Mueller hires ANOTHER Trump Hating prosecutor

So you're OK with your daughter giving blowjobs to strange men?

I think that would be her choice, wouldn't it? At least once she's a legal adult.

Yeah, I'd like to think I would have raised her better to not see a married man and all, but frankly, given half of marriages involve some sort of adultery, we have to realize we live in the real world.

Once she's a legal adult there's nothing you can do about it, so your response is utterly meaningless. When you can do something about it, you would be horrified if you found out that's what she was doing. Yet, you excuse Slick Willies behavior because it doesn't meat some extremely narrow anal retentive definition of "sex" that only impresses biologists.

Who do you think you're fooling?

I understand common sense, which is something you are desperately trying to ignore to excuse your rapist president.

I'm sorry, when was Clinton convicted of rape? When did anyone bring forward a provable claim of rape.

Not Juanita Brodderick. She changed her story multiple times, couldn't cite the date that the rape happened, (because that could be checked) couldn't remember the room number of the hotel it happened at, and signed two affadavitts denying it happened.

If you want to apply the Clinton standard to your boy Trump, we should be marching him out in handcuffs right now.

When was Trump convicted of "colluding" with the Russians? Yet, all you douche bag snowflakes on here have already decided to hang him.

It defies comprehension that left-wingers can't see what utter hypocrites they are. I think it's a form of brain damage. All those who are logically impaired become left-wingers.
Once she's a legal adult there's nothing you can do about it, so your response is utterly meaningless. When you can do something about it, you would be horrified if you found out that's what she was doing. Yet, you excuse Slick Willies behavior because it doesn't meat some extremely narrow anal retentive definition of "sex" that only impresses biologists.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Okay, I'm going to explain this to you really slowly...

Monica was a legal adult when she had a relationship with Clinton.
At that point, her decisions were on her, not her father.

The thing you knuckleheads don't seem to are about is that Monica didn't want her private life splattered all over the newspapers and TV.

That took Ken Starr abusing his position to do.

When was Trump convicted of "colluding" with the Russians? Yet, all you douche bag snowflakes on here have already decided to hang him.

Exactly. You call Clinton a rapist all day. Even though the evidence pretty much exonerates him of wrongdoing.

So when we have a 70 Million dollar rectal exam of Trump, and we conclude he didn't collaborate with the Russians, you might be on to something.
Once she's a legal adult there's nothing you can do about it, so your response is utterly meaningless. When you can do something about it, you would be horrified if you found out that's what she was doing. Yet, you excuse Slick Willies behavior because it doesn't meat some extremely narrow anal retentive definition of "sex" that only impresses biologists.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Okay, I'm going to explain this to you really slowly...

Monica was a legal adult when she had a relationship with Clinton.
At that point, her decisions were on her, not her father.

The thing you knuckleheads don't seem to are about is that Monica didn't want her private life splattered all over the newspapers and TV.

That took Ken Starr abusing his position to do.

Now you're trying to switch the argument from "it wasn't sex" to "Monica was a legal adult." In the first place it was sex according to the legal definition, and the definition the cross examining attorney used when he posed the question. What you're trying to tell us is that if a 30 year old man talked a 14 year old girl into giving him a blow job, that he wouldn't be prosecuted because it wasn't really sex? who do you think you're fooling. People are given long prison sentences for exactly that every day.

Now you're trying to claim your concern for Monica's privacy meant it was wrong to prosecute Clinton? I could spend all day explaining why that is total horseshit. Did any of you douche bags give a shit when the media publicized ad nausea a comment Trump made in a private conversation? Do any of you douche bags give a rats ass about "privacy" when any Republican is caught in some pecadillo?

You're a fucking moron and a total douche bag hypocrite.

When was Trump convicted of "colluding" with the Russians? Yet, all you douche bag snowflakes on here have already decided to hang him.

Exactly. You call Clinton a rapist all day. Even though the evidence pretty much exonerates him of wrongdoing.

So when we have a 70 Million dollar rectal exam of Trump, and we conclude he didn't collaborate with the Russians, you might be on to something.

