Mueller Hauled Before FISA Court To Explain Crimes

I tried to make sense of this post, but realized it was just more conservative hyperbole.
The hyperbole is from the left in this case, and the right are
playing the role of Constitutionalists.
Russia Collusion: Hillary Clinton, DNC, & FBI are the Real Stars | National Review

Mueller was a republican back in 2002 and 2003 doing the work of the bush administration implementing post 9/11 liberty reducing laws.

So what side would "constitutionalists" be on?
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I tried to make sense of this post, but realized it was just more conservative hyperbole.
The hyperbole is from the left in this case, and the right are
playing the role of Constitutionalists.
Russia Collusion: Hillary Clinton, DNC, & FBI are the Real Stars | National Review

Mueller was a republican back in 2002 and 2003 doing the work of the bush administration implementing post 9/11 liberty reducing laws.

So what side would "constitutionalists" be one?
The dark side, deep state, shadow government, or whatever you want to call it
--they are shrouding the Republicans and Democrats--it's like a civil war in Washington behind the scenes, but not left or right. It's dark side v Constituion side ( Rand Paul, Tulsi Gabbard , Feingold and Kucinich when they were there) The MSM is mainly a distraction and propaganda tool more than anything, and they bsasically have succeded.
Mueller is part of the conspiracy to unseat the President of the United States. He was head of the FBI for a number of years and his loyalties essentially lie with the FBI's role in the attempted coup regardless of his alleged political registration.

Attempted coup?

Are you stupid?
Mueller was a republican back in 2002 and 2003 doing the work of the bush administration implementing post 9/11 liberty reducing laws.

So what side would "constitutionalists" be one?
Hmmmm....Mueller is a republican who had his head up Bush's ass....And that's supposed to be evidence that he's above reproach?


"reproach" being anything that isn't up trump's ass...
Correction: republicans are against the doj and fbi and blame it on the deep state when it suits them.
How can you trust an entire branch of government that is owned by the Democrats? The DOJ and it's intelligence agencies are corrupted with Democratic control. The Mueller probe has proved that beyond any doubt.
I tried to make sense of this post, but realized it was just more conservative hyperbole.
The hyperbole is from the left in this case, and the right are
playing the role of Constitutionalists.
Russia Collusion: Hillary Clinton, DNC, & FBI are the Real Stars | National Review

Mueller was a republican back in 2002 and 2003 doing the work of the bush administration implementing post 9/11 liberty reducing laws.

So what side would "constitutionalists" be one?
The dark side, deep state, shadow government, or whatever you want to call it
--they are shrouding the Republicans and Democrats--it's like a civil war in Washington behind the scenes, but not left or right. It's dark side v Constituion side ( Rand Paul, Tulsi Gabbard , Feingold and Kucinich when they were there) The MSM is mainly a distraction and propaganda tool more than anything, and they bsasically have succeded.

You're willfully ignorant
How can you trust an entire branch of government that is owned by the Democrats? The DOJ and it's intelligence agencies are corrupted with Democratic control. The Mueller probe has proved that beyond any doubt.

Grow up trumptroll.

Your not worth the digital space that you occupy.
Does the OP realize that this is the 68th thread he’s started about Mueller (those are just the ones with Mueller in the title—there may be more). Most are pronouncing it dead or illegal or some other mumbo jumbo.

Nobody is buying your shit.
Odd you would call out someone on the number of posts on a specific topic when you have started 53 about Trump.
Search Results for Query: Trump | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Over about 4 years. Apples and oranges.
Evidence Revealed Mueller & His FBI Broke Laws Repeatedly (FISA Court Abuses) Dating Back to 2001

Mueller Has A Proven HISTORY of FISA COURT ABUSES - These Crimes Have Been Carried On My His Mentored Protege, James Comey, During The Exposed Conspiracy Against President Trump...

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

"Robert Mueller, the former FBI director and current special prosecutor in the Russia case, once was hauled before the nation's secret intelligence court to address a large number of instances in which the (HIS) FBI cheated on sensitive surveillance warrants, according to evidence gathered by congressional investigators."

This information on Mueller's and the FBI's CRIMES have been hidden from the American people for over a decade:

"For most of the past 16 years, Mueller's closed-door encounter escaped public notice because of the secrecy of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)."

"...evidence mounts that the FBI work preceding his appointment as special prosecutor may have involved improprieties (FISA Warrant Abuses) in the securing of a FISA warrant to spy on Donald Trump's campaign in the final weeks of the 2016 campaign."

"The sin (CRIMES) that plagued the FBI two decades ago, and that now lingers over the Russia case, involves the omission of material facts by agents applying for FISA warrants in sensitive counterterrorism and counterintelligence cases.

Such omissions are a serious matter at the FISC, because it is the one court in America where the accused gets no representation or chance to defend himself. And that means the FBI is obligated to disclose evidence of both guilt and innocence about the target of a FISA warrant."


"Other sources who worked for Mueller at the time told me the court's concerns arose in 2002 and 2003 - shortly after America was stunned by the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks - when the FISC learned the FBI had omitted material facts from FISA warrant applications in more than 75 terrorism cases that dated back to the late 1990s"

It has already been reported / exposed that during one of these cases MUELLER ILLEGALLY AND INTENTIONALLY WITHHELD EVIDENCE PROVING THE INNOCENSE OF ONE OF HIS 'VICTIMS' AND THAT HE INTENTIONALLY SENT THAT MAN TO JAIL FOR YEARS! After being caught having done so and after the man was set free, despite undeniable evidence of his actions, Mueller STILL argued in his own defense that the man could 'still be guilty' when the existing evidence clearly showed this NOT to he the case!

