Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

The Fusion GPS Dossier isn’t an attack on Our Democracy?

Please explain that one!!!

“Information Warfare is Hell!

11 of Trump's team have already admitted communicating with Russians here in the US and inRussia.
Jesus Christ.. are you special ed?

Standing in a greeting line with 300 other people and shaking the Russian ambassador's hand is "communicating with the Russians" in any reasonable sense of the term. You dumbass snowflakes like to take perfectly normal innocent events and make them sound sinister. That's your whole bag of tricks.

People are not indicted for shaking hands. More to come Sherlock!

That's exactly the point, moron. None of the things you dumbasses get hysterical about are crimes or even anything to be concerned about.
Oh no, who should be concerned about foreign efforts to defraud our elections. Why should anyone be concerned the countries election was attack. Preserve and defend blah blah

Learn how to fucking POST
Thanks in advance
Harry Litman said...
"Trump’s obstruction was light-years more extensive, crass and hands-on [than Nixon's]. He allegedly tried to extract a pledge of loyalty from FBI Director James B. Comey and pressured him to drop the Michael Flynn case, then fired Comey when he didn’t. He also waged a public smear campaign against Mueller and the FBI — reportedly even attempting to fire Mueller before his White House counsel threatened to resign."

None of that constitutes obstruction of justice, moron. Furthermore, your hero Clinton did all of that and more.
Our village idiot keeps proving how he got that name.

A Complete Timeline of the Obstruction of Justice Case Against Donald Trump

You believe that you can put all your non-obstuction events on a timeline that it means they are actually prosecutable?

You are a special kind of dumbass.
Non obstruction?
Admitting firing Comey because of the Russian Investigation is text book obstruction tampon breath.

Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.
Harry Litman said...
"Trump’s obstruction was light-years more extensive, crass and hands-on [than Nixon's]. He allegedly tried to extract a pledge of loyalty from FBI Director James B. Comey and pressured him to drop the Michael Flynn case, then fired Comey when he didn’t. He also waged a public smear campaign against Mueller and the FBI — reportedly even attempting to fire Mueller before his White House counsel threatened to resign."

None of that constitutes obstruction of justice, moron. Furthermore, your hero Clinton did all of that and more.
Our village idiot keeps proving how he got that name.

A Complete Timeline of the Obstruction of Justice Case Against Donald Trump

You believe that you can put all your non-obstuction events on a timeline that it means they are actually prosecutable?

You are a special kind of dumbass.
Non obstruction?
Admitting firing Comey because of the Russian Investigation is text book obstruction tampon breath.

Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.

Nope....these are the first of many indictments. Mueller is maticlous my building a case. Many more indictments to come.
None of that constitutes obstruction of justice, moron. Furthermore, your hero Clinton did all of that and more.
Our village idiot keeps proving how he got that name.

A Complete Timeline of the Obstruction of Justice Case Against Donald Trump

You believe that you can put all your non-obstuction events on a timeline that it means they are actually prosecutable?

You are a special kind of dumbass.
Non obstruction?
Admitting firing Comey because of the Russian Investigation is text book obstruction tampon breath.

Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.
None of that constitutes obstruction of justice, moron. Furthermore, your hero Clinton did all of that and more.
Our village idiot keeps proving how he got that name.

A Complete Timeline of the Obstruction of Justice Case Against Donald Trump

You believe that you can put all your non-obstuction events on a timeline that it means they are actually prosecutable?

You are a special kind of dumbass.
Non obstruction?
Admitting firing Comey because of the Russian Investigation is text book obstruction tampon breath.

Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.

Nope....these are the first if many indictments. Mueller is maticlous my building a case. Many more indictments to come.

These "indictments" have nothing to do with ANY American's.
#QAnon #Qanon8chan just REVEALED DHS MEMO alledging MASSIVE DEM interference in 2016 presidential elections, Senate elections " ... several millions of illegal immigrants allowed to vote ... legal ballots improperly tabulated, intentionally mishandled ... TRUMP COUNTERATTACK

View attachment 177229

Jerome Corsi on Twitter
Trump already wasted millions of tax dollars on his imagined fact that “ millions of illegals voted in the 2016 election.”
Summary of his investigation: No evidence it ever happened.
But you think what u read on Twitter contradicts the republican led investigation.
Are there any sane right wingers on this forum?
RE 13 Russians Indicted By Mueller For Election Tampering
※→ Doc1 ,et al

Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.

