Mueller report was a GOP investigation, Republicans should apologize for smearing his character

The two of you clowns should apologize to this board for two plus YEARS of garbage that you've both posted about Russian collusion...THAT IT TURNS OUT NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
I am thinking you missed the part where it said there was evidence on both sides.

Derp, Mueller has been quite specific. There is no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government!

The other side? You must mean the Clinton campaign...right? Well in that case there is a MOUNTAIN of evidence of collusion with foreign agents to smear someone in an American Presidential race! There is also a mountain of evidence that the Obama White House was complicit in using dossiers that they KNEW were paid works of fiction compiled for pay by the Clinton camp to obtain FISA court wire taps so that they could spy on the Trump campaign!
A mountain of evidence? When Republicans had total control of the government for the last two years? And the Mueller investigation was a Republican investigation? And whatever you’re smoking, can you send me some?
The two of you clowns should apologize to this board for two plus YEARS of garbage that you've both posted about Russian collusion...THAT IT TURNS OUT NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
? I have been waiting for the Mueller report on that. Don't be lumping me in with the blue dogs on this, because I think they're going to be as thick headed about the conclusions as the Republicans were about every investigation that ever looked at Hillary.

I agree that you have been more or less fair, unlike deantard.
The two of you clowns should apologize to this board for two plus YEARS of garbage that you've both posted about Russian collusion...THAT IT TURNS OUT NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
So...when are you apologizing to Mueller?
POTUS now believes the FBI that the Russians did in fact interfere in the election and that Muellers investigation was never a witch hunt. Waddda ya know.
I was being flippant but apparently not very successfully. My guess is that DJT will continue to say it was an unjust witch hunt investigation and at the same time say that the report clears him.
The two of you clowns should apologize to this board for two plus YEARS of garbage that you've both posted about Russian collusion...THAT IT TURNS OUT NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
I am thinking you missed the part where it said there was evidence on both sides.

The preponderance of the evidence is that the FBI lied about the grounds to obtain that fake FISA warrant
The two of you clowns should apologize to this board for two plus YEARS of garbage that you've both posted about Russian collusion...THAT IT TURNS OUT NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
You don’t know that. Trump stood right up next to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and said he believed Putin over the FBI and the CIA and other US until agencies.
The two of you clowns should apologize to this board for two plus YEARS of garbage that you've both posted about Russian collusion...THAT IT TURNS OUT NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
I am thinking you missed the part where it said there was evidence on both sides.

The preponderance of the evidence is that the FBI lied about the grounds to obtain that fake FISA warrant
No they didn’t. That’s ridiculous.
The two of you clowns should apologize to this board for two plus YEARS of garbage that you've both posted about Russian collusion...THAT IT TURNS OUT NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
I am thinking you missed the part where it said there was evidence on both sides.

The preponderance of the evidence is that the FBI lied about the grounds to obtain that fake FISA warrant
"Trump now says Mueller acted honorably after months of disparagement."
The two of you clowns should apologize to this board for two plus YEARS of garbage that you've both posted about Russian collusion...THAT IT TURNS OUT NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
You don’t know that. Trump stood right up next to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and said he believed Putin over the FBI and the CIA and other US until agencies.

I've always known that! The whole thing was ridiculous right from the start! Only someone like you who wears political "blinders" didn't grasp that concept because you were too busy starting string after string accusing Trump of colluding with Russia! IT NEVER HAPPENED!!! I know you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, R-Derp but it's now been made perfectly clear by Mueller that there was no collusion between Trump and the Russian government!
The two of you clowns should apologize to this board for two plus YEARS of garbage that you've both posted about Russian collusion...THAT IT TURNS OUT NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
So...when are you apologizing to Mueller?

Why would I need to apologize to Mueller? Because I thought the entire investigation was politically motivated and was never legally justified? People like you and R-Derp have spent months proclaiming that Mueller was going to indict Trump and now you are stuck eating crow!
Mueller report was a GOP investigation because Democrats had no power for the last two years.

Should Republicans thank Robert Mueller now. After the way they smeared them for the last two years?

And what about other Republicans smeared just because they worked for the FBI?

Why does trump believe the FBI now when he told the world that he believed Putin over them basically calling the FBI a bunch of liars? And people not to be trusted?

Does trump owe the FBI an apology?

And why did Mueller say that there was evidence on both side of trump breaking the law? What is that evidence?

And if they’re so innocent, why did Republicans in the Trump administration lie again and again and again?

Republicans think they can run an investigation of themselves and then crow look we’re not guilty.

I guess we’ll just have to see how innocent Trump is from investigations run by Democrats. All Democrats are doing is trying to do what is spelled out in the constitution and act as an oversight to Mr. Putin’s president.

One thing Democrats should do is start demanding that Trump apologize to the FBI and to Robert Mueller.

You continue to look like an asshole.

You must enjoy it.
The two of you clowns should apologize to this board for two plus YEARS of garbage that you've both posted about Russian collusion...THAT IT TURNS OUT NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
So...when are you apologizing to Mueller?

Why would I need to apologize to Mueller? Because I thought the entire investigation was politically motivated and was never legally justified? People like you and R-Derp have spent months proclaiming that Mueller was going to indict Trump and now you are stuck eating crow!

Un-fucking-believable that these left wing pieces of shit will continue to hold to the wet dream they have that they can somehow boot Trump from office.

When are those impeachment trials starting ?
Mueller report was a GOP investigation because Democrats had no power for the last two years.

Should Republicans thank Robert Mueller now. After the way they smeared them for the last two years?

And what about other Republicans smeared just because they worked for the FBI?