The evidence does not exonerate Clinton in any way.
That has been investigated. Why don't you look up the findings from that? Here's a evidence of wrong doing.
Absolutely no evidence of criminal wrong doing that she could be prosecuted for by any prosecutor in the USA is what was said!!

She did break some rules though, that were not criminal, just breaking protocol rules, but usually the person at the very top is not subject to most of those least in a nod and a wink way...., other than a slap of hand at most, just like a CEO position...they can do what they want and not worry about work guidelines if they do not want to... for whatever their business reason...

just like when President Trump broke protocol and declassified top secret information and gave it to the Russians during his oval office, white house meeting with them... it was a no no, but regardless of protocol, it was okay cuz he's the chief executive.
Trump likely didn't do it himself, but his campaign team might have broken some laws of the land...should they get a pass? NO, OF COURSE NOT...unless, it, whatever 'it' might be, was done unwittingly, then a PASS might be warranted.
Trump did not 'collude' with Russia on anything. It's gonna cost Taxpayers $Millions to find out what is already known. There was no 'Russian Hacking' of our Election. That's absolute sore loser Democrat Bullshite. They couldn't beat Trump at the ballot box, so they're trying to carry out a Coup d'etat by way of manufacturing numerous 'scandals.' But I truly believe most Americans recognize what the Democrats are doing. It'll likely backfire on em. I hope so anyway.
Trump likely didn't do it himself, but his campaign team might have broken some laws of the land...should they get a pass? NO, OF COURSE NOT...unless, it, whatever 'it' might be, was done unwittingly, then a PASS might be warranted...

He's not hiring all of these expert prosecutors to lead various parts of the investigation, if there was NOTHING... These experts would not leave their regular jobs for a one week job with the govt.... there is a big job ahead of all of them....! I don't think this is going to be over, anytime soon...

President Trump truly needs to stay out of this, and let them do the job they were hired to do and stop interfering with this investigation....the sooner he does stop his interference, the sooner it will be over....the less that would be said about it in the media....

President Trump has been acting like he is guilty of something with all of his obstruction and wild goose chases he's sent the media on... he's just been crazy!

He needs to stop his antics...the sooner the better!

No one 'Colluded' with Russia on 'Hacking' our Election. It is a witch hunt. Were some connected with his Campaign in communication with Russia? Probably. But that's not uncommon. It certainly isn't an 'Impeachable' offense. It's gonna cost Taxpayers several $Millions to find out what it is already known. It's just a shameful Democrat Coup d'etat attempt. Manufactured B.S.
You spout the Trump and Russian propaganda quite well! :clap: :bravo:

YOU DO NOT KNOW one way or the other on the collusion, or other crimes that may have been committed by them, as with the New Hires show, the criminal investigation is just getting off the ground....even if the Russian election interference counter intelligence part is close to being Over.

No, it is NOT NORMAL for a campaign team to have so so so many meetings and conversations with the Russians, it not normal for these bright Trump staff to lie about these meetings or Trump to lie about the connections.

Do you remember when Trump was caught on a hot mic telling a Russian official that he'll have a lot more flexibility after the election? Oh wait........

Do you remember when Trump's SOS facilitated a uranium deal with Russia? Oh wait.....

And let's not forget these gems:

What's wrong with the president talking to Russians?
Absolutely no evidence of criminal wrong doing that she could be prosecuted for by any prosecutor in the USA is what was said!!

She did break some rules though, that were not criminal, just breaking protocol rules, but usually the person at the very top is not subject to most of those least in a nod and a wink way...., other than a slap of hand at most, just like a CEO position...they can do what they want and not worry about work guidelines if they do not want to... for whatever their business reason...

