Mueller Probe Set To Fail Under Article II

No one is "moving" on Hillary, Obama, and other Democrats.
Even Obama's own team people have been speaking out against Hillary and her establishment group. In his new book, published by Random House, “The World as It Is,” longtime Obama adviser, Ben Rhodes offers a peek into Obama’s tightly sealed inner sanctum, from the perspective of one of the few people who saw him up close, through all 8 years of his presidency. Few moments shook Mr. Obama more than the decision by voters to replace him with a candidate who had questioned his very birth.

Obama and his team were confident that Hillary would win and, like much of the country, were shocked when she did not. “I couldn’t shake the feeling that I should have seen it coming,” Rhodes writes. “Because when you distilled it, stripped out the racism and misogyny, we’d run against Hillary eight years ago with the same message Trump had used: She’s part of a corrupt establishment that can’t be trusted to bring change.”

How Trump’s Election Shook Obama: ‘What if We Were Wrong?’
The Special Counsel is exempted from Article II requirements.

No one can show where the President has the authority to interfere with Special Counsels.

That would be article two of the constitution that gives the president power over the executive branch. The special counsel derives his authority from that power As does all the DoJ.

Why is this so difficult?
Nope, it is not, Avatar and protectionist.

You can yell all you want, but there it is.

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