Mueller Probe Set To Fail Under Article II

Here's the text of the appointments clause. I think you missed some important details, that I've highlighted for you.

... and [the President] shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.
I just previously highlighted the same highlighting that you did. Mueller can't be appointed by an Asst AG.

Sure he can - since Congress has vested the power to appoint "such inferior officers" in the Attorney General (or Acting AG, in cases of recusal). I don't know why you're not wrapping your head around this.
The "Appointments Clause" provides that "principal officers" must be appointed by the President with the Senate's consent." But the Mueller team was given "special status" to several prosecutors on his team, by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in their probe of former Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort, the entire investigation may be invalidated, thus "unconstitutional!"
The self-inflicted "catch-22" scenario by Rosenstein giving unlimited power to Mueller is exactly what the "Appointments Clause" under Article II of the Constitution was designed to prevent.
The Mueller attorneys presiding over the Manafort case before Federal Judge T.S. Ellis III, in Alexandria, VA., may have violated Article II of the Constitution because they not only represented the office of the special counsel, but also simultaneously considered "Special Assistant U.S. Attorneys." Therefore Mueller, (who's the direct supervisor) should be legally considered a "roving" U.S. Attorney.
Now here's where it gets dicey, under the Constitution only the President can nominate all "principal officers," including U.S. attorneys and cabinet members. However Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller as special counsel. Moreover, Rosenstein is a "political appointee" and as such was never "confirmed" by the Senate, as anyone serving as a U.S. attorney by law must, thus the entire investigation may be invalid. The case can be made that Rosenstein usurped the authority of the President of the United States to nominate whoever he wants as a prosecutor. Mr. Mueller is serving unconstitutionally in violation of the Appointments Clause of the U.S. Constitution because of the way Rod Rosenstein appointed him. All attorneys involved could openly challenge whatever subpoenas the Mueller team throws out, to raise as a defense, the Appointments Clause in court.
This Mueller probe has been illegal since the start and is set to ultimately fail. This isn't a dodge by the Right, just another example of how desperate the Left is to try to hang this President any way they can to nullify his election.

Desperation is setting in...:21::21::21:
That's what you dicks said last year and we still are waiting Fer it to kick in.


Meanwhile Trump keeps winning.
Sure he can - since Congress has vested the power to appoint "such inferior officers" in the Attorney General (or Acting AG, in cases of recusal). I don't know why you're not wrapping your head around this.

There IS NO investigation, and never has been, because there's no crime, nothing to investigate ,and if there was, Robert Mueller (Muslim Brotherhood operative) sure wouldn't be the one to do it. Only thing Mueller should be doing, is sitting in a federal prison on treason charges, for all his pro-jihad work.
protectionist, you are writing nonsense.

The FISA courts and other courts disagree with you, having found sufficient evidence to issue warrants.

Your opinion is meaningless.
protectionist, you are writing nonsense.

The FISA courts and other courts disagree with you, having found sufficient evidence to issue warrants.

Your opinion is meaningless.
That asshole is a fucking whimpering sod and waste of time. He writes false and blatantly unprovable bullshit all the time just to prove to himself he is infallible like his mentor, the Narcissist-in-Chief.

But Hell, you already know that so, as you were!

may be?

psssstttttt - yo Gomer



after Rudi spilled the beans Trump may be facing charges himself

It will be awesome to watch you lose your shit when Mullernis told to kick rocks. I bet you will be more entertaining then after election night. Stocking up on popcorn for proper melt down viewing.
protectionist, you are writing nonsense.

The FISA courts and other courts disagree with you, having found sufficient evidence to issue warrants.

Your opinion is meaningless.
HA HA. The FISA court was given crazy lie content, paid for by the Hillary hag, and from a foreign source. Maybe your post was more for a year ago than now, you think ? HEE HEE!!!

YAY! The Mueller witch hunt is over. Now we go after the witch hunters > Obama, Hillary, Mueller, Schiff, Warner, + 17 confirmed attorneys on Mueller's team, all registered Democrats or made Democratic political donations.

Get the tar and feathers.

It will be awesome to watch you lose your shit when Mullernis told to kick rocks. I bet you will be more entertaining then after election night. Stocking up on popcorn for proper melt down viewing.
That reminds me. I still never got to see the November 2016 post-election HILLARY MELTDOWN. Anybody have a video of it ? Please post if you do.
protectionist, do you understand that almost no one believes or gives credit to your tirades?

So tirade along.
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It will be awesome to watch you lose your shit when Mullernis told to kick rocks. I bet you will be more entertaining then after election night. Stocking up on popcorn for proper melt down viewing.
That reminds me. I still never got to see the November 2016 post-election HILLARY MELTDOWN. Anybody have a video of it ? Please post if you do.

Well, we kind of see it every time the old cow gives a speech.
You are misreading it. Actually I'm.betting you haven't read it at all and are relying on Alex Jones's interpretation of it.
YOU KNOW I've read it, and YOU KNOW the Mueller thing is unconstitutional, because you know that only the president or congress can appoint Mueller, not an Asst Attorney General. Ho hum. Liberals showing off their dishonesty = more conservative votes. Thanks for the help. :biggrin:
No, actually I know one of those things isn't true and suspect you are lying about having read it.
No, actually I know one of those things isn't true and suspect you are lying about having read it.
Since the thread is already almost to 200 posts, it would be long and arduous to go back through it to research, but I think was the first one to post the Appointment Clause here. Now you come along and take the credit for it, and claim the guy who TAUGHT IT TO YOU, didn't read it. Pheeeeew!! :rolleyes: Nothing surprises me when liberals talk.

But as I said, there is no investigation, there never has been a crime involved, and the investigation now is about Obama administration spies to stop Trump's campaign.
No, actually I know one of those things isn't true and suspect you are lying about having read it.
Since the thread is already almost to 200 posts, it would be long and arduous to go back through it to research, but I think was the first one to post the Appointment Clause here. Now you come along and take the credit for it, and claim the guy who TAUGHT IT TO YOU, didn't read it. Pheeeeew!! :rolleyes: Nothing surprises me when liberals talk.

But as I said, there is no investigation, there never has been a crime involved, and the investigation now is about Obama administration spies to stop Trump's campaign.
Son you ain't got nuthin' to teach me. Go back to Infowars and find a different conspiracy to tout, this one is dead.
Son you ain't got nuthin' to teach me. Go back to Infowars and find a different conspiracy to tout, this one is dead.
You'd have to be in your 90s for me to be a "Son" to you. But isn't it interesting that you're OK with the based-on-air Mueller "investigation, but when real crimes have been committed, and corruption is overflowing with them, suddenly it's a "conspiracy" (the left's favorite catchword this year - replaces "interpretation"). You're getting an education.
Son you ain't got nuthin' to teach me. Go back to Infowars and find a different conspiracy to tout, this one is dead.
You'd have to be in your 90s for me to be a "Son" to you. But isn't it interesting that you're OK with the based-on-air Mueller "investigation, but when real crimes have been committed, and corruption is overflowing with them, suddenly it's a "conspiracy" (the left's favorite catchword this year - replaces "interpretation"). You're getting an education.
I'm talking about your mental age, not physical.

And you still need some new material. This one is played out.
I'm talking about your mental age, not physical.

And you still need some new material. This one is played out.
The Mueller team is played out, but the Trump team is just beginning. And the Trump team isn't the only team moving on an investigation of Hillary, Obama, and other Democrat bad boys.

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