Mueller Hauled Before FISA Court To Explain Crimes

Evidence Revealed Mueller & His FBI Broke Laws Repeatedly (FISA Court Abuses) Dating Back to 2001

Mueller Has A Proven HISTORY of FISA COURT ABUSES - These Crimes Have Been Carried On My His Mentored Protege, James Comey, During The Exposed Conspiracy Against President Trump...

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

"Robert Mueller, the former FBI director and current special prosecutor in the Russia case, once was hauled before the nation's secret intelligence court to address a large number of instances in which the (HIS) FBI cheated on sensitive surveillance warrants, according to evidence gathered by congressional investigators."

This information on Mueller's and the FBI's CRIMES have been hidden from the American people for over a decade:

"For most of the past 16 years, Mueller's closed-door encounter escaped public notice because of the secrecy of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)."

"...evidence mounts that the FBI work preceding his appointment as special prosecutor may have involved improprieties (FISA Warrant Abuses) in the securing of a FISA warrant to spy on Donald Trump's campaign in the final weeks of the 2016 campaign."

"The sin (CRIMES) that plagued the FBI two decades ago, and that now lingers over the Russia case, involves the omission of material facts by agents applying for FISA warrants in sensitive counterterrorism and counterintelligence cases.

Such omissions are a serious matter at the FISC, because it is the one court in America where the accused gets no representation or chance to defend himself. And that means the FBI is obligated to disclose evidence of both guilt and innocence about the target of a FISA warrant."


"Other sources who worked for Mueller at the time told me the court's concerns arose in 2002 and 2003 - shortly after America was stunned by the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks - when the FISC learned the FBI had omitted material facts from FISA warrant applications in more than 75 terrorism cases that dated back to the late 1990s"

It has already been reported / exposed that during one of these cases MUELLER ILLEGALLY AND INTENTIONALLY WITHHELD EVIDENCE PROVING THE INNOCENSE OF ONE OF HIS 'VICTIMS' AND THAT HE INTENTIONALLY SENT THAT MAN TO JAIL FOR YEARS! After being caught having done so and after the man was set free, despite undeniable evidence of his actions, Mueller STILL argued in his own defense that the man could 'still be guilty' when the existing evidence clearly showed this NOT to he the case!

HOW / WHY this M*er F*er & his mentored Protege, Comey, is NOT in jail right now is a complete Mystery, it it is obvious to see why the FBI / Comey brought Mueller into the Conspiracy prior to the investigation being opened up and why the NSA, DOJ, & FBI illegally used the Russian-authored Dossier to con Congress into appointing Mueller as the Special Coubsel, as evidence and DOJ Ohr's testimony proves was the case!

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

Republicans hate law enforcement/the rule of law

No, that is provably the progressive wing of the Democrat Party.
Evidence Revealed Mueller & His FBI Broke Laws Repeatedly (FISA Court Abuses) Dating Back to 2001

Mueller Has A Proven HISTORY of FISA COURT ABUSES - These Crimes Have Been Carried On My His Mentored Protege, James Comey, During The Exposed Conspiracy Against President Trump...

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

"Robert Mueller, the former FBI director and current special prosecutor in the Russia case, once was hauled before the nation's secret intelligence court to address a large number of instances in which the (HIS) FBI cheated on sensitive surveillance warrants, according to evidence gathered by congressional investigators."

This information on Mueller's and the FBI's CRIMES have been hidden from the American people for over a decade:

"For most of the past 16 years, Mueller's closed-door encounter escaped public notice because of the secrecy of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)."

"...evidence mounts that the FBI work preceding his appointment as special prosecutor may have involved improprieties (FISA Warrant Abuses) in the securing of a FISA warrant to spy on Donald Trump's campaign in the final weeks of the 2016 campaign."

"The sin (CRIMES) that plagued the FBI two decades ago, and that now lingers over the Russia case, involves the omission of material facts by agents applying for FISA warrants in sensitive counterterrorism and counterintelligence cases.