And I'm not sure that the Special Prosecutor can make all those conspiracy charges stick. A Grand Jury is one thing; easily manipulated by the Prosecutor. But to find an unbiased jury for a Federal Hearing & Trial maybe something all together different.

Most Respectfully,
There never will be a trial, these people will not leave Russia

This indictment seems almost to fill the role of informing the public of what happened.

Again...he is building a case. The next indictments will not need to be extradited to the US.
Breaking just now, more will surly follow.
where is the "more to surly follow"? if there is anything to this story more will surly

Eat that Orange Turd!
Is it ok if I assume you mean trump? lol...what does trump have to do with any of this?
What does Trump have to do with all of this!
No you didn’t just say that.
Thanks for proving my point you cult members love being kept in the dark from facts and seek out the media making certain you’ll stay as uninformed as you are.

Dude, seriously. You need to learn to think for yourself and quit letting your sock-puppet media tell you what to believe.

They're lying to you and people are laughing at you.
Another trump whore pushing the “ no facts” theory.
Thanks for admitting you get your information by pulling it straight from your ass and pretending it’s true.
Trump: “Don’t believe anything to hear unless you hear it from me first.”
JGalt: Yes sir.

You guys and girls really are out of the loop, aren't you? That's ok, I understand. It's not that you're "stupid" or anything, you're just being lied to by the media sources you've trusted for decades.
So you Trumpbots want us to believe that this massive misinformation campaign in no ways overlapped with Trump's team meeting with the Russians, taking pro-Russian positions, talking to the Russians in a criminal way (Flynn indictment) and the other connections between Trump and Russia (Popadopolous, Manafort and Gates)?

Ya right!
#QAnon #Qanon8chan just REVEALED DHS MEMO alledging MASSIVE DEM interference in 2016 presidential elections, Senate elections " ... several millions of illegal immigrants allowed to vote ... legal ballots improperly tabulated, intentionally mishandled ... TRUMP COUNTERATTACK

View attachment 177229

Jerome Corsi on Twitter
Trump already wasted millions of tax dollars on his imagined fact that “ millions of illegals voted in the 2016 election.”
Summary of his investigation: No evidence it ever happened.
But you think what u read on Twitter contradicts the republican led investigation.
Are there any sane right wingers on this forum?

He wasted nothing , the LUNATIC assholes who think RUSSIA did it all, wasted the money and why because LEFTISTI MORONS better known as DEMOCRATS pushed and pushed and pushed " RUSSIA DID IT, and who told the stupid asses all that bs

OBAMA and CLINTON . and why because their HERD OF IDIOTS fell for it and ran with it......

The Fusion GPS Dossier isn’t an attack on Our Democracy?

Please explain that one!!!

Standing in a greeting line with 300 other people and shaking the Russian ambassador's hand is "communicating with the Russians" in any reasonable sense of the term. You dumbass snowflakes like to take perfectly normal innocent events and make them sound sinister. That's your whole bag of tricks.

People are not indicted for shaking hands. More to come Sherlock!

That's exactly the point, moron. None of the things you dumbasses get hysterical about are crimes or even anything to be concerned about.
Oh no, who should be concerned about foreign efforts to defraud our elections. Why should anyone be concerned the countries election was attack. Preserve and defend blah blah
Research is just research

Especially when it’s full of lies and Russian Propaganda and your FBI knowing that Obama, Clinton and The DNC Paid Putin for this Russian Propaganda still used it to File False Affidavits to unlawfully apply for a FISA surveillance warrant to spy on a rival Presidential Campaign for the first time in history?

Nah, that’s not interfering in an election at all...

You must smoke some really good dope!

Information Warefare is Hell Son!

RE: 13 Russians Indicted By Mueller For Election Tampering
※→ Reasonable, et al,

I can agree that some of this speculation might be accurate. But, back, immediately after the election, there were some serious allegations made with no reason to believe that any of it was true.

Based on what we know now, it is just as likely that Americans, unhappy with the Presidential Election, created the allegations in order to damage the President and the White House ability to function. It is just as likely that the Special Prosecutor is an unwitting marionette to further damage the government.

