Mueller part 2

Mueller made it clear that the only reason he didn't charge Trump with any crimes is some policy of not charging a sitting president. Proof of his crimes still exist, and as long as the statute of limitations have not expired, there is every reason to charge him. It's important for the country to have crimes against us exposed and those responsible to be punished. It's time to reopen the Mueller investigation, and charge those that deserve to be charged.

While I agree that collusion (even though Mueller didn't consider this as a charge) was all over Part 1 of his report, what's the point?
Bill (Roy) Barr (Cohn) took all the air out of that report. We all know the Trump Tower meeting was about getting their hands on stolen
emails..not adoption. LOL.

Sincerely, I don't care. All Trump supporters should send a thank you fruit basket to Nancy for holding off her caucus to file impeachment.
As far as Ukraine??..well, stupid is as stupid does. He did that to himself. Shit, even Bolton knew he fucked up! :auiqs.jpg:

Fox is already talking about Trump staying active in politics and running again in 2024. I don't see him as having a snowball's chance in hell, but that bastard has shown how sneaky he is. He still deserves to receive everything he earned.

I would place my faith in the Manhattan DA's office. If there is any justice in this world, when he steps off that helicopter at Andrews in January, the Manhattan DA serves him with a nice shiny set of indictments.
That would be the cherry on top of the middle finger sundae! :)

Leftists are celebrating the supposed presidential victory. I know leftist are always angry but cant you put away you're seething hatred and anger for one night. You'll be back to screaming about republicans, racistsexisthomophobicmysogonisthaterswhohate and whatever the MSM tells you to be angry about in no time. I promise.

I promise, you "patriot" conservatives will find your objection to deficits again more quickly than anything coming from the left...LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
Mueller made it clear that the only reason he didn't charge Trump with any crimes is some policy of not charging a sitting president. Proof of his crimes still exist, and as long as the statute of limitations have not expired, there is every reason to charge him. It's important for the country to have crimes against us exposed and those responsible to be punished. It's time to reopen the Mueller investigation, and charge those that deserve to be charged.

While I agree that collusion (even though Mueller didn't consider this as a charge) was all over Part 1 of his report, what's the point?
Bill (Roy) Barr (Cohn) took all the air out of that report. We all know the Trump Tower meeting was about getting their hands on stolen
emails..not adoption. LOL.

Sincerely, I don't care. All Trump supporters should send a thank you fruit basket to Nancy for holding off her caucus to file impeachment.
As far as Ukraine??..well, stupid is as stupid does. He did that to himself. Shit, even Bolton knew he fucked up! :auiqs.jpg:

I do care.

People in government have been getting away with crimes for way too long.

We the people suffer because of it. Our nation and our democracy suffers because of it.

If a person can be put in prison for having some marijuana then people who commit real crimes should face the consequences of their criminal actions.

Letting them off only allows the next bunch to commit even worse crimes.

Running down that rat hole is a dead end. I recall a line I heard once..."You keep digging, all you get is dirty".
Guliani needs to answer for his manufactured snipe hunt. The Republican AG of Utah needs to be called out for
his partisanship when his state wasn't even in play. Graham?? Christ, even McConnell is probably thinking right now this
turd needs to be flushed.
Mueller made it clear that the only reason he didn't charge Trump with any crimes is some policy of not charging a sitting president. Proof of his crimes still exist, and as long as the statute of limitations have not expired, there is every reason to charge him. It's important for the country to have crimes against us exposed and those responsible to be punished. It's time to reopen the Mueller investigation, and charge those that deserve to be charged.

While I agree that collusion (even though Mueller didn't consider this as a charge) was all over Part 1 of his report, what's the point?
Bill (Roy) Barr (Cohn) took all the air out of that report. We all know the Trump Tower meeting was about getting their hands on stolen
emails..not adoption. LOL.

