Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

Trump not indicted, DOJ says no Americans were involved. Swing and a miss you hack libtards here let me laugh in your face :auiqs.jpg:

The Indictment list that these Russians had direct communications with people in the DrumpF 2016 Election Fraud on the American people..

DOJ says Russian interference did not change the outcome of the election and no Americans knew they were communicating with Russians, poor libs your hopes are dashed once again. :itsok:
11 of Trump's team have already admitted communicating with Russians here in the US and inRussia.
Jesus Christ.. are you special ed?

Standing in a greeting line with 300 other people and shaking the Russian ambassador's hand is "communicating with the Russians" in any reasonable sense of the term. You dumbass snowflakes like to take perfectly normal innocent events and make them sound sinister. That's your whole bag of tricks.

People are not indicted for shaking hands. More to come Sherlock!

That's exactly the point, moron. None of the things you dumbasses get hysterical about are crimes or even anything to be concerned about.
Were CNN execs indicted for giving the fat smelly kuuuunt the questions before the debate? How about the entire democrat party for committing fraud and cheated voters who thought voting for Bernie was legit? Oh, and if anyone here thinks Bernie the commie jew was not in on it, then you are very naive. The point is that was confirmed fraud. All of it.

Do you know liberals still think that dossier was real? Yeah, I swear to God they do. I talked to two typical left wing commie jews today at my club. They are rich as hell, and still yell about 1% bullshit. Their hypocrisy is just intolerable to me. Yes, they think that was still legit. I asked them which parts of the dossier was true, and I asked them to be specific. They looked at me with their stupid big noses, and that look that resembles someone holding a spoon full of duck shit under their big fat noses.

I told them that when they get around to letting me know which parts of it are true, I would be interested.

Fucking losers.
Lol, you sound like the one that lost. Trump is so toast
Fusion GPS Dossier, Steele’s Yahoo Interview would qualify if not Set the Damn standard for this Invented Crime of “Information Warfare!”

Does everyone here understand that there is no US Code for “Information Warfare?”

That fucking cracks me up!

How desperate do you have to be to invent a crime for people you are never going to be able to bring to trial?

Facebook and Twitter are going to be indicted any moment now for conspiracy to commit “Information Warefare!”

WTF does Mueller think the Fake Russian Fusion GPS Dossier was If not “Information Warefare?”


well that would include hillary crime information war against trump with that phony dossier
The Indictment list that these Russians had direct communications with people in the DrumpF 2016 Election Fraud on the American people..

DOJ says Russian interference did not change the outcome of the election and no Americans knew they were communicating with Russians, poor libs your hopes are dashed once again. :itsok:
11 of Trump's team have already admitted communicating with Russians here in the US and inRussia.
Jesus Christ.. are you special ed?

Standing in a greeting line with 300 other people and shaking the Russian ambassador's hand is "communicating with the Russians" in any reasonable sense of the term. You dumbass snowflakes like to take perfectly normal innocent events and make them sound sinister. That's your whole bag of tricks.

People are not indicted for shaking hands. More to come Sherlock!

That's exactly the point, moron. None of the things you dumbasses get hysterical about are crimes or even anything to be concerned about.
Oh no, who should be concerned about foreign efforts to defraud our elections. Why should anyone be concerned the countries election was attack. Preserve and defend blah blah
Indictment Of 13 Russians May Shed Light On Why Trump Might Have Tried To Obstruct Justice

Indictment Of 13 Russians May Shed Light On Why Trump Might Have Tried To Obstruct Justice
When you add up the countless times Trump tried to obstruct the investigation and fire or threaten to fire the people investigating him.., it clearly shows he acts like a guilty man.

DEPLORABLES: I don’t see anything.

When did Trump try to obstruct the investigation?
Harry Litman said...
"Trump’s obstruction was light-years more extensive, crass and hands-on [than Nixon's]. He allegedly tried to extract a pledge of loyalty from FBI Director James B. Comey and pressured him to drop the Michael Flynn case, then fired Comey when he didn’t. He also waged a public smear campaign against Mueller and the FBI — reportedly even attempting to fire Mueller before his White House counsel threatened to resign."

None of that constitutes obstruction of justice, moron. Furthermore, your hero Clinton did all of that and more.
Show us a lawyer (not trump's personal lawyer) who says Trump did obstruct.
Harry Litman is a qualified lawyer.

Why would I show you a lawyer who says Trump obstructed justice? However, I can show you a very prominent lawyer who says he didn't: Alan Dershowitz.
Ok Putin’s Butt Puppet.
If you say so.

What part of “No Americans” do you not understand?
Were CNN execs indicted for giving the fat smelly kuuuunt the questions before the debate? How about the entire democrat party for committing fraud and cheated voters who thought voting for Bernie was legit? Oh, and if anyone here thinks Bernie the commie jew was not in on it, then you are very naive. The point is that was confirmed fraud. All of it.

Do you know liberals still think that dossier was real? Yeah, I swear to God they do. I talked to two typical left wing commie jews today at my club. They are rich as hell, and still yell about 1% bullshit. Their hypocrisy is just intolerable to me. Yes, they think that was still legit. I asked them which parts of the dossier was true, and I asked them to be specific. They looked at me with their stupid big noses, and that look that resembles someone holding a spoon full of duck shit under their big fat noses.

I told them that when they get around to letting me know which parts of it are true, I would be interested.

Fucking losers.
Lol, you sound like the one that lost. Trump is so toast
The Fusion GPS Dossier isn’t an attack on Our Democracy?

Please explain that one!!!

“Information Warfare is Hell!

DOJ says Russian interference did not change the outcome of the election and no Americans knew they were communicating with Russians, poor libs your hopes are dashed once again. :itsok:
11 of Trump's team have already admitted communicating with Russians here in the US and inRussia.
Jesus Christ.. are you special ed?