Why does trump believe the FBI now when he told the world that he believed Putin over them basically calling the FBI a bunch of liars? And people not to be trusted?

Does trump owe the FBI an apology?

And why did Mueller say that there was evidence on both side of trump breaking the law? What is that evidence?

And if they’re so innocent, why did Republicans in the Trump administration lie again and again and again?

Republicans think they can run an investigation of themselves and then crow look we’re not guilty.

I guess we’ll just have to see how innocent Trump is from investigations run by Democrats. All Democrats are doing is trying to do what is spelled out in the constitution and act as an oversight to Mr. Putin’s president.

One thing Democrats should do is start demanding that Trump apologize to the FBI and to Robert Mueller.

And you fuckers have bee reading the conclusions of the investigation for two years.

You were wrong.

You were wrong.

No collusion....

No impeachment.....

No sucker for you......
The two of you clowns should apologize to this board for two plus YEARS of garbage that you've both posted about Russian collusion...THAT IT TURNS OUT NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!

You know what, Old Lady? I DO owe you an apology! I went back and looked at your posts on Russian "collusion" and you were one of the few liberals on this board with the good sense to say wait until the report comes out before you jump to conclusions....something you said repeatedly. I'm sorry for lumping you in with those that didn't show restraint.
The two of you clowns should apologize to this board for two plus YEARS of garbage that you've both posted about Russian collusion...THAT IT TURNS OUT NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
You don’t know that. Trump stood right up next to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and said he believed Putin over the FBI and the CIA and other US until agencies.

I've always known that! The whole thing was ridiculous right from the start! Only someone like you who wears political "blinders" didn't grasp that concept because you were too busy starting string after string accusing Trump of colluding with Russia! IT NEVER HAPPENED!!! I know you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, R-Derp but it's now been made perfectly clear by Mueller that there was no collusion between Trump and the Russian government!

My God, the whole thing was ridiculous, what planet do you live on??
The two of you clowns should apologize to this board for two plus YEARS of garbage that you've both posted about Russian collusion...THAT IT TURNS OUT NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!

You know what, Old Lady? I DO owe you an apology! I went back and looked at your posts on Russian "collusion" and you were one of the few liberals on this board with the good sense to say wait until the report comes out before you jump to conclusions....something you said repeatedly. I'm sorry for lumping you in with those that didn't show restraint.

There was Russian conspiracy alright, just because Mueller without a benefit of a doubt couldn't prove it, does not mean it didn't happen. Out in the open, it happened.
The two of you clowns should apologize to this board for two plus YEARS of garbage that you've both posted about Russian collusion...THAT IT TURNS OUT NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
You don’t know that. Trump stood right up next to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and said he believed Putin over the FBI and the CIA and other US until agencies.

I've always known that! The whole thing was ridiculous right from the start! Only someone like you who wears political "blinders" didn't grasp that concept because you were too busy starting string after string accusing Trump of colluding with Russia! IT NEVER HAPPENED!!! I know you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, R-Derp but it's now been made perfectly clear by Mueller that there was no collusion between Trump and the Russian government!

it also does not exonerate him.”

That's at the bottom of paragraph one on page three.

What do you think that means?

Read Attorney General William Barr’s Summary of the Mueller Report

Read it yourself. It's right there.

You can lead a Republicans to knowledge, but it's impossible for them to actually LEARN anything.

Wow, someone beat me to it:

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The two of you clowns should apologize to this board for two plus YEARS of garbage that you've both posted about Russian collusion...THAT IT TURNS OUT NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
You don’t know that. Trump stood right up next to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and said he believed Putin over the FBI and the CIA and other US until agencies.

I've always known that! The whole thing was ridiculous right from the start! Only someone like you who wears political "blinders" didn't grasp that concept because you were too busy starting string after string accusing Trump of colluding with Russia! IT NEVER HAPPENED!!! I know you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, R-Derp but it's now been made perfectly clear by Mueller that there was no collusion between Trump and the Russian government!

it also does not exonerate him.”

That's at the bottom of paragraph one on page three.

What do you think that means?

Read Attorney General William Barr’s Summary of the Mueller Report

Read it yourself. It's right there.

You can lead a Republicans to knowledge, but it's impossible for them to actually LEARN anything.

Wow, someone beat me to it:

D2tDuPCW0AAgc73.jpg means that they found ZERO evidence of any collusion and that after looking at "obstruction" they don't see enough there to bring charges! What do YOU think that means? You can't bring yourself to admit that you were conned by Democratic leaders into believing the "myth" of collusion...can you, R-Derp!
Mueller report was a GOP investigation because Democrats had no power for the last two years.

Should Republicans thank Robert Mueller now. After the way they smeared them for the last two years?

And what about other Republicans smeared just because they worked for the FBI?

Why does trump believe the FBI now when he told the world that he believed Putin over them basically calling the FBI a bunch of liars? And people not to be trusted?

Does trump owe the FBI an apology?

And why did Mueller say that there was evidence on both side of trump breaking the law? What is that evidence?

And if they’re so innocent, why did Republicans in the Trump administration lie again and again and again?

Republicans think they can run an investigation of themselves and then crow look we’re not guilty.

I guess we’ll just have to see how innocent Trump is from investigations run by Democrats. All Democrats are doing is trying to do what is spelled out in the constitution and act as an oversight to Mr. Putin’s president.

One thing Democrats should do is start demanding that Trump apologize to the FBI and to Robert Mueller.
Let me know when Democrats get to see the mueller report otherwise trump just Jussie Smollett’ed us. Or bob krafted us

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