Sincerely, I don't care. All Trump supporters should send a thank you fruit basket to Nancy for holding off her caucus to file impeachment.
As far as Ukraine??..well, stupid is as stupid does. He did that to himself. Shit, even Bolton knew he fucked up! :auiqs.jpg:

Fox is already talking about Trump staying active in politics and running again in 2024. I don't see him as having a snowball's chance in hell, but that bastard has shown how sneaky he is. He still deserves to receive everything he earned.

I would place my faith in the Manhattan DA's office. If there is any justice in this world, when he steps off that helicopter at Andrews in January, the Manhattan DA serves him with a nice shiny set of indictments.
That would be the cherry on top of the middle finger sundae! :)

Leftists are celebrating the supposed presidential victory. I know leftist are always angry but cant you put away you're seething hatred and anger for one night. You'll be back to screaming about republicans, racistsexisthomophobicmysogonisthaterswhohate and whatever the MSM tells you to be angry about in no time. I promise.

I promise, you "patriot" conservatives will find your objection to deficits again more quickly than anything coming from the left...LOL. :auiqs.jpg:

I'm loving it too. The only thing funnier than leftist when they're out.of power are leftists when they're in power.
We are going to Unite all people in this Nation by persecuting them until they are either locked up for political crimes or begin to mouth meaningless words of support for us.
We are going to Unite all people in this Nation by persecuting them until they are either locked up for political crimes or begin to mouth meaningless words of support for us.

Well, yes. That is the plan.
Mueller made it clear that the only reason he didn't charge Trump with any crimes is some policy of not charging a sitting president. Proof of his crimes still exist, and as long as the statute of limitations have not expired, there is every reason to charge him. It's important for the country to have crimes against us exposed and those responsible to be punished. It's time to reopen the Mueller investigation, and charge those that deserve to be charged.

While I agree that collusion (even though Mueller didn't consider this as a charge) was all over Part 1 of his report, what's the point?
Bill (Roy) Barr (Cohn) took all the air out of that report. We all know the Trump Tower meeting was about getting their hands on stolen
emails..not adoption. LOL.

Sincerely, I don't care. All Trump supporters should send a thank you fruit basket to Nancy for holding off her caucus to file impeachment.
As far as Ukraine??..well, stupid is as stupid does. He did that to himself. Shit, even Bolton knew he fucked up! :auiqs.jpg:

Fox is already gtalking about Trump staying active in politics and running again in 2024. I don't see him as having a snowball's chance in hell, but that bastard has shown how sneaky he is. He still deserves to receive everything he earned.
Mueller made it clear that the only reason he didn't charge Trump with any crimes is some policy of not charging a sitting president. Proof of his crimes still exist, and as long as the statute of limitations have not expired, there is every reason to charge him. It's important for the country to have crimes against us exposed and those responsible to be punished. It's time to reopen the Mueller investigation, and charge those that deserve to be charged.

While I agree that collusion (even though Mueller didn't consider this as a charge) was all over Part 1 of his report, what's the point?
Bill (Roy) Barr (Cohn) took all the air out of that report. We all know the Trump Tower meeting was about getting their hands on stolen
emails..not adoption. LOL.

Sincerely, I don't care. All Trump supporters should send a thank you fruit basket to Nancy for holding off her caucus to file impeachment.
As far as Ukraine??..well, stupid is as stupid does. He did that to himself. Shit, even Bolton knew he fucked up! :auiqs.jpg:

Fox is already gtalking about Trump staying active in politics and running again in 2024. I don't see him as having a snowball's chance in hell, but that bastard has shown how sneaky he is. He still deserves to receive everything he earned.

No Dale. I've told you a thousand times that I'm not. Doesn't matter how many times you hit on me.. Even if I was, you probably wouldn't be my type anyway. Check with Aaronleland. I'm sure he knows some nice gay guy to fix you up with.
Mueller made it clear that the only reason he didn't charge Trump with any crimes is some policy of not charging a sitting president. Proof of his crimes still exist, and as long as the statute of limitations have not expired, there is every reason to charge him. It's important for the country to have crimes against us exposed and those responsible to be punished. It's time to reopen the Mueller investigation, and charge those that deserve to be charged.

