Mueller Hauled Before FISA Court To Explain Crimes

Why do you love terrorists? That's what the right collectively said to privacy advocates when our modern domestic surveillance was being built and the legal questions settled. Now you don't like domestic spying? You are years too late coming to that conclusion now that we are stuck with it.
The moonbats have fully transmogrified into bootlicking neocon Bushbots!! :laughing0301::lmao::lol::auiqs.jpg:
You're an idiot, the "moonbats" didn't ever want all this big brother stuff but guess what? We are stuck with it because no politician will ever touch it because of the fear of another 9/11.

We tried to tell you that they were fucking us and I hope it brings down your crooked fucking president. It would serve you right.
Guess what?!

Time to shut it all down.

All of this proves the terrorists won by effectively changing the US into a criminal state run by criminals who violate the Constitution, break laws, violate citizens' rights, and oppress / jail them illegally in secret by hiding it all just by declaring keeping their crimes secret is a matter of 'national security'...

1st step is to indict / convict these traitors publicly and send them to prison.

Protecting criminal elite POS like Hillary, Mueller, Comey, etc... does nothing to end it and ensures it continues.
Why do you love terrorists?
Why do YOU love proven criminals / traitors who violated the American people's trust, who violated the Constitution and Rule of Law, who knowingly intentionally sent innocent Americans to prison, who facilitated and engaged in the criminal FBI's iillegal FISA Court Abuses, who mentored Coney to do the same, and then agreed to participate in the treasonous Conspiracy against the current President?

So much so that you are willing to intentionally spin and knowingly ask such false questions in an attempt to defend the proven criminals and to protect them deserved accountability?

Despite overwhelming evidence you choose to support / defend proven traitors....

Seditious partisan loyalty runs deep in the party-1st indoctrinated sheep...
Boring. Proven criminals are those who have been convicted of a crime. Rule of law? Trump is absolutely aghast that rule of law and due applies to him. He calls it the "deep state". Trump actually believed all the stories of rampant illegality in the Obama administration and just can't figure out why he is in hot water.
Proven criminals are those who have been convicted of a crime.

'CONVICTED CRIMINALS' are criminals who have been convicted.

'Proven Criminals' are those proven, with indefensible / irrefutable evidence, to have committed crimes.

Hillary, Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein - they are PROVEN Criminals.
Why do you love terrorists? That's what the right collectively said to privacy advocates when our modern domestic surveillance was being built and the legal questions settled. Now you don't like domestic spying? You are years too late coming to that conclusion now that we are stuck with it.
The moonbats have fully transmogrified into bootlicking neocon Bushbots!! :laughing0301::lmao::lol::auiqs.jpg:
You're an idiot, the "moonbats" didn't ever want all this big brother stuff but guess what? We are stuck with it because no politician will ever touch it because of the fear of another 9/11.

We tried to tell you that they were fucking us and I hope it brings down your crooked fucking president. It would serve you right.
Guess what?!

Time to shut it all down.

All of this proves the terrorists won by effectively changing the US into a criminal state run by criminals who violate the Constitution, break laws, violate citizens' rights, and oppress / jail them illegally in secret by hiding it all just by declaring keeping their crimes secret is a matter of 'national security'...

1st step is to indict / convict these traitors publicly and send them to prison.

Protecting criminal elite POS like Hillary, Mueller, Comey, etc... does nothing to end it and ensures it continues.
As I said, it's too late, the genie is out of the bottle. Maybe you will think next time the security hawks try to scare you into supporting something stupid but I doubt it.
Proven criminals are those who have been convicted of a crime.

'CONVICTED CRIMINALS' are criminals who have been convicted.

'Proven Criminals' are those proven, with indefensible / irrefutable evidence, to have committed crimes.

Hillary, Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein - they are PROVEN Criminals.
Innocent until proven guilty? Rule of law? Due process? Any of this ringing a bell?
As I said, it's too late, the genie is out of the bottle. Maybe you will think next time the security hawks try to scare you into supporting something stupid but I doubt it.
That's like saying it is too late to act when you discover a psycho holding an axe in your house...might as well let him keep killing your family members.

I prefer to blow the m*er f*er away with my gun / to call the cops and have him arrested / jailed rather than let him continue to get away with his crime.
Innocent until proven guilty? Rule of law? Due process? Any of this ringing a bell?
Nope...Democrats and snowflakes declared that no longer to be the case when they went after Kavanaugh.

What you are REALLY saying, in defense of proven criminals who began an investigation based on zero crime / zero evidence, is DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THE EVIDENCE AGAINST THESE PROVEN CRIMINALS....NO NEED TO INVESTIGATE, MOVE ON, NOTHING TO SEE HERE.
As I said, it's too late, the genie is out of the bottle. Maybe you will think next time the security hawks try to scare you into supporting something stupid but I doubt it.
The genie is out of the bottle...So now I'm a goose-stepping Nazi!...Whatta goddamn loser.