Such omissions are a serious matter at the FISC, because it is the one court in America where the accused gets no representation or chance to defend himself. And that means the FBI is obligated to disclose evidence of both guilt and innocence about the target of a FISA warrant."


"Other sources who worked for Mueller at the time told me the court's concerns arose in 2002 and 2003 - shortly after America was stunned by the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks - when the FISC learned the FBI had omitted material facts from FISA warrant applications in more than 75 terrorism cases that dated back to the late 1990s"

It has already been reported / exposed that during one of these cases MUELLER ILLEGALLY AND INTENTIONALLY WITHHELD EVIDENCE PROVING THE INNOCENSE OF ONE OF HIS 'VICTIMS' AND THAT HE INTENTIONALLY SENT THAT MAN TO JAIL FOR YEARS! After being caught having done so and after the man was set free, despite undeniable evidence of his actions, Mueller STILL argued in his own defense that the man could 'still be guilty' when the existing evidence clearly showed this NOT to he the case!

HOW / WHY this M*er F*er & his mentored Protege, Comey, is NOT in jail right now is a complete Mystery, it it is obvious to see why the FBI / Comey brought Mueller into the Conspiracy prior to the investigation being opened up and why the NSA, DOJ, & FBI illegally used the Russian-authored Dossier to con Congress into appointing Mueller as the Special Coubsel, as evidence and DOJ Ohr's testimony proves was the case!

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told


So, he got called before the court to address things that took place before he took over as the head of the FBI and the court was satisfied with his answers.

You just vindicated Mueller, well done!
Total proof that trump is the hero of the world to expose the outrageous crookedness of democrats and deep state
Evidence Revealed Mueller & His FBI Broke Laws Repeatedly (FISA Court Abuses) Dating Back to 2001

Mueller Has A Proven HISTORY of FISA COURT ABUSES - These Crimes Have Been Carried On My His Mentored Protege, James Comey, During The Exposed Conspiracy Against President Trump...

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

"Robert Mueller, the former FBI director and current special prosecutor in the Russia case, once was hauled before the nation's secret intelligence court to address a large number of instances in which the (HIS) FBI cheated on sensitive surveillance warrants, according to evidence gathered by congressional investigators."

This information on Mueller's and the FBI's CRIMES have been hidden from the American people for over a decade:

"For most of the past 16 years, Mueller's closed-door encounter escaped public notice because of the secrecy of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)."

"...evidence mounts that the FBI work preceding his appointment as special prosecutor may have involved improprieties (FISA Warrant Abuses) in the securing of a FISA warrant to spy on Donald Trump's campaign in the final weeks of the 2016 campaign."

"The sin (CRIMES) that plagued the FBI two decades ago, and that now lingers over the Russia case, involves the omission of material facts by agents applying for FISA warrants in sensitive counterterrorism and counterintelligence cases.

Such omissions are a serious matter at the FISC, because it is the one court in America where the accused gets no representation or chance to defend himself. And that means the FBI is obligated to disclose evidence of both guilt and innocence about the target of a FISA warrant."


"Other sources who worked for Mueller at the time told me the court's concerns arose in 2002 and 2003 - shortly after America was stunned by the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks - when the FISC learned the FBI had omitted material facts from FISA warrant applications in more than 75 terrorism cases that dated back to the late 1990s"

It has already been reported / exposed that during one of these cases MUELLER ILLEGALLY AND INTENTIONALLY WITHHELD EVIDENCE PROVING THE INNOCENSE OF ONE OF HIS 'VICTIMS' AND THAT HE INTENTIONALLY SENT THAT MAN TO JAIL FOR YEARS! After being caught having done so and after the man was set free, despite undeniable evidence of his actions, Mueller STILL argued in his own defense that the man could 'still be guilty' when the existing evidence clearly showed this NOT to he the case!

