Mueller Is Coming for Trump

Mueller Is Coming for Trump

The special counsel’s expanding probe will reveal loads of dirt from the president’s financial past

What you don’t know can hurt you very badly, and there is a great deal that Republicans do not know about Donald Trump. From shady business dealings to questionable tax schemes to potential Russian collusion, the president is dogged by scandals whose depth and significance remain unclear. With few exceptions, Republicans are eager to protect Trump from serious inquiries, running interference where they can while pushing through their legislative agenda as quickly and secretively as possible. The GOP isn’t quite sure what it’s helping Trump to cover up—but as long as he promises to sign its bills, the party will condone his outrageous misdeeds.

This strategy now appears poised to backfire spectacularly. On Wednesday, both the New York Times and the Washington Post reported that special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating Trump’s inner circle for financial crimes. This aggressive shift toward Trump associates’ personal dealings is disastrous news for the president, his allies, and his enablers. At long last, federal investigators will probe Trump’s sprawling network for wrongdoing, picking up where reporters left off, only this time with subpoena power. And Trump can only stop them by firing Mueller—a blatant obstruction of justice that would likely be more damaging than any crime the president may have committed in the past.
Boy howdy, this must be the end

Surely they will get him this time!
He's only doing his job by going after any possible criminality by the Trump Campaign that is connected or gotten from the Russian interference investigation...Mueller has a pretty narrow scope on what he oversees as special counsel was my understanding.

I'm not sure about that. I understood he can go where the investigation leads. If you recall, Ken Star started off investigating Billy Clinton regarding Whitewater, and it ended with Bubba getting impeached for lying about a blow job.
As the old saying goes a special counsel/prosecutor can investigate a ham sandwich. I suspect much like the Ken Starr investigation into Bill Clinton in the 90s this to will be like an octopus with tentacles going in ever direction and in the end it might very well benefit Trump as it did Clinton when it went nowhere and people got sick of the endless investigations and waste of tax dollars.

There is no such saying, moron. The saying was that a DA could get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich.

The three-judge panel charged with administering the Independent Counsel Act later expanded the inquiry into numerous areas including an extramarital affair that Bill Clinton had with Monica Lewinsky.

So Starr couldn't have expanded the investigation without permission.

The bottom line: you're an idiot who should be ignored.
Someone citing Wikipedia as source is the true moron as for being ignored feel free to use the ignore option idiot trust me I won't lose any sleep over it. The following people's opinions of me matter to me my family, close friends, and co workers you are none of those so feel free to fuck off at your convenience.
The latest news is that reports Muellaer was investigating Trump for Obstruction were again false.

Also Mueller's work will be concluded by Christmas because preliminary investigations are showing there just isn't much there. But they want to be thorough.

The biggest thing helping Mueller concluding his work so quickly is the massive of amount of Surveillance that was conducted in addition to the extensive testimonies from all the various investigations and the paper trails for the unmasking and leaks.

All will help him conclude his work quickly and efficiently.

My opinion is that it was a waste of time to hire an independent counsel.

It's a waste of taxpayer's time and money.
As the old saying goes a special counsel/prosecutor can investigate a ham sandwich. I suspect much like the Ken Starr investigation into Bill Clinton in the 90s this to will be like an octopus with tentacles going in ever direction and in the end it might very well benefit Trump as it did Clinton when it went nowhere and people got sick of the endless investigations and waste of tax dollars.

There is no such saying, moron. The saying was that a DA could get a Grand Jury to indict a ham sandwich.

The three-judge panel charged with administering the Independent Counsel Act later expanded the inquiry into numerous areas including an extramarital affair that Bill Clinton had with Monica Lewinsky.

So Starr couldn't have expanded the investigation without permission.

The bottom line: you're an idiot who should be ignored.
Someone citing Wikipedia as source is the true moron as for being ignored feel free to use the ignore option idiot trust me I won't lose any sleep over it. The following people's opinions of me matter to me my family, close friends, and co workers you are none of those so feel free to fuck off at your convenience.
You might try to learn how to use a comma and a period before you call other people idiots.

