Mueller Is Coming for Trump

how did wikileaks get hitlery's emails then? and the DNC server is ground zero right? how did these hacks get in, don't you want to learn anything? what is the point if protecting our integrity is indeed your objective. And who may have leaked info to the russians inside their own party? hmmmmm? Why did obummer make his hot mic comments to the russians before the 2012 elections?

Sounds like conspiracy theory crap to me, but if all that crap is true, Mueller will find it. Wouldn't it be nice for you if it turns out that way. I'm not so sure it will.
hahahahahahaha it all sounds like conspiracy theory crap eh? funny how only you get to make that charge. hilarious in fact.

I am hardly the only one that gets to make that charge, I see lots of other people call you a tinfoil hat goober quite often
it's cause I call a spade a spade. And right now again, the there isn't there. you know that right? check any news outlet.

The investigation isn't complete. You got that part right.
yep, they have to get the info on all those democrats involved in the campaigns right? I'm hoping they look into Seth Rich completely.
Not sure how that might be part of this investigation, even if Fox told you it might be. What would that have to do with Russia attacking our elections? There is no indication that Hillary's server was ever hacked. If Mueller's investigation shows a reason to do what you want him to do, he has the authority to do it.
how did wikileaks get hitlery's emails then? and the DNC server is ground zero right? how did these hacks get in, don't you want to learn anything? what is the point if protecting our integrity is indeed your objective. And who may have leaked info to the russians inside their own party? hmmmmm? Why did obummer make his hot mic comments to the russians before the 2012 elections?

We are talking about 2016,not 2012. Look, Trump has admitted to firing Comey himself because he wanted to get this Russian thing off his back.
so? all avenues are open right? there are no lanes, why did obummer make his comments, could he have arranged the 2016 hack? hmmmmm tell me you don't think you know that answer.

You're dipping your toes in the conspiracy theory pond, now.
I dove in with the rest of you all. why are you afraid? full fking transparency eh?

You are the only one scared here. This is why you talk about some mess fom 2012.
Not sure how that might be part of this investigation, even if Fox told you it might be. What would that have to do with Russia attacking our elections? There is no indication that Hillary's server was ever hacked. If Mueller's investigation shows a reason to do what you want him to do, he has the authority to do it.
how did wikileaks get hitlery's emails then? and the DNC server is ground zero right? how did these hacks get in, don't you want to learn anything? what is the point if protecting our integrity is indeed your objective. And who may have leaked info to the russians inside their own party? hmmmmm? Why did obummer make his hot mic comments to the russians before the 2012 elections?

We are talking about 2016,not 2012. Look, Trump has admitted to firing Comey himself because he wanted to get this Russian thing off his back.
so? all avenues are open right? there are no lanes, why did obummer make his comments, could he have arranged the 2016 hack? hmmmmm tell me you don't think you know that answer.

No he could not have arranged the 2016 hack based upon comments you claim he made in 2012. But hey, you just keep on listening to Hannity.
why not, are you that connected to all of this? maybe we should investigate you? LOL. you all crack me up on what you think you know cause you're a libturd.
Hisses the idiot who thinks the investigation that is just getting started, is over. :eusa_doh:
In case you haven't noticed, I;m just another anonymous poster, just like you. I have no inside information on their investigation other than what I get from credible sources. When they say they are done, they will be done. Not before.
you sure, you post like you do.

Lots of credible information available already, but I don't think the investigation has sorted out the real from the fake yet.
the DNC server was never investigated by a US government agency. It is imperative to the investigation. don't you think since it was ground zero? you don't want it to happen again, right? how do you make adjustments without investigating the original hack.

Well the thing is that our intelligence agencies have told us the DNC servers were hacked from Russia.
how would they know since no one looked at them? you know this right?
Now you're lying. The server was inspected.
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We are talking about 2016,not 2012. Look, Trump has admitted to firing Comey himself because he wanted to get this Russian thing off his back.
so? all avenues are open right? there are no lanes, why did obummer make his comments, could he have arranged the 2016 hack? hmmmmm tell me you don't think you know that answer.

No he could not have arranged the 2016 hack based upon comments you claim he made in 2012. But hey, you just keep on listening to Hannity.
why not, are you that connected to all of this? maybe we should investigate you? LOL. you all crack me up on what you think you know cause you're a libturd.

I know what has been shown. What you believe makes no sense.
what you believe makes no sense. so? tag you're it.

It makes more sense than the crap you are posting. Seth Rich? Like I said, keep on listening to Hannity.
how did wikileaks get hitlery's emails then? and the DNC server is ground zero right? how did these hacks get in, don't you want to learn anything? what is the point if protecting our integrity is indeed your objective. And who may have leaked info to the russians inside their own party? hmmmmm? Why did obummer make his hot mic comments to the russians before the 2012 elections?

