed to cooperate and hand over the documents the FBI wanted. There was no reasonable reason to believe he would destroy any of the documents, unlike Hillary Clinton who deleted 33,000 documents that were under TWO COURT ORDERED Preservation Orders.

The Fourth Amendment Warrant Requirement

Once the Fourth Amendment applies to a particular search or seizure, the next question is under what circumstances is a warrant required. The Supreme Court has ruled that the Constitution expresses a preference for searches, seizures, and arrests conducted pursuant to a lawfully executed warrant (see Mincey v. Arizona, 437 U.S. 385 [1978]).

A warrant is a written order signed by a court authorizing a law-enforcement officer to conduct a search, seizure, or arrest. Searches, seizures, and arrests performed without a valid warrant are deemed presumptively invalid, and any evidence seized without a warrant will be suppressed unless a court finds that the search was reasonable under the circumstances.

Requirements for a Valid Search Warrant

An application for a warrant must be supported by a sworn, detailed statement made by a law enforcement officer appearing before a neutral judge or magistrate. The Supreme Court has said that probable cause exists when the facts and circumstances within the police officer's knowledge provide a reasonably trustworthy basis for a man of reasonable caution to believe that a criminal offense has been committed or is about to take place (see Carroll v. United States, 267 U.S. 132 [1925]).

How to Establish Probable Cause

Probable cause can be established by out-of-court statements made by reliable police informants, even though those statements cannot be tested by the magistrate. However, probable cause will not lie where the only evidence of criminal activity is an officer's affirmation of suspicion or belief (see Aguilar v. Texas, 378 U.S. 108 [1964]). On the other hand, an officer's subjective reason for making an arrest does not need to be the same criminal offense for which the facts indicate. (Devenpeck v. Alford, 543 U.S. 146 [2004]).

The Fourth Amendment Warrant Requirement - FindLaw

the thing isn't that you're a asshole, but that you are a arrogant asshole who has no clue what you're talking about. You're link has nothing to do with the search warrant issued in this case. Do you even have a link to the actual warrant?

And btw fucktard chump for trump, I didn't vote for Hillary,
I doubt the actual link would be available.

But trump's lawyers made this statement:

"Dowd said that among the documents obtained by FBI agents were "privileged and confidential materials prepared for Mr. Manafort by his counsel to aid him in his cooperation with the Congressional committees," according to Fox News.

"These failures by Special Counsel to exhaust less intrusive methods is a fatal flaw in the warrant process and would call for a Motion to Suppress the fruits of the search," he wrote."

Mewller already destroyed any case he may have had against Manafort.
on what charges? tick tick tick tick
We never indicted any detainees, why change up now?
i never said any thing about indicting, I asked for the crime. big difference sponge bob.
There doesn't have to be a charge to waterboard someone.

Sean Hannity and Donald Trump said it's okay. Don't worry so much.

Pseudocons have always said if a person is innocent, he has nothing to worry about.

If Manafort is innocent, he has nothing to worry about.
I never said that either, I said you have to have a crime. name the crime. why are you avoiding that? oh yeah, you ain't got one.
The fact the government was able to get permission to search Manafort's house means they have probable cause. So now they should waterboard interrogate him.

It's not like it is torture or something. Trump says so.
No, it means a partisan leftwing judge was willing to give Mewler what he wanted. You pretend that judges never act in bad faith. We all know they do, especially leftwing judges.
A hostile foreign power has attacked our electoral process. We need to start waterboarding these traitors until they cough up the intel. Our national security is at stake, and waterboarding provides very valuable intel and it will help us prevent the next attack.
Manafort acted as a foreign agent and he didn't report it. So there's a law violation right there.

Break out the waterboard! We must find out what this foreign agent knows.
well then why haven't they made that claim then? so no waterboarding yet. Mueller did not use that for the warrant. you're still at a loss.
It is a crime not to report as a foreign agent.

So Manafort should be waterboarded until he confesses about Russian collusion. Our country's national security is at stake, for chrissakes! Think of the children, traitor!

Waterboarding provides totally accurate information.

We don't have time for the niceties of the law. Trump says so.
again, he isn't being pursued for foreign agent. He's a businessman you should look that up in the dictionary.
He was acting as a foreign agent. That's why his house was searched.