There are basically three kinds of crimes Mueller’s team might uncover. The first is crimes directly related to the election — if the Trump team engaged in a criminal conspiracy to help hack Hillary Clinton’s email (stealing documents is illegal) or violated campaign finance laws by soliciting help from a foreign source, for example. The second kind is crimes committed during the investigation itself: witness intimidation, perjury, obstruction of justice, and the like. And the third is crimes committed by Trumpworld members even before they joined the campaign.

Trump could soon be forced into a terrible choice. Either he risks a close associate or family member going to jail — or potentially making a deal with federal prosecutors in return for testimony that could incriminate others — or he uses the presidential pardon power to shield them from federal charges.

It’s clear that Mueller has the legal authority to bring charges against any of Trump’s family members or associates. But there’s (yet another) legal debate as to whether it’s constitutional for prosecutors to indict the president himself on criminal charges. ( Ken Starr and many others have said yes he can that no person is above the law.) No president has ever been indicted on serious criminal charges by a state or federal attorney, so we have no Supreme Court precedent to answer the question — just legal theory.

Mueller would likely sidestep that whole minefield and do something that’s clearly within his powers: make a report to the House of Representatives that documents evidence of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” the constitutional standard for impeachment. If the evidence in Mueller’s report really were damning, it would put a lot of pressure on the House to begin impeachment proceedings.

I think I all need to look at facts and not speculate beyond the actual facts and events.

I don't see a connection yet between the indited Russians and the Moscow Government (not an agent of a foreign power).

I don't see a conspiracy between the indited Russians and Americans to knowingly further or advance some evil agenda. What do the Russian get out of this? Usually (not always) a crime in cyberspace is committed for some sort of gain.

I'm not a Sherlock Holmes. I wish someone would fit the pieces together for me and explain who did what to whom? Why they did it? What damage did they cause? Who was injured? Who profited and how?

I want to know how these indictments uncovered a threat to national security?

The Allegation was:

• U.S. Intelligence Community was confident that the Russian Government directed recent hacking of e-mails with the intention of interfering with the U.S. election process.

• It was claimed that Russian leadership favored presidential candidate Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton, and that Russian president Vladimir Putin personally ordered an "influence campaign" to harm Clinton's electoral chances and "undermine public faith in the US democratic process.​

I don't want to hear about some scam that a Russian mini-cyber mafia is doing. I want to feel confident that the resources that America layed down on this investigation either "proves" or "disproves" that there is cause to believe that the Allegations were true.

I did not know that it was illegal to lie on the internet and social media. We better be careful about that, because once we make it a crime, we'll have to live with it.

Most Respectfully,

The crux of the matter is that the Russians didn't really support Trump. What they were involved is was more of a "fuck you" to Hillary Clinton, than support for Trump. It's no secret that Putin had no respect for Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, and he viewed them both as bumbling meddling fools. The Russians were however, pro Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein, as they though that they could convince enough people to vote for them, that Hillary would lose the election.
Your first sentence is directly from bizarro land and something your liar in chief would say.
It's directly the opposite of what all our intelligence agencies say.

Your intelligence agencies were so stupid, they not only played into the Russian's little game, they unwittingly helped them along with it.

Not very "intelligent", were they now?
Breaking just now, more will surly follow.

Eat that Orange Turd!

You liberals are all raving idiots…

This is a big fat fart in the wind that proves there

Was no collusion on Trumps part.

It also proves that the FBI was too busy spying

on Trump to do their job.

The FBI’s new motto is Forget the Children

and protect obama and hillary………..
The Fusion GPS Dossier isn’t an attack on Our Democracy?

Please explain that one!!!

People are not indicted for shaking hands. More to come Sherlock!

That's exactly the point, moron. None of the things you dumbasses get hysterical about are crimes or even anything to be concerned about.
Oh no, who should be concerned about foreign efforts to defraud our elections. Why should anyone be concerned the countries election was attack. Preserve and defend blah blah
Research is just research

Especially when it’s full of lies and Russian Propaganda and your FBI knowing that Obama, Clinton and The DNC Paid Putin for this Russian Propaganda still used it to File False Affidavits to unlawfully apply for a FISA surveillance warrant to spy on a rival Presidential Campaign for the first time in history?

