Mueller looking into whether Kushner sought to shake down Qatar

Actually Libs, my post, which many of you responded to, was meant to
show the fallacy of your arguments on all fronts.

Your entire party is in such a quandary trying to prove Trump colluded
with are actually encouraging colluding with the Russians.

If I'm Putin I'm loving this. He knows he could assist in overthrowing the
POTUS, by giving dems any info they desire. True or Untrue. It would make
no difference to the Libs.

Think of it...Schiff talks to Russian agents trying to arrange a swap of damaging material on Trump.

Warner talks to a Russian, who Christopher Steele works for, trying to
contact Steele for dirt on Trump.

Now we have a thread about some Russian whore who is in jail somewhere
and she will give info on Trump if someone lets her out of jail. I bet she
would. To get out of a foreign slammer she'd say whatever they want her

Qatar. No doubt they would love to get the Saudis off their ass so they try
to create a story on Kushner. That makes sense. Nice deflection on their

For a group who promote themselves as "Americans" (lmfao)...You
Libs sure do a lot of colluding with the Russians.
Isn't Qatar the country that has been aiding terrorists for a decade and was
called out and blockaded by Saudi Arabia?

How Qatar Helped Free an American Hostage Without Paying Ransom
Qatar has been a key player in negotiation talks between terrorist organizations and the U.S.

Qatar and the USA -
Jul 22, 2017 - Since the agreement, the United States and Qatar have begun to implement plans for pre-positioning U.S. military equipment for use in a future ... A warehouse for U. S. armored equipment was enlarged in Doha, and the United States helped Qatar expand a large air base that could potentially be used to ...

Qatar - US Department of State
Feb 2, 2017 - The United States established diplomatic relations with Qatar in 1972 following its independence from the United Kingdom. Bilateral relations are strong, with the United States and Qatarcoordinating closely on a wide range of regional and global issues. As a valuable partner to the United States, Qatar has ...
This investigation is really getting stupid now...laughable....and the people are sick and tired of it..

Well, the only folks who are getting sick and tired of the investigation are either the treasonous/greedy ones, AND the Trump cultists.....
The Saudis are snakes. Smiling to your face to get your oil money and funding Bin Laden at every turn.


Not any more a snake than the US govt then?

I mean, the US govt will support ANYONE.

They supported Pol Pot. Yeah, a guy who committed genocide on a massive scale.

The US could easily have supported Hitler.

Funded the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan.

Supported the Iranians and Iraqis in the Iran-Iraq War

Supported no end of dictators in Latin America, Pinochet, Branco, the Argentinian Junta, to name a few...

The US doesn't care, as long as it gets what it wants.

Don’t forget that they kept the Shah of Iran on the Peacock Throne for 30 years while he abused the populace and looted the treasury.

One only has to look at American covert actions in the 60’s and 70’s to understand why Iranians consider the USA is the Great Satan.
The Saudis are snakes. Smiling to your face to get your oil money and funding Bin Laden at every turn.


Not any more a snake than the US govt then?

I mean, the US govt will support ANYONE.

They supported Pol Pot. Yeah, a guy who committed genocide on a massive scale.

The US could easily have supported Hitler.

Funded the Mujaheddin in Afghanistan.

Supported the Iranians and Iraqis in the Iran-Iraq War

Supported no end of dictators in Latin America, Pinochet, Branco, the Argentinian Junta, to name a few...

The US doesn't care, as long as it gets what it wants.

Don’t forget that they kept the Shah of Iran on the Peacock Throne for 30 years while he abused the populace and looted the treasury.

One only has to look at American covert actions in the 60’s and 70’s to understand why Iranians consider the USA is the Great Satan.

Yes, it's not hard at all. But so many people struggle to find that, because they can't get past the concept that the US govt might be bad, abroad. At home they're like "fuck, we need guns to protect ourselves from the US govt" and abroad they're like "the US govt only ever does good stuff."

It's insane.
Isn't Qatar the country that has been aiding terrorists for a decade and was
called out and blockaded by Saudi Arabia?

How Qatar Helped Free an American Hostage Without Paying Ransom
Qatar has been a key player in negotiation talks between terrorist organizations and the U.S.

Qatar and the USA -
Jul 22, 2017 - Since the agreement, the United States and Qatar have begun to implement plans for pre-positioning U.S. military equipment for use in a future ... A warehouse for U. S. armored equipment was enlarged in Doha, and the United States helped Qatar expand a large air base that could potentially be used to ...

Qatar - US Department of State
Feb 2, 2017 - The United States established diplomatic relations with Qatar in 1972 following its independence from the United Kingdom. Bilateral relations are strong, with the United States and Qatarcoordinating closely on a wide range of regional and global issues. As a valuable partner to the United States, Qatar has ...

Wow...Qatar is an Ally.

So were these guys...
Elbe Day: A handshake that made history
Actually Libs, my post, which many of you responded to, was meant to
show the fallacy of your arguments on all fronts.

Your entire party is in such a quandary trying to prove Trump colluded
with are actually encouraging colluding with the Russians.

If I'm Putin I'm loving this. He knows he could assist in overthrowing the
POTUS, by giving dems any info they desire. True or Untrue. It would make
no difference to the Libs.

Think of it...Schiff talks to Russian agents trying to arrange a swap of damaging material on Trump.

Warner talks to a Russian, who Christopher Steele works for, trying to
contact Steele for dirt on Trump.

Now we have a thread about some Russian whore who is in jail somewhere
and she will give info on Trump if someone lets her out of jail. I bet she
would. To get out of a foreign slammer she'd say whatever they want her

Qatar. No doubt they would love to get the Saudis off their ass so they try
to create a story on Kushner. That makes sense. Nice deflection on their

For a group who promote themselves as "Americans" (lmfao)...You
Libs sure do a lot of colluding with the Russians.