just like when President Trump broke protocol and declassified top secret information and gave it to the Russians during his oval office, white house meeting with them... it was a no no, but regardless of protocol, it was okay cuz he's the chief executive.
Trump likely didn't do it himself, but his campaign team might have broken some laws of the land...should they get a pass? NO, OF COURSE NOT...unless, it, whatever 'it' might be, was done unwittingly, then a PASS might be warranted.
Trump did not 'collude' with Russia on anything. It's gonna cost Taxpayers $Millions to find out what is already known. There was no 'Russian Hacking' of our Election. That's absolute sore loser Democrat Bullshite. They couldn't beat Trump at the ballot box, so they're trying to carry out a Coup d'etat by way of manufacturing numerous 'scandals.' But I truly believe most Americans recognize what the Democrats are doing. It'll likely backfire on em. I hope so anyway.
Trump likely didn't do it himself, but his campaign team might have broken some laws of the land...should they get a pass? NO, OF COURSE NOT...unless, it, whatever 'it' might be, was done unwittingly, then a PASS might be warranted...

He's not hiring all of these expert prosecutors to lead various parts of the investigation, if there was NOTHING... These experts would not leave their regular jobs for a one week job with the govt.... there is a big job ahead of all of them....! I don't think this is going to be over, anytime soon...

President Trump truly needs to stay out of this, and let them do the job they were hired to do and stop interfering with this investigation....the sooner he does stop his interference, the sooner it will be over....the less that would be said about it in the media....

President Trump has been acting like he is guilty of something with all of his obstruction and wild goose chases he's sent the media on... he's just been crazy!

He needs to stop his antics...the sooner the better!

No one 'Colluded' with Russia on 'Hacking' our Election. It is a witch hunt. Were some connected with his Campaign in communication with Russia? Probably. But that's not uncommon. It certainly isn't an 'Impeachable' offense. It's gonna cost Taxpayers several $Millions to find out what it is already known. It's just a shameful Democrat Coup d'etat attempt. Manufactured B.S.
You spout the Trump and Russian propaganda quite well! :clap: :bravo:

YOU DO NOT KNOW one way or the other on the collusion, or other crimes that may have been committed by them, as with the New Hires show, the criminal investigation is just getting off the ground....even if the Russian election interference counter intelligence part is close to being Over.

No, it is NOT NORMAL for a campaign team to have so so so many meetings and conversations with the Russians, it not normal for these bright Trump staff to lie about these meetings or Trump to lie about the connections.

Do you remember when Trump was caught on a hot mic telling a Russian official that he'll have a lot more flexibility after the election? Oh wait........

Do you remember when Trump's SOS facilitated a uranium deal with Russia? Oh wait.....

And let's not forget these gems:

What's wrong with the president talking to Russians?

Obama was accused of bowing to a foreign leader, why are those accusers quiet now that Trump kissed the ass of Putin?
Trump likely didn't do it himself, but his campaign team might have broken some laws of the land...should they get a pass? NO, OF COURSE NOT...unless, it, whatever 'it' might be, was done unwittingly, then a PASS might be warranted.
Trump likely didn't do it himself, but his campaign team might have broken some laws of the land...should they get a pass? NO, OF COURSE NOT...unless, it, whatever 'it' might be, was done unwittingly, then a PASS might be warranted...

He's not hiring all of these expert prosecutors to lead various parts of the investigation, if there was NOTHING... These experts would not leave their regular jobs for a one week job with the govt.... there is a big job ahead of all of them....! I don't think this is going to be over, anytime soon...

President Trump truly needs to stay out of this, and let them do the job they were hired to do and stop interfering with this investigation....the sooner he does stop his interference, the sooner it will be over....the less that would be said about it in the media....

President Trump has been acting like he is guilty of something with all of his obstruction and wild goose chases he's sent the media on... he's just been crazy!

He needs to stop his antics...the sooner the better!

No one 'Colluded' with Russia on 'Hacking' our Election. It is a witch hunt. Were some connected with his Campaign in communication with Russia? Probably. But that's not uncommon. It certainly isn't an 'Impeachable' offense. It's gonna cost Taxpayers several $Millions to find out what it is already known. It's just a shameful Democrat Coup d'etat attempt. Manufactured B.S.
You spout the Trump and Russian propaganda quite well! :clap: :bravo:

YOU DO NOT KNOW one way or the other on the collusion, or other crimes that may have been committed by them, as with the New Hires show, the criminal investigation is just getting off the ground....even if the Russian election interference counter intelligence part is close to being Over.