Time to waterboard.
That's pure twaddle. He failed to file some meaningless paperwork. That's all he did.
Last edited:
Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant
Not liking those wheels of Justice, eh?

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
which ones? Russia's? cause that's the rule of law that occurred on manafort. unless you feel a warrant doesn't need a crime to get one. Cause in America you do. so. what say you?
any search warrant requires the need to search with probable cause that a crime was or is being committed.

the original tree is simply lying about there not being a probable cause and evidence of a probable cause to the Judge. Just because it is secret and he can't see it right now, does NOT mean it does not simply means the prosecution does not want to tip their hand to others that may be involved somehow, and/ or to prevent a media frenzy filled with speculation before the grand jury is finished with the case.

you can always have Manafort LEAK the subpoena he received with the probable cause listed, but I'm sure he doesn't want you to know...
Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant
Not liking those wheels of Justice, eh?

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

Your belief that Mueller's actions constitute "justice" is what sensible people find so scary about goose-steppers like you.
The NAZIS did the same shit. Publicly trash their enemies for months and then raid their house in the dead of night and haul them off to a Kangaroo Court.

The RAID was a desperate Act By Mueller and his FBI Henchmen because they can't find shit.

They are turning over every rock to find evidence of something that Never happened.

And that is the definition of s witch hunt!
Manafort acted as a foreign agent and he didn't report it. So there's a law violation right there.

Break out the waterboard! We must find out what this foreign agent knows.
"Foreign agent" does not mean foreign spy, moron.

Is there a word in the English language that you idiots won't twist and abuse to persecute you enemies?
Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant
Not liking those wheels of Justice, eh?

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
which ones? Russia's? cause that's the rule of law that occurred on manafort. unless you feel a warrant doesn't need a crime to get one. Cause in America you do. so. what say you?
any warrant requires the need to search with probable cause that a crime was or is being committed.

the original tree is simply lying about there not being a probable cause and evidence of a probable cause to the Judge. Just because it is secret and he can't see it right now, does NOT mean it does not simply means the prosecution does not want to tip their hand to others that may be involved somehow, and/ or to prevent a media frenzy filled with speculation before the grand jury is finished with the case.

you can always have Manafort LEAK the subpoena he received with the probable cause listed, but I'm sure he doesn't want you to know...
None of that proves there is probable cause. All the evidence indicates otherwise. Mewler's actions are unprecedented.
Manafort acted as a foreign agent and he didn't report it. So there's a law violation right there.

Break out the waterboard! We must find out what this foreign agent knows.
well then why haven't they made that claim then? so no waterboarding yet. Mueller did not use that for the warrant. you're still at a loss.
It is a crime not to report as a foreign agent.

So Manafort should be waterboarded until he confesses about Russian collusion. Our country's national security is at stake, for chrissakes! Think of the children, traitor!

Waterboarding provides totally accurate information.

We don't have time for the niceties of the law. Trump says so.
again, he isn't being pursued for foreign agent. He's a businessman you should look that up in the dictionary.
He was acting as a foreign agent. That's why his house was searched.

Time to waterboard.
Hmmmm, no, that isn't the reason. Mewler needs a scapegoat, and he thinks he can hang Manafort on some bureaucratic technicality.
Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant
He's a god damn republican you fucking monkey!

If there was nothing there Mueller wouldn't be wasting his time

If you can't tell by now, clearly there is something there with this russia case. And it is clear that the Trump camp is obstructing. If they weren't then why did the FBI conducted predawn raid of former Trump campaign chairman Manafort’s home?

He's a RINO, at best.
Mueller doesnt have any lines to cross, he can take any path he decides to.

so whine until youre purple and green.

They were too stupid to see this coming. We saw it in 2015. All any of these fucking idiots had to do was 15 minutes of research to see Trump's ties to Russia, the NY mafia and even AFTER he settled his $35M FRAUD Trump University lawsuit, they still voted for him.
The Gestapo Leaked their reasoning.

They trusted Clinton not to delete her emails...wink wink... but not Manafort's
Promise to turn over the documents he promised to turn over.

And the nail in the coffin for Mueller's SS Storm Troopers?