We are talking about 2016,not 2012. Look, Trump has admitted to firing Comey himself because he wanted to get this Russian thing off his back.
so? all avenues are open right? there are no lanes, why did obummer make his comments, could he have arranged the 2016 hack? hmmmmm tell me you don't think you know that answer.

You're dipping your toes in the conspiracy theory pond, now.
I dove in with the rest of you all. why are you afraid? full fking transparency eh?

You are the only one scared here. This is why you talk about some mess fom 2012.
I am? you don't get to tell me how I feel do you? are you god? oh my, I thought you all didn't believe in a god. wow. you're indeed a funny stoop. Don't let your stupid drip in your eyes.
so? all avenues are open right? there are no lanes, why did obummer make his comments, could he have arranged the 2016 hack? hmmmmm tell me you don't think you know that answer.

No he could not have arranged the 2016 hack based upon comments you claim he made in 2012. But hey, you just keep on listening to Hannity.
why not, are you that connected to all of this? maybe we should investigate you? LOL. you all crack me up on what you think you know cause you're a libturd.

I know what has been shown. What you believe makes no sense.
what you believe makes no sense. so? tag you're it.

It makes more sense than the crap you are posting. Seth Rich? Like I said, keep on listening to Hannity.
are you scared? what is it you're afraid of dude? my gloves are off
Mueller Is Coming for Trump

The special counsel’s expanding probe will reveal loads of dirt from the president’s financial past

What you don’t know can hurt you very badly, and there is a great deal that Republicans do not know about Donald Trump. From shady business dealings to questionable tax schemes to potential Russian collusion, the president is dogged by scandals whose depth and significance remain unclear. With few exceptions, Republicans are eager to protect Trump from serious inquiries, running interference where they can while pushing through their legislative agenda as quickly and secretively as possible. The GOP isn’t quite sure what it’s helping Trump to cover up—but as long as he promises to sign its bills, the party will condone his outrageous misdeeds.

This strategy now appears poised to backfire spectacularly. On Wednesday, both the New York Times and the Washington Post reported that special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating Trump’s inner circle for financial crimes. This aggressive shift toward Trump associates’ personal dealings is disastrous news for the president, his allies, and his enablers. At long last, federal investigators will probe Trump’s sprawling network for wrongdoing, picking up where reporters left off, only this time with subpoena power. And Trump can only stop them by firing Mueller—a blatant obstruction of justice that would likely be more damaging than any crime the president may have committed in the past.

So you're basically admitting that they have nothing on "collusion" or "obstruction of justice" so Mueller will have to probe Trump's businesses? So it was all a scam? All the allegations you on the left have been making for the past year?

Mueller was just named to head the investigation 4 weeks ago. He hasn't even set up his complete staff yet.Pretty silly to try talking about what the investigation was, when it isn't even defined what it will be.

I thought this was about "collusion" and "obstruction of justice", Bulldog! Now you don't even know what Mueller is going to investigate? It's obvious this isn't about something Trump did to win the election at this point...that talking point has died with a whimper.

It's about every aspect of Russia's intrusion into our elections. That includes any collusion that might have happened. A campaign whose officers were caught lying multiple times about contact with the Russians, and received any benefit from Russia's efforts, would certainly be worthwhile to check on. Any other crimes, or indications of crimes that might be uncovered will become part of the investigation.

Benefit from Russia? You mean like Hillary's deal with the Russians to sell them our uranium? With the Russians giving millions to the Clinton Foundation? With Bill Clinton doubling his speaking fees in Russia? Those kinds of benefits?
Sounds like conspiracy theory crap to me, but if all that crap is true, Mueller will find it. Wouldn't it be nice for you if it turns out that way. I'm not so sure it will.
hahahahahahaha it all sounds like conspiracy theory crap eh? funny how only you get to make that charge. hilarious in fact.

I am hardly the only one that gets to make that charge, I see lots of other people call you a tinfoil hat goober quite often
it's cause I call a spade a spade. And right now again, the there isn't there. you know that right? check any news outlet.

The investigation isn't complete. You got that part right.
yep, they have to get the info on all those democrats involved in the campaigns right? I'm hoping they look into Seth Rich completely.
I recall righties sharing the same enthusiam when Ken Starr publicly announced he was going to investigate Vince Foster's death.

