Mueller is finally going after Stone...the sleaze...

Lmao. Okay, sure. Roger Stone is a nobody. Who the fuck cares?

Well, if you had a few more brain cells, and not a Trump ass kisser, you should care......LOL

View attachment 194301

Care like you did a few years ago...dumbass.


Care to tell us just how many people that Obama surrounded himself with have pled GUILTY or have been INDICTED.....versus the orange clown's entourage???

Go on.........I'll wait..................LOL

You think that a Justice Department led by Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch not indicting people in the Obama Administration means that Barry's Administration was somehow "cleaner" than the Donald's? That's amusing...

The fact that nobody was indicted simply underscores how utterly corrupt the Justice Department WAS under Barack Obama!
The DOJ is as partisan as the Media. Lack of Obama indictments indicates bias not innocence.

Everybody seems to be against you and the Trump cult.....Hide under your bed (and take some chips and something to drink.....LOL)

Oh.....and don't forget the could be pretty stinky under there.

Be careful what you wish for Trump is playing this brilliantly.

Impeachment ISN'T "legal" IT IS ""political". Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon both understood this. While both did commit crimes the people cared about one and not the other.

Trump understands not only what I said above, but also Americans love the underdog. If Trump can play the victim he can get enough support from the people and no Congressman will commit political suicide.

The crazy anti Trump guy who opened fire sure helped.
Roger Stone subpoena? Doesn't it indicate how freaking desperate Mueller has become? The ironic thing is that Mueller may be guilty of collusion with the Russians when he hired a rich Russian oligarch to intervene on Barry Hussein's behalf in the Iraq extortion scam. Can Mueller subpoena himself?
The crazy anti Trump guy who opened fire sure helped.
sure wife and daughter are both apolitical and they made comments about how bad the hatred for trump is in the country..though my posts do not reflect it I am no fan of trump but as you point out I am starting to warm up to him [I will be voting democrat across the board in Nov.] and trumps biggest problem is Rudy, that guy has done far more damage than mueller...btw good post, I agree with you.
Roger Stone subpoena? Doesn't it indicate how freaking desperate Mueller has become? The ironic thing is that Mueller may be guilty of collusion with the Russians when he hired a rich Russian oligarch to intervene on Barry Hussein's behalf in the Iraq extortion scam. Can Mueller subpoena himself?
Peeling off 1 slimebag at a time until the head of the slime in Gov't gets his turn in the barrel Trump is going bonkers
The crazy anti Trump guy who opened fire sure helped.
sure wife and daughter are both apolitical and they made comments about how bad the hatred for trump is in the country..though my posts do not reflect it I am no fan of trump but as you point out I am starting to warm up to him [I will be voting democrat across the board in Nov.] and trumps biggest problem is Rudy, that guy has done far more damage than mueller...btw good post, I agree with you.
Think Trump Jr. has been a big help along with the 911 king?
Roger Stone subpoena? Doesn't it indicate how freaking desperate Mueller has become? The ironic thing is that Mueller may be guilty of collusion with the Russians when he hired a rich Russian oligarch to intervene on Barry Hussein's behalf in the Iraq extortion scam. Can Mueller subpoena himself?

if thats the case, then why worry about a Stone testimony ?

for the 10,000,000th time - Mueller knows the answers to ANY question he asks, hes not looking for F'n answers - he's looking for people who LIE . Once they lie he stretches them real tight to see who splits, and spills their guts.

RW idiots aint too sharp are they.
Wait till he gets Trump and jr in front of him .Throw in Kushner and bibles will be burning
You think that a Justice Department led by Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch not indicting people in the Obama Administration means that Barry's Administration was somehow "cleaner" than the Donald's? That's amusing...

Well, you might be "correct"......We all know that black democrats "protect" other black democrats; whereas white republicans go after most other white republicans......

Is THAT your fucked up racist, unfounded allegation?
Roger Stone subpoena? Doesn't it indicate how freaking desperate Mueller has become? The ironic thing is that Mueller may be guilty of collusion with the Russians when he hired a rich Russian oligarch to intervene on Barry Hussein's behalf in the Iraq extortion scam. Can Mueller subpoena himself?

Mueller is working his way up the ladder. He will eventually be at the top orange rung....patience.
Mueller circling Roger Stone with new Russia probe subpoena

Stone is the stop before trump. Stone is a sleaze bag that serves the Orange King. He will go down with trump.
one correction or a bit of clarification though Jim....

Mueller and team are NOT ''going after'' anyone...

They are investigating if a crime has been committed. They are not going after people.... they are going after facts and the truth of what happened.

If something illegal or criminal took place, then they build their case to charge the criminal with the crime...

So 'going after' Roger Stone is not really what is happening per say... what is happening is that the Mueller investigators are now investigating the dissemination of the stolen DNC and Podesta emails.... in which 1 aspect of the investigation, has lead them to Roger Stone... so they are questioning two associates close to him, before they call Stone in for questioning.... if they do call him in.... they may not call him in, if he is a TARGET already from all the other information they have gathered....
The latest breaking story I'm interested in is why Trump called Qatar a supporter of terrorism, but now is saying they are great allies. Matter of fact, Qatar had an official state visit to the WH last week.
But last year, when Saudi Arabia decided to call Qatar a terrorist nation and imposed sanctions on them, Trump fell in lockstep with them.

But, by an amazing coincidence, Qatar refused to lend Trump's son in law's family money for a development project when the sanctions were imposed.

Now that Qatar has agreed to lend them money? Sanctions are suddenly gone, and Trump calls them great allies.

I wonder if Trump knows that we have had a major military base in that country since 1996?"""
Taken from anothers post
UH OH Boo hoo why are they doing this to me ?? lol
Trump Jr. and Other Aides Met With Gulf Emissary Offering Help to Win Election

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Trump Jr. and Other Aides Met With Gulf Emissary Offering Help to Win Election
The Trump Tower meeting and follow-ups are the first indication that countries beyond Russia may have offered help to the…


A chip off the ol' orange block[head].....Of course, we'll always have Moscow.

Trump Jr.'s love affair with Moscow - POLITICO
Trump Jr.’s love affair with Moscow
Jul 12, 2017 - At the conference, he showed a deep familiarity with the Moscow real estate market and the Russian economy.

We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” he said of Trump Organization properties. “There's indeed a lot of money coming for new-builds and resale reflecting a trend in the Russian ...
You think that a Justice Department led by Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch not indicting people in the Obama Administration means that Barry's Administration was somehow "cleaner" than the Donald's? That's amusing...

Well, you might be "correct"......We all know that black democrats "protect" other black democrats; whereas white republicans go after most other white republicans......

Is THAT your fucked up racist, unfounded allegation?

What Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch did has zero to do with skin color. It was one part of a corrupt administration protecting the other parts of a corrupt administration. Playing the race card simply signals that you're struggling to defend their actions.

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