I use Wikipedia when I don't see any reason for the article's author to insert his political agenda. Although the author of this article might have plenty of reasons to lie about other aspects of Starr's investigation, why would he lie about how it was governed?
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He's only doing his job by going after any possible criminality by the Trump Campaign that is connected or gotten from the Russian interference investigation...Mueller has a pretty narrow scope on what he oversees as special counsel was my understanding.

I'm not sure about that. I understood he can go where the investigation leads. If you recall, Ken Star started off investigating Billy Clinton regarding Whitewater, and it ended with Bubba getting impeached for lying about a blow job.
I am not certain, because I know they changed what special counsels can do AFTER what Ken Starr did what he did to Clinton and all of Clinton's friends...and I thought I had heard or read that Mueller was limited compared to Starr's liberty?

It has to be related to the Russian investigation was my still could be "money laundering" as an example of his investigation, IF the money laundering involved the Russians and the campaign or a quid pro quo...a tit for tat....

I don't think Mueller is going hog wild, we haven't heard a peep from him on the investigation, he's not a grand stander like Starr was...seems like a straight laced kind of guy...

Everyone is just speculating and making up crud, on what he's doing imo.
He's only doing his job by going after any possible criminality by the Trump Campaign that is connected or gotten from the Russian interference investigation...Mueller has a pretty narrow scope on what he oversees as special counsel was my understanding.

I'm not sure about that. I understood he can go where the investigation leads. If you recall, Ken Star started off investigating Billy Clinton regarding Whitewater, and it ended with Bubba getting impeached for lying about a blow job.
I am not certain, because I know they changed what special counsels can do AFTER what Ken Starr did what he did to Clinton and all of Clinton's friends...and I thought I had heard or read that Mueller was limited compared to Starr's liberty?

It has to be related to the Russian investigation was my still could be "money laundering" as an example of his investigation, IF the money laundering involved the Russians and the campaign or a quid pro quo...a tit for tat....

I don't think Mueller is going hog wild, we haven't heard a peep from him on the investigation, he's not a grand stander like Starr was...seems like a straight laced kind of guy...

Everyone is just speculating and making up crud, on what he's doing imo.

Starr was limited, but I think they can enhance their jurisdiction with credible evidence of a crime. It's a can of worms.

It's the typical response of someone who doesn't give a fuck about the truth, as long as they feel like they're winning.

saggy doesn't need to feel like shes winning, she simply doesn't give a fuck about the truth when it comes to Trump.

put a Clinton in Trumps place, and she would furnish the gasoline and matches. It took her two posts to throw in Clinton.
The latest news is that reports Muellaer was investigating Trump for Obstruction were again false.

Also Mueller's work will be concluded by Christmas because preliminary investigations are showing there just isn't much there. But they want to be thorough.

The biggest thing helping Mueller concluding his work so quickly is the massive of amount of Surveillance that was conducted in addition to the extensive testimonies from all the various investigations and the paper trails for the unmasking and leaks.

All will help him conclude his work quickly and efficiently.

My opinion is that it was a waste of time to hire an independent counsel.

It's a waste of taxpayer's time and money.

Thanks for gets so old reading the left wingers posting that Trump is being investigated......and it gets old watching them cry as they keep failing to get Trump....

I like your signature line.......
Any day now they tell us....

The sooner the Orange-a-tang is kicked out of office and sent packing, the sooner the Republic can begin repairing the damage he's already done.

He is crude, uncouth, boorish, crass, lacking class, corrupt, narcissistic, megalomaniacal, demagogic, unstable, and otherwise incompetent and unfit for office.

