Mueller Narrative Flynn Testimony Will Take Down Trump Deteriorating before our Eyes...

Mueller Narrative Flynn Testimony Will Take Down Trump Deteriorating before our Eyes...

Funny and wishful thinking...


Feinstein: ‘We’re Beginning To See The Putting Together Of A Case’ Against Him

“I have long believed that a President can fire an FBI director for any reason, or for no reason at all,"

James Comey
all within his authority. idiots on the left remain idiots.
Watch the alt right cry.

Love it.
Two guilty pleas from this "nothing burger" already.

How many times has Jeffy Sessions lied to the Senate about Russia? It's hard to keep track.

America's First Wuss, Kushner, is about to sell-out his demented dad to save his own ass.

Joy to the World!
again idiot, the president can pardon him. why wouldn't he if there was something there? are you truly that stupid?
Kushner told Flynn to contact Russia about ISIS, therefore Putin and Trump rigged the 2016 POTUS election? :dig:

That's what you guys are going with? :badgrin:

You know, they have the audiotapes, you stupid fucks. They know EXACTLY what Flynn was talking about to the Russians.

When Trump pardon's Flynn which he will do just to piss the left off its going to get hilarious. :laugh:
all legal.
Kushner told Flynn to contact Russia about ISIS, therefore Putin and Trump rigged the 2016 POTUS election? :dig:

That's what you guys are going with? :badgrin:

You know, they have the audiotapes, you stupid fucks. They know EXACTLY what Flynn was talking about to the Russians.

When Trump pardon's Flynn which he will do just to piss the left off its going to get hilarious. :laugh:
all legal.

What makes you think anyone on the left has a functioning brain? Any evidence to that effect?
LOL lay it out for me what do you think Trump is guilty of?

"TREASON" is a statute.

How did he commit treason? Did he approve the sale 20% of the US URANIUM to Russia for a $145 million bribe? That's TREASON.

Hell Obama was caught off mic telling the Russians what he could do for them AFTER the election, and election he had not yet won.

That is totally correct, but Obama was a sitting president when he colluded with Putin.

Obama let the Russian know he would have to play politics to get reelected, but then he could do what he wants with Russia.

It was no less illegal for Obama to be making future promises and policy when the American people had not yet elected him to a 2nd term. I'm mocking the blatant double standards being applied to Trump. Hillary and Dem's collude with Russia to dig up dirt on Trump and influence the election okay, Trump to even glance at a Russian TREASON good grief.
what's funny here is that if anyone thought Mueller was out to see how russia interfered, that isn't the investigation. It's quite obvious. this is a witch hunt against a man and his family. this is pure evil on display. With the firing of one of his own Mueller's own team has shown the collusion here. It is them. The colluders are the Mueller team. So, I don't want any leftist on here to ever post another comment about russia interference with respect to Mueller. That isn't what it is. If it was, the dossier would be up as lead piece of evidence. It is in fact evidence of interference. I don't care if it is factual or not. It came from a foreign agent government.

So please, spare me your witch hunts, you got fking nothing.

"TREASON" is a statute.

How did he commit treason? Did he approve the sale 20% of the US URANIUM to Russia for a $145 million bribe? That's TREASON.

Hell Obama was caught off mic telling the Russians what he could do for them AFTER the election, and election he had not yet won.

That is totally correct, but Obama was a sitting president when he colluded with Putin.

Obama let the Russian know he would have to play politics to get reelected, but then he could do what he wants with Russia.

It was no less illegal for Obama to be making future promises and policy when the American people had not yet elected him to a 2nd term. I'm mocking the blatant double standards being applied to Trump. Hillary and Dem's collude with Russia to dig up dirt on Trump and influence the election okay, Trump to even glance at a Russian TREASON good grief.
what's funny here is that if anyone thought Mueller was out to see how russia interfered, that isn't the investigation. It's quite obvious. this is a witch hunt against a man and his family. this is pure evil on display. With the firing of one of his own Mueller's own team has shown the collusion here. It is them. The colluders are the Mueller team. So, I don't want any leftist on here to ever post another comment about russia interference with respect to Mueller. That isn't what it is. If it was, the dossier would be up as lead piece of evidence. It is in fact evidence of interference. I don't care if it is factual or not. It came from a foreign agent government.

So please, spare me your witch hunts, you got fking nothing.