Nah, that’s not interfering in an election at all...

You must smoke some really good dope!

Information Warefare is Hell Son!

Oh, you are still stuck on the FISA thing. Ya, that was legal, actually. Even Nunes voted to reauthorize FISA
Breaking just now, more will surly follow.
where is the "more to surly follow"? if there is anything to this story more will surly

Eat that Orange Turd!
Is it ok if I assume you mean trump? lol...what does trump have to do with any of this?
What does Trump have to do with all of this!
No you didn’t just say that.
Thanks for proving my point you cult members love being kept in the dark from facts and seek out the media making certain you’ll stay as uninformed as you are.

Dude, seriously. You need to learn to think for yourself and quit letting your sock-puppet media tell you what to believe.

They're lying to you and people are laughing at you.
Another trump whore pushing the “ no facts” theory.
Thanks for admitting you get your information by pulling it straight from your ass and pretending it’s true.
Trump: “Don’t believe anything to hear unless you hear it from me first.”
JGalt: Yes sir.

You guys and girls really are out of the loop, aren't you? That's ok, I understand. It's not that you're "stupid" or anything, you're just being lied to by the media sources you've trusted for decades.

Fk that they are STUPID beyond repair. All the proof is right under their pathetic moronic faces. They are too lazy to look they believe their Dictator Gods must tell them what they think. They can't figure that out. Morons do that. :abgg2q.jpg:

You believe that you can put all your non-obstuction events on a timeline that it means they are actually prosecutable?

You are a special kind of dumbass.
Non obstruction?
Admitting firing Comey because of the Russian Investigation is text book obstruction tampon breath.

Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.

You believe that you can put all your non-obstuction events on a timeline that it means they are actually prosecutable?

You are a special kind of dumbass.
Non obstruction?
Admitting firing Comey because of the Russian Investigation is text book obstruction tampon breath.

Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.

Nope....these are the first if many indictments. Mueller is maticlous my building a case. Many more indictments to come.

These "indictments" have nothing to do with ANY American's.
It clearly shows something your POS president won’t admit. That Russians not only subverted our democracy in 2016 but they’re among us right now attempting more anti democracy shenanigans.

Top Intelligence Chiefs this week: Russia is already interfering in our midterms.

Yet our Russian whore president still won’t install sanctions against Russia and is afraid to hurt Vladamir’s feelings.
Breaking just now, more will surly follow.

Eat that Orange Turd!

You liberals are all raving idiots…

This is a big fat fart in the wind that proves there

Was no collusion on Trumps part.

It also proves that the FBI was too busy spying

on Trump to do their job.

The FBI’s new motto is Forget the Children

and protect obama and hillary………..
Lol, you are totally a Trump cultist
So you Trumpbots want us to believe that this massive misinformation campaign in no ways overlapped with Trump's team meeting with the Russians, taking pro-Russian positions, talking to the Russians in a criminal way (Flynn indictment) and the other connections between Trump and Russia (Popadopolous, Manafort and Gates)?

Ya right!

"Talking to the Russians in a criminal way?" That isn't what Flynn was indicted for, dumbass. The so-called "connections" are a joke. Trump's "team" did not have a meeting with the Russians. "Taking pro-Russian positions" is purely in your imagination.
You believe that you can put all your non-obstuction events on a timeline that it means they are actually prosecutable?

You are a special kind of dumbass.
Non obstruction?
Admitting firing Comey because of the Russian Investigation is text book obstruction tampon breath.

Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.
You believe that you can put all your non-obstuction events on a timeline that it means they are actually prosecutable?

You are a special kind of dumbass.
Non obstruction?
Admitting firing Comey because of the Russian Investigation is text book obstruction tampon breath.

Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.

Nope....these are the first if many indictments. Mueller is maticlous my building a case. Many more indictments to come.

These "indictments" have nothing to do with ANY American's.
It clearly shows something your POS president won’t admit. That Russians not only subverted our democracy in 2016 but they’re among us right now attempting more anti democracy shenanigans.

Top Intelligence Chiefs this week: Russia is already interfering in our midterms.

Yet our Russian whore president still won’t install sanctions against Russia and is afraid to hurt Vladamir’s feelings.

I hope Donnie has his resignation written.

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