No, it is NOT NORMAL for a campaign team to have so so so many meetings and conversations with the Russians, it not normal for these bright Trump staff to lie about these meetings or Trump to lie about the connections.

Do you remember when Trump was caught on a hot mic telling a Russian official that he'll have a lot more flexibility after the election? Oh wait........

Do you remember when Trump's SOS facilitated a uranium deal with Russia? Oh wait.....

And let's not forget these gems:

What's wrong with the president talking to Russians?

Obama was accused of bowing to a foreign leader, why are those accusers quiet now that Trump kissed the ass of Putin?

Because they're hypocrites?
No one 'Colluded' with Russia on 'Hacking' our Election. It is a witch hunt. Were some connected with his Campaign in communication with Russia? Probably. But that's not uncommon. It certainly isn't an 'Impeachable' offense. It's gonna cost Taxpayers several $Millions to find out what it is already known. It's just a shameful Democrat Coup d'etat attempt. Manufactured B.S.
You spout the Trump and Russian propaganda quite well! :clap: :bravo:

YOU DO NOT KNOW one way or the other on the collusion, or other crimes that may have been committed by them, as with the New Hires show, the criminal investigation is just getting off the ground....even if the Russian election interference counter intelligence part is close to being Over.

No, it is NOT NORMAL for a campaign team to have so so so many meetings and conversations with the Russians, it not normal for these bright Trump staff to lie about these meetings or Trump to lie about the connections.

Do you remember when Trump was caught on a hot mic telling a Russian official that he'll have a lot more flexibility after the election? Oh wait........

Do you remember when Trump's SOS facilitated a uranium deal with Russia? Oh wait.....

And let's not forget these gems:

What's wrong with the president talking to Russians?

Obama was accused of bowing to a foreign leader, why are those accusers quiet now that Trump kissed the ass of Putin?

Because they're hypocrites?

Yes, hypocrites AND damn liars.
Lying before a grand jury is a crime - even if the underlying situation was jaywalking.

Obstruction of justice is also a crime.

Clinton was impeached by the US House of Representatives for both.

The crime isn't in the jaywalking (or the blowjob)...

The crime is in the commission of perjury before a grand jury, in connection with that jaywalking or blowjob.

Your unwillingness or inability to either discern or admit the difference is irrelevant.

Uh, guy, let's get real. Besides the fact that that he didn't lie to a "Grand Jury", anyone who has been involved in a civil suit tells you that most witnesses are prepped by lawyers to admit only what they have to and no more.

Fact is, a lot of men don't consider a blow job or a hand job to be "sex". Sex is when you have genital to genital contact. so Clinton could argue when he said he didn't have sexual relations with that woman, he really didn't.

Blow jobs are the new third base.
No Sale, Joe... you're reaching too far with that one... sorry.
I just BET you would be this calm and fine about this is your precious messiah negro Obama was being investigated by forces that despised him eh?

I'm sure if there was something to investigate him for other than bizarre conspiracy theories, your boys in Congress would have done it.

Or maybe they learned their lesson from trying to impeach Clinton over a blow job.
They didn't impeach Clinton for a blowjob.

They impeached Clinton for lying about it.

BIg difference.

Actually there isn't
Lying before a grand jury is a crime - even if the underlying situation was jaywalking.

Obstruction of justice is also a crime.

Clinton was impeached by the US House of Representatives for both.

The crime isn't in the jaywalking (or the blowjob)...

The crime is in the commission of perjury before a grand jury, in connection with that jaywalking or blowjob.

Your unwillingness or inability to either discern or admit the difference is irrelevant.
Clinton was impeached on political overreach
Republicans once again overplaying a weak hand

Trump? we shall see, we shall see

Doesn't invalidate a recitation of the apologia they utilized in executing the impeachment, however.
Lying before a grand jury is a crime - even if the underlying situation was jaywalking.

Obstruction of justice is also a crime.

Clinton was impeached by the US House of Representatives for both.

The crime isn't in the jaywalking (or the blowjob)...

