Mueller Hit With Criminal Complaint: Sought False Tesitmony After Perjury Trap

Given Mueller's history (and convictions for) misconduct, Corsi has a very good chance at victory by forcing Mueller to show up in court (you know, like he's too scared to do against that "Russian" company he indicted). Fabricating evidence, withholding evidence, threatening witnesses, suborning perjury, the list goes on. Ask Senaor Stevens, Enron, Hatfill, four innocent men imprisoned in Boston, over $100 million in settlements for illegal acivities by Mueller. There's a definite pattern that will not help Mueller's claims any.
Given Mueller's history (and convictions for) misconduct, Corsi has a very good chance at victory by forcing Mueller to show up in court (you know, like he's too scared to do against that "Russian" company he indicted).

Doesn't it make your head hurt to say a sentence that contradicts itself before its own period? If Mueller is afraid to go to court then why is he coming out with indictment after indictment and trying cases?

Corsi goes for the Witch Hunt's' 'Jugular Vein' - Seeks To 'Cut The Head Off Of The Snake'!

"Conservative author Jerome Corsi on Monday filed a “criminal and ethics complaint” against Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, accusing investigators of trying to bully him into giving “false testimony” against President Trump."

"The complaint states that Mueller’s office is now “knowingly and deceitfully threatening to charge Dr. Corsi with an alleged false statement,” unless he gives them “false testimony” against Trump and others."

Again, this is not the 1st recorded incident of Mueller engaging in Prosecutorial Misconduct.....

Now we know why Democrats were 'hell-bent' on getting the 'Protect Mueller' legislation - that included preventing him from being fired - 'EVEN IN A CASE WHERE HE WAS FOUND TO HAVE COMMITTED PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT'.

Conservative writer Corsi files criminal complaint against Mueller, alleges bid to seek false testimony

You should read the 78 page complaint. Its a masterpiece of hapless conspiracy batshit backed by nothing written by Birther Larry Klayman, the same silly fool who petitioned the courts to deport Obama because of the birther conspiracy.
Someone fighting back..........I love it.........maybe he'll get Mueller into a trial.........get the popcorn...........LOL
Ask Manafort how well that worked

I'd put Manafort ahead of Torquemada in the game about now. You know he will testify that the corrupt fuck mewler coerced him to perjure himself. You know he will testify because we ALL know Torquemada did it.That is his M.O., that is how mewler has always operated.
Yeah...go with that.

Rosenstein isn't AG anymore, Hamas gurl. We ALL know Torquemada is dirty, an AG willing to take the corrupt fuck down is all that is needed. There is no question or doubt he has suborned perjury on multiple occasions.. And now Whitaker is acting AG....


He is not.

Think back;

Torquemada: Gen. Flynn, I don't like what my men are doing to your wife, I'd love to make them stop. Tell me what I want to hear about Trump and I'll make them stop........ I don't know what diseases these pizanos have, just swear that Trump met with the Russians and it will stop...

Look at the TrumpBots...

All a-flutter over one counter-charge that is going to get tossed-out on its ear...

This is just a sad, pathetic last desperate attempt to derail the Special Counsel...

Ain't gonna work, kiddies...

What if it goes before an honest judge instead of an Obama judge? :dunno:
Given Mueller's history (and convictions for) misconduct, Corsi has a very good chance at victory by forcing Mueller to show up in court (you know, like he's too scared to do against that "Russian" company he indicted).

Doesn't it make your head hurt to say a sentence that contradicts itself before its own period? If Mueller is afraid to go to court then why is he coming out with indictment after indictment and trying cases?

What cases is the Inquisition trying? He has coerced plea deals, bu the Inquisition has tried no one. Torquemada even punted on Manafort, someone actually guilty of something.

Corsi goes for the Witch Hunt's' 'Jugular Vein' - Seeks To 'Cut The Head Off Of The Snake'!

"Conservative author Jerome Corsi on Monday filed a “criminal and ethics complaint” against Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, accusing investigators of trying to bully him into giving “false testimony” against President Trump."

"The complaint states that Mueller’s office is now “knowingly and deceitfully threatening to charge Dr. Corsi with an alleged false statement,” unless he gives them “false testimony” against Trump and others."

Again, this is not the 1st recorded incident of Mueller engaging in Prosecutorial Misconduct.....

Now we know why Democrats were 'hell-bent' on getting the 'Protect Mueller' legislation - that included preventing him from being fired - 'EVEN IN A CASE WHERE HE WAS FOUND TO HAVE COMMITTED PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT'.