Standing in a greeting line with 300 other people and shaking the Russian ambassador's hand is "communicating with the Russians" in any reasonable sense of the term. You dumbass snowflakes like to take perfectly normal innocent events and make them sound sinister. That's your whole bag of tricks.

People are not indicted for shaking hands. More to come Sherlock!

That's exactly the point, moron. None of the things you dumbasses get hysterical about are crimes or even anything to be concerned about.
Oh no, who should be concerned about foreign efforts to defraud our elections. Why should anyone be concerned the countries election was attack. Preserve and defend blah blah
Last edited:
RE: 13 Russians Indicted By Mueller For Election Tampering
※→ Baz Ares, BluesLegend, et al,

Trump not indicted, DOJ says no Americans were involved. Swing and a miss you hack libtards here let me laugh in your face :auiqs.jpg:

The Indictment list that these Russians had direct communications with people in the DrumpF 2016 Election Fraud on the American people..

Isn't Drumpf political Political Satire See: •
Drumpf (2016) - IMDb

Or are we talking about something else?

And the mere association with the Russians is not a crime. While they are "legally" in the US (and we are not at war), they have all the rights and freedoms as any other American, EXCEPT they can't vote and cannot hold public office.

The Russians can campaign for any candidate. And they can contact any campaign just as you can send an email or pickup the phone. All of it legal.

Most Respectfully,

Really, this was not a group of free people in Russia or France doing this for America.
The serial sex offender actually tweeted today something to the effect “ It’s good Mueller indicted those Russians, it proves no collusion, no collusion.”
It has NOTHING to do with collusion. I can’t believe we have such a stupid president.
Plus anyone who goes around constantly saying “ no collusion , no collusion”
it’s pretty obvious he’s giving himself away.
RE 13 Russians Indicted By Mueller For Election Tampering
※→ Doc1 ,et al

Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.

And I'm not sure that the Special Prosecutor can make all those conspiracy charges stick. A Grand Jury is one thing; easily manipulated by the Prosecutor. But to find an unbiased jury for a Federal Hearing & Trial maybe something all together different.

Most Respectfully,
RE 13 Russians Indicted By Mueller For Election Tampering
※→ Doc1 ,et al

Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.

And I'm not sure that the Special Prosecutor can make all those conspiracy charges stick. A Grand Jury is one thing; easily manipulated by the Prosecutor. But to find an unbiased jury for a Federal Hearing & Trial maybe something all together different.

Most Respectfully,

No, he can't and that's the point. His entire "citation" was filled with speculation.
The Fusion GPS Dossier isn’t an attack on Our Democracy?

Please explain that one!!!

11 of Trump's team have already admitted communicating with Russians here in the US and inRussia.
Jesus Christ.. are you special ed?

Standing in a greeting line with 300 other people and shaking the Russian ambassador's hand is "communicating with the Russians" in any reasonable sense of the term. You dumbass snowflakes like to take perfectly normal innocent events and make them sound sinister. That's your whole bag of tricks.

People are not indicted for shaking hands. More to come Sherlock!

That's exactly the point, moron. None of the things you dumbasses get hysterical about are crimes or even anything to be concerned about.
Oh no, who should be concerned about foreign efforts to defraud our elections. Why should anyone be concerned the countries election was attack. Preserve and defend blah blah
Research is just research
The serial sex offender actually tweeted today something to the effect “ It’s good Mueller indicted those Russians, it proves no collusion, no collusion.”
It has NOTHING to do with collusion. I can’t believe we have such a stupid president.
Plus anyone who goes around constantly saying “ no collusion , no collusion”
it’s pretty obvious he’s giving himself away.

Of course, just ask you. You'd support "re-education" camps wouldn't you?
#QAnon #Qanon8chan just REVEALED DHS MEMO alledging MASSIVE DEM interference in 2016 presidential elections, Senate elections " ... several millions of illegal immigrants allowed to vote ... legal ballots improperly tabulated, intentionally mishandled ... TRUMP COUNTERATTACK


Jerome Corsi on Twitter
Breaking just now, more will surly follow.
where is the "more to surly follow"? if there is anything to this story more will surly

Eat that Orange Turd!
Is it ok if I assume you mean trump? lol...what does trump have to do with any of this?
What does Trump have to do with all of this!
No you didn’t just say that.
Thanks for proving my point you cult members love being kept in the dark from facts and seek out the media making certain you’ll stay as uninformed as you are.

Dude, seriously. You need to learn to think for yourself and quit letting your sock-puppet media tell you what to believe.

They're lying to you and people are laughing at you.
Another trump whore pushing the “ no facts” theory.
Thanks for admitting you get your information by pulling it straight from your ass and pretending it’s true.
Trump: “Don’t believe anything to hear unless you hear it from me first.”
JGalt: Yes sir.
The serial sex offender actually tweeted today something to the effect “ It’s good Mueller indicted those Russians, it proves no collusion, no collusion.”
It has NOTHING to do with collusion. I can’t believe we have such a stupid president.
Plus anyone who goes around constantly saying “ no collusion , no collusion”
it’s pretty obvious he’s giving himself away.
It has nothing to do with collusion? What kind of a moron are you? "Collusion" is what you numbskulls have been screaming about since the election.
RE 13 Russians Indicted By Mueller For Election Tampering
※→ Doc1 ,et al

Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.

And I'm not sure that the Special Prosecutor can make all those conspiracy charges stick. A Grand Jury is one thing; easily manipulated by the Prosecutor. But to find an unbiased jury for a Federal Hearing & Trial maybe something all together different.

Most Respectfully,
There never will be a trial, these people will not leave Russia

This indictment seems almost to fill the role of informing the public of what happened.

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