The crime is in the commission of perjury before a grand jury, in connection with that jaywalking or blowjob.

Your unwillingness or inability to either discern or admit the difference is irrelevant.

Uh, guy, let's get real. Besides the fact that that he didn't lie to a "Grand Jury", anyone who has been involved in a civil suit tells you that most witnesses are prepped by lawyers to admit only what they have to and no more.

Fact is, a lot of men don't consider a blow job or a hand job to be "sex". Sex is when you have genital to genital contact. so Clinton could argue when he said he didn't have sexual relations with that woman, he really didn't.

Blow jobs are the new third base.
A blow job is not sex

You can give or receive a blow job and still be a virgin

As with Joe... a bridge too far.
That has been investigated. Why don't you look up the findings from that? Here's a evidence of wrong doing.
Absolutely no evidence of criminal wrong doing that she could be prosecuted for by any prosecutor in the USA is what was said!!

She did break some rules though, that were not criminal, just breaking protocol rules, but usually the person at the very top is not subject to most of those least in a nod and a wink way...., other than a slap of hand at most, just like a CEO position...they can do what they want and not worry about work guidelines if they do not want to... for whatever their business reason...

just like when President Trump broke protocol and declassified top secret information and gave it to the Russians during his oval office, white house meeting with them... it was a no no, but regardless of protocol, it was okay cuz he's the chief executive.
Trump likely didn't do it himself, but his campaign team might have broken some laws of the land...should they get a pass? NO, OF COURSE NOT...unless, it, whatever 'it' might be, was done unwittingly, then a PASS might be warranted.
Trump did not 'collude' with Russia on anything. It's gonna cost Taxpayers $Millions to find out what is already known. There was no 'Russian Hacking' of our Election. That's absolute sore loser Democrat Bullshite. They couldn't beat Trump at the ballot box, so they're trying to carry out a Coup d'etat by way of manufacturing numerous 'scandals.' But I truly believe most Americans recognize what the Democrats are doing. It'll likely backfire on em. I hope so anyway.
Trump likely didn't do it himself, but his campaign team might have broken some laws of the land...should they get a pass? NO, OF COURSE NOT...unless, it, whatever 'it' might be, was done unwittingly, then a PASS might be warranted...

He's not hiring all of these expert prosecutors to lead various parts of the investigation, if there was NOTHING... These experts would not leave their regular jobs for a one week job with the govt.... there is a big job ahead of all of them....! I don't think this is going to be over, anytime soon...

President Trump truly needs to stay out of this, and let them do the job they were hired to do and stop interfering with this investigation....the sooner he does stop his interference, the sooner it will be over....the less that would be said about it in the media....

President Trump has been acting like he is guilty of something with all of his obstruction and wild goose chases he's sent the media on... he's just been crazy!

He needs to stop his antics...the sooner the better!

No one 'Colluded' with Russia on 'Hacking' our Election. It is a witch hunt. Were some connected with his Campaign in communication with Russia? Probably. But that's not uncommon. It certainly isn't an 'Impeachable' offense. It's gonna cost Taxpayers several $Millions to find out what it is already known. It's just a shameful Democrat Coup d'etat attempt. Manufactured B.S.
You spout the Trump and Russian propaganda quite well! :clap: :bravo:

YOU DO NOT KNOW one way or the other on the collusion, or other crimes that may have been committed by them, as with the New Hires show, the criminal investigation is just getting off the ground....even if the Russian election interference counter intelligence part is close to being Over.

No, it is NOT NORMAL for a campaign team to have so so so many meetings and conversations with the Russians, it not normal for these bright Trump staff to lie about these meetings or Trump to lie about the connections.

Do you remember when Trump was caught on a hot mic telling a Russian official that he'll have a lot more flexibility after the election? Oh wait........

Do you remember when Trump's SOS facilitated a uranium deal with Russia? Oh wait.....

