Mueller Probe Set To Fail Under Article II

It's a shame that in USA innocent people like Trump are under investigation and real war criminals like Soros, both Clintons, Obama and his administration and many others are still enjoying their freedom.

soros, clinton, obama and trump are all innocent until proven guilty ..

Yet is perpetually claimed GUILTY of all things imaginable in the court of the Leftist Media!
and in the court of Fake Alt Right Media
Exempt from the Constitution, no. Exempt from a President overstepping his constitutional authority to interfere with a SC and his duty, yes.

How many times did you have to tap your ruby slippers to dream THAT one up?!
You have nothing but pipe dream allegations, and the good gals and guys on the Board have no trouble in tripping you alt righties up.
The Special Counsel is exempted from Article II requirements.
Show me where it says that!
Show me in Art II what it says he is subject to the President. Oh, yeah, that problem, toobfreak. You have made up an authority for the President that does not exist.

If its "made up" then why have the Democrats all been clamoring for a bill that would ostensibly block the President from firing him?
The Special Counsel is exempted from Article II requirements.
Show me where it says that!
Show me in Art II what it says he is subject to the President. Oh, yeah, that problem, toobfreak. You have made up an authority for the President that does not exist.
If its "made up" then why have the Democrats all been clamoring for a bill that would ostensibly block the President from firing him?
To re-inforce he does not have that authority. Such legislation, imo, would be overruled by federal courts.
Show me in Art II what it says he is subject to the President. Oh, yeah, that problem, toobfreak. You have made up an authority for the President that does not exist.
Article II, Section 2, Clause 2: Treaties, International Agreements, Appointments and Congressional Regulation of Offices >>>

He (ie. the President) shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments."

You have been shown. No charge for the tutoring. :biggrin:
It's a shame that in USA innocent people like Trump are under investigation and real war criminals like Soros, both Clintons, Obama and his administration and many others are still enjoying their freedom.
Listen to the Kiev Russian guy. He knows what is good for the USA.
1. According to your logic you should shut up and stop telling me what's good for Ukraine. I hope you will follow your own logic in future.
2. You liberals are the worst enemies for your own country, not Koreans, Chinese, Iranians or Russians. You and your crooked "leaders" have already destroyed your country and badly want to keep destroying it. It's pretty obvious now not only for USA residents but for foreigners as well. Especially, after Mr. Trump has appeared on political stage.
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Conservative snowflakes are fun to watch, Trump is padding his pockets and family on their taxes and they are busy looking the other direction. Golf anyone? And how's that great great great cheap healthcare going for you wingnuts? Mexico paying for that wall yet? You conservatives must like being made fools of. MAGA Is really MAER, Make America's Elite Richer, note only how little is said about wages under Donnie and the dark money elite.

"The swamp is never drained; it just gets taken over by different reptiles." Karen Tumulty

Dean Baker: The Conservative Nanny State

Understand America today:

The View From Flyover Country: Essays by Sarah Kendzior by Sarah Kendzior
Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild
Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan by Kim Phillips-Fein
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer
It's a shame that in USA innocent people like Trump are under investigation and real war criminals like Soros, both Clintons, Obama and his administration and many others are still enjoying their freedom.

Yeah. A shame. Why not create a meme and post it on FB pages in Wisconsin? It worked once.
It's a shame that in USA innocent people like Trump are under investigation and real war criminals like Soros, both Clintons, Obama and his administration and many others are still enjoying their freedom.
Listen to the Kiev Russian guy. He knows what is good for the USA.
1. According to your logic you should shut up and stop telling me what's good for Ukraine. I hope you will follow your own logic in future.
2. You liberals are the worst enemies for your own country, not Koreans, Chinese, Iranians or Russians. You have already destroyed your country and badly want to keep destroying it. It's pretty obvious now not only for USA residents but for foreigners as well.
According to my logic I suspect you of being a Russian troll and when you insult America I take offense. I do not like it when Russian trolls come on USMB and insult US. Is it difficult for you to understand because you are so stupid?
The "Appointments Clause" provides that "principal officers" must be appointed by the President with the Senate's consent." But the Mueller team was given "special status" to several prosecutors on his team, by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in their probe of former Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort, the entire investigation may be invalidated, thus "unconstitutional!"
The self-inflicted "catch-22" scenario by Rosenstein giving unlimited power to Mueller is exactly what the "Appointments Clause" under Article II of the Constitution was designed to prevent.
The Mueller attorneys presiding over the Manafort case before Federal Judge T.S. Ellis III, in Alexandria, VA., may have violated Article II of the Constitution because they not only represented the office of the special counsel, but also simultaneously considered "Special Assistant U.S. Attorneys." Therefore Mueller, (who's the direct supervisor) should be legally considered a "roving" U.S. Attorney.
Now here's where it gets dicey, under the Constitution only the President can nominate all "principal officers," including U.S. attorneys and cabinet members. However Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller as special counsel. Moreover, Rosenstein is a "political appointee" and as such was never "confirmed" by the Senate, as anyone serving as a U.S. attorney by law must, thus the entire investigation may be invalid. The case can be made that Rosenstein usurped the authority of the President of the United States to nominate whoever he wants as a prosecutor. Mr. Mueller is serving unconstitutionally in violation of the Appointments Clause of the U.S. Constitution because of the way Rod Rosenstein appointed him. All attorneys involved could openly challenge whatever subpoenas the Mueller team throws out, to raise as a defense, the Appointments Clause in court.
This Mueller probe has been illegal since the start and is set to ultimately fail. This isn't a dodge by the Right, just another example of how desperate the Left is to try to hang this President any way they can to nullify his election.
More desperate weaseling.

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