HOW / WHY this M*er F*er & his mentored Protege, Comey, is NOT in jail right now is a complete Mystery, it it is obvious to see why the FBI / Comey brought Mueller into the Conspiracy prior to the investigation being opened up and why the NSA, DOJ, & FBI illegally used the Russian-authored Dossier to con Congress into appointing Mueller as the Special Coubsel, as evidence and DOJ Ohr's testimony proves was the case!

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

Secret courts... What could go wrong...?
There's massive evidence that Trump's campaign colluded with Russia by your standard of simply believing what you want to hear.
That is a flat out LIE that has been debunked many times over.

1. 'Collusion' is NOT illegal.

2. There is NO evidence of illegal collusion by the President.

3. There NEVER WAS - o evidence of any crime involving the President or his team prior to the investigation warranting and investigation or a Special Cou, espe silly a proven criminal one - being appointed.

4. No evidence of a crime involving the President has ever been presented.

5. The meeting involving Jr was not illegal and at no time did information exchange hands / was an opposition research given to the Trump Team.

By Comparison...

The Trump-Hating foreign spy working for the FBI was collaborating with the Ohr (DOJ), the FBI, & MUELLER BEFORE the investigation was pen & BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

Ohr testified he told the DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI the dossier was UNRELIABLE in August 2016 - it had been debunked according to Ohr BEFORE they illegally decided to use it to defraud Congress & the FISA Court.

As already proven, Comey - Mueller's protege - continued the criminal cycle of FISA Court abuse by knowingly using the debunked Russian-authored dossier to lie to the FISA Court to illegally acquire warrants against Trump and his team.

There is now existing evidence to prove all of this, including evidence debunking your continuous LIE!
The bullshit stops when people have to walk into court. Evidence has to be presented and challenged. If you don't believe any of this then why are you working like Nixon to discredit investigators? Innocent rich people have nothing to fear from any American court of law. Evidence has to be ironclad. This shit where republicans are trying to bury everything makes Trump look guilty. His every act is that of a guilty man who can hire lawyers.
Evidence Revealed Mueller & His FBI Broke Laws Repeatedly (FISA Court Abuses) Dating Back to 2001

Mueller Has A Proven HISTORY of FISA COURT ABUSES - These Crimes Have Been Carried On My His Mentored Protege, James Comey, During The Exposed Conspiracy Against President Trump...

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

"Robert Mueller, the former FBI director and current special prosecutor in the Russia case, once was hauled before the nation's secret intelligence court to address a large number of instances in which the (HIS) FBI cheated on sensitive surveillance warrants, according to evidence gathered by congressional investigators."

This information on Mueller's and the FBI's CRIMES have been hidden from the American people for over a decade:

"For most of the past 16 years, Mueller's closed-door encounter escaped public notice because of the secrecy of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)."

"...evidence mounts that the FBI work preceding his appointment as special prosecutor may have involved improprieties (FISA Warrant Abuses) in the securing of a FISA warrant to spy on Donald Trump's campaign in the final weeks of the 2016 campaign."

"The sin (CRIMES) that plagued the FBI two decades ago, and that now lingers over the Russia case, involves the omission of material facts by agents applying for FISA warrants in sensitive counterterrorism and counterintelligence cases.

Such omissions are a serious matter at the FISC, because it is the one court in America where the accused gets no representation or chance to defend himself. And that means the FBI is obligated to disclose evidence of both guilt and innocence about the target of a FISA warrant."


"Other sources who worked for Mueller at the time told me the court's concerns arose in 2002 and 2003 - shortly after America was stunned by the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks - when the FISC learned the FBI had omitted material facts from FISA warrant applications in more than 75 terrorism cases that dated back to the late 1990s"

It has already been reported / exposed that during one of these cases MUELLER ILLEGALLY AND INTENTIONALLY WITHHELD EVIDENCE PROVING THE INNOCENSE OF ONE OF HIS 'VICTIMS' AND THAT HE INTENTIONALLY SENT THAT MAN TO JAIL FOR YEARS! After being caught having done so and after the man was set free, despite undeniable evidence of his actions, Mueller STILL argued in his own defense that the man could 'still be guilty' when the existing evidence clearly showed this NOT to he the case!