Now, like the 8 GOP-led investigations into Benghazi, the right ignores Starr's findings because he didn't say what the right wanted to hear. That's all you rightwingnuts ever do... you bury your head in the sand to shield yourself from reality; just so can can perpetuate your rightardedness.
Benefit from Russia? You mean like Hillary's deal with the Russians to sell them our uranium? With the Russians giving millions to the Clinton Foundation? With Bill Clinton doubling his speaking fees in Russia? Those kinds of benefits?

It was actually a sweet deal for the USA. Russia gets Uranium One, but they're barred from selling any of that uranium outside of North America. So it becomes a buyers market. More cheap uranium for us. Yeah!
So you're basically admitting that they have nothing on "collusion" or "obstruction of justice" so Mueller will have to probe Trump's businesses? So it was all a scam? All the allegations you on the left have been making for the past year?

Mueller was just named to head the investigation 4 weeks ago. He hasn't even set up his complete staff yet.Pretty silly to try talking about what the investigation was, when it isn't even defined what it will be.

I thought this was about "collusion" and "obstruction of justice", Bulldog! Now you don't even know what Mueller is going to investigate? It's obvious this isn't about something Trump did to win the election at this point...that talking point has died with a whimper.

This is an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election

There are a lot of charges that could come out of it
Failing to report foreign contacts, improper financial dealings with a country under US sanctions, collusion, cover-up, treason

Is it an investigation into collusion? Is it an investigation into obstruction of justice? Quite frankly, Winger...I don't think we'll see an investigation by Mueller into either of those things! After almost a's pretty obvious that there is no proof of either thing taking place. Treason? Now THAT'S amusing!

You don't read so well do you?

It is an investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election
Until the investigation has completed, we will not know what the potential charges will be, if any

Flynn is obviously guilty. Will he provide additional information on what Trump knew or ordered in return for immunity? That is what happened in Watergate. All the cards need to be played before we can rule out anything including treason

Yes, TREASON. If it turns out that Trump offered policy concessions in return for Russian assistance in the election, that would be TREASON

What's amusing, that after ten months of investigating Russian interference with the 2016 folks on the left have come up with nothing that proves there was collusion between Trump and the Russians!

There is a HUGE difference between this situation and Watergate because in Watergate...a crime took place which Nixon then tried to cover up! There is no crime here. Trump didn't do anything. Nor has he tried to coverup anything. As a matter of fact he's welcomed the investigation into Russian interference.
Benefit from Russia? You mean like Hillary's deal with the Russians to sell them our uranium? With the Russians giving millions to the Clinton Foundation? With Bill Clinton doubling his speaking fees in Russia? Those kinds of benefits?

It was actually a sweet deal for the USA. Russia gets Uranium One, but they're barred from selling any of that uranium outside of North America. So it becomes a buyers market. More cheap uranium for us. Yeah!

Who was it really a "sweet deal" for, Gene? The Clintons?
No he could not have arranged the 2016 hack based upon comments you claim he made in 2012. But hey, you just keep on listening to Hannity.
why not, are you that connected to all of this? maybe we should investigate you? LOL. you all crack me up on what you think you know cause you're a libturd.

I know what has been shown. What you believe makes no sense.
what you believe makes no sense. so? tag you're it.

It makes more sense than the crap you are posting. Seth Rich? Like I said, keep on listening to Hannity.
are you scared? what is it you're afraid of dude?

I have nothing to fear. I am not the one here talking about 2012 when Trump said he fired the FBI Director because of the Russian investigation.
why not, are you that connected to all of this? maybe we should investigate you? LOL. you all crack me up on what you think you know cause you're a libturd.

I know what has been shown. What you believe makes no sense.
what you believe makes no sense. so? tag you're it.

It makes more sense than the crap you are posting. Seth Rich? Like I said, keep on listening to Hannity.
are you scared? what is it you're afraid of dude?

I have nothing to fear. I am not the one here talking about 2012 when Trump said he fired the FBI Director because of the Russian investigation.
no you're in here saying the russians changed the minds of millions of voters with their mind zapper machine that makes voters vote for Trump. And doesn't work in California.
There is a HUGE difference between this situation and Watergate because in Watergate...a crime took place which Nixon then tried to cover up! There is no crime here. Trump didn't do anything. Nor has he tried to coverup anything. As a matter of fact he's welcomed the investigation into Russian interference.

Actually there was an even bigger crime here. A foreign power hacking and stealing information from the election systems of 39 states. Watergate was one burglary, The underlying crime here was dozens of computer felonies.

And now Trump tries to keep the FBI from investigating who was involved on the american side. So move over Nixon, there's a new "tricky dick" about to take the lead.
It was actually a sweet deal for the USA. Russia gets Uranium One, but they're barred from selling any of that uranium outside of North America. So it becomes a buyers market. More cheap uranium for us. Yeah!