And let's not forget these gems:

Bingo! Nuff said. :thup:
Trump likely didn't do it himself, but his campaign team might have broken some laws of the land...should they get a pass? NO, OF COURSE NOT...unless, it, whatever 'it' might be, was done unwittingly, then a PASS might be warranted.
Trump likely didn't do it himself, but his campaign team might have broken some laws of the land...should they get a pass? NO, OF COURSE NOT...unless, it, whatever 'it' might be, was done unwittingly, then a PASS might be warranted...

He's not hiring all of these expert prosecutors to lead various parts of the investigation, if there was NOTHING... These experts would not leave their regular jobs for a one week job with the govt.... there is a big job ahead of all of them....! I don't think this is going to be over, anytime soon...

President Trump truly needs to stay out of this, and let them do the job they were hired to do and stop interfering with this investigation....the sooner he does stop his interference, the sooner it will be over....the less that would be said about it in the media....

President Trump has been acting like he is guilty of something with all of his obstruction and wild goose chases he's sent the media on... he's just been crazy!

He needs to stop his antics...the sooner the better!

No one 'Colluded' with Russia on 'Hacking' our Election. It is a witch hunt. Were some connected with his Campaign in communication with Russia? Probably. But that's not uncommon. It certainly isn't an 'Impeachable' offense. It's gonna cost Taxpayers several $Millions to find out what it is already known. It's just a shameful Democrat Coup d'etat attempt. Manufactured B.S.
You spout the Trump and Russian propaganda quite well! :clap: :bravo:

YOU DO NOT KNOW one way or the other on the collusion, or other crimes that may have been committed by them, as with the New Hires show, the criminal investigation is just getting off the ground....even if the Russian election interference counter intelligence part is close to being Over.

No, it is NOT NORMAL for a campaign team to have so so so many meetings and conversations with the Russians, it not normal for these bright Trump staff to lie about these meetings or Trump to lie about the connections.

Do you remember when Trump was caught on a hot mic telling a Russian official that he'll have a lot more flexibility after the election? Oh wait........

Do you remember when Trump's SOS facilitated a uranium deal with Russia? Oh wait.....

And let's not forget these gems:

What's wrong with the president talking to Russians?

Obama was accused of bowing to a foreign leader, why are those accusers quiet now that Trump kissed the ass of Putin?

Because it's a lie. Democrat Fake News Bullshite. That's the answer to your question.
Has Muller and is Neo-Nazi political hit squad even begun investigating yet?

Perhaps not because they don't know where to start since every accusation by the Democrats has proven to be a lie or conspiracy theory...
No one 'Colluded' with Russia on 'Hacking' our Election. It is a witch hunt. Were some connected with his Campaign in communication with Russia? Probably. But that's not uncommon. It certainly isn't an 'Impeachable' offense. It's gonna cost Taxpayers several $Millions to find out what it is already known. It's just a shameful Democrat Coup d'etat attempt. Manufactured B.S.
You spout the Trump and Russian propaganda quite well! :clap: :bravo:

YOU DO NOT KNOW one way or the other on the collusion, or other crimes that may have been committed by them, as with the New Hires show, the criminal investigation is just getting off the ground....even if the Russian election interference counter intelligence part is close to being Over.

No, it is NOT NORMAL for a campaign team to have so so so many meetings and conversations with the Russians, it not normal for these bright Trump staff to lie about these meetings or Trump to lie about the connections.

Do you remember when Trump was caught on a hot mic telling a Russian official that he'll have a lot more flexibility after the election? Oh wait........

Do you remember when Trump's SOS facilitated a uranium deal with Russia? Oh wait.....

And let's not forget these gems:

What's wrong with the president talking to Russians?

Obama was accused of bowing to a foreign leader, why are those accusers quiet now that Trump kissed the ass of Putin?

Because it's a lie. Democrat Fake News Bullshite. That's the answer to your question.

How do you know? Trump seemed much more servile to Putin than he did to Dusko Markovic, the prime minister of Montenegro!

Watch President Trump push a prime minister aside -
You spout the Trump and Russian propaganda quite well! :clap: :bravo:

YOU DO NOT KNOW one way or the other on the collusion, or other crimes that may have been committed by them, as with the New Hires show, the criminal investigation is just getting off the ground....even if the Russian election interference counter intelligence part is close to being Over.