HOW / WHY this M*er F*er & his mentored Protege, Comey, is NOT in jail right now is a complete Mystery, it it is obvious to see why the FBI / Comey brought Mueller into the Conspiracy prior to the investigation being opened up and why the NSA, DOJ, & FBI illegally used the Russian-authored Dossier to con Congress into appointing Mueller as the Special Coubsel, as evidence and DOJ Ohr's testimony proves was the case!

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

Republicans hate law enforcement/the rule of law

No, that is provably the progressive wing of the Democrat Party.
The former head of the republican national commitee's finance arm is a felon. He was also the presidents personal lawyer. spin away
Taken at face value it seems Mueller cleaned up the situation you are concerned about.

Mueller was called before the FISA Court, his FBI was massively rebuked for continuous FISA Court violations that CONTINUED ON HIS WATCH.

Mueller was exposed as not only illegally abusing the FISA Court but for also intentionally knowingly withholding evidence and sending an innocent man to jail.

Evidence also shows that his protege, Comey CONTINUED the CRIMINAL ABUSE of the FISA Court.

Evidence shows Comey brought Mueller in to participate in the Conspiracy, that Mueller worked with the FBI, DOJ, & Steele on the Russian-authored Hillary paid-for dossier before the investigation began and before the DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI illegally acted to get Mueller appointed as Special Counsel.

...and you want to push the unsubstantiated / debunked BS idea that Mueller is the 'good guy' who 'cleaned up' the FBI ... except evidence shows the crimes Mueller committed / supposedly 'cleaned up' CONTINUED under his protege Comey?!


This blows Waterate out of the water!
Lol, dude didn't even read his own op link.

Whatta loser.
The FISA Court needs to be abolished because Evil People like Comey & Mueller are often given positions for political reasons that they are morally and ethically unqualified for.

Severe Penalties should be handed down for anyone abusing The FISA court until such a time as it can be eradicated.

I’m thinking life in prison.

Evidence Revealed Mueller & His FBI Broke Laws Repeatedly (FISA Court Abuses) Dating Back to 2001

Mueller Has A Proven HISTORY of FISA COURT ABUSES - These Crimes Have Been Carried On My His Mentored Protege, James Comey, During The Exposed Conspiracy Against President Trump...

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

"Robert Mueller, the former FBI director and current special prosecutor in the Russia case, once was hauled before the nation's secret intelligence court to address a large number of instances in which the (HIS) FBI cheated on sensitive surveillance warrants, according to evidence gathered by congressional investigators."

This information on Mueller's and the FBI's CRIMES have been hidden from the American people for over a decade:

"For most of the past 16 years, Mueller's closed-door encounter escaped public notice because of the secrecy of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)."

"...evidence mounts that the FBI work preceding his appointment as special prosecutor may have involved improprieties (FISA Warrant Abuses) in the securing of a FISA warrant to spy on Donald Trump's campaign in the final weeks of the 2016 campaign."

"The sin (CRIMES) that plagued the FBI two decades ago, and that now lingers over the Russia case, involves the omission of material facts by agents applying for FISA warrants in sensitive counterterrorism and counterintelligence cases.

Such omissions are a serious matter at the FISC, because it is the one court in America where the accused gets no representation or chance to defend himself. And that means the FBI is obligated to disclose evidence of both guilt and innocence about the target of a FISA warrant."


"Other sources who worked for Mueller at the time told me the court's concerns arose in 2002 and 2003 - shortly after America was stunned by the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks - when the FISC learned the FBI had omitted material facts from FISA warrant applications in more than 75 terrorism cases that dated back to the late 1990s"

It has already been reported / exposed that during one of these cases MUELLER ILLEGALLY AND INTENTIONALLY WITHHELD EVIDENCE PROVING THE INNOCENSE OF ONE OF HIS 'VICTIMS' AND THAT HE INTENTIONALLY SENT THAT MAN TO JAIL FOR YEARS! After being caught having done so and after the man was set free, despite undeniable evidence of his actions, Mueller STILL argued in his own defense that the man could 'still be guilty' when the existing evidence clearly showed this NOT to he the case!