You talking to me?
Brian Ross suspended for purposely misreporting when Trump told Flynn to meet with Russians. He should have been fired not suspended but this is just more evidence that our media is our enemy.
"TREASON" is a statute.

How did he commit treason? Did he approve the sale 20% of the US URANIUM to Russia for a $145 million bribe? That's TREASON.

Hell Obama was caught off mic telling the Russians what he could do for them AFTER the election, and election he had not yet won.

That is totally correct, but Obama was a sitting president when he colluded with Putin.

Obama let the Russian know he would have to play politics to get reelected, but then he could do what he wants with Russia.

It was no less illegal for Obama to be making future promises and policy when the American people had not yet elected him to a 2nd term. I'm mocking the blatant double standards being applied to Trump. Hillary and Dem's collude with Russia to dig up dirt on Trump and influence the election okay, Trump to even glance at a Russian TREASON good grief.
what's funny here is that if anyone thought Mueller was out to see how russia interfered, that isn't the investigation. It's quite obvious. this is a witch hunt against a man and his family. this is pure evil on display. With the firing of one of his own Mueller's own team has shown the collusion here. It is them. The colluders are the Mueller team. So, I don't want any leftist on here to ever post another comment about russia interference with respect to Mueller. That isn't what it is. If it was, the dossier would be up as lead piece of evidence. It is in fact evidence of interference. I don't care if it is factual or not. It came from a foreign agent government.

So please, spare me your witch hunts, you got fking nothing.

You talking to me?
I piggybacked on yours for my rant. It was directed to the left in here.
It's hilarious to watch Mullier charge Flynn with lying and at the same time tell the world that whatever Flynn says is the truth.
Any first year law student would tear Flynn's testimony apart.
The best thing is Mullier KNOWS this.
He charged Flynn with jaywalking b/c that's ALL he had on Flynn.
Anti-Trump Text Messages Show Pattern Of Bias On Mueller’s Team

'For nearly four months, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office, the Justice Department and the FBI have kept secret the fact that the FBI agent who oversaw the Russia investigation exchanged anti-Trump and pro-Hillary Clinton text messages with an FBI attorney who was also his mistress.

Those messages, the existence of which were revealed in bombshell reports published over the weekend, highlight a pattern of the Mueller team.

Many of Mueller’s prosecutors — it has been extensively reported — have made campaign contributions to Clinton and other Democratic political candidates. And a review by The Daily Caller shows that Mueller lawyers involved in the cases against four Trump associates are Democratic donors.

But Peter Strzok’s text messages — which he exchanged with Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer who worked briefly on the Russia investigation — are perhaps the most significant evidence of anti-Trump bias uncovered so far on the Mueller team.'
'The discovery could also undermine the integrity of Mueller’s expansive investigation. That’s because Strzok is the FBI agent picked in July 2016 to supervise the then-fledgling investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

Strzok’s central role in the probe is already raising questions about how and why the collusion investigation was opened in the first place.'
'...FBI and DOJ for “hiding” information and “stonewalling” congressional inquiries...'

'A Facebook account that appears to be operated by Melissa Hodgman, a top lawyer at the Securities and Exchange Commission who married Strzok in 1994, shows membership in several pro-Clinton and pro-Obama Facebook groups.

Democrats for a Blue America” and “Thank You Obama” are two of the groups Hodgman supports. She is also a follower of a page called “We Voted for Hillary.”

Hodgman did not respond to emails from The Daily Caller seeking comment about her involvement with the groups.

Another unanswered mystery in the text message scandal is why Strzok’s politically-biased comments would be so problematic for Mueller given that many of the lawyers working under him have showed their political leanings in other ways.

At least nine of Mueller’s prosecutors have donated to Democratic political candidates. And all of the legal actions taken so far in Mueller’s investigation have involved pro-Democrat prosecutors.

The lawyers working the money laundering case against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his associate, Rick Gates, have donated to Obama’s presidential campaigns.

Andrew Weissmann, a veteran Justice Department prosecutor, gave $2,300 to Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. He donated $2,000 to the DNC in 2006. Andrew Goldstein, who is working the case with Weissmann, contributed $3,300 to Obama’s campaigns in 2008 and 2012.'

Conflicts of Interest, biasness, and hired liberal hitmen all around within Mueller's team...
The FBI has been turned into Obama's domestic police force and deep state enforcement team. The top 50% of the agency needs to be replaced...

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