Who was it really a "sweet deal" for, Gene? The Clintons?

They didn't personally make a dime off the deal. But the USA gets cheap uranium from the deal , since the Russians can't export an once of what they mine in north america.

The law of supply and demand, where there aren't any buyers but in north america. It's a real win-win for the USA.
Mueller was just named to head the investigation 4 weeks ago. He hasn't even set up his complete staff yet.Pretty silly to try talking about what the investigation was, when it isn't even defined what it will be.

I thought this was about "collusion" and "obstruction of justice", Bulldog! Now you don't even know what Mueller is going to investigate? It's obvious this isn't about something Trump did to win the election at this point...that talking point has died with a whimper.

This is an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election

There are a lot of charges that could come out of it
Failing to report foreign contacts, improper financial dealings with a country under US sanctions, collusion, cover-up, treason

Is it an investigation into collusion? Is it an investigation into obstruction of justice? Quite frankly, Winger...I don't think we'll see an investigation by Mueller into either of those things! After almost a's pretty obvious that there is no proof of either thing taking place. Treason? Now THAT'S amusing!

You don't read so well do you?

It is an investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election
Until the investigation has completed, we will not know what the potential charges will be, if any

Flynn is obviously guilty. Will he provide additional information on what Trump knew or ordered in return for immunity? That is what happened in Watergate. All the cards need to be played before we can rule out anything including treason

Yes, TREASON. If it turns out that Trump offered policy concessions in return for Russian assistance in the election, that would be TREASON

What's amusing, that after ten months of investigating Russian interference with the 2016 folks on the left have come up with nothing that proves there was collusion between Trump and the Russians!

There is a HUGE difference between this situation and Watergate because in Watergate...a crime took place which Nixon then tried to cover up! There is no crime here. Trump didn't do anything. Nor has he tried to coverup anything. As a matter of fact he's welcomed the investigation into Russian interference.

He's admitted to firing the FBI Director to get Russia off his back.

You guys are dumb enough to believe anything and every thing Trump tells you. He is trying to cover up something. He hasn't welcomed an investigation, he has no choice but to accept what's going on.
no you're in here saying the russians changed the minds of millions of voters with their mind zapper machine that makes voters vote for Trump. And doesn't work in California.

The way the numbers work out, if the russians changed the minds of 80,000 people in the right states, that was more than enough to swing the election.
Mueller was just named to head the investigation 4 weeks ago. He hasn't even set up his complete staff yet.Pretty silly to try talking about what the investigation was, when it isn't even defined what it will be.

I thought this was about "collusion" and "obstruction of justice", Bulldog! Now you don't even know what Mueller is going to investigate? It's obvious this isn't about something Trump did to win the election at this point...that talking point has died with a whimper.

This is an investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election

There are a lot of charges that could come out of it
Failing to report foreign contacts, improper financial dealings with a country under US sanctions, collusion, cover-up, treason

Is it an investigation into collusion? Is it an investigation into obstruction of justice? Quite frankly, Winger...I don't think we'll see an investigation by Mueller into either of those things! After almost a's pretty obvious that there is no proof of either thing taking place. Treason? Now THAT'S amusing!

You don't read so well do you?

It is an investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 election
Until the investigation has completed, we will not know what the potential charges will be, if any

Flynn is obviously guilty. Will he provide additional information on what Trump knew or ordered in return for immunity? That is what happened in Watergate. All the cards need to be played before we can rule out anything including treason

Yes, TREASON. If it turns out that Trump offered policy concessions in return for Russian assistance in the election, that would be TREASON

What's amusing, that after ten months of investigating Russian interference with the 2016 folks on the left have come up with nothing that proves there was collusion between Trump and the Russians!

There is a HUGE difference between this situation and Watergate because in Watergate...a crime took place which Nixon then tried to cover up! There is no crime here. Trump didn't do anything. Nor has he tried to coverup anything. As a matter of fact he's welcomed the investigation into Russian interference.
How do you know that Trump didn't do anything?
How do you know that they Justice department hasn't come up with anything?
Do they share their information with you?
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You guys are dumb enough to believe anything and every thing Trump tells you. He is trying to cover up something. He hasn't welcomed an investigation, he has no choice but to accept what's going on.

They're upset because the special counsel law specifically tells them to go after perjury and obstruction of justice concerning their main subject of investigation. So even if Muellers scope was only to investigate the russian interference, anybody caught lying about it, or trying to hinder the investigation becomes Muellers next target.

And Trump tried to hinder the investigation. Sweeeeet.

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