BTW, Adolph, I was against the Patriot Act....So best check yourself before you wreck yourself again.
As I said, it's too late, the genie is out of the bottle. Maybe you will think next time the security hawks try to scare you into supporting something stupid but I doubt it.
That's like saying it is too late to act when you discover a psycho holding an axe in your house...might as well let him keep killing your family members.

I prefer to blow the m*er f*er away with my gun / to call the cops and have him arrested / jailed rather than let him continue to get away with his crime.
As I said, it's too late, the genie is out of the bottle. Maybe you will think next time the security hawks try to scare you into supporting something stupid but I doubt it.
That's like saying it is too late to act when you discover a psycho holding an axe in your house...might as well let him keep killing your family members.

I prefer to blow the m*er f*er away with my gun / to call the cops and have him arrested / jailed rather than let him continue to get away with his crime.
Privacy is dead, RW fear killed it. When you thought they were doing it to terrorists it was fucking fine but now all these years later you finally wake up to the truth: If they will do it to "them" they will do it to you. If you never again learn a piece of political wisdom that one will serve you well. What "them" are they frightening you with these days?
I love law enforcement biggest fan except for when they are the deep state and don't worship my trumpy bear like i do.
As I said, it's too late, the genie is out of the bottle. Maybe you will think next time the security hawks try to scare you into supporting something stupid but I doubt it.
The genie is out of the bottle...So now I'm a goose-stepping Nazi!...Whatta goddamn loser.

BTW, Adolph, I was against the Patriot Act....So best check yourself before you wreck yourself again.
You still belong to a political ideology that continually demands security far in excess of what is needed and tells you the threat is us. How much freedom would you trade to shut-up and shut-down the left? I'm guessing quite a bit.
Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

The article above shows:

1)That the Fisa Court was being lied to by the DOJ/FBI back when Mueller was Director.

2) That Mueller was callled in to the Fisa Counrt because of it.

3) Then, new rules were instituted which were VIOLATED in getting the Warrant on Carter Page.

4) That the reason it was necessary for the DOJ/FBI to present all evidence, good and bad, was because it is the only Court Proceeding in which the Defendant did not get to present his side---did not even know about it.

This article ought to scare any American.

But it does not even address the scariest part...a part which has been kept as quiet as the mainstream media can keep it---that the Oct. 2016 Warrant on Carter Page, illegal as it was, STILL gave them to the right to GO BACK and check the communications, phone calls, e-mails---- of everyone Page called and everyone they called!---which is why they wanted it.

It is the whole campaign and likely even Trump. Like if Page talked to Cori Lewendowski, and Lowendowski then talked to the President, as he did many times---they can get all that!

And they were working for Hillary Clinton! Nixon was a mere piker.

Every American should be concerned.

I tried to make sense of this post, but realized it was just more conservative hyperbole.
You still belong to a political ideology that continually demands security far in excess of what is needed and tells you the threat is us. How much freedom would you trade to shut-up and shut-down the left? I'm guessing quite a bit.
I'm an anarchist, Nazi asshole....That means I'm against ALL gubmint.

Done embarrassing yourself yet, or are you going keep stomping on the flaming bag of poo?
Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

The article above shows:

1)That the Fisa Court was being lied to by the DOJ/FBI back when Mueller was Director.

2) That Mueller was callled in to the Fisa Counrt because of it.

3) Then, new rules were instituted which were VIOLATED in getting the Warrant on Carter Page.

4) That the reason it was necessary for the DOJ/FBI to present all evidence, good and bad, was because it is the only Court Proceeding in which the Defendant did not get to present his side---did not even know about it.

This article ought to scare any American.

But it does not even address the scariest part...a part which has been kept as quiet as the mainstream media can keep it---that the Oct. 2016 Warrant on Carter Page, illegal as it was, STILL gave them to the right to GO BACK and check the communications, phone calls, e-mails---- of everyone Page called and everyone they called!---which is why they wanted it.

It is the whole campaign and likely even Trump. Like if Page talked to Cori Lewendowski, and Lowendowski then talked to the President, as he did many times---they can get all that!

And they were working for Hillary Clinton! Nixon was a mere piker.

Every American should be concerned.

I tried to make sense of this post, but realized it was just more conservative hyperbole.
…and more rightwing lies.
…and more rightwing lies.

Mueller is part of the conspiracy to unseat the President of the United States. He was head of the FBI for a number of years and his loyalties essentially lie with the FBI's role in the attempted coup regardless of his alleged political registration.

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