HOW / WHY this M*er F*er & his mentored Protege, Comey, is NOT in jail right now is a complete Mystery, it it is obvious to see why the FBI / Comey brought Mueller into the Conspiracy prior to the investigation being opened up and why the NSA, DOJ, & FBI illegally used the Russian-authored Dossier to con Congress into appointing Mueller as the Special Coubsel, as evidence and DOJ Ohr's testimony proves was the case!

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

The ACLU was already onto the FBI's criminal activity in 2013 that dated back to 2008 but which had been and continued to be ignored AND protected ... until just recently ... by keeping it hidden from the American people under the BS excuse of 'National Security':

"Unleashed and Unaccountable" - American Civil Liberties Union
(PDFAmerican Civil Liberties Union › assets)
Secret courts... What could go wrong...?

The FISA Court needs to be abolished because Evil People like Comey & Mueller are often given positions for political reasons that they are morally and ethically unqualified for.

Evil criminals / traitors like Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Clapper, and Brennan need to be publicly put on trial and imprisoned.

I hear GITMO has some open cells.
The FISA Court needs to be abolished because Evil People like Comey & Mueller are often given positions for political reasons that they are morally and ethically unqualified for.

Severe Penalties should be handed down for anyone abusing The FISA court until such a time as it can be eradicated.

I’m thinking life in prison.
And the entire Patriot Act needs to be repealed.
The FISA Court needs to be abolished because Evil People like Comey & Mueller are often given positions for political reasons that they are morally and ethically unqualified for.

Evidence Revealed Mueller & His FBI Broke Laws Repeatedly (FISA Court Abuses) Dating Back to 2001

Mueller Has A Proven HISTORY of FISA COURT ABUSES - These Crimes Have Been Carried On My His Mentored Protege, James Comey, During The Exposed Conspiracy Against President Trump...

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

"Robert Mueller, the former FBI director and current special prosecutor in the Russia case, once was hauled before the nation's secret intelligence court to address a large number of instances in which the (HIS) FBI cheated on sensitive surveillance warrants, according to evidence gathered by congressional investigators."

This information on Mueller's and the FBI's CRIMES have been hidden from the American people for over a decade:

"For most of the past 16 years, Mueller's closed-door encounter escaped public notice because of the secrecy of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)."

"...evidence mounts that the FBI work preceding his appointment as special prosecutor may have involved improprieties (FISA Warrant Abuses) in the securing of a FISA warrant to spy on Donald Trump's campaign in the final weeks of the 2016 campaign."

"The sin (CRIMES) that plagued the FBI two decades ago, and that now lingers over the Russia case, involves the omission of material facts by agents applying for FISA warrants in sensitive counterterrorism and counterintelligence cases.

Such omissions are a serious matter at the FISC, because it is the one court in America where the accused gets no representation or chance to defend himself. And that means the FBI is obligated to disclose evidence of both guilt and innocence about the target of a FISA warrant."


"Other sources who worked for Mueller at the time told me the court's concerns arose in 2002 and 2003 - shortly after America was stunned by the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks - when the FISC learned the FBI had omitted material facts from FISA warrant applications in more than 75 terrorism cases that dated back to the late 1990s"

It has already been reported / exposed that during one of these cases MUELLER ILLEGALLY AND INTENTIONALLY WITHHELD EVIDENCE PROVING THE INNOCENSE OF ONE OF HIS 'VICTIMS' AND THAT HE INTENTIONALLY SENT THAT MAN TO JAIL FOR YEARS! After being caught having done so and after the man was set free, despite undeniable evidence of his actions, Mueller STILL argued in his own defense that the man could 'still be guilty' when the existing evidence clearly showed this NOT to he the case!