The documents Prepared by Manafort's Attorney to Aid Manafort in Cooperating with The FBI and turning over those. documents!

It doesn't get any clearer than that that The Inventory List and notes on the documents he was turning over are proof that The Warrant Was Bogus as it was based on The "OPINION" that Manafort was not going to keep his word.

Unlike Clinton...who you always truthful and trustworthy. The FBI trusts that bitch but not Manafort?


Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant
Not liking those wheels of Justice, eh?

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
which ones? Russia's? cause that's the rule of law that occurred on manafort. unless you feel a warrant doesn't need a crime to get one. Cause in America you do. so. what say you?
any warrant requires the need to search with probable cause that a crime was or is being committed.

the original tree is simply lying about there not being a probable cause and evidence of a probable cause to the Judge. Just because it is secret and he can't see it right now, does NOT mean it does not simply means the prosecution does not want to tip their hand to others that may be involved somehow, and/ or to prevent a media frenzy filled with speculation before the grand jury is finished with the case.

you can always have Manafort LEAK the subpoena he received with the probable cause listed, but I'm sure he doesn't want you to know...
The Gestspo Leaked their reasoning.

They trusted Clinton not to delete her emails...wink wink... but not Manafort's
Promise to turn over the documents he promised to turn over.

And the naulnin the coffin for Mueller's SS Storm Troopers?

The documents Prepared by Manafort's Attorney to Aod Manafort in Cooperstong with The FBI and turning over those. documents!

It doesn't get any clearer than that that Yhe Inventory List and notes on the documents he was turning over are proof that The Warrant Was Bogus as it was based on the "OPINION" that Manafort was not going to keep his word.

Unlike Clinton...who you always truthful and trustworthy. The FBI trusts that bitch but not Manafort?


Seriously, this is getting out of hand, and I realize that many on THE LEFT want to move THE US to a more Totalitarian Leftist State, but they should think twice before advocating that.

The Patriot Act is an Abomination. Warrant-less Wiretapping is an Affront to The Nostrils.

Investigations without being able to name violations of US CODE or present evidence of a crime is tyranny against a Free People!

Calling for a Grand Jury if one even is impaneled without filing a Petition with a US Court Listing The Alleged US CODE VIOLATIONS is an Extreme abuse and NEGATION of DUE PROCESS!

And so ARE....Pre-Dawn Raids, on a private home by THE FBI signed off by a Consenting Judge in which NO CRIME can be claimed to have been committed on the so called warrant, nor have the so called Investigators been able to present even one shred of evidence to The American People as Justification for what they are even Investigating!

To borrow an overused and hysterical phrase from The LEFT.


Only we aren't hysterical......WE ARE PISSED!

Since when did Judges, and Un-Appointed Extra Legal Authorities, with UNLIMITED Extra CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS been allowed to RUN THIS COUNTRY?

And since when have our Duly Elected Representatives been allowed to be Criminally Negligent in conducting the business The American People have elected them to conduct, and have shirked their responsibilities, and have lost both THE WILL, and Courage to Govern?

It appears they no longer want THE RESPONSIBILITY granted them by The American People to carry out our will, to protect our rights, and to defend THE CONSTITUTION, and defend our way of life!

Perhaps it is time to take that responsibility back from an overgrown, and slothful government, put them on a diet with a balanced budget amendment, and enforce and enact rules which limit their terms, and powers.

Trump lawyer slams special counsel for 'gross abuse' in Manafort raid, challenges warrant
Not liking those wheels of Justice, eh?

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
which ones? Russia's? cause that's the rule of law that occurred on manafort. unless you feel a warrant doesn't need a crime to get one. Cause in America you do. so. what say you?
any warrant requires the need to search with probable cause that a crime was or is being committed.

the original tree is simply lying about there not being a probable cause and evidence of a probable cause to the Judge. Just because it is secret and he can't see it right now, does NOT mean it does not simply means the prosecution does not want to tip their hand to others that may be involved somehow, and/ or to prevent a media frenzy filled with speculation before the grand jury is finished with the case.

you can always have Manafort LEAK the subpoena he received with the probable cause listed, but I'm sure he doesn't want you to know...

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