Conservative writer Corsi files criminal complaint against Mueller, alleges bid to seek false testimony

Well, I don't know who they're going to believe in all of this. Corsi who says that the Moon Landing was a hoax, 9/11 was an inside job & Obama was born in Kenya, and his birth certificate is FAKE--Or Mueller's investigators--

Any thoughts on that one?--:auiqs.jpg:


What this is about--is Robert Mueller is after Roger Stone a close associate of Corsi. Roger Stone is a long time friend of Trump's and author of the book the "Making of a President"--:dunno: I can think of several different title's for this book but no reason to go into it.

Roger Stone is ON RECORD stating he had a back door into Wikileaks.

CNN--In the final months of the 2016 campaign, longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone repeatedly discussed his backchannel communications with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and claimed knowledge of forthcoming leaks from the group, a CNN KFile review of his public statements shows. Stone's comments about WikiLeaks have come under increased scrutiny as the FBI and congressional committees investigate whether Trump associates were involved in Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics

And Roger Stone also publicly stated he was in contact with "guciffer 2.0" which is known as the Russian hacker. It's on his tweety account. Here are the comments.
How Roger Stone interacted with Russia’s Guccifer and Wikileaks who leaked the DNC emails: The Timeline

Then more icing on the cake--Mueller apparently has taped conversations.
Mueller has obtained audio recordings that may blow up Roger Stone's story about his contacts with Assange

Corsi & Stone and the "round table" on Info-War's and they do indeed turn information into a war.


So keep dreaming you're done. Like Trump-- these 2 guys could NEVER keep their mouths shut or stay off of their tweety accounts.

Chinese troll agent, If you were to mug a schizophrenic in an alley, something you may well have done on several occasions, would it be a crime? Your Beijing would claim the victim is crazy, so you have the right to mug him.

The question is whether Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada suborned perjury.

There is utterly and absolutely no question that he did, so the mental state of the complainant is irrelevant.

Corsi goes for the Witch Hunt's' 'Jugular Vein' - Seeks To 'Cut The Head Off Of The Snake'!

"Conservative author Jerome Corsi on Monday filed a “criminal and ethics complaint” against Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, accusing investigators of trying to bully him into giving “false testimony” against President Trump."

"The complaint states that Mueller’s office is now “knowingly and deceitfully threatening to charge Dr. Corsi with an alleged false statement,” unless he gives them “false testimony” against Trump and others."

Again, this is not the 1st recorded incident of Mueller engaging in Prosecutorial Misconduct.....

Now we know why Democrats were 'hell-bent' on getting the 'Protect Mueller' legislation - that included preventing him from being fired - 'EVEN IN A CASE WHERE HE WAS FOUND TO HAVE COMMITTED PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT'.

Conservative writer Corsi files criminal complaint against Mueller, alleges bid to seek false testimony

More political flotsam. Thanks!

Corsi goes for the Witch Hunt's' 'Jugular Vein' - Seeks To 'Cut The Head Off Of The Snake'!

"Conservative author Jerome Corsi on Monday filed a “criminal and ethics complaint” against Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, accusing investigators of trying to bully him into giving “false testimony” against President Trump."

"The complaint states that Mueller’s office is now “knowingly and deceitfully threatening to charge Dr. Corsi with an alleged false statement,” unless he gives them “false testimony” against Trump and others."

Again, this is not the 1st recorded incident of Mueller engaging in Prosecutorial Misconduct.....

Now we know why Democrats were 'hell-bent' on getting the 'Protect Mueller' legislation - that included preventing him from being fired - 'EVEN IN A CASE WHERE HE WAS FOUND TO HAVE COMMITTED PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT'.

Conservative writer Corsi files criminal complaint against Mueller, alleges bid to seek false testimony
Corsi is a moron


Corsi goes for the Witch Hunt's' 'Jugular Vein' - Seeks To 'Cut The Head Off Of The Snake'!

"Conservative author Jerome Corsi on Monday filed a “criminal and ethics complaint” against Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team, accusing investigators of trying to bully him into giving “false testimony” against President Trump."

"The complaint states that Mueller’s office is now “knowingly and deceitfully threatening to charge Dr. Corsi with an alleged false statement,” unless he gives them “false testimony” against Trump and others."

Again, this is not the 1st recorded incident of Mueller engaging in Prosecutorial Misconduct.....

Now we know why Democrats were 'hell-bent' on getting the 'Protect Mueller' legislation - that included preventing him from being fired - 'EVEN IN A CASE WHERE HE WAS FOUND TO HAVE COMMITTED PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT'.

Conservative writer Corsi files criminal complaint against Mueller, alleges bid to seek false testimony
Corsi is a moron
And a well known liar.....for anyone to think his word has any validity compared to Mueller's is laughable.
Mueller has been suborning perjury, and you believe he's credible?

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