HOW / WHY this M*er F*er & his mentored Protege, Comey, is NOT in jail right now is a complete Mystery, it it is obvious to see why the FBI / Comey brought Mueller into the Conspiracy prior to the investigation being opened up and why the NSA, DOJ, & FBI illegally used the Russian-authored Dossier to con Congress into appointing Mueller as the Special Coubsel, as evidence and DOJ Ohr's testimony proves was the case!

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told


This is a opinion piece not a news story. The writer is a Trump supporter so it means nothing. We also know that the Russians have launched a disinformation campaign against Mueller. This is typical of Trump supporters. Launch attacks that cannot be confirmed nor denied and that makes it easy to hurl fake charges.
There is no evidence as the opinion of a Trump supporter has no credibility.

No one was spying on Donald Trump's campaign. That is a paranoid fantasy concocted by crazies like you.

The trial judge in the Bulger case disputes the story and confirms that there is no such letter.

Opinion | Smearing Robert Mueller

The reason they are not in jail is because they have committed no crimes. There is no conspiracy you looney tune. You need to be put in a rubber room as you are crazy.
America's 'Best & Most Trusted Law Enforcement Agency' has been exposed as a criminally run organization that has secretly violated both the Constitution and Rule of Law for DECADES, having violated the Rights of American Citizens and knowingly, illegally even sent innocent America citizens to jail, while protecting themselves / being protected from accountability for their crimes by secrecy under the bogus justification / defense that these crimes needed to be kept hidden from the American people because of of 'National Security'.

Evidence now proves these crimes were perpetrated and the FBI has been criminally run this whole time primarily by / under the criminal leadership of TWO MEN: Former FBI Directors ROBERT MUELLER & JAMES COMEY!

Evidence shows you are crazy.

How can you trust an entire branch of government that is owned by the Democrats? The DOJ and it's intelligence agencies are corrupted with Democratic control. The Mueller probe has proved that beyond any doubt.

Grow up trumptroll.

Your not worth the digital space that you occupy.
Use your brain. Why hasn't a SINGLE DEMOCRAT been investigated as part of the Mueller probe? Why does he use Gestapo tactics raiding offices? You are blinded with your loyalty to your Party and your required hatred of Donald Trump.
Evidence Revealed Mueller & His FBI Broke Laws Repeatedly (FISA Court Abuses) Dating Back to 2001

Mueller Has A Proven HISTORY of FISA COURT ABUSES - These Crimes Have Been Carried On My His Mentored Protege, James Comey, During The Exposed Conspiracy Against President Trump...

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

"Robert Mueller, the former FBI director and current special prosecutor in the Russia case, once was hauled before the nation's secret intelligence court to address a large number of instances in which the (HIS) FBI cheated on sensitive surveillance warrants, according to evidence gathered by congressional investigators."

This information on Mueller's and the FBI's CRIMES have been hidden from the American people for over a decade:

"For most of the past 16 years, Mueller's closed-door encounter escaped public notice because of the secrecy of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)."

"...evidence mounts that the FBI work preceding his appointment as special prosecutor may have involved improprieties (FISA Warrant Abuses) in the securing of a FISA warrant to spy on Donald Trump's campaign in the final weeks of the 2016 campaign."

"The sin (CRIMES) that plagued the FBI two decades ago, and that now lingers over the Russia case, involves the omission of material facts by agents applying for FISA warrants in sensitive counterterrorism and counterintelligence cases.

Such omissions are a serious matter at the FISC, because it is the one court in America where the accused gets no representation or chance to defend himself. And that means the FBI is obligated to disclose evidence of both guilt and innocence about the target of a FISA warrant."


"Other sources who worked for Mueller at the time told me the court's concerns arose in 2002 and 2003 - shortly after America was stunned by the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks - when the FISC learned the FBI had omitted material facts from FISA warrant applications in more than 75 terrorism cases that dated back to the late 1990s"

It has already been reported / exposed that during one of these cases MUELLER ILLEGALLY AND INTENTIONALLY WITHHELD EVIDENCE PROVING THE INNOCENSE OF ONE OF HIS 'VICTIMS' AND THAT HE INTENTIONALLY SENT THAT MAN TO JAIL FOR YEARS! After being caught having done so and after the man was set free, despite undeniable evidence of his actions, Mueller STILL argued in his own defense that the man could 'still be guilty' when the existing evidence clearly showed this NOT to he the case!

HOW / WHY this M*er F*er & his mentored Protege, Comey, is NOT in jail right now is a complete Mystery, it it is obvious to see why the FBI / Comey brought Mueller into the Conspiracy prior to the investigation being opened up and why the NSA, DOJ, & FBI illegally used the Russian-authored Dossier to con Congress into appointing Mueller as the Special Coubsel, as evidence and DOJ Ohr's testimony proves was the case!

Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told

Easy65, you just blew the DNC Lie, Cheat & Steal Committee clean outta the water! Congratulations!!!
You are the one who posted a biased bunch of bullshit to somehow prove Mueller is a crook. Hack. That guy obviously has an axe to grind. If no mainstream source has reported it I am not interested.
What Mueller did is a matter of record, to the point that the families of those that he kept imprisoned are going to win huge awards for wrongful imprisonment...Had you bothered to read the article you'd already know that...But you didn't because you're a fucking hack.

It is not a matter of record. There is not 1 iota of evidence and the trial judge also disputes that. You are a loathsome smear artist.
The FISA Court needs to be abolished because Evil People like Comey & Mueller are often given positions for political reasons that they are morally and ethically unqualified for.

Evil criminals / traitors like Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, Clapper, and Brennan need to be publicly put on trial and imprisoned.

I hear GITMO has some open cells.

Good. We can use one of them to put you in. You are the traitor Commie.

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