HOW / WHY this M*er F*er & his mentored Protege, Comey, is NOT in jail right now is a complete Mystery, it it is obvious to see why the FBI / Comey brought Mueller into the Conspiracy prior to the investigation being opened up and why the NSA, DOJ, & FBI illegally used the Russian-authored Dossier to con Congress into appointing Mueller as the Special Coubsel, as evidence and DOJ Ohr's testimony proves was the case!

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

Why do you love terrorists? That's what the right collectively said to privacy advocates when our modern domestic surveillance apparatus was being built and the legal questions settled. Now you don't like domestic spying? You are years too late coming to that conclusion now that we are stuck with it.
Why do you love terrorists? That's what the right collectively said to privacy advocates when our modern domestic surveillance was being built and the legal questions settled. Now you don't like domestic spying? You are years too late coming to that conclusion now that we are stuck with it.
The moonbats have fully transmogrified into bootlicking neocon Bushbots!! :laughing0301::lmao::lol::auiqs.jpg:
Does the OP realize that this is the 68th thread he’s started about Mueller (those are just the ones with Mueller in the title—there may be more). Most are pronouncing it dead or illegal or some other mumbo jumbo.

Nobody is buying your shit.


  • Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at 8.59.09 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2019-02-06 at 8.59.09 PM.png
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Why do you love terrorists?
Why do YOU love proven criminals / traitors who violated the American people's trust, who violated the Constitution and Rule of Law, who knowingly intentionally sent innocent Americans to prison, who facilitated and engaged in the criminal FBI's iillegal FISA Court Abuses, who mentored Coney to do the same, and then agreed to participate in the treasonous Conspiracy against the current President?

So much so that you are willing to intentionally spin and knowingly ask such false questions in an attempt to defend the proven criminals and to protect them deserved accountability?

Despite overwhelming evidence you choose to support / defend proven traitors....

Seditious partisan loyalty runs deep in the party-1st indoctrinated sheep...
From your article:

Most of the omissions occurred in FBI work that pre-dated Mueller’s arrival, the sources said. But the court wanted assurances the new sheriff in town was going to stop such widespread abuses.
Mueller told the court the FBI had created a new system called the Woods Procedures — named for the FBI lawyer who drafted them — to ensure FISA warrant applications were accurate and did not omit material information, according to Anderson’s congressional interview.

Taken at face value it seems Mueller cleaned up the situation you are concerned about.

But let's be real.

We rightfully watch every last rich or connected Russian calling or operating in this country. If your campaign is talking turkey with Russian operatives you are going to get caught. Contacts continued even after our intelligence community decided to go public with a warning about Russian interference. We were spying on Russia, Russia spies on us, it's Trump's fault his campaign tried to team up with Putin.
Holly shit we have been going about this all wrong all we have to do is believe people when they promise not to break the law anymore and everything will be okey-dokey.
Why do you love terrorists? That's what the right collectively said to privacy advocates when our modern domestic surveillance was being built and the legal questions settled. Now you don't like domestic spying? You are years too late coming to that conclusion now that we are stuck with it.
The moonbats have fully transmogrified into bootlicking neocon Bushbots!! :laughing0301::lmao::lol::auiqs.jpg:
You're an idiot, the "moonbats" didn't ever want all this big brother stuff but guess what? We are stuck with it because no politician will ever touch it because of the fear of another 9/11.

We tried to tell you that they were fucking us and I hope it brings down your crooked fucking president. It would serve you right.
You're an idiot, the "moonbats" didn't ever want all this big brother stuff but guess what? We are stuck with it because no politician will ever touch it because of the fear of another 9/11.

We tried to tell you that they were fucking us and I hope it brings down your crooked fucking president. It would serve you right.
You say you didn't want it, but now you're willing to accept the corruption of it when you think it benefits you and your shiftless commie thug party.....LMAO! :auiqs.jpg:

You're today's big winner....or loser.


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