Mueller Investigation Now Discredited; Based on FBI Misconduct


May 23, 2014
If the Mueller investigation is based on the disgraceful and politically motivated actions of a cabal at upper echelon of FBI and mainstream media...then it is discredited. If the people involved in being a catalyst for FISA warrants and far reaching fantasies that they are acting like heroes are fired...then Trump investigation should be ended.
IG report criticizes Comey's handling of Clinton probe, includes anti-Trump exchanges among FBI personnel

The IG specifically pointed out that he found no evidence that there was any political motivated actions- even as he found that there Comey acted in ways that hurt Clinton- and helped Trump.

And of course- didn't mention Mueller at all.
If the Mueller investigation is based on the disgraceful and politically motivated actions of a cabal at upper echelon of FBI and mainstream media...then it is discredited. If the people involved in being a catalyst for FISA warrants and far reaching fantasies that they are acting like heroes are fired...then Trump investigation should be ended.
IG report criticizes Comey's handling of Clinton probe, includes anti-Trump exchanges among FBI personnel

The IG specifically pointed out that he found no evidence that there was any political motivated actions- even as he found that there Comey acted in ways that hurt Clinton- and helped Trump.

And of course- didn't mention Mueller at all.
Horowitz is an idiot. These fuckers actively talked about “stopping” Trump. Also, who are FBI agents 1and 2?What the fuck is that all about? How about some names? Part 2 of IG report is to come. It deals with Russia investigation. Part 1 shows a clear bias. Thus Mueller investigation is 100% tainted.
If the Mueller investigation is based on the disgraceful and politically motivated actions of a cabal at upper echelon of FBI and mainstream media...then it is discredited. If the people involved in being a catalyst for FISA warrants and far reaching fantasies that they are acting like heroes are fired...then Trump investigation should be ended.

This may help your

If the Mueller investigation is based on the disgraceful and politically motivated actions of a cabal at upper echelon of FBI and mainstream media...then it is discredited. If the people involved in being a catalyst for FISA warrants and far reaching fantasies that they are acting like heroes are fired...then Trump investigation should be ended.
IG report criticizes Comey's handling of Clinton probe, includes anti-Trump exchanges among FBI personnel

drank the whole jug of koolaid, huh?
If the Mueller investigation is based on the disgraceful and politically motivated actions of a cabal at upper echelon of FBI and mainstream media...then it is discredited. If the people involved in being a catalyst for FISA warrants and far reaching fantasies that they are acting like heroes are fired...then Trump investigation should be ended.
IG report criticizes Comey's handling of Clinton probe, includes anti-Trump exchanges among FBI personnel

drank the whole jug of koolaid, huh?
Nope...socialist like Jim Jones and Barry Sotoro have cult followings.
If the Mueller investigation is based on the disgraceful and politically motivated actions of a cabal at upper echelon of FBI and mainstream media...then it is discredited. If the people involved in being a catalyst for FISA warrants and far reaching fantasies that they are acting like heroes are fired...then Trump investigation should be ended.
IG report criticizes Comey's handling of Clinton probe, includes anti-Trump exchanges among FBI personnel

drank the whole jug of koolaid, huh?
Apparently the koolaid is spiked with meth.
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If the Mueller investigation is based on the disgraceful and politically motivated actions of a cabal at upper echelon of FBI and mainstream media...then it is discredited. If the people involved in being a catalyst for FISA warrants and far reaching fantasies that they are acting like heroes are fired...then Trump investigation should be ended.
IG report criticizes Comey's handling of Clinton probe, includes anti-Trump exchanges among FBI personnel

In your dreams.

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