No, it is NOT NORMAL for a campaign team to have so so so many meetings and conversations with the Russians, it not normal for these bright Trump staff to lie about these meetings or Trump to lie about the connections.

Do you remember when Trump was caught on a hot mic telling a Russian official that he'll have a lot more flexibility after the election? Oh wait........

Do you remember when Trump's SOS facilitated a uranium deal with Russia? Oh wait.....

And let's not forget these gems:

What's wrong with the president talking to Russians?

Obama was accused of bowing to a foreign leader, why are those accusers quiet now that Trump kissed the ass of Putin?

Because it's a lie. Democrat Fake News Bullshite. That's the answer to your question.

How do you know? Trump seemed much more servile to Putin than he did to Dusko Markovic, the prime minister of Montenegro!

Watch President Trump push a prime minister aside -

You hateful wingnuts have no proof whatsoever that Putin has "kissed the ass of Putin." Y'all sound like raving lunatics. Maybe lay off the Democrat Fake News for a bit. It'll likely be good for you, both mentally & physically. Give it a shot. God bless.
Do you remember when Trump was caught on a hot mic telling a Russian official that he'll have a lot more flexibility after the election? Oh wait........

Do you remember when Trump's SOS facilitated a uranium deal with Russia? Oh wait.....

And let's not forget these gems:

What's wrong with the president talking to Russians?

Obama was accused of bowing to a foreign leader, why are those accusers quiet now that Trump kissed the ass of Putin?

Because it's a lie. Democrat Fake News Bullshite. That's the answer to your question.

How do you know? Trump seemed much more servile to Putin than he did to Dusko Markovic, the prime minister of Montenegro!

Watch President Trump push a prime minister aside -

You hateful wingnuts have no proof whatsoever that Putin has "kissed the ass of Putin." Y'all sound like raving lunatics. Maybe lay off the Democrat Fake News for a bit. It'll likely be good for you, both mentally & physically. Give it a shot. God bless.

ummm, "You hateful wingnuts have no proof whatsoever that Putin has '"kissed the ass of Putin."'

You can't have it both ways, here's a snap shot of the after action meeting:

Russia and US disagree over Trump-Putin election talk -
Now you're trying to switch the argument from "it wasn't sex" to "Monica was a legal adult."

Well, no actually, that was you.

What you're trying to tell us is that if a 30 year old man talked a 14 year old girl into giving him a blow job, that he wouldn't be prosecuted because it wasn't really sex?

No, nobody made that argument.

The argument was did Bill Clinton lie when he said he didn't have sex with Monica. In his mind, a blow job isn't sex. Therefore he answered the question, well not honestly, but it didn't rise to the level of perjury.

In other words, he answered the quesiton like a lawyer.
Now you're trying to claim your concern for Monica's privacy meant it was wrong to prosecute Clinton? I could spend all day explaining why that is total horseshit. Did any of you douche bags give a shit when the media publicized ad nausea a comment Trump made in a private conversation?

Here's the underlying problem. Trump made those comments to a reporter with a camera crew on hand. He didn't have any expectation of privacy. Monica did have an expectation of privacy. In fact, Linda Tripp broke the law by recording their conversations.

Do any of you douche bags give a rats ass about "privacy" when any Republican is caught in some pecadillo?

I'm sorry, when were any of those Republicans subjected to a 70 million dollar investigation? Usually when these guys are caught in peccadillo, it's because the other person got tired of their shit.

Now, if Monica had gone public in 1996 in the middle of the campaign and Clinton lost to Bob Dole because of it, I really wouldn't have had a problem with it. Instead you had Ken Starr using prosecutorial abuse to threaten MOnica's family unless she talked about something she really didn't want to talk about.

It's the kind of government abuse you guys bitch about all day.
What's wrong with the president talking to Russians?

Obama was accused of bowing to a foreign leader, why are those accusers quiet now that Trump kissed the ass of Putin?

Because it's a lie. Democrat Fake News Bullshite. That's the answer to your question.