Liberals aren’t trying to prove anything. That would be Robert Mueller - a Republican, and Rod Rosenstein, another Republican who Trump appointed, and Christopher Wray, another Republican appointed by Trump.

We’re just enjoying the show.
Actually Libs, my post, which many of you responded to, was meant to
show the fallacy of your arguments on all fronts.

Your entire party is in such a quandary trying to prove Trump colluded
with are actually encouraging colluding with the Russians.

If I'm Putin I'm loving this. He knows he could assist in overthrowing the
POTUS, by giving dems any info they desire. True or Untrue. It would make
no difference to the Libs.

Think of it...Schiff talks to Russian agents trying to arrange a swap of damaging material on Trump.

Warner talks to a Russian, who Christopher Steele works for, trying to
contact Steele for dirt on Trump.

Now we have a thread about some Russian whore who is in jail somewhere
and she will give info on Trump if someone lets her out of jail. I bet she
would. To get out of a foreign slammer she'd say whatever they want her

Qatar. No doubt they would love to get the Saudis off their ass so they try
to create a story on Kushner. That makes sense. Nice deflection on their

For a group who promote themselves as "Americans" (lmfao)...You
Libs sure do a lot of colluding with the Russians.

Liberals aren’t trying to prove anything. That would be Robert Mueller - a Republican, and Rod Rosenstein, another Republican who Trump appointed, and Christopher Wray, another Republican appointed by Trump.

We’re just enjoying the show.

...while you collude with the Russians
Mean while with eyes like these schiff said he saw nothing.

Actually Libs, my post, which many of you responded to, was meant to
show the fallacy of your arguments on all fronts.

Your entire party is in such a quandary trying to prove Trump colluded
with are actually encouraging colluding with the Russians.

If I'm Putin I'm loving this. He knows he could assist in overthrowing the
POTUS, by giving dems any info they desire. True or Untrue. It would make
no difference to the Libs.

Think of it...Schiff talks to Russian agents trying to arrange a swap of damaging material on Trump.

Warner talks to a Russian, who Christopher Steele works for, trying to
contact Steele for dirt on Trump.

Now we have a thread about some Russian whore who is in jail somewhere
and she will give info on Trump if someone lets her out of jail. I bet she
would. To get out of a foreign slammer she'd say whatever they want her

Qatar. No doubt they would love to get the Saudis off their ass so they try
to create a story on Kushner. That makes sense. Nice deflection on their

For a group who promote themselves as "Americans" (lmfao)...You
Libs sure do a lot of colluding with the Russians.

There is no story. These are facts. Qatar refused to do business with them and the Trump Administration supported sanctions on Qatar. It smells of high heaven.
Actually Libs, my post, which many of you responded to, was meant to
show the fallacy of your arguments on all fronts.

Your entire party is in such a quandary trying to prove Trump colluded
with are actually encouraging colluding with the Russians.

If I'm Putin I'm loving this. He knows he could assist in overthrowing the
POTUS, by giving dems any info they desire. True or Untrue. It would make
no difference to the Libs.

Think of it...Schiff talks to Russian agents trying to arrange a swap of damaging material on Trump.

Warner talks to a Russian, who Christopher Steele works for, trying to
contact Steele for dirt on Trump.

Now we have a thread about some Russian whore who is in jail somewhere
and she will give info on Trump if someone lets her out of jail. I bet she
would. To get out of a foreign slammer she'd say whatever they want her

Qatar. No doubt they would love to get the Saudis off their ass so they try
to create a story on Kushner. That makes sense. Nice deflection on their

For a group who promote themselves as "Americans" (lmfao)...You
Libs sure do a lot of colluding with the Russians.

Liberals aren’t trying to prove anything. That would be Robert Mueller - a Republican, and Rod Rosenstein, another Republican who Trump appointed, and Christopher Wray, another Republican appointed by Trump.

We’re just enjoying the show.

...while you collude with the Russians

Does that lie give you comfort? I hope so because no one with who has followed this story believes it. Now that “It’s a hoax” has been completely debunked, so much so that even Russian trolls can’t use it anymore, the new lie is “But Hillary!!!”.

I know that you liars think you can sell this story but only the base believes it.
Actually Libs, my post, which many of you responded to, was meant to
show the fallacy of your arguments on all fronts.

Your entire party is in such a quandary trying to prove Trump colluded
with are actually encouraging colluding with the Russians.

If I'm Putin I'm loving this. He knows he could assist in overthrowing the
POTUS, by giving dems any info they desire. True or Untrue. It would make
no difference to the Libs.

Think of it...Schiff talks to Russian agents trying to arrange a swap of damaging material on Trump.

Warner talks to a Russian, who Christopher Steele works for, trying to
contact Steele for dirt on Trump.

Now we have a thread about some Russian whore who is in jail somewhere
and she will give info on Trump if someone lets her out of jail. I bet she
would. To get out of a foreign slammer she'd say whatever they want her

Qatar. No doubt they would love to get the Saudis off their ass so they try
to create a story on Kushner. That makes sense. Nice deflection on their

For a group who promote themselves as "Americans" (lmfao)...You
Libs sure do a lot of colluding with the Russians.

Liberals aren’t trying to prove anything. That would be Robert Mueller - a Republican, and Rod Rosenstein, another Republican who Trump appointed, and Christopher Wray, another Republican appointed by Trump.

We’re just enjoying the show.

...while you collude with the Russians

Only a complete fool thinks that Hillary colluded with a government that was trying to destroy her campaign. That hacked the DNC, and was spreading lies about her.

You Russian bots keep pushing this narrative but it’s just more of your lies.

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