Hell, even his own party didn't want him as their standard bearer, and are now waffling between spin-doctoring his never-ending idiot-articulations, and abandoning him.
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The fact is there are guidelines as to what an "INDEPENDENT COUNCIL" can investigate, and he is far beyond the bounds of his investigation. His scope was of the interference by the Russians in the 2016 election and if any Trump campaign members COLLUDED with the Russians to change the elections results. ALL of those things have been proved false, and have been dismissed as false. HE has NO authority to investigate ANY business dealings with the Russians by anyone involved in the Trump campaign beyond their tenure in the campaign. The only way he can broaden the scope is by requesting an increase from the DOJ. If the current acting AG is pondering recusal he must be trying to broaden it with NO EVIDENCE to support his request. That means he IS acting as a POLITICAL operative instead of as a impartial investigator. HE IS NOT A SPECIAL PROSECUTOR, and therefore does not have the power to increase the scope of his investigation himself without approval by the DOJ. He can however investigate lynch-clinton and the entire dnc because they have been entered into the investigations evidence pool by comey.

This is a bizarre post of asserting facts to things you do not know... We are not privy to all the evidence...

Mueller's scope of investigation is broad and allows him to investigate "any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation,”... that is an all cards on the table investigation, include obstruction, collusion, Russian interference, Trump Business dealings, Deutsche Bank Money Laundering Scandal... The list goes on... As long as there is a link he can keep going...
Mueller's team consists of:
- Big Democrat Donors

- 1 Lawyer who defended Hillary in FOIA Violation case

- A Clinton Foundation Lawyer

- 1 lawyer who is notorious for hiding evidence, who hid evidence in tbe Enron case which resulted in 4 innocent people wrongly going to jail for a time, and who was rebuked by the USSC (in a 9-0 finding against his case) for hising evidence.

ZERO Credibility...100% Stacked Deck...100% 'Witch Hunt'
These idiots are hilarious. Never proof, just the accusation. Always. I say incarcerate all of you. No trial.
The Big Orange Head is in no danger. He has plenty of scapegoats that will go under the bus long before the prosecutors reach him. Jared-the-patsy will be one of the first to go. But, Ivanka will still have daddy to comfort her.

"Scapegats" for what, douche bag? What crime has he committed, other than winning the election?

"Scapegats" for what, douche bag? What crime has he committed, other than winning the election?

What's a scapegat? Also your last sentence here says you believe he committed a crime by winning the election. So you the biggest douche on USMB admit it.
He's only doing his job by going after any possible criminality by the Trump Campaign that is connected or gotten from the Russian interference investigation...Mueller has a pretty narrow scope on what he oversees as special counsel was my understanding.
oh bullshit.

the left can't even stay on the same narrative and now it's just WHATEVER IT TAKES and hire people to go find something. hell, so far the left doesn't a thing but speculation and they are not letting that go and pretend it real daily.
The latest news is that reports Muellaer was investigating Trump for Obstruction were again false.

Also Mueller's work will be concluded by Christmas because preliminary investigations are showing there just isn't much there. But they want to be thorough.

The biggest thing helping Mueller concluding his work so quickly is the massive of amount of Surveillance that was conducted in addition to the extensive testimonies from all the various investigations and the paper trails for the unmasking and leaks.

All will help him conclude his work quickly and efficiently.

My opinion is that it was a waste of time to hire an independent counsel.

It's a waste of taxpayer's time and money.

Thanks for gets so old reading the left wingers posting that Trump is being investigated......and it gets old watching them cry as they keep failing to get Trump....

I like your signature line.......
You are most welcome, and thank you. I wonder what Lefty does when Mueller and his army of Democrats are forced to admit like everyone else, that there was NO Collusion and No Obstruction, and instead go after the real criminals, Rice, Clinton, Lynch, and Obama?
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The Big Orange Head is in no danger. He has plenty of scapegoats that will go under the bus long before the prosecutors reach him. Jared-the-patsy will be one of the first to go. But, Ivanka will still have daddy to comfort her.

"Scapegats" for what, douche bag? What crime has he committed, other than winning the election?

"Scapegats" for what, douche bag? What crime has he committed, other than winning the election?

What's a scapegat? Also your last sentence here says you believe he committed a crime by winning the election. So you the biggest douche on USMB admit it.
Don't play stupid. Harping on technical gaffs is the sure sign of someone who knows he's losing the debate.

Also, don't play stupid by pretending you don't know sarcasm when you see it.

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