How do you know? Trump seemed much more servile to Putin than he did to Dusko Markovic, the prime minister of Montenegro!

Watch President Trump push a prime minister aside -

You hateful wingnuts have no proof whatsoever that Putin has "kissed the ass of Putin." Y'all sound like raving lunatics. Maybe lay off the Democrat Fake News for a bit. It'll likely be good for you, both mentally & physically. Give it a shot. God bless.

ummm, "You hateful wingnuts have no proof whatsoever that Putin has '"kissed the ass of Putin."'

You can't have it both ways, here's a snap shot of the after action meeting:

Russia and US disagree over Trump-Putin election talk -

Again, lay off the Democrat Fake News for a bit. Y'all are just making shit up and then calling it 'Fact' and 'News.' You need to get your TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) under control.
Obama was accused of bowing to a foreign leader, why are those accusers quiet now that Trump kissed the ass of Putin?

Because it's a lie. Democrat Fake News Bullshite. That's the answer to your question.

How do you know? Trump seemed much more servile to Putin than he did to Dusko Markovic, the prime minister of Montenegro!

Watch President Trump push a prime minister aside -

You hateful wingnuts have no proof whatsoever that Putin has "kissed the ass of Putin." Y'all sound like raving lunatics. Maybe lay off the Democrat Fake News for a bit. It'll likely be good for you, both mentally & physically. Give it a shot. God bless.

ummm, "You hateful wingnuts have no proof whatsoever that Putin has '"kissed the ass of Putin."'

You can't have it both ways, here's a snap shot of the after action meeting:

Russia and US disagree over Trump-Putin election talk -

Again, lay off the Democrat Fake News for a bit. Y'all are just making shit up and then calling it 'Fact' and 'News.' You need to get your TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) under control.

A thought provoking comment, I was prompted to wonder how blinded you are to reality. At the moment I'm watching Richard Engel on assignment, a comprehensive outline on Putin, Russia and the many murders of those victims who protested Putin's rule; at the moment an exposé
of Christian Conservatives in America's south who are enamored with Putin and Russia.

What I find most unsettling is how gullible and biddable the supporters of Trump are, no matter what he says or tweets they find acceptable, even laudable. It's head shaking and disgusting.
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Because it's a lie. Democrat Fake News Bullshite. That's the answer to your question.

How do you know? Trump seemed much more servile to Putin than he did to Dusko Markovic, the prime minister of Montenegro!

Watch President Trump push a prime minister aside -

You hateful wingnuts have no proof whatsoever that Putin has "kissed the ass of Putin." Y'all sound like raving lunatics. Maybe lay off the Democrat Fake News for a bit. It'll likely be good for you, both mentally & physically. Give it a shot. God bless.

ummm, "You hateful wingnuts have no proof whatsoever that Putin has '"kissed the ass of Putin."'

You can't have it both ways, here's a snap shot of the after action meeting:

Russia and US disagree over Trump-Putin election talk -

Again, lay off the Democrat Fake News for a bit. Y'all are just making shit up and then calling it 'Fact' and 'News.' You need to get your TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) under control.

A thought provoking comment, I was prompted to wonder how blinded you are to reality. At the moment I'm watching Richard Engel on assignment, a comprehensive outline on Putin, Russia and the many murders of those victims who protested Putin's rule; at the moment an exposé
of Christian Conservatives in America's south who are enamored with Putin and Russia.

What I find most unsettling is how gullible and biddable the supporters of Trump are, no matter what he says or tweets they find acceptable, even laudable. It's head shaking and disgusting.
I find your belief in all this Russia "collusion" stuff to be profoundly gullible and biddable. Furthermore, you're a giant asshole. No one is "enamored" with Putin or Russia . We simply don't see them as the deadly enemies that your ilk pretends they are. We know this entire faux scandal is being propagated by a bunch of Nazis purely because they can't live with the fact that the voters rejected Hillary the criminal. Some douche bag "journalist" publishes fake news that confirms to all your biases and prejudices, and you automatically believe it just like some minion of the police state.

Your kind is the reason that totalitarianism can exist in the world.

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