While I agree that collusion (even though Mueller didn't consider this as a charge) was all over Part 1 of his report, what's the point?
Bill (Roy) Barr (Cohn) took all the air out of that report. We all know the Trump Tower meeting was about getting their hands on stolen
emails..not adoption. LOL.

Sincerely, I don't care. All Trump supporters should send a thank you fruit basket to Nancy for holding off her caucus to file impeachment.
As far as Ukraine??..well, stupid is as stupid does. He did that to himself. Shit, even Bolton knew he fucked up! :auiqs.jpg:

Fox is already gtalking about Trump staying active in politics and running again in 2024. I don't see him as having a snowball's chance in hell, but that bastard has shown how sneaky he is. He still deserves to receive everything he earned.

No Dale. I've told you a thousand times that I'm not. Doesn't matter how many times you hit on me.. Even if I was, you probably wouldn't be my type anyway. Check with Aaronleland. I'm sure he knows some nice gay guy to fix you up with.
You bragged on this forum (and I can find the post) where you wanted to "bend someone over a couch) to prove what a (snicker) "man" you are.....yeppers, Bulldog, YOU are a with it.

BTW, the next time you are in the DFW area, don't hide like a pussy and then claim that I didn't keep my word, you fat sack of shit. I don't hide, I freely give my cellphone #, my pics are of me....

Summation? Not only do I have brass ones, but you have proven that you are a sodomite and a coward......beyond a preponderance of the evidence, ya faggot.
We are going to Unite all people in this Nation by persecuting them until they are either locked up for political crimes or begin to mouth meaningless words of support for us.

Well, yes. That is the plan.

And later you will be outraged by the RW abusing the same system to persecute you and those why you agree with.
Bulldog would swing his "man purse".......he is harmless....just don't bend over in front of him because he is a queer with no regard. He wouldn't so much as fart even if you force fed this faggot with a box of Ex-Lax until you gave him permission.
We are going to Unite all people in this Nation by persecuting them until they are either locked up for political crimes or begin to mouth meaningless words of support for us.

Well, yes. That is the plan.

And later you will be outraged by the RW abusing the same system to persecute you and those why you agree with.
Bulldog would swing his "man purse".......he is harmless....just don't bend over in front of him because he is a queer with no regard. He wouldn't so much as fart even if you force fed this faggot with a box of Ex-Lax until you gave him permission.

Now here is another problem. I don’t care. I don’t care what people do in their homes. I don’t care what kind of sex you have. It is none of my business.

My rule to life is simple. It is best expressed in the Wiccan Rede. As long as you harm none. So what you will.

In other words. Live and let live.

Bulldog may be gay. Or not. I don’t give a damn. I am a Christian. But even there God says to leave judgement up to Him. It isn’t my job and isn’t my responsibility to decide what is good or acceptable to Him. I’ve read the Bible. And nowhere does it say that SavannahMann gets to decide these things. I am relieved. I am singularly unsuited for it. I will leave it to God’s Judgement. I don’t know what that will be. I know only that there will be Judgement and it will be right.

For Americans my Bible is the Constitution. The Scripture is Freedom. If your idea of a good time is offensive to some. I will say it is none of their business as long as you hurt nobody. Two consenting adults are able to decide for themselves what they want. Or more than two if that is what they want. So long as it is consenting.

If you find that attitude intolerable. So be it.

As an American I would suggest you embrace the Constitution. It is not a series of hurdles to get over or around to do what you want. It is a guide. Like the Bible. Look at the Bill of Rights. It does not say the Supreme Court shall rule as invalid any law which violates Freedom of Speech. It says Congress shall not. Thou Shall Not. Straight from the Ten Commandments. Thou Shall Not.

Defend those rights. All of them. Every single one every single time. That is our calling. As Americans.

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