Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

Breaking just now, more will surly follow.

Eat that Orange Turd!

Are you whacked out? Not one single thread leading to President Trump on this. Or don't you read your own links?

Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US during election to help Donald Trump win

Special counsel Robert Mueller said a grand jury had indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for alleged interference in the 2016 presidential election.

The defendants allegedly conducted "information warfare" against the United States election process to help Donald Trump win.

The defendants used fake American personas, social media platforms, and other Internet media to advance their scheme, according to an indictment.

This is to somehow prove that he's actually conducting a real investigation and not a witch hunt. More of this will come out before long - but don't wait to hear it on the Lame Street Media.

From Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US to help Trump win
Trump not indicted, DOJ says no Americans were involved. Swing and a miss you hack libtards here let me laugh in your face :auiqs.jpg:

The Indictment list that these Russians had direct communications with people in the DrumpF 2016 Election Fraud on the American people..

DOJ says Russian interference did not change the outcome of the election and no Americans knew they were communicating with Russians, poor libs your hopes are dashed once again. :itsok:
Lol. I see you’re real proud of not knowing anything that has gone down in the White House this past year. Bannon hasn’t concealed his contempt for Jarvanka, and how he feels they are a detriment with their lack of experience and political knowledge.
Are you really also questioning Bannon didn’t spend many hours testifying in front of Mueller this week?
There is film with him going into Mueller’s chambers and him leaving.
It’s funny Trump whores always know so little about what the hell is going on.

You just keep digging a deeper hole. Proud? No, unlike you I'm not a partisan and I don't speculate and pretend I'm right. I don't care what Bannon did, but you have NO idea what he did or didn't say. You strut around here pounding your chest but never, and I mean NEVER can prove anything. That truly makes you look stupid.
Thanks for proving once again how uninformed you are and take offense to those who are informed.
It’s no secret Bannon hated Jarvanka and even wanted them out of the White House.
He’s done interviews explaining his distaste of them.
Do you really think he wouldn’t dish all the dirt he has on them to Mueller?
You are an incredibly uninformed stupid man but the amusing thing is you appear proud of it.

You just keep digging a deeper hole. Proud? No, unlike you I'm not a partisan and I don't speculate and pretend I'm right. I don't care what Bannon did, but you have NO idea what he did or didn't say. You strut around here pounding your chest but never, and I mean NEVER can prove anything. That truly makes you look stupid.
Idiot writes the same exact post twice and wants to be taken seriously.
And funnier, his butt buddy JGalt gives him a " winner" rating for his redundancy.
At least they'll all be able to cry on each other's shoulders when more indictments come forth and make them all look like fools.

The indictments are getting more absurd and irrelevant as this farce drags on. You and the rest of the snowflakes are the ones who will be crying, just as you did on election night.
4 of trump's top men are already probably going to jail and today's indictments totally prove this is not a " witch hunt" to get Trump like you claimed.
It must really suck to constantly be proven wrong.
Trump not indicted, DOJ says no Americans were involved. Swing and a miss you hack libtards here let me laugh in your face :auiqs.jpg:

The Indictment list that these Russians had direct communications with people in the DrumpF 2016 Election Fraud on the American people..

DOJ says Russian interference did not change the outcome of the election and no Americans knew they were communicating with Russians, poor libs your hopes are dashed once again. :itsok:
11 of Trump's team have already admitted communicating with Russians here in the US and inRussia.
Jesus Christ.. are you special ed?
Yet Bob Mueller continues to work methodically and purposefully.
Don't be stupid...Mueller is shutting it down...this is it...some Russians sitting in their underwear on outdated computers....BUUUAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his prosecutors haven’t concluded their investigation into whether President Donald Trump or any of his associates helped Russia interfere in the 2016 election, according to a person with knowledge of the probe.

Friday’s indictment of a St. Petersburg-based “troll farm” and 13 Russian nationals should be seen as a limited slice of a comprehensive investigation, the person said. Mueller’s work is expected to continue for months and also includes examining potential obstruction of justice by Trump, said the person, who requested anonymity to discuss an investigation that is largely confidential.

Mueller Still Investigating Possible Collusion, Source Says

tick tock

Anonyous source - fake news.
of course it is, trumpling, of course it is
When you add up the countless times Trump tried to obstruct the investigation and fire or threaten to fire the people investigating him.., it clearly shows he acts like a guilty man.

DEPLORABLES: I don’t see anything.

When did Trump try to obstruct the investigation?
Harry Litman said...
"Trump’s obstruction was light-years more extensive, crass and hands-on [than Nixon's]. He allegedly tried to extract a pledge of loyalty from FBI Director James B. Comey and pressured him to drop the Michael Flynn case, then fired Comey when he didn’t. He also waged a public smear campaign against Mueller and the FBI — reportedly even attempting to fire Mueller before his White House counsel threatened to resign."

None of that constitutes obstruction of justice, moron. Furthermore, your hero Clinton did all of that and more.
Our village idiot keeps proving how he got that name.

A Complete Timeline of the Obstruction of Justice Case Against Donald Trump

You believe that you can put all your non-obstuction events on a timeline that it means they are actually prosecutable?

You are a special kind of dumbass.
Non obstruction?
Admitting firing Comey because of the Russian Investigation is text book obstruction tampon breath.
This is why Trump is in complete denial! All this action going on, but in his mind; "there's no collusion!" Sick! :102:
/——/ Who did the Ruskies collude with? BTW Rosenstein said there is no allegation in the indictment that any American was a knowing participant in the scheme — nor is there any allegation that the scheme affected the outcome of the election.

It's something totally separate obviously! Just keep living in denial babe! We all feel for ya; NOT! :1peleas:
/——/ So in desperation, Muller indicted 13 Russians not even in the country.... Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha. No desperation here folks. Move along. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Isn't this just a bit hypocritical of us now considering that Obama was over there trying to do this very same thing to Bibi just a few years ago?
Were CNN execs indicted for giving the fat smelly kuuuunt the questions before the debate? How about the entire democrat party for committing fraud and cheated voters who thought voting for Bernie was legit? Oh, and if anyone here thinks Bernie the commie jew was not in on it, then you are very naive. The point is that was confirmed fraud. All of it.

Do you know liberals still think that dossier was real? Yeah, I swear to God they do. I talked to two typical left wing commie jews today at my club. They are rich as hell, and still yell about 1% bullshit. Their hypocrisy is just intolerable to me. Yes, they think that was still legit. I asked them which parts of the dossier was true, and I asked them to be specific. They looked at me with their stupid big noses, and that look that resembles someone holding a spoon full of duck shit under their big fat noses.

I told them that when they get around to letting me know which parts of it are true, I would be interested.

Fucking losers.
RE: 13 Russians Indicted By Mueller For Election Tampering
※→ Baz Ares, BluesLegend, et al,

Trump not indicted, DOJ says no Americans were involved. Swing and a miss you hack libtards here let me laugh in your face :auiqs.jpg:

The Indictment list that these Russians had direct communications with people in the DrumpF 2016 Election Fraud on the American people..

Isn't Drumpf political Political Satire See: •
Drumpf (2016) - IMDb

Or are we talking about something else?

And the mere association with the Russians is not a crime. While they are "legally" in the US (and we are not at war), they have all the rights and freedoms as any other American, EXCEPT they can't vote and cannot hold public office.

The Russians can campaign for any candidate. And they can contact any campaign just as you can send an email or pickup the phone. All of it legal.

Most Respectfully,
Does everyone here understand that there is no US Code for “Information Warfare?”

That fucking cracks me up!

How desperate do you have to be to invent a crime for people you are never going to be able to bring to trial?

Facebook and Twitter are going to be indicted any moment now for conspiracy to commit “Information Warefare!”

WTF does Mueller think the Fake Russian Fusion GPS Dossier was If not “Information Warefare?”


well that would include hillary crime information war against trump with that phony dossier
You just keep digging a deeper hole. Proud? No, unlike you I'm not a partisan and I don't speculate and pretend I'm right. I don't care what Bannon did, but you have NO idea what he did or didn't say. You strut around here pounding your chest but never, and I mean NEVER can prove anything. That truly makes you look stupid.
Thanks for proving once again how uninformed you are and take offense to those who are informed.
It’s no secret Bannon hated Jarvanka and even wanted them out of the White House.
He’s done interviews explaining his distaste of them.
Do you really think he wouldn’t dish all the dirt he has on them to Mueller?
You are an incredibly uninformed stupid man but the amusing thing is you appear proud of it.

You just keep digging a deeper hole. Proud? No, unlike you I'm not a partisan and I don't speculate and pretend I'm right. I don't care what Bannon did, but you have NO idea what he did or didn't say. You strut around here pounding your chest but never, and I mean NEVER can prove anything. That truly makes you look stupid.
Idiot writes the same exact post twice and wants to be taken seriously.
And funnier, his butt buddy JGalt gives him a " winner" rating for his redundancy.
At least they'll all be able to cry on each other's shoulders when more indictments come forth and make them all look like fools.

The indictments are getting more absurd and irrelevant as this farce drags on. You and the rest of the snowflakes are the ones who will be crying, just as you did on election night.
4 of trump's top men are already probably going to jail and today's indictments totally prove this is not a " witch hunt" to get Trump like you claimed.
It must really suck to constantly be proven wrong.

probably --LOL@URETARD
Indictment Of 13 Russians May Shed Light On Why Trump Might Have Tried To Obstruct Justice

Indictment Of 13 Russians May Shed Light On Why Trump Might Have Tried To Obstruct Justice
When you add up the countless times Trump tried to obstruct the investigation and fire or threaten to fire the people investigating him.., it clearly shows he acts like a guilty man.

DEPLORABLES: I don’t see anything.

When did Trump try to obstruct the investigation?
Harry Litman said...
"Trump’s obstruction was light-years more extensive, crass and hands-on [than Nixon's]. He allegedly tried to extract a pledge of loyalty from FBI Director James B. Comey and pressured him to drop the Michael Flynn case, then fired Comey when he didn’t. He also waged a public smear campaign against Mueller and the FBI — reportedly even attempting to fire Mueller before his White House counsel threatened to resign."

None of that constitutes obstruction of justice, moron. Furthermore, your hero Clinton did all of that and more.
Show us a lawyer (not trump's personal lawyer) who says Trump did obstruct.
Harry Litman is a qualified lawyer.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office said Friday that a grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for alleged interference in the 2016 presidential elections, during which they boosted the candidacy of Donald Trump.
Special counsel Mueller: Russians conducted 'information warfare' against US to help Trump win

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The irony of bs , oh can't wait to see what this spins into , just . Idiots won't see the petty bs charges they made up on this omg...
Are any of these people actually located in the US? It doesn't appear that way. Mueller issued a useless indictment that solves nothing.

Because there is nothing to solve. The leftist BS is to keep Russia going. Democrats can't stop making the herd that follows them into a perm. state of " RUSSIA" did it.
Trump not indicted, DOJ says no Americans were involved. Swing and a miss you hack libtards here let me laugh in your face :auiqs.jpg:

The Indictment list that these Russians had direct communications with people in the DrumpF 2016 Election Fraud on the American people..

DOJ says Russian interference did not change the outcome of the election and no Americans knew they were communicating with Russians, poor libs your hopes are dashed once again. :itsok:
11 of Trump's team have already admitted communicating with Russians here in the US and inRussia.
Jesus Christ.. are you special ed?

Standing in a greeting line with 300 other people and shaking the Russian ambassador's hand isn't "communicating with the Russians" in any reasonable sense of the term. You dumbass snowflakes like to take perfectly normal innocent events and make them sound sinister. That's your whole bag of tricks.
Trump not indicted, DOJ says no Americans were involved. Swing and a miss you hack libtards here let me laugh in your face :auiqs.jpg:

The Indictment list that these Russians had direct communications with people in the DrumpF 2016 Election Fraud on the American people..

DOJ says Russian interference did not change the outcome of the election and no Americans knew they were communicating with Russians, poor libs your hopes are dashed once again. :itsok:
11 of Trump's team have already admitted communicating with Russians here in the US and inRussia.
Jesus Christ.. are you special ed?

Standing in a greeting line with 300 other people and shaking the Russian ambassador's hand is "communicating with the Russians" in any reasonable sense of the term. You dumbass snowflakes like to take perfectly normal innocent events and make them sound sinister. That's your whole bag of tricks.

People are not indicted for shaking hands. More to come Sherlock!
Click the link; you'll see I did.
Just to let you know, I forget which post of yours I was replying to but I was in the middle of it when my computer did some kind of reset, just so you know I was not ignoring you
Um, okay. TY for letting me know, I guess, but I didn't wonder whether you were or not; I don't even recognize your ID or avatar, though were I to, I still wouldn't have wondered that. At any rate, if the post to which you were replying was in this thread, it was one of these:
When did Trump try to obstruct the investigation?
Harry Litman said...
"Trump’s obstruction was light-years more extensive, crass and hands-on [than Nixon's]. He allegedly tried to extract a pledge of loyalty from FBI Director James B. Comey and pressured him to drop the Michael Flynn case, then fired Comey when he didn’t. He also waged a public smear campaign against Mueller and the FBI — reportedly even attempting to fire Mueller before his White House counsel threatened to resign."

None of that constitutes obstruction of justice, moron. Furthermore, your hero Clinton did all of that and more.
Our village idiot keeps proving how he got that name.

A Complete Timeline of the Obstruction of Justice Case Against Donald Trump

You believe that you can put all your non-obstuction events on a timeline that it means they are actually prosecutable?

You are a special kind of dumbass.
Non obstruction?
Admitting firing Comey because of the Russian Investigation is text book obstruction tampon breath.

Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.
When did Trump try to obstruct the investigation?
Harry Litman said...
"Trump’s obstruction was light-years more extensive, crass and hands-on [than Nixon's]. He allegedly tried to extract a pledge of loyalty from FBI Director James B. Comey and pressured him to drop the Michael Flynn case, then fired Comey when he didn’t. He also waged a public smear campaign against Mueller and the FBI — reportedly even attempting to fire Mueller before his White House counsel threatened to resign."

None of that constitutes obstruction of justice, moron. Furthermore, your hero Clinton did all of that and more.
Our village idiot keeps proving how he got that name.

A Complete Timeline of the Obstruction of Justice Case Against Donald Trump

You believe that you can put all your non-obstuction events on a timeline that it means they are actually prosecutable?

You are a special kind of dumbass.
Non obstruction?
Admitting firing Comey because of the Russian Investigation is text book obstruction tampon breath.

I don't believe that will be the avenue Meuller goes with this investigation. I think Trump had the authority to fire Comey for whatever reason he wanted. I am not even sure charging a sitting president is possible. It would seem that task falls on the shoulders of Congress via impeachment proceedings. I am 100% sure that Supreme